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Volume 539 - The heaven you keep, stole

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 July 27, 2001.  ...... ....... ... ...Ad-vertise.....................SPORTS..  ..........  Sabutai Concert 
 VCR Alert - Joe Louis tonight on A&E's Biography.
 See how Joe busted Hitler's "Aryan Supremacy" myth while the whole world watched.
 Yet, the all-white GOP still clings to Hitler's theory. When will the all-white GOP learn?
Bill Maher on Larry King tonight

 Stroke Me, Stroke Me

 "It's almost immoral and anti-kid if you don't smoke cigarettes."
    -- the pro-cancer Pigboy

 I had to turn him off today.
 I can take almost anything, but when the vulgar Pigboy starts with the constant repeats,
 over and over, constantly, again and again, non-stop, over and over, repeat after repeat,
 it just makes me want to hurl so I turned the radio over to classic rock, which is almost
 as bad because they won't play anything newer than Aqualung.

 That's why Laura and Pigboy have those hundreds of millions of dollars.
 It's not their talent, it's just that their only competition is
Britney and N-Sync
Classic rock
Junk swap shows.

 When we travel by car, we hear the most insane junk swap shows.
 "I have a transmission for a 61 Chevy that I'll trade for a Kenmore washing machine motor."
  Who are those people? And why don't they get jobs?

 In today's second hour, El Pigbo was getting his rocks of saying,
 "Meh-he-can trucks on the highways and byways."

 The stroked out son of a bitch just kept saying that, over and over, again and again.
 To make things worse, (he can always make it worse,) he was doing his voice like Ken Starr,
 with that soft, effeminate whisper, and I can't take that. I can't take it for even five minutes.
 Sometimes I wonder how Susan McDougal and Julie Hiatt Steele could stand just being
 in a room with that dim-witted, hall-monitor-all-his-life gospel caroling fraud.

 ...and don't forward that to Rush.
 He'll do the Starr voice again Monday if he hears that somebody hated it.

 Condit Interviewed a 4th Time

 Clueless DC cops, this time with bungling FBI profilers present, interviewed
 Mr. Guilty a fourth time and tried to get him to tell them where Ms. Levy is
 Police Sgt. Joe Gentile (great name, Joe) said Friday that Condit met with bumbling
 investigators for hours Thursday night. No doubt, his fifth interview will be in August.

  Am I more stupid or more guilty?

 Click  Here  for today's entertainment link

 I'm expecting some reviews of Planet of the Apes, so if you see it,
 take mental notes and send your review to Marty at this link and she'll post them.

 Good article on how John Edward tricks sheep into thinking
  that he's actually talking to their dead relatives.

 Don't get me wrong, Edward is the best I've ever seen,
 but he's about as legitimate as Resident Weak & Stupid.

 Springtime for Dubya

 ha ha

 An Iran Contra veteran returns to the White House

 "I can do anything and the
   press will remain silent."

 Click  Here

 When ex-President Bush pardoned Weinberger and his fellow Iran-Contra conspirator, Elliott Abrams,
 he was, in fact, pardoning himself, since Walsh appeared closing in on Bush’s role at the time of the
 last-minute pardons. His son, now president, seems intent on erasing these events from public memory by
 appointing these same figures to high-profile jobs.  In doing so, he is staining his own administration with
 the association of some of the most nefarious characters ever to participate in making U.S. foreign policy.


Subject: Why are you publishing Tom Tommorow?

Bartcop, you do realize, don't you, that Tom Tommorow was an ardent Ralph
Nader supporter and continues to occasionaly run cartoons implying that there
would be no real difference if Gore had got elected...oops,  ...sorry,
Al DID get elected, I mean if he hadn't had the election stolen from him.

Seeing "This Modern World" cartoons that blast Bush just makes me even angrier.
If Tomorrow would admit his error, I wouldn't mind, but he and his ilk still won't admit that
there is a huge difference in where our country is headed since the chimp got selected over Gore,
something that would not have happened -- even with the Supreme Court thugs and Florida
shenanigans -- if several million Americans hadn't thrown their votes away on the egotistical Nader.

Jim, I understand what you're saying.
Human nature being what it is, these people aren't likely to admit
that their fuck-up put Weak & Stupid in the White House

I've said I liked Tom Tomorrow a lot more before he turned on Clinton/Gore,
but, like Dennis Miller, Chris Hutchins and Mo Dowd, he sometimes has a nice zinger.

We're going to need the Greens next year and in 2004, so let's not piss them off too much...
Let's give them a chance to correct their mistake.

 Recently, I printed a deal that explained how to get around web filters
 so you can read  from right-wing workplaces.

 Could that person write back, or if somebody remembers where it is,
 tell me, and I'll put a permanant link on the front page.

 I need a staff.


 Subject: Tequila  Tips >more

 When I took the Tequila Distillery tour the last time I was in Puerto Vallarta,
 they talked about how to drink it properly as well.... they suggested to EXHALE FIRST,
 then take a small sip, roll it aound your tongue, swallow, then INHALE.

 You will get flavor all the way down your throat, and heat into your head.

 I've done both, inhale first or exhale first.
 Both are awesome, yet a bit different.


 Tally, tried both.
 I hate to say it, but my way works a whole lot better, 5-10 times better.

 Put two drops on your tongue.

 Then raise your tongue to the roof of your mouth - that will force the drops sideways,
 which will coat your tongue with flavor, but the tequila will mostly be gone because
 you're spreading two drops over six square inches of tongue.

 Keeping your mouth closed,   s-l-o-w-l-y  exhale thru your nose.
 Ohhh, that's so nice.

     from Volume 114 - Tabloid Nation

Rush has been attacking Oprah all week.
You'd think a lying, nazi whore,
with 20,000,000 listeners,
would be a champion of free speech,
but nooooooooooooo.

Oprah is "guilty."


Because she's black, stupid.
She's also a woman, so she's double-guilty.

"Oprah is hiding behind her staff, trying to blame her producers for producing her show,"
  he whined Wednesday.




...when Rush called Chelsea "The White House Dog," back before "Must Eat TV" fell
to market forces, do you remember what his excuse was for slurring an innocent 12 year-old?

I do...

"It's not my fault! I was telling an innocent story about a 'White House dog,' when
an unnamed staffer put Chelsea's picture on the screen, AGAINST MY WILL!" he swore.

"You can't blame me for that.




...Rush, if you weren't in on the joke,
in you were innocent of this horrible personal slur,
why even bring up the subject of "the White House dog?"


It kills me that ditto-monkeys are soooo blind...

   by my good friend The Daily Brew

  Click  Here

    So you never knew love
   Until you crossed the line of grace
   And you never felt wanted
   'Til you had someone slap your face
   So you never felt alive
   Until you'd almost wasted away

   You had to win
   You couldn't just pass
   The smartest ass
   At the top of the class
   Your flying colors
   Your family tree
   And all your lessons in history

   Get up off your knees

   So you never knew
   How low you'd stoop to make that call
   And you never knew
   What was on the ground 'til they made you crawl
   So you never knew
   That the heaven you keep, you stole

   Your Catholic blues
   Your convent shoes
   Your stick-on tattoos
   Now they're making the news
   Your holy war
   Your northern star
   Your sermon on the mount
   From the boot of your car

   Get up off your knees
   Leave me out of this please

   So love is hard
   And love is tough
   But love is not
   What you're thinking of

   Streets capsizing
   Spilling over
   Down the drain
   Shards of glass
   Splinters like rain
   But you could only feel
   Your own pain

   Talk getting nowhere
   Are we just starting again

   Get up off your knees, yeah

   So love is big
   Is bigger than us
   But love is not
   What you're thinking of

   It's what lovers deal
   It's what lovers steal
   You know I've found it hard to receive

   'Cause you my love
   I could never believe

 Have you been to Bushwatch lately?

 Click on mini-Smirk

 They have a whole section on Jenna getting the "E-Z" treatment
 for violating her court-order with another alcohol infraction,
 instead of the harsh penalties her daddy signed into law.
 Those laws are for little people, not rich, important people.

 After all, the Bush Family Evil Empire is royalty,
 and they laws don't apply to them.

 Lanny the GOP contributes...

From: Atrios

Subject: Jon Stewart's Staff Sucks?

Hey, I greatly disagree.

I think the two Steves, Mo Rocca, the guy that does the movie reviews,
the "back in black" guy, and the blonde woman are all great.

The new woman they hired, who did the Conan thing last night, sucks.

I wrote that sloppily.
I like the 'Back in black," guy, too, but the others just don't float the boat.

We then must agree to disagree.

 What could be better than


Subject: Ask Bartcop!

Yo BC!

Which of Weak & Stupid’s advisors will be the first to leave?
Condi, Rumsfeld, or Powell?

You could run a  pool…
The participants would have to pick one candidate and the date they
will resign, and/or the reason each will cite as the excuse to cut and run.

For an added bonus, we could parlay the above with the over/under of Uncle Dick’s
next chest pain/episode/incident/heart attack/surgery.
The winner could get a Corvette!

What do you think?

Your #1 fan from CT,
Joe Tom

PS.  One random thought…why is it so important that Cheney rush back to work after heart surgery?
I had my appendix out and it took a few days just to feel good enough to feel rotten.
Same with my hernia operation…and each of those procedures had nothing to do with my ticker.
Why does Liberal Media not ask that of the appointed one?
What’s the hurry?  What is Rove afraid of?

Seeing that the "energy crisis" never materialized,
couldn't the old guy chill for a few days after doctors attach instruments to his heart?

Keep up the great work!

Joe Tom, my money's on Powell.
He's going to get tired of being "Smirk's boy" real quick.
Smirk does what Uncle Dick and Karl Rove say, not what Powell says.

Cheney had to hurry back from surgery because who else can write Smirk's script?


 Read the  Previous Issue

 It had everything.

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   Thanks for the fumble, Dude.

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