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Blake's Lawyer commits suicide
Barry Levin apparently shot himself Saturday at a veterans cemetery
"Gore Satellite" gets closer to launch date
Gore's idea was to place a spacecraft in
orbit far enough away from Earth to get continuous
images of the entire globe--a feat impossible
with existing satellites because they are too close.
Now, after years of wrangling over what
Republicans in Congress derided as "Gore's screen saver,"
the much altered, $135 million project
appears to have survived political ambushes, rising costs and
intense scientific scrutiny. It is slated
for launch early next year.
Gore has always been an extremely intelligent, forward-looking
congressman, senator and VP.
It's still hard to believe he lost a race to a simpleton who
spends his day trying to get staffers
to explain why peanuts float in his YooHoo.
He was that sniveling Reagan State Department
official who pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying
to Congress about the scandal involving
the contras.
But that's not all he did. Abrams had a
habit of covering up the massacres that the
U.S.-funded Salvadoran military committed
in the 1980s.
The Bushies are taking unusual care of Abrams.
George W.'s dad pardoned him in 1992, and
now W. is fumigating his résumé.
...and the gelding Democrats are just sitting back and letting
him do it.
True, Abrams doesn't need confirmation to his new post, but do
you think
Bill Clinton would just lay back and take it, whimpering, "I'm
so helpless?"
If Daschle had any balls, he could've told Smirky, "We're
saying no to your
next three confirmations if you proceed
with the Abrams appointment."
But no.
Karl Rove and Uncle Dick know a trained dog when they see one.
"Drip, ...drip, ...drip"
"Hi Linda, this is Chandra. My internship
is over. I'm planning on packing my bags
in the next week or 10
days. Heading home for a while. Don't know what I'll do this summer.
And I really have some big news
or something to tell. Call me ..."
-- Chandra Levy's last known words
This can't be True ...can it?
Friday night on Larry King, either Juan Epstein or Mark Garegos,
both hugely successful and respected, high-profile Democratic
Washington lawyers,
said one-third of the women Chandra Levy's age that go
missing are from Washington DC.
Again, one-third of all women that age that go missing are from Washington DC.
That doesn't seem possible, but they said it twice and nobody
challenged it.
Can you believe one-third?
In rough numbers, that means DC has more missing young
than the New York area and the Los Angeles area combined,
and until Chandra Levy was kidnapped/murdered - nobody knew.
They said DC has a "horribly primitive" system to track missing
I'm sure if the DC police chief was asked why, he'd say "money"
is the reason
the system is so primitive, but why is that since we're coming
off eight years
of unprecedented growth and wealth? Is it because DC is
mostly black,
and the white congress doesn't care enough about missing black
...and now that President Weak & Stupid (with the help of
the gelding Democrats)
has thrown away 2 trillion dollars on his rich friends and oil
is there enough money left to fix the DC problem?
Or do we just not care?
On that same Friday Larry King, Garegos
mauled a lawyer to death.
That flight attendent who says Condit asked
her to sign an affadavit full of lies?
It was her attorney on the panel with garegos
and Epstein.
After he railed against Condit for faxing
a false affadavit to his client for her signature,
Garegos asked, "Did that affadavit have
a cover letter with it saying she was free
to make changes or corrections to anything
she knew to be untrue?"
The stewardess's attorney tried to slime
and weasel away from the question.
Garegos would have none of it.
Garegos: "Did that affadavit have a cover
letter with it saying she was free
to make changes or corrections to anything
she knew to be true? Yes or no?"
The weasel finally admitted yes, it did have that cover letter.
Garegos: "So how does that affadavit
request differ from every other affadavit request
that hundreds of thousands of attorneys
fax every day?"
The weasel could only stammer and say, "I guess it's not different."
ha ha
When I get caught - get me Mark Garegos!
The Idiot Cops
I just heard someone of Faux News say the first 72 hours in the
disappearance of
a person are the most critical in getting information from friends,
neighbors, doormen, cabbies, etc.
But we're 68 days after Chandra Levy's disappearance, and the
DC cops still say
"We have no crime, therefore we have
no suspects."
No wonder one-third of the missing women are from DC.
Next time a pervert wants to enslave then murder a women, he knows
he can go
to DC and pick one out because the DC cops are so uncaring and
it's the only place to "shop."
Abbe Lowell
Condit's lawyer was once Clinton's lawyer.
This guy may be good in court, and he may be good in front of
a congressional
panel, but he's one of the worst I've ever seen on television.
He was on This Whore and Face the Whore this morning.
It takes him 700 words to answer a yes-no question.
That makes his client look guilty and it makes him look like
an accessory.
...and right now, Condit doesn't need to look any more guilty.
Note: You have to leave the country to see resistance to the
Failure in Thief
the American whore press is too busy fawning over Bush's
engagement" to accurately report on his presidency.
Court is condemned for 'theft of presidency'
By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles Attribution
Just as George Bush is hitting the first seriously
heavy weather of his presidency, two of America's
most prominent lawyers have published books pushing
to unprecedented heights criticism of the
Supreme Court decision that awarded him victory
in November's election.
In separately published tracts, Alan Dershowitz
and Vincent Bugliosi characterise the five justices
who sided with the Republican candidate in the
nail-biting case of Bush v Gore as
partisan, demonstrably corrupt, criminal and
Mr Dershowitz argues in 'Supreme Injustice:
How the High Court Highjacked Election 2000':
"The decision may be ranked as the single most
corrupt decision in Supreme Court history,
because it is the only one that I know of where
the majority of justices decided as they did
because of the personal identity and political
affiliation of the litigants."
Mr Bugliosi, best known for prosecuting the Charles
Manson gang and writing about it in the
bestseller 'Helter Skelter', goes even further
in 'The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme
Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose
Our President.' "The stark reality ... is that the
institution Americans trust the most to protect
its freedoms and principles committed one of
the biggest and most serious crimes this nation
has seen - “the theft of the presidency.."
What makes the two new books different is the detail of their arguments and the legal expertise of their authors.
Singled out for criticism is Justice Scalia, who
had repeatedly expressed scepticism over equal
protection issues and insisted on the importance
of precedents and "unbroken national traditions".
Mr Dershowitz says: "In joining the majority
... Antonin Scalia violated every one of these salutary
principles to enable him to vote his political
It is not clear what long-term damage will be
caused by the Bush v Gore ruling, which has prompted
some misgivings across the legal spectrum. There
are indications, however, that Mr Scalia's ambitions
to become Chief Justice when the current incumbent,
William Rehnquist, retires may have been dented.
The First 167 days
George W. is not the popular effervescent
president Karen Hughes, Mary Matilin,
Karl Rove, or Ari Fleisher make him out
to be. He can not be propped up. It would,
and does, take too much fibbing. We expect
our Presidents to be good on their feet
when circumstances demand. "He has a good
heart," doesn't quite do it.
put Weak & Stupid's head in your mouth
White House aides tone down the Phillie Phanatic
The aide walked over to the Phillie Phanatic
and said, "Hey, don't pull any shit."
The aide was probably nervous since, as
he told the Phanatic earlier,
another mascot had once put President Bush's
head in his mouth.
"We don't want this happening again," scolded the aide.
ha ha
That's be a good job for Smirky, starting January 21, 2005.
He's always liked being a part of baseball, right?
He can put on a chicken suit and be baseball's buffoon,
instead of America's
to North Korea:
me help with your energy problems.
to California:
liberals can go straight to hell.
Has Tiger suffered enough?
What do you think?
Has Tiger Woo learned his lesson?
Or does he need a little more humility?
Should we lift the hex, or not?
Click here to vote.
"I regret doing it. Sometimes you get a little
hot at yourself.
I can't explain it. It's almost like
there's a hex on me.''
-- Tiger Woo at the Western Open,
explaining why he was yelling,
throwing clubs and looking
stonefaced throughout the round.
Fooling the Man
From: sparhawk@wpi.edu
Subject: Bartcop.com banned from easyEverything Net Cafe
So I'm hanging out in New York City, just walking
around, ya know, seeing
the sights, and after buying a new pair of shoes
and getting some pizza, my
friends and I wander into easyEverything, a gigantic
Internet cafe about a
block from Times Square. I did the business I
went there to do, and realized
that I had paid for an extra 15 minutes.
So I wonder what BartCop's been doing lately,
and type in the usual www.bartcop.com
into the browser window. And what happens? I
get redirected to easyEverything's home page!
I seethe for a minute and then calmly retype the
address into the window, figuring that
maybe I had typed it wrong or that it was just
some kind of intermittent mistake with them.
But the damnable easyEverything homepage comes
back again.
No BartCop.
I tried to complain to the service desk, but all
I got was
"We wanted to be able to serve up bartcop.com,
but Karl Rove said we can't",
or something to that effect. All I got was their
home page. Anyway, there's a solution for all the people living
under the watchful eye of Big Brother Karl. If
ya go to http://www.anonymizer.com
, it'll do all the stuff itself so
Big Brother can't watch where you're surfing.
I was BartCopping away in that lousy cafe ten seconds after typing it in.
Needless to say, easyEverything will no longer be receiving my business in the future.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the fumble, Dude.