We had to take a last-minute run to Arkansas this morning,
so the treehouse will be dark until tomorrow, but I have something
for you:
From: juliehiattsteele@bartcop.com
Dear Bartcop et al,
This is one of those "magical moments" for me.
You cannot begin to imagine how much I have looked
forward to writing a HUGE THANK YOU
to all of you or how much I am looking forward
to writing for Bartcop on a regular basis.
And, look at me! I am online, using a computer
that has not been hit by a storm, and it works!
Actually, do not look at me, I am the haggard
one with circles under my eyes that say nearly
as much about the "Ground Hog Day" move from
Arsenal Drive as I am able to verbally recount.
"DAYS?" Make that WEEKS of misery!
I thought my heart would break at the beginning of
"the move from Hell" but your letters, financial
assistance, and Bartcop's generosity made a difference
that meant everything to me. The move that began
prematurely with ten minutes notice from
moving company no. one commenced on July 17.
We said goodbye to group no. four on Sept. 11.
Our belongings, for the most part, can be classified
as "lost, stolen, or strayed."
If it had any value it is broken or gone.
I guess they forgot that you probably don't want to place
crystal glasses in the bottom of a box without
paper wrapping and then drop a broken printer in on top.
I realize that paper should be conserved, I just
did not understand how important it was to wrap
all of the stainless steel flatware individually!
You will be glad to know that it got here just fine.
Unfortunately I did not want it here, nor did
I want most of what was hauled here by the movers.
Who knows what is in storage, I would like to
think they got things backwards, but based on
what I know "disappeared," I think they had different
My realtor had different priorities as well. She
could not tell me often enough that she had
an obligation to the buyer. I never figured
out who had an obligation to me in this fiasco.
The good news is that we avoided foreclosure
with 10 minutes to spare. The bizzarre news is that
the foreclosure attys. and the mortgage service
provider did more to help than the "Home Team!"
On the other hand, I continue to be threatened
that if I don't make my Sept. payment
I am going back in to foreclosure!!!.....
I thank you for reminding us that we were not
as alone as the OIC had wanted us to be.
They were successful in Richmond, people were
afraid of us to the end.
They were not convinced "it was over" and did
not want to tangle with the OIC.
In a very real sense it is not over, my presecution
and trial were not events that occured in a vacuum.
The leap from Federal Court to the Supreme Court
should not have been as stunning as it felt at the time.
A political process replaced Justice and Democracy
each time.
We did not go to trial because it was believed
that I had done anything wrong
or because the OIC wanted to find the the truth,
They don't want you to know... And we certainly
did not vote last November to have our voices heard.
The Supreme Court appointed the President for
us. I will tell you that I felt much better today
when I caught an interview with George I and
got to hear him tell us how proud he is of Jr.
One basis for pride came from W's focus during
the present crisis.
Sr. said that W has really stayed focused and
how proud that made him feel of his son.
Adam's teacher said the exact same thing about
him on his first day at the new school.
Adam is eleven years old and focus on anything
for long is noteworthy, but the President?
We are to share in the family's pride because
their grown son, the President of this country, is FOCUSED?
... More soon, I am exhausted and still trying
to get settled. We are in a rented apt. for the winter.
The price and timing were right and I now have
an opportunity to really think about a more permanent move next June.
Suggestions welcome anytime!
Meanwhile please stay in touch, you have meant
everything to us.
Thank you,
Julie's regular column will start very soon.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.