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Carbon monoxide, diesel exhaust from a bus,
kids with their screeching boom boxes,
horns honking, sirens blaring
but not at Northern Air Lodge
Sam Perry knows a fraud when he sees one
Today, right-wing media personalities,
such as Rush Limbaugh, and major news outlets,
such as the Fox News Channel, give conservatives
platforms for getting out the Right's
message – and their version of reality
– to the voters, day in and day out.
Limbaugh recently signed an eight-year,
$200 million contract to continue his daily program.
The progressives and the liberals have
nothing even remotely similar.
Oh, ...we really need a natioonally syndicated BartCop Radio Show.
Who paid for that quarter million in fireworks?
The group also questioned the Bush Administration's
motives in awarding the contract
for the display to Zambelli Fireworks Internationale.
George Zambelli, the head of the
company, gave a $2,000
individual contribution to George W. Bush's presidential
campaign last year, according to federal campaign
finance data.
While it may not seem like much, this is a pretty
good return
on Mr. Zambelli's investment if taxpayers footed
the bill.
The Bush Family Evil Empire is just like Hyman Roth.
They always make money for their partners.
Put in $2000, you get $250,000 back.
That's almost as good a deal as the oil companies got.
Do you know
what L.B.J. stands for?
I'll bet you don't.
Here's a picture for you.
There's President Fox, and pResident Weak & Stupid.
Below Weak & Stupid is Clint Eastwood, and blowing Fox is....
Laura - what are you doing??????
So that's what L.B.J. stands for?
No wonder those tramp daughters are so wild.
"Democrats punish achievement, that's
what they stand for.
Why do you think they don't like
Clarence Thomas?
It's because he got to the top
of his game without the help of big government."
--The vulgar lying Pigboy, first hour
But, Rush, ...Clarence was APPOINTED to fulfull a QUOTA.
That's against everything you CLAIM you stand for.
Plus, he would never have been on the list if not for Affirmative
which he helped to kill the minute he was thru benefitting from
That's why we think he's a mean-spirited phoney and a fraud.
When's the last time you told the truth, Rush?
Great column.
by David Podvin at makethemaccountable.com
Bush has gotten away with the greatest
fraud in American history.
The so-called opposition party has done
nothing to either stop him
or to make him pay for his crime. There
has been no deterrence provided
that would cause him to hesitate before
pushing the envelope in the future.
If George W. Bush announces that he is canceling
the 2004 presidential election,
then who will stop him?
Rush Limbaugh? Ann Coulter? Strom Thurmond? Tom DeLay?
Here's what we think about your right to vote.
at White House
When I saw the headline, I thought the New York Whore Times was actually
writing a
factual account of the Failure In Thief, and how he stole
his way into power, ...but no.
They continue to prop up and protect the illegitimate fraud.
From: joeb@buckeyeinet.com
Subject: What a Joke!!!
Morning Bart,
Bart, Smirk zoomed in and out of Toledo and did
not talk to any local press.
The people who saw him were hand picked.
That place he went to, he cut the funding by 25
per cent.
That was why he did not talk to local press -
what a wimp.
Oh, liked that response to Dick Gephardt. You
have a way with words Bart, but oh so true.
Our health insurance is going up again.
Christ, I pay over 40$ a week right now.
What a bunch of Shit!!!!!!!
Joe, good note, but it could've come from any city in America.
The unelected fraud can't mingle with the public because he's hated
by them.
He can't talk to the press, local or in Washington, because he's a moron.
If someone asks a question that's not on Dick's answer sheet,
Smirk has to say, "Can't hear you,"
just like Red-Ink Reagan did in the 80's
That's how Sam Donaldson got his reputation for screaming, because Reagan
would lie
about not being able to hear Donaldson, so Donaldson spoke loud enough
to wake the dead.
They are thieves, liars and frauds who stole their way into power with help from a crooked court.
Oh, Koresh, I need a radio show in a big city.
Scalia Speech At Hofstra Law Facing Protest
A protest is brewing over Antonin Scalia's scheduled
appearance at Hofstra University
Law School's legal-ethics conference Sunday,
with a group promising an opposition rally
outside the conference site as the justice speaks
"What we're objecting to," said Michael
D'Innocenzo, a Hofstra history professor and one
of the protest organizers, "is Scalia's appearance
at an ethics conference in light of his
participation in the high court's majority
opinion stopping the presidential vote
recount in Florida that effectively handed
the presidency to George W. Bush."
Whore Writes Book
Says Clinton
"Incoherent" In Final Days
Barbara Olson's explosive new book isn't out in
bookstores yet,
but details of her "Final Days" are already starting
to leak out.
Is it called "Finals Days," so she can say, "just like Nixon," a thousand times?
Olson is one of Washington's most well connected
attorneys. Her husband, Ted Olson,
is Solicitor General of the U.S. Her "inside"
White House sources will, no doubt, be impeccable.
Sure, she has connections to the current White House,
but they weren't there for Clinton's last days, right?
Olson will claim that Clinton and his wife acted
like fleeing dictators,
racing against a time clock in losing their kingdom;
they tried to loot the presidential palace before
they choppered out.
ha ha
Why not say, "racing like OJ trying to beat
the limo to his home?"
That way, you could say, "just like OJ."
Besides, that whole "looted the White House"
was discredited months ago
by the National Park Service, who's in charge of that kind of stuff.
If people didn't claim the gift on their taxes, it was rightfully the
Clinton's property.
Of course, the truth only got a paragraph on page 17D.
Olson reportedly describes Clinton as looking "bleary-eyed" in his last days.
I heard he stayed up late at night, savoring America's last moments as a democracy.
Staff found him to be "incoherent" as he roamed the mansion's corridors.
ha ha
I find Bucky Olson to be a untrustworthy whore who blows clowns for
free french fries.
Hillary acted more like a Byzantine queen while
making her departure and
Olson claims the duo looted the White House to
the tune of $190,000 in gifts.
Olson claims that months before leaving the White
House, the Clintons transferred
government property out to Arkansas --
including 70 priceless museum pieces.
Well, sure, nobody's going to buy her book unless she makes outrageous charges.
...and if she'll blow a plastic clown for french fries, no telling what
she'll do
to get a big advance from a Clinton-hating scumbag publisher.
"'Dear customs officer, thanks for breaking
my f*cking balls.'"
--The Soprano's "Big Pussy" on an autograph for
customs agents who
busted him for not declaring his
Cuban cigars. What "Big Pussy" forgot
was only the Royal Bush Family
is allowed to commit customs crimes.
More at in
Alex's ShoBiz report, along with much more.
by Isaac Peterson
A Democrat
speaks out, finally
by the Last Honest Reporter
Senator Bryan Dorgan, (D-Dakota) on Late
Edition had the balls to say
that the Budget Debate is a "Matter
of Character and Honesty."
He couldn't be more right. Will the
GOP be Honest about the numbers
and do they have the Character to admit
they caused the problem?
We should take a poll:
Will the GOP be honest about the Budget numbers?
Be Honest ________
Lie ___x_____
Will the GOP take responsibility for the Economy?
Take Responsibility _______
Blame Someone Else ___x____
Music Awards
I saw there are a couple of write ups at
but I have my own opinions.
To start, I like Jamie Foxx OK, but last night he was unfunny
and vulgar.
Some of you think I use bad language? Nope, I work clean.
Last night, using only words you can say on TV, Foxx was vulgar
and an embarrassment.
He was worse than those two Wayans brothers last year.
Why does MTV think vulgar = hip?
J-Lo came out wearing a cute outfit,
but the song was so boring
I almost fell asleep.
Earlier this year, she had the top album & top movie - it
was J-Lo week.
...but I think her 15 minutes are fading.
Destiny's Child presented an award in outfits that made it look
they were three black Heidi's thrown off the set of The Sound
of Music.
The Aaliyah tribute was handled with good taste, (when was the
last time MTV
did something in good taste?) at least until her brother said
"Her music will live on thru me."
Gee, Dude, is this the very best time for you to promote your
new album?
This wasn't meant to be funny, but the last speaker said we need
to remember the others who died
with Aaliyah, and then he read nine names, which reminded me
that the airline company claimed
they were contracted to pick up five people, not nine,
and that apparently caused the crash.
I hate to say something good about Justin whats-his-name, but
N-Synch was the next group to
have a microphone, and Justin said something about "celebrate
the gift of life," trying to breathe
some energy back into the stalled evening. His message did nothing
for me - I'm balanced,
but there's a lot of death-worshipping kids out there who might've
needed that.
Linkin Park showed up late, and didn't have time to change into
their stage clothes,
but they went on in their street clothes, poor guys.
Christopher Walken seemed more stoned than usual. He came
out and said,
"I was supposed to say a bunch of stuff,
but I don't wanna, ...so here's N-Sync."
As N-Sync finished their song, some white guy showed up.
He didn't dance that bad for a white guy, but he's no Chris Walken.
Not sure why, but Michael Jordan sang a song - off key.
What was he doing there?
Who told him he could sing?
Then Justin came up again.
Repeat - I do not like saying nice things about him, but when
they won the first award,
he said, "Fatboy Slim was robbed," which
is the right thing (and true) to say.
The second time they won an award, he said, "U2
was robbed," which was also true.
The kid may have a future in poltics after his voice changes.
Staind was there, and was so unimpressive I didn't write anything down.
Then Britney the Stipper came out - holding Gennifer Flower's
snake Sparky.
I don't understand the snake thing.
Britney didn't invent the snake-sex connection, but I've never
gotten it.
She's there to sell sex, and speaking for all men, when
you have sex on your mind,
you don't want to have anything nearby that bites. Nothing.
Christ, you might as well have a barking Doberman.
I speak for all men when I say that. Biting =
bad, ...no execptions, but somebody, probably
somebody really old, remembers Gypsy Rose Lee doing this in the
thirties, and wants to go back.
Is there some wacko-religio-reason that makes a snake sexy?
Is Britney handling the evil serpent from Eden on that stage?
<time out, need a quick shower>
U2 had a more-brief-than-usual career retrospective, which was
shitty of MTV, then they went
to a damn commercial when the band started playing. When they
came back, Bono apologized
like it was their fault, but later said, "MTV
didn't pay their light bill."
They played a truncated Elevation and Moment, which
was a disappointment.
Since this was a career moment, they should've played End
of the World, their best song ever,
or they could've done Pride, with a giant picture of MLK
to teach them damn kids something,
but hey, they forgot to call and get my opinion...
Then they received their "Michael Jackson Vanguard Award,"
(remember after he got caught
screwing with those little boys, they changed it to "Vanguard
Award?" I missed where MJ
was exonerated and got his good name back - when did that happen?)
so they changed it back
to "Michael Jackson Vanguard Award," for this year.
As they accepted the award, they asked The Ramones to come out
and take a bow,
saying without The Ramones there wouldn't be a U2.
I thought it was a classy move.
...and then Kid Rock came out, yakking about how he's banging Pamela Anderson.
Geez, Pam, Kid Rock is the best you can do?
I think Tommy the tattooed, wife-beating heroin addict would
be a better father.
To close the show, Mick Jagger came out loooking rather healthy.
Good for Mick.
All in all, it was a mostly wasted evening, but nothing else was on.
"We've become a nation that despises
That's why we elevate women who
murder their kids."
-- Laura the Unloved, just now, 11:10 AM CST
in K-Drag
Laura, you lying whore.
What a disgusting and untrue thing to say to whore for more money.
You're just about the most ignorant slut in America, you know
Nobody in America wants to elevate baby killers.
That's just your whore way of making money - claiming that.
We just happen to think what Andrea Yates did was insane,
and you, with your religio-fraud, money-grubbing motives disagree.
Laura, say it: "I'm just an evil whore," go ahead, say it...
Anne Heche
I can't speak for gay people, but I was a little outraged by statements
by Anne Heche this week, trying to promote her book.
I didn't see the Bawa Wawa interview. I try to avoid her.
But apparently Anne said she was only gay when she was insane.
You see, if reports are accurate, sexual abuse and insanity are
the roads to being gay.
And since she now considers herself sane, ...well, ...she's not
gay anymore.
In a way, it's not a bad bit of strategery, if you don't mind
going from being a poster girl
for lesbian couple to trashing every gay person on the planet.
"The reason I stumbled around northern
California wearing only a bra on top while
in a drug-induced stupor,
going door-to-door asking where the mother ship was located
is because I used
to be crazy and gay and I was just coming out of it."
Gee, Anne, thanks for supporting the gay community.
From: vanceeverson@pcc.net
Subject: Re: the biggest lie in history and rescinding the tax cut
this is in regard to pigboy's perpetually
claiming that lowering the amount of an increase
in funding is not a cut(despite the fact
that budgets have already been drawn up based
on the full increase). using that same
logic, if the back-ended parts of the tax bill that have
not yet been implemented, like the abolition
of the estate tax, or the lowering of the top rates,
were to be rescinded, how could it be called
a tax increase?
but if the suggestion is made, that's exactly
what he calls it.
i guess my mistake was in trying to apply
logic to the guy who used
his unemployment check to pay someone else
to mow his lawn.
Vance, good thinking
When the Dems take the House in 2003, they can unravel
that unfair tax cut for the super rich.
When Pigboy squeels about it, we'll just explain to him that
not a cut,
we're just giving you less of an increase in the tax
rates than he wanted."
ha ha
U.S. Jobless
Rate Jumps to 4-Year High in August
A total failure, just like his Daddy and Uncle Red-Ink
At this hour, the Dow is down to 9725, and
NASDAQ is at 1700.
They usually go up with bad unemployment news.
When Clinton was president, the Dow was at 11,500
Nasdaq was at 4,000
We could've continued the progress, but almost half the voters wanted
new direction,"
so the crooked court overruled the voters and gave it to never-worked-a-day-in-his-life.
Do you need any voice work?
That's Art Hadley from http://arthadley.com/
So if you need any voice work, Art's your man.
From: hermans@prodigy.net
Subject: Miss Levy
Isn't it possible that Miss Levy was thrown into
the ocean with a sinker tied around her body?
Or if she wanted to commit suicide she could
have done it without any help---just jump off a pier.
A good reason why no evidence is available as to her whereabouts.
Herman, true, there's no telling where Condit dumped her body.
If he's innocent, why does he act so damn guilty?
I doubt the suicide, tho...
When you jump off a pier, your body shows up the next day or two.
You saw how Paulie and Silvio got rid of Big Pussy?
You go out several miles, then you use weights.
That way they don't come back.
Dave's Top Ten from last night:
Top Ten Mexican Nicknames For George W. Bush
10. Guacamoron
9. Loco en el Coco
8. El Otro White Meat
7. Tex-Mess
6. Bandito de la Eleccion
5. El Dorque
4. Los Er
3. No Habla Ingles
2. Adios In 2004
1. Senorita Cheney
Thanks to Alex
From: pamgreen@cac.net
Subject: The Tequila Recession
Let's see....
1. More and more
people are reading Bartcop.com and learning to enjoy fine tequila.
2. The bastard
king is parading around the country with the President of Mexico on his
3. Suddenly there's
a shortage of agave; thus a shortage of real Tequila.
Coincidence? I think not. Someone
at the White House is reading
Bartcop.com and ratting us out.
Pam, I hadn't thought of that till you mentioned it,
but since Hardon Kenny had bartcop.com in his files,
maybe the White House has a file, too.
Hey, Smirk!
Come get me!
Time for some OUTRAGE
From: quahog@hotmail.com
Subject: Forget about surrounding the White House
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Team Smirk
has anticipated the massive protests
set to hit DC later this month, and is surrounding
not just the White House, but most of
central Washington with fencing topped with razor
We're talking 220 acres of enclosed compound
here, at a cost of over $2 million.
I guess DC is not a First Amendment Zone.
That son of a bitch...
When The Secret Service recommended concrete pylons installed to prevent
TRUCK BOMBS from blowing up the White House, Pigboy and the GOP frauds
said he was
doing this to declare himself KING, and they screamed at the outrage.
Now, Smirk is installing razor
wire to prevent the democracy-loving citizens
showing their disgust at the theft Smirk and his supreme whores pulled
off last December?
NOW is the time to be outraged
This isn't abour stopping terrorism.
This is about shutting down the opinions of the voeters.
Where is the media?
They've gone to sleep - to protect and prop up the illegal Failure in Thief.
And the GOP frauds will forget the Clinton comparison. Clinton tried
to supress McVeigh-type
truck bombs, but Smirk is supressing freedom of speech and freedom
of assembly.
If I had a radio show, I'd hammer that illegal son of a bitch.
If I had a radio show, I'd pound that illegal son of a bitch.
If I had a radio show, I wouldn't let him get away with this.
I need a radio show in a big city - with syndication.
It's not abour money or fame, either.
I'll do the first year for $75K plus expenses.
Somewhere out there, there's gotta be a syndicator who believes in fairness.
Somewhere out there, there's gotta be a syndicator who believes in
Somewhere out there, there's gotta be a syndicator who believes that
all radio
commentators don't have to be reading RNC faxes every day, non-stop.
First we lost the right to elect our president.
Now we're losing freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
It's in the U.S. Constitution - if that document still means anything...
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.