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There's a good Clinton in Vegas story in
...worth checking out.
"You know what would make tightening
my belt a lot easier?
If I could tighten it around
Jesse Helms' chicken neck."
-- the late Bill Hicks
From Google.com
What: bartcop.com
Description: A sharply critical look at Rush Limbaugh and
his politics.
Some objectionable content.
Family Evil Empire
Greg Palast in British Court
"There should be limits
to freedom," Smirk said, ...and now there are.
Full Constitionally Frightening Story
In a case with implications for investigative
journalism in the Internet age, a Canadian mining company
(The Bush family)
has successfully used British libel law to shut down part of a U.S.-based
Web site.
The case, which pits Barrick Gold, Barrick
Goldstrike Mines and their chairman, Peter Munk,
against Guardian Newspapers Ltd., was settled
Tuesday with Barrick and Munk winning an apology
and monetary damages from the Guardian
-- as well as the deletion of a story from a U.S.-based Web site.
So, there you have it.
If you write something critical of the Bush
Family Evil Empire, they will make you pay.
They'll bankrupt your publisher or get you a motel room in Springdale,
but the Bush Family Evil Empire will
not be stopped.
Jesus Christ - they installed a president against the will of
the voters, (and few people seem to care)
and they cornered the market on the world's gold, and most of
America's oil and gas,
and don't forget - water rights in California are controlled
by these same people.
But if you get in their way - they will crush you.
Media My Ass Part II:
The Worm Turned By
Black Max
Politically Correct Wednesday
(See rant, below)
Click Here for some feedback
NBC has announced that Josiah Bartlet will
open the third season of The West Wing
on Sept. 19 by announcing he intends to run
for a second term as president.
You think?
9-Year High
The number of laid-off workers drawing unemployment
benefits has hit a nine-year peak.
The number of workers filing new applications
for jobless benefits increased by a seasonally
adjusted 8,000 to 393,000 for the week ending
Aug. 18, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
In a significant sign of how the yearlong economic
slowdown has affected American's ability to get a job,
the government reported that the number of workers
drawing benefits rose to 3.18 million.
That was the highest level since the number of
jobless workers drawing benefits hit 3.21 million in
September 1992 as the country was still struggling
to emerge from the last recession.
Welcome to the Republican Nightmare.
Wait, I forget, who was president nine years ago?
Smirk's bumbling daddy, the arms salesman who had to pardon Reagan's
Get ready for another four years of , "Recession? What recession?"
Tim Russert: "I didn't see any protestors..."
Follow Up
From: WLOwenjr@aol.com
Subject: RFK's assassination
You wrote:
>Science and logic say Sirhan didn't fire the bullet that caused Bobby's
>Just like with JFK and Iran-Contra and October Surprise, the truth
was buried,
>but we learned everything about Monica, because that was important.
The second gunman was named Thane Eugene Caesar.
He was a security guard at the hotel,
assigned to be a shadow for Kennedy while he
was in the hotel. He was only moonlighting at
the hotel, however. He was a security guard
who normally worked at the CIA skunkworks,
during the development of the SR-71.
He worked for the CIA, not Rockwell (Or whoever it
was that was developing the spycraft.)
Most of the bullets pulled from Kennedy and from
around the room were copper jacketed.
Copper jacketed bullets were designed to eleiminate
the lead buildup in gun barrels. The gun that
was in Sirhan's possession was taken to the lab
for bullet matching. before the lab techs could get a
lead round through the gun for testing, they
had to fire copper jacketed bullets through it to clear the
significant lead buildup. The tests showed
that the lethal rounds were probably not fired from Sirhan's gun.
It has been about 14 years since I studied this
subject, but that is what I remember from William Turner's
The Assassination of Robert F Kennedy.
Hard to find, but worth the search...
Incidentally, before they were "lost" the
ceiling panels, wall panelling, the door and door frame
seemed to show that a total of 11 shots were
fired. Sirhan's gun held nine rounds.
Well, now, that's none of our business.
Our business is knowing whether Monica touched her breasts before
or after blowing the president.
That's what's important to the GOP and the whore media in this fucked
up world we live in.
Bono news
Sandra Bernhard Experience
starts Monday at 11 p.m. on A&E and
will air for five consecutive nights.
Bernhard encourages her guests to dish out
unvarnished opinions on everything from religion to punk rock.
Bernhard's first guests include "Sopranos"
Edie Falco and Steve Van Zandt, and rocker Chrissie Hynde.
"I think every guest on Leno or Letterman
is just out for the hype job they can find there," she added.
"I wanted to talk with guests who can talk
about almost anything, not just their latest project."
Hell, I'll watch that first night, see if it's any good.
From: zorba2001@home.com
Subject: You really want a debate?
Happy Birthday to...
Shelley Long is 52
Barbara Eden is 71
"We must resist the temptation of a bigger
threat to growth, and that's excessive federal spending.
We don't want the budget to be
a hollow noise.
We want the budget to be real,
and that's why I've been given the power of the veto."
& Stupid, speaking in Independence, Mo
From: jcarr@uswest.net
Subject: DemoCRAPS
Are you assholes still here?
I guess the tax cut kept you in business.
ha ha
He's not kidding.
He's so cutting edge using DemoCRAPS
If Vic the Racist had a 'puter, I'd suspect him.
...Democraps, almost as clever as victocrates
The Wednesday Bill Maher
They had a Mike Medved-type insane Japanese guy,
a doesn't-get-it-black babe (the lady from Heat of the Night
with Carroll O'Connor)
Sarah Silverman, who is a funny-as-hell comedian (and a babe)
and David Spade.
Spade went all Kingman, Arizona on us, wailing on black
awards shows that don't allow whitey in...
(Source Awards, Latin Grammys, etc) and how unfair it is for
poor old whitey.
Hey, Dave, you did a great job of hiding that David Duke streak
all these years.
Maybe you just had a horrific, misunderstood night on Bill Maher,
but you came off
like some made-it-rich white boy who can't believe "the niggers"
complain so much.
I'll give you the benny - this time, but you said
it, and you didn't just say it, you SAID it,
in a way the ditto-monkey racists would "get it," ...but I'll
give you another chance.
Next time, tho, we will not forgive so easily.
Here's the problem:
Sarah the comic did this joke a while back on Conan:
"I had jury duty, and I wanted to get out
if it, so they told me to write something racist on the jury form
like "I hate Chinks," so I'd get
excused, but I didn't want to be hateful, so I wrote "I like
That's a great joke, but the Japanese fella kept saying, "Chink is a racist word."
Dude, that's the joke.
Poor Sarah felt ambushed and had a tough time explaining herself,
but we just went thru this, remember?
I think successfully on all sides, about Chris Tucker and Richard
Pryor and Chris Rock,
the funniest man in America, and the word, "nigger."
It can be used with hate, or, as Bill Maher said, "a
term of endearment."
(Did he steal that from us?)
So the Japanese guy is screaming "We
were jailed in WW2," which is true and irrelevant,
and entirely missed Sarah's point about NOT wanting to be racist,
while the clueless black lady was
saying intelligent things like, "Bill,
have you ever been called a nigger?" which made no sense,
and Spade was making me think that's not his real last name with
his "poor whitey" rhetoric.
Of course, Spade chided Silverman for being insensitive, which
is horseshit.
Koresh, how could David Spade not get the joke?
Didn't he used to be a comedian, himself?
But mostly, I was disappointed in Bill Maher.
He let poor Sarah comic sit there for 30 minutes and take being
called "racist" by
the Japanese guy and the confused black chick and David the non-Spade.
Bill, you were a coward Wednesday night.
Sarah was 1000 percent right on her position, the other three
were wrong,
and she looked to you several times for some
"It's a joke" common sense,
and you laid down because the crowd, for some reason, was backing
the Japanese fella.
Bill, I gotta call you Pink Tutu Bill Maher.
But, like with Spade, maybe there are circumstances...
Maybe that Asian fellow
had a knife, and your acted the whore to save lives, but it sure
didn't seem that way on TV,
Mr. Speak-the-Truth, Mr. I'm Not Afraid to Say It,
and Mr. Politically Incorrect.
Sarah Silverman wrote a great joke, a joke that strengthened
the cause of the complaining parties,
but Bill Maher was just too addled or scared to speak the truth.
Bill, ...knock that shit off
...and if anybody knows that great comic (she was on an episode
of Star Trek NG or Voyager, I'm not sure)
her name is Sarah Silverman, and that was a great joke, I believe
her 100 percent that it.wasn't a race joke
- it was an anti-race joke, and she was right, but for
whatever reasons, Pink Tutu Bill Maher let her
sit there and be "the racist" when she was no such thing.
Bill Maher should be ashamed of himself.
He invited her on the show to explain herself, and she did a decent
job until the other three attacked her
and Maher just sat there. At one point, the Japanese guy said,
"Race jokes are like fire, and when you
play with fire, sometimes you get burned,"
which is not only worse than a Doc Harpie cliche,
but the damn crowd applauded that idiotic comment, and Maher
sat there,
his silence offered as evidence that Silverman WAS racist.
I wanted to jump thru the TV.
You really need to read this short, great article.
Activist to Bush: Wait Till Voters Wake Up
If Mark Crispin Miller is right, the White
House is occupied by a right-wing cabal, fronted by a man
so sure of his dynastic ascendancy that
he does not even bother to adhere to the rules of common English,
so complacent in his privilege that he
flaunts his ignorance as if it were the ultimate mark of superiority.
If Miller is right, this man was not elected president in any legal or moral sense.
If Miller is right, a sophisticated right-wing
propaganda machine, operating with the aid of
corporate-influenced big media, has brainwashed
Americans into believing that he was.
If Miller is right, the presidency of George
W. Bush dealt democracy a potentially murderous blow,
a blow that left millions of voters mentally
and emotionally stunned, unable to truly comprehend
the enormity of the Supreme Court's decision
nine months ago.
Read this article.
Mark Crispin Miller is right.
Rare second excerpt:
The television networks, long conditioned
to avoid any hint of the liberal bias with which the right-wing
has calculatedly accused them of
for years, continued to give Bush the benefit of the doubt.
Which is why, Miller says, "you had Cokie
Roberts and Sam Donaldson resorting to these inane clichés
on Inauguration Day, about how orderly
the process was, about how the system could weather such storms,
instead of reporting that many Americans
felt completely numb and worked over, and that many were
indeed protesting right there in Washington."
This just in from CNN
CNN Ditt: "What makes you think that you could govern the country?"
Al Sharpton: "Everyday I look at Bush I know I could at least do what he does."
Sorry about all the broken arrows from yesterday.
I'm a Democrat - I have excuses.
Probably the worst part of doing bartcop.com
is the time factor.
Time is racing by like I'm stuck in a Kubrick wormhole.
I get to work, finish my work for the day, and it's 9:40
I open the mail, read & answer some, it's lunchtime.
I write some, I check some links, it's 3:30.
I post some toons on bartcop.com and the boss
"You staying all night? It's 6: 30."
That happened again last night.
I thought I had everything FTP'd (sorry, ladies...) but
apparently not.
...think what NBC would be like if it was run by a 15-year old with no staff...
I"m doing the best that I can,
I'm doing the best that I ever did,
I'm doing the best that I can...
...but sometimes it just doesn't get done.
From: christianbell37@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: A message from Don Simmons
I'm always puzzled by how the right wing can attribute
the economic prosperity
under Clinton to the Reagan and Bush administrations.
I guess, using their rationale, it takes 8-12
years to make an impact on the economy.
So there is no chance that the current Resident
can be responsible for any economic
upswing that may occur in the next year or two--that
would have to be doing of Clinton
back in, say, 1992-1995. And what of the
economic good times in the 80s?
Do we attribute that to Jimmy Carter, who sat
in office 8-12 years before?
And what to make of the so-called "moral decay"
of our society supposedly fostered by the
Clinton administration? This, like economic
prosperity, couldn't possibly happen overnight, could it?
Perhaps that took 8-12 years to manifest itself--which
would make the "moral decay" the fault
of the Reagan and Bush administrations.
Maybe it has roots in actions such as selling arms
to Iran for hostages, or running up the national
debt from $1 trillion to $4 trillion.
It's the same old, same old with these people.
When something bad happens, it's Clinton's fault,
no matter when it happened.
When something good happens, it was the doing
of Reagan/Bush/Current Resident,
no matter when it happened. Hell, in 2004,
when the Resident is running for re-election
and is hopefully constantly on the defensive,
he'll be blaming his failed administration
on Bill Clinton, Hillary, Al Gore, Al Gore's
beard, etc., etc.
Aren't the Republicans supposed to be about taking
responsibility for yourself
and your own actions and not making excuses?
But that seems to be all they do!
I thank Don Simmons for serving our country and
hating the vulgar Pigboy.
He seems to have just a little bit more brain
power than the average right winger.
Thanks, Bartcop, for pointing out the many holes
in the right wing's crazy ranting.
When I read your column, I know at least somebody
else hasn't gone completely nuts!
Christian Bell
(That reads like a Budweiser commercial)
Hey, Mr. Ed, is Paul Harvey really sick?
Another great, great column, this time by David Corn
Blow(hard) for the Right at CNN?
I can't decide if it's funny as hell or sickeningly real.
<must reading>
"President Bush says he needs a month
off to unwind.
When the hell does this guy wind?
So he comes back at the end of
the month, then in a few months
lights the Christmas tree and
that's just about it for this year for this president."
-- Dave
Joe Conason goes yard
Stonewalls While Burton Leaks
The usually-reserved Conason blasts Burton and Smirk
The actual leaker of the Clinton-Barak
transcripts was Representative Dan Burton
of Indiana, an excitable weirdo who chairs
the House committee. Why Mr. Burton
would choose to leak this material is unclear,
since it scarcely singes Mr. Clinton,
whom he seems doomed to pursue forever,
as if in some endlessly looped cartoon.
But Mr. Burton often interprets reality
in his own special way, and he does love to
see his name in the newspaper.
Whatever his aims, however, the damage to
diplomacy has been done. The truly
guilty parties are those in the Bush White
House who blithely handed such sensitive
materials over to an irresponsible, grandstanding
From: cvette86@worldnet.att.net
Subject: Jesse Helms
Dear Bartcop,
you remember that Jesse Helms was scheduled to make a connection to KAL
that the Soviets shot down in 1983? As I recall,
he missed the flight for some reason I can't remember.
However, U.S. Rep Larry McDonald did make the
flight. He was a card-carrying member of the
John Birch Society. He and Jesse were on some
sort of junket sponsored by the military dictatorship
in South Korea.We can only imagine what if...
James S.
...that's why Russia shot it down.
"Gary Condit has spent the month hiding
out, dodging the bullet,
spending time with his family
... oh wait, that's George W. Bush!"
-- Dave
From: Paulwetor@aol.com
Subject: Bush Lives Near Waco
(What happened to your site? Another page is in its place).
Dunno - lots of people asking, I guess the webmaster
was tweaking.
Seems to be OK now...
Chicago Trib reprinted a Post article saying that Bush lives near Waco, but uses Crawford instead.
"But does the world realize that Bush is one of
the 200,607 residents of the
Greater Waco Metropolitan Area? Nooooo."
Yeah, it's all a scam to make Sparky seem like a real Texan.
Somebody wrote that he never wore a pair of cowboy boots until the
presidential campaign,
and they take their boots reeeeeeeeal seriously in Texas.
They said Smirky wore "white whale pants," but I don't know what that
Everything about Smirk is a fraud, and the whore press knows
but Mr. Rove has forbidden them to write anything negative.
new site
It's an insta-recommend site
Brand new, and added to the bartcop.com links
Use IE, not Netscape
...a totally false story that did not happen.
It's made up, like a Maureen Dowd accusation.
"Because he doesn't want to set the record
for being on vacation longer
than any other president in history,
Bush is announced this week that he is
ending his month long vacation
three days early. He is coming back August 31st.
August 31st is the Friday before
Labor Day weekend. So he is coming back to work
on Friday, what knock off early,
maybe 2, 2:30 then go to Camp David for some R&R."
—Jay Leno
The snot-nosed little rich kid never worked a day in his life.
Even when he was in the National Guard, he took two years
He doesn't even know what a job is...
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.