Now I know you have been a staunch supporter
of Congressman McKinney, so this isn't meant
as a rant or attack - just a reminder to
do more (as if you didn't have enough to do blah-blah-blah).
Do more what?
You want me to link to Toni Morrison?
Does she write a weekly column?
If so, send it to me. If it's a fun read, I'll print it.
And please quit with the Bono kiss-up. After
September 11, this is the guy who said disparaging
of rock and roll: "...the sort of suburban
angst that has been such a big part of rock lately (lately?)
seem like something pretty small -- the
guy who is saying, 'I'm so angry with the world that I'm
going to hurt myself.' It's enough to make
you laugh."
Tell you what - why don't we each pick our own tastes in music.
That generally works better.
I guess Bono means he should embody all
that is rock and roll, sort of
like Bush who thinks he should embody all
that is America.
If you don't like Bono, don't buy his CDs.
That angst Bono was so quick to dismiss
is a core of resistance to Bush et al. It is the path to
subversion and it certainly leads to better
music than that of U2. It is your beloved Garbage.
Though my music is more urban beat, like
my faves Lauryn Hill, or the rock/blues group
Indigenous or even Ben Harper, they write
and express their angst - the personal is political.
Bono's little trips with the Bush administration
may seem like he's playing them for all they're worth,
but evil empires don't give anything away
for free, nor do they have sudden conversions along the road.
...and if Bono pulls this off?
If O'Neill goes back to Bush and recommends
cancelling some major debt,
will you give him credit for that? Or just
change the reason you don't like him?
Forgive the debt?
In Bono's jeans (I mean dreams).
Best regards,
Sara T.
(of the Cree Nation)
Y'know, you opened with "Don't be so white," then you attacked
a man who's doing
the most of anybody in music and then mock his attempt to lighten
the debt of poor nations.
Rush feels the same way about Bono that you do.
Fine, this is America.
Maybe you're just one of those bad first-impression people, but
I'm glad we're
not in the first twenty minutes of a cross country trip in a
small car
Maybe on a different day you would've written a different letter.