Bush and September 11th
   by Mike L

So let me get this straight.  Now they are saying Bush had knowledge that
there were terrorists possibly training in flight schools, and did nothing about it?
Ari "Mr. Spin" Fleisher says that the point he knew is moot because
"we didn't know they would fly them into buildings" and that is supposed to CALM ME????
I have a few points to make which nobody seems to want to ask....and links to the articles to support me

1.  The president knew that citizens of the USA may fall vitim to a "typical hijacking"
and did nothing to prevent it.....so the lives of the passengers must not be important enough.
Maybe if it was from a swing state he may have helped???
 Clich  Here

2.  In July 2001 John Ashcroft was told to fly a rented Leer Jet (for a fishing trip) due to security
concerns about hijackings (must be nice to work FOR the people who can't afford such luxuries)
 Click  Here

3.  Habib Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested in AUGUST from a FLIGHT TRAINING SCHOOL
when he didn't want to learn to land
 Click  Here

4.  Fleischer, for example, was asked by reporters hours after the attacks whether
"there had been any warnings that the president knew of." He replied, "No warnings."...a flat out lie
 Click  Here

5.  Bush himself said in January, "Never did we realize that the enemy was so well organized."...another lie

6.  Republicans in Congress are saying that the Democrats are wrong for making this into a "witchhunt".
However, don't you think this is more a threat to national security than lying about oral sex?????

In summary...

Bush knew terrorists may be training to fly planes.
He knew Bin Laden wanted to hijack planes.
We arrested someone because he didn't want to learn how to LAND planes.
I think even the simplest person could draw the right conclusions here, don't you?
However this administration is like Chief Wiggum on the Simpsons "Nothing to see here folks, move along"

Keep dropping the hammer

Mike L

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