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"Since he is a citizen of New York and
I am
the senator of New York, I am
his senator.''
-- Senator Clinton,
speaking of The Big Dog
From: Edward.J.Arvin@bakernet.com
Subject: I Thought There Were Rules When On Probation?
"Lieutenant David Ferrero of the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission told The ENQUIRER:
'If Jenna's drinking under the age of 21 in
California, that's an offense
and she will be punished out there if
she gets charged.'"
Bullshit! If she is drinking in California it is a violation of her probation.
Nobody would expect extradition to Texas for something
this minor, but there should be an arrest
warrant out for her right now in Texas. I know
a number of people who did jail time for violating
their parole in this exact same fashion, and
don't much care for the fact that these spoiled
little rich b!tch#s can do anything they want.
The Texas tramps are above the law, like their
Daddy and Grandpa.
They are royalty, thus not subject to
the laws of the land.
Why, their daddy was appointed king by the ruling
Obey the law?
No need, because they're The
Bush Family Evil Empire
The reason Greg
Palast is in court right now is because The
Bush Family Evil Empire
has cornered the market on gold production and
he wrote about some people they MURDERED
to get their grubby Republican hands on that
They already have a huge chunk of the world's
and they're buying up the water rights in
Do you people think I'm kidding about The
Bush Family Evil Empire?
James Cagney said it first: "Never steal anything
That's their motto.
...meanwhile, we're fighting a war on two fronts
with this Nader stab-in-the-back,
making Karl Rove the happiest man in America.
Happy Birthday to...
Debra Messing is 33
Nasty Henstridge is 27
Also, Joe Mannix is 76, Phyllis Schlafly is 95
I Heard a Rumor...
Did Gary Condit have anything to do with Chandra Levy losing her job?
(I know she didn't work for him, but that
doesn't mean he couldn't have dropped a dime
on her and said, "Dump
the bitch, she's trouble - she's stalking me...")
That would've helped to give her a push
out of town.
That might've solved a lot of his problems.
I guess with the cops not looking at Condit
they're free to search for the real killer,
100 days after the trail got cold.
Thanks, Gary.
BUSH Toilet Paper Man Arrested During Visit
Who gives a shit?
This guy did...
Internet Address
by The Daily Brew
From: gstubbs@golob.com
Subject: Nader
I'm not surprised you're weary of the Nader debate.
You haven't provided a single compelling argument
against voting for Nader.
I have two arguments.
1. He had no chance in hell to win.
2. His vote total was greater than Bush's margin
on "victory."
The math says a vote for Nader
is a vote for Bush.
And please stop with the nonsense that voting
for Nader is voting for Bush.
According to that logic, someone who performs
an act intends all of the
consequences of that action--a conclusion that
no rational person can accept.
Not in every case, but the last weekend before
the election, every poll in America
said the race was too close to call, so when
you claim, "Who knew?"
it rings false.
A vote for Nader is a vote for Nader.
You going to be repeating that at Smirk's second inauguration?
What put Bush over the top was too many people
voting for Bush,
and then a thuggish campaign to steal the rest.
I'll agree with that.
Direct your ire at Tom Delay, the Supreme Court,
Katherine Harris, etc.,
and not at a legitimate reformer.
George Stubbs
Melrose, MA
"Legitimate reformer?"
I thought we were talking about Ralph Nader...
If he wants to reform something, why is Bush
president with Nader votes?
BTW, if 2500 people write me 2500 letters with
2500 Nader slogans,
the math will still say Nader is responsible
for the Boy King.
When the math changes, get back to me.
From: kadonaga@uvic.ca
Subject: Clinton saves country $300k per year!
Hi BC,
Ever since I heard this bit of news, I have even
less patience with the dolts who scream
about "Clinton's office space is costing us
a fortune!", and "He stole furniture!"
According to Guy Dauncey and Patrick Mazza's very
informative book "Stormy Weather:
101 Solutions to Climate Change", Clinton's
initiative to upgrade the White House lighting,
heating, air conditioning, and windows (and replace
appliances and office equipment with
more energy-efficient models) saves on average
$300,000 per year.
This is actually MORE than his salary while he
was president.
He did not "trash the White House" -- he fixed
it up,
though I doubt Snippy will appreciate it.
From: jjtest@ismi.net
Subject: Tom Tomorrow
Yeah. You're right about TT.
The toon in today's rant spells it out much better
than yesterday.
I missed it (and so, obviously, did many others)
when it came out,
but I have to ask... now that the whole "pardons"
thing, just like the whole
"White House vandalism" thing, etc have turned
to nothing and blown away....
In the past, when Tom rant a "fuck
Clinton" cartoon, I chose not to run it.
Many, many people assumed I was angry about just
one cartoon, the one from yesterday.
You're not going to see a retraction toon from
Tom Tomorrow.
His goal is promoting Nader at the Democrat's
Apparently, Tom's in this "Money
is evil - we need to fight without it"
Unilateral disarmament is rarely a good idea.
That's what makes him a friend to Bush & Rove.
Please let your readers know that from Sept 28
to Oct 4, protestors will meet
in Washington to demand the cancellation of third
world debt and to end policies that
favor the rich and powerful. On Sept 29,
demonstrators will "Surround the White House"
and then march to the IMF and World Bank HQ.
One of the issues on the table now is
a challenge of the plan to keep demonstrators
in "exclusion zones".
Many of us who have protested Smirk, know what
it is like to be herded into these
so called "first amendment zones" which is one
of the most egregious assaults on our
right to free speech and assembly. As our
freedoms dwindle, and the press continues
to turn it's back on these outrages, it becomes
imperative that everyone who cares about
democracy join in this protest and make a loud
and unqualified statement of resistance.
We were born with certain freedoms and I think
we just assume they will always be there.
But dem! ocracy is fragile and if we do nothing
while it is slowly chipped away, it will be
too late once it's gone. The chilling words
of Smirk should be a call to action.
He said "There should be limits to freedom".
He said, "A dictatorship would be a heck of
a lot easier as long as I'm the dictator".
If that raises the hair on the back of your neck,
I'll see you in DC in Sept.
Josh Marshall
slaps CNN's Isaacson for being a pitiful sap
Is it too early to start calling for Walter Isaacson to resign
as head of CNN?
Subject: Tom Tomorrow
From: bblawson@swbell.net
I don't think Mr. Rove would appreciate this Tom
Did you see the whole thing?
From: Gilxner@aol.com
geez, bartcop, you need to take a vacation (although i thought you just had one) and relax a little.
that tom tomorrow strip about "left wing-wacko's" was SARCASM.
From: onehandle@yahoo.com
Uh...He was being sarcastic.
It's a slam on freeper mentality.
Read it again.
From: hilltopper120@earthlink.net
I read your piece on Tom Tomorrow earlier today.
I think you missed the point.
I saw the cartoon in question in its entireity
and it was coming from a place that both you and I inhabit.
I don't think Tom Tomorrow has ever "flipped"
to the other side.
You've busted his chops before and you're doing
it again _ BUT - he is on our side!
From: biglegemma1@home.com
I am sorely disappointed with you!
Tom Tomorrow has "turned?"
From: illison_99@yahoo.com
Now you're attacking Tom Tomorrow? Your
brand of Democratic Centralism is getting to be a bit much.
You claim he's "carrying George Bush's water",
but I have yet to see you produce one cartoon he's done that
supports Bush. Whoops, I forgot that in
Bartcopland, anyone who says a single negative thing about the
Democrats is a Bush supporter.
Who cares if they, say, bomb a third world medicine factory for no good reason?
Just a day or two ago, I invited debate on that
charge - where were you?
That's Rush talking - can you back that up?
Disagreeing with Bill Clinton about anything
Hmmm...I seem to remember you calling the Democrats
pink tutu-wearers a couple times.
Apparently you think the Democrats are spineless
on occasion.
You must be a Bush supporter too!
It's Bartcop, carrying water for Karl Rove!
I wish I knew what you people were thinking.
1. Do you think I would let one cartoon crater my respect for Tom Tomorrow?
He's been anti-Gore and anti-Clinton for a long
2. Maybe you consider Nader the center of the Democratic party, which
is real horseshit.
Until someone else comes along, Clinton is running
this party.
Gore had a chance to lead, but he chose to take
a nap, instead.
3. When someone attacks Clinton and Gore ("corrupt," "worthless," "Bush
clones" etc)
they are doing EXACTLY what Karl Rove wants, and
I don't care who disagrees.
4. When I scream at the pink tutu Democrats, you're supposed to think
of a football coach
telling his team at halftime, "You look like
a bunch of women out there."
I'm not accusing the Democrats of supporting
another corrupt politican."
I'm not screaming at them for
"excusing the inexcusable throughout an ENTIRE presidency?"
No, that's traitor talk, there.
That's why I say Tom Tomorrow is carrying Karl Rove's
If the Democrats are all traitors, and since Nader doesn't
have a chance,
that leaves the Boy King as the only viable option - if
you agree with Tom Tomorrow.
There's a difference between urging your team to fight
and accusing them of covering up criminality, as Tom does.
Of course, you're free to interpret Tom's attacks any
way you want.
I just liked him better when he was attacking Bush instead of Clinton.
The people who like to see Tom attack Clinton are, of course,
free to heap tons of priase on him, just don't expect
me to join in.
USA Today Leads Attack on Gore
USA Today has become the mouthpiece of George Bush and Karl Rove.
Their coverage of their recount with the Miami Herald in May recount
was totally biased
and without credibility. And now that Al Gore is resurfacing, they
can't wait to attack him.
In reality, several polls show Gore and Bush in a dead heat - which
means that after 7 months
of pretending to be President and dominating the news EVERY day, Bush
has won NO support,
while Gore has kept ALL of his support despite getting NO coverage.
Tell USA Today (editor@usatoday.com) to stop attacking Gore!
Bush Campaign Trashed the Republican Code of Conduct
The Florida Republican Code of Conduct is worth a few laughs.
Like this one: "I will not use nor condone any misrepresentations,
distortions, malicious
untruths, half-truths or innuendoes about my opponent(s) and/or my
opponent's families."
What about the Bush Big Lie that Al Gore was trying to stop the military
from voting?
This "malicious untruth" was put at the top of the nation's news for
weeks by Rob Carter,
the TREASURER of the Florida Republican Party.
There is only one Republican Code of Conduct - LIE, STEAL, and CHEAT
- do whatever it takes to win.
Does it Again
Makes a BartCop party looks like a Cloister Nun prayer
Up The Heat
by RB Ham
From: lasadelitas@hotmail.com
Subject: I listened to your rant again...and again...
I listened to your "rant" again ( actually three
more times...) and what can I say?
It's classic "BartCop"!...but actually spoken...instead
of just read in the privacy of my own mind.
The 4th time through I was actually laughin' out
loud. I couldn't get that "noir" image out of my mind...
I saw Sam Shepard (actor, playwright) sittin'
there in a dimly-lit studio, sweatin' out the horrible truth...
Bush is in the Oval Office in defiance and denial
of the voters!
I wanted to laugh, barf and scream at the same
time...even after six months
( He doesn't improve with age....)
BC, you may be too tough an hombre to restrain at all....!Hah!
El Bicho
Ladies and gentlemen, ...El Bicho!
The producer of such classic ani-gif toons such as...
From: Larry aka Bernie
Subject: Rush's Two Minute Delay!!!
It is all my fault!!!!!
That delay was not there when I called in with
"Megga Bartcop Dittoes Pigboy".
That gutless, thin-skinned draft dodger couldn't
handle Larry and to insure
that I can't pull it off again the SOB goes to
a two minute delay!
Leave it to pigboy to pull some shit like that.
Larry aka Bernie
Pearl Harbor on DVD
Pearl Harbor, (the worst movie ever made, according to critics)
is being re-edited
for its DVD release. It will now be the film director Michael
Bay says he wanted to make.
He said he resented Disney telling him it had to be a PG-rated
attack, and now he's
going to show the real horror of December 7th, 1941.
To those who hated this movie:
Remember when I had problems with Rules
of Engagement?
I made a list of points in the film that
were horseshit, and I explained how easy
it would've been to correct the flaws (or
edit them out). I think whenever somebody
has a problem with a film, a song, a speech
or a politician, if "it sucks" is the best you
can do to describe your disappointment,
perhaps it's the reviewer who sucks.
To this day, I haven't heard one decent
critic of Pearl harbor.
I hear "cardboard characters, cookie-cutter
writing, one dimensional plot" etc.,
but you could apply that crap to any movie
ever made if you don't have to back it up.
So I guess I'll be the only one to get Pearl Harbor on DVD and see the real movie.
Tom Tomorrow has a lot of fans.
Like Dennis Miller, even after he turned, he can still be funny.
I got a whole lot of mail telling me how wrong I was, about how I "misunderstood"
what points he's trying to make, and I can only say that one of us
is crazy.
Here's one from Green Neil.
From: neilrmurray@yahoo.com
Subject: Is there Cancer in your astrology chart, BC?
Let's see, you like to indulge, good food, good
drink, probably other good unmentionables.
Sounds like Cancer.
You are very thin skinned.
You said::
> Isn't it sad about Tom Tomorrow?
> I used to like him a lot, ...before he turned.
> I'm so old, I remember when he was anti-GOP.
> But now, he's carrying George Bush's water, attacking the Democrats.
That is TOTAL BULLSHIT. I looked up that
cartoon in his archives, and there is a mild but ACCURATE
poke at the Dems. You are so hyper sensitive,
yet you yourself admit that you belong to a party of collaborator,
bend over and roll over cowards. So if
someone like the very perceptive Sparky takes a poke at your side,
you cry that he has gone over to the dark side.
More of that BC, and you won't be worth reading,
because you are losing your ceredibility with
some of us.
And you asked me to answer your commentary of
my "Dems want it both ways", it which you acussed me of
plagerism (cut and paste). So I would appreciate
it if you print my reply, because if you don't let me answer
your unfounded projections, I will see no reason
to bother with you again.
If all you can do is attack the Greens and Nader
and not reform your own very corrupt and anti-democratic
party, then you deserve to lose again. You're
best at attacking Bush, and on thin ice attacking those of us
with integrity. Go with your strength , and don't
edit like Rush.
I expect to see my response to your unfounded accusations soon.
Neil Murray
Neil, I blame you for the length.
You wrote a long-ass rant full of slogans and platitudes, maybe 300
I answered with my 300 words, then you reply with another 300.
It's your fault for starting with War and Peace.
That's why I accused you of using the words of others.
I can explain anything in a few sentences.
Greens tend to spend a thousand words before they say, "Hello."
As far as that "edit like Rush" crap, I say for
the hundreth time:
I'm the most challenge-friendly site on the www,
am I not?
Let's put this horseshit to bed.
The next e-mail you send me needs to include
the URL of a Green web site
that gets some hits, where I can debate the owner
and he'll print my rant.
You're stuck.
People think they can attack me and leave injury
free, but I'm calling your bluff.
If I'm so afraid to print the other guy's rant,
show me a Green site that does it right.
You're wrong about Tom Tomorrow, but I can see how you'd make that mistake.
I didn't mean that this particular cartoon was any kind of straw
breaking the camel's back.
Tom turned a long time ago. When Tom turned hard was that horseshit
cartoon he did about
how Clinton/Gore didn't care about arsenic and clean air, etc. when
they were in office.
It was Tom's sharpest "Bush & Gore are
twins" toon.
Every time I hear a Green say, "then
you deserve to lose again."
That tells me all I need to know.
Well, you and Tom got your wish.
...and I'm waiting for that URL.
Lots of people going nuts, saying I misunderstood that last Tom
T toon.
Not the case.
Tom turned a while back.
While looking for the toon that explains it best, I found this one:
You say Tom's still with us?
The last 8 years was "just
another corrupt politican?" and
"we excused the inexcusable
throughout his ENTIRE presidency?"
Jesus, if Tom's on our side, I want Judas Stephanopolous in the foxhole with me.
Tom Tomorrow is so goddamn ashamed of the last 8 years he
can't stand it,
and I'm the guy who fails to see that Tom is still our friend?
Just like my friend Neil, Tom T's goal is, "...then you deserve to lose again."
...and you guys think this is about me having thin skin?
As far as I'm concerned, Ralph Nader is Jane Fonda,
But instead of harmless "cavorting," Nader tipped the balance of power
and the bad guys won the war - just to feed Mr. Three Percent's ego.
Nader did lasting damage to this country.
What we need is a Tom Tomorrow/BartCop debate
A gentleman's debate.
We need to mend this riff now, not five years from now.
I don't want Tom working against us in 2002 or 2004.
Who can get word to Tom?
Tell him I'll be nice.
From: maapa@qwest.net
Subject: Complaint?
Regarding your comment about no one complaining
about your "Lolita" sex joke.
I just wanted to say I read you everyday. It's
one of the little comforts I have while
tolerating the fact that Bush even won governor
of Texas (probley stole that somehow too),
much less is actually pretending to be a legitimate
president. ( My daughter is in the army,
and while I'm very proud of her, I'm ashamed
that she has that man for a boss). So my point.
I am a feminist, have a decent I.Q. (whatever))
and I forgive any little lapses almost immediately!
Keep up the good work, (but dude, post some beefcake
once in a while!!)
Remember that FotoMat story I mentioned?
A sleuthful reader found this on Nexis.
Police looking for young female in photos
Tulsa police are concerned about an unidentified
female who looks like
she's being sexually assaulted by several men
in amateur photographs.
Police said the men used objects to sexually
assault the female.
Officers arrested a man Wednesday who they say
had the pictures developed at a local photo lab,
Cpl. Mark Mears said. Tremaine Crawford,
21, was taken into custody on a complaint of production
of obscene material, but police say he won't
tell them who the female is or whether she is all right.
The apparent victim is described as a slender
black female, about 5-foot-5 to 5-foot-8 inches tall
with shoulder-length hair. She appears
to be young, but officials do not know whether she is a juvenile
or an adult. In the pictures, she appears to
have more than one earring in her right ear.
"We do not know the age of the victim, but we do fear for her safety," Officer Lucky Lamons said.
A Walgreen's drug store employee called police
June 28 to report that workers had developed
sexually explicit photographs from film that
was dropped off by a customer. By law, such pictures
must be reported to police, Mears said.
"The photos depict several men apparently forcing
sex on a woman," Mears said.
"We do not know who the victim is, but we
want to make sure she is OK.
It is possible that she is in danger."
Police believe Crawford dropped off the film.
The man who delivered it to the photo lab had
used an alias.
Only vague descriptions of the other men were
This is, apparently, the only story on Nexis about this girl's life
being in danger.
Just like with the radio station, not another word was written or spoken.
Isn't that just like the whore press?
From: geo@suscom.net
Subject: Tom Tomorrow
I really feel like I have to call you to task
for the little blurb on Tom Tomorrow you did on the fourteenth.
The fact is, Tomorrow has ALWAYS gone after dems
when they don't behave in a sufficiently liberal manner.
You don't have to like it, but it isn't some
sort of betrayal; it's always been so.
I can't deny that I to find some of his pro-green
stuff grating, but it's nothing new.
He has NEVER been a Democratic partisan.
Also, I really hope that little snippet of this week's cartoon
you posted wasn't meant to prove your point,
inasmuch as the strip in question really isn't an attack on the Dems.
All I'm trying to say is, you don't have to always
like what the man says, but you really oughn't to be getting
so bitter over losing him--you never had him
in the first place.
All the best,
Geo, interesting...
You say "I" never had him in the first place, but I have 25 messages
that say
"He's still out friend, you're being too sensitive."
In my book, anybody who considers the last eight years of peace and
"just another corrupt politican?"
"we excused the inexcusable
throughout his ENTIRE
is carrying water for Smirk
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.