Take the vulgar Pigboy - please.
He's so easy to take apart because he'll
tell you how Clinton doesn't care,
but then he'll try to explain how Smirk
does care, and looks triple-stupid doing it.
But when you hate everybody, you're
on pretty safe ground, right?
The only person worse than Bush is Clinton,
and the only person worse than Clinton
is Bush.
He has no point of view, no answers, no
heroes and he has no soul.
He just wants to whine and complain and
I'm also going to admit up-front that I
don't have the research time or facilities
that Hitchens has, so I can only respond
with what I know.
Powell's Secret Coup
The coronation of Colin Powell will
probably not be interrupted by any
of the specific questions about
his mediocre and sometimes sinister past
that were so well phrased by David
Corn ["Questions for Powell,"
January 8/15]. The political correctness
of the nomination, in both its
"rainbow" and "bipartisan" aspects,
will see to that. Powell has often
defined himself as "a fiscal conservative
and a social liberal," which also
happens to be the core identity
of the Washington press corps. Set
against this, what is the odd war
crime, or cover-up of same, or
deception of a gullible Congress?
Time to move on.
To move on, to be exact, to the militarization
of the State Department and the triumph of the
military over civilian control.
The most important moment in Powell's career as a Republican
came in the first months of the
first Clinton Administration, when he organized and led a
political mutiny against the Commander
in Chief and saw the mutiny succeed. It's "legacy"
time, so everybody feels entitled
to be stupidly lenient, but no consideration of Clinton as a
President is complete until we take
the full measure of his surrender on this critical point.
He was elected, you may remember,
having promised
to lift the ban on homosexuals serving
in the military
and having promised to lift the
embargo on the supply
of arms to Bosnia. Nor were these
mere "fine print"
promises: The first had been front
and center in his
fundraising and campaigning, and
the second had
involved comparisons with the Final
Solution, of the
sort that can't easily be taken
back. Within a few
months of his swearing the oath
that he was to break
in so many ways, Clinton receded
from both these
pledges. In both instances, he caved
in to a political
revolt orchestrated by the Chairman
of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. Could I put you
to the trouble of
rereading that brief last sentence?
The first cold war
presidency began with Harry Truman
putting the
military in its constitutional place
on matters foreign
and domestic, firing Gen. Douglas
MacArthur for trying to run a private war in Korea and
telling the armed forces to desegregate
and to do it right away. The first post-cold war
presidency began with an abject
surrender to the brass, on the treatment of an unpopular
minority and on an important foreign
policy question. The comparison is even more appalling
when you remember that Truman did
not base his two best decisions on election pledges.
Colin Powell would not have been
able to enjoy his long career as a butt-kisser and
timeserver had Truman not told the
Joint Chiefs to obey orders and desegregate. However,
weeks after Clinton was elected
and eight days before he was inaugurated, Powell appeared
before the Naval Academy and enjoined
his audience to consider resigning if they opposed
an end to the ban on gays in the
military. Not long before that, he had written and signed an
Op-Ed in the New York Times flatly
opposing military intervention in the Balkans (at least on
the Bosnian side; the existing arms
embargo already favored Milosevic and Tudjman).
Clinton, of course, could not buckle
fast enough. He allowed himself--and his pathetic
Defense Secretary, Les Aspin--to
be humiliated in public on visits to United States warships
[see "Minority Report," April 12,
1993]. He left the Bosnians at the mercy of Milosevic for
two crucial years. He allowed the
USS Harlan County to be scared away from Haiti by a
handful of CIA-financed goons. And
he came up with the contemptible policy of "don't ask,
don't tell," where the police questioning
and invigilation and intimidation still went on--even
increased--and where volunteer servicemen
and -women were told their only hope lay in
Not even this was enough to satisfy
Powell. On the day of his retirement as Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs, he was humbly asked
by Clinton what he thought of Aspin, and Powell replied
that the poor sap had forfeited
the confidence of the armed forces. The President, Powell
calmly said, might want to consider
replacing him. No sooner suggested than done. This
would qualify as gross insubordination
in any self-respecting democracy (Powell should not
have been asked; neither should
he have told), but remember who the President was. It was
a little afterward that Clinton
decided to ignore all reports of what was impending in Rwanda
and to employ the US veto at the
UN to forestall any pre-emptive action. This, too, was done
to gratify the reactionary and military
noninterventionists. (The disgrace was compounded by
Clinton's diplomatic support for
the later French intervention, on the side of their client
Rwandan murderers.)
Now we enter upon a moment when a
gigantic decision has to be made about the
building of a suicidally dangerous
and stupid "National Missile Defense" system. And
the State Department, which has
the job of overseeing the numerous arms-control
treaties to which the United States
is a signatory, has been annexed by a former professional
military man with a long record
of shady politicization of the armed forces and their role. The
selling of Star Wars will be a great
deal easier with such a man at Foggy Bottom and with
the press and Congress already predisposed
to eat out of his "inclusive" palm and lick his
highly polished "inclusive" boots.
This is actually the continuation of Clintonism by other
means, a banana republic garnished
with identity politics. (If Toni Morrison and Arthur Miller
could be induced to fawn and coo
about "our first black President," what can they say about
our first black Caesar?)
This is the last column of mine that
will appear in the Clinton era. Eight years ago, I
concluded that the man was a pathological
liar, filthy about women, corrupt about money,
desperate to please authority, a
serf alike to powerful interests and to opinion polls. His
legacy is "managed competition,"
"don't ask, don't tell" and "faith-based" care for the losers.
He didn't mean it about the era
of big government being "over," as Powell and others are
about to demonstrate, using his
same selective principles. It's been a nasty interlude between
the Bushes. The incurables among
you can now set to work, to make Bush seem a dismal
interlude between two wonderful