Hey Bart,
You asked about Rush's position on global warming.
It's the same as his position on everything else:
lie, lie, lie.
Like me, you may have had the misfortune of tuning
into Rush's show Wednesday.
Once again, he stated that the Senate had voted
95-0 against the Kyoto Protocol.
I guess he got this one from Bush himself, who,
back in March 2001, said,
"The Senate's vote, 95-0, shows that there is
a clear consensus that the Kyoto Protocol
is an unfair and ineffective means of addressing
global climate change concerns."
This is yet another lie put forward by Bush himself and all of his Rush-like sycophants.
Even using Rush's own twisted logic, a 95-0 vote
makes no sense: how in the world is it
possible that a Senate full of folks supported
by what Rush calls "environmental wackos"
couldn't even muster one vote in favor of Kyoto?
Answer - it couldn't, because this was never a
vote about ratifying the Protocol.
This vote took place on July 25, 1997. The conference
of nations that negotiated
the Kyoto Protocol wasn't until December of 1997.
What the Senate voted on was the non-binding Byrd-Hagel
resolution, which said the
Senate wanted the Protocol to reduce emissions
in developing nations as well as
industrialized ones, and that the Protocol shouldn't
cause severe harm to the US economy.
See, Rush, the Senate thought it was a good idea
to express their opinion before
the Protocol was negotiated, then send our representatives
out to get us the best deal.
Which they did.
The fact is, the Kyoto Protocol has NEVER been
put before the Senate for ratification.
And it doesn't exempt developing countries, and
it wouldn't hurt our economy:
America's Truth Detector, huh? Seems like the
worst greenhouse gas emissions
are coming from Rush's studio.
Mark W.