Subject: anti-semetic or just plain wrong?

I've been completely appalled at those that call you anti-Semitic, but your response to David T.
showed that even though you're not racist, you really don't get it (and don't call me blinded by
religious insanity, I don't particularly believe in any religion).

I'm looking forward to watching you build your case.

Bigotry is not to be dealt with by moving.  Although, yes, if it's really ugly and there is violence around,
getting out of the way is the smart thing to do.  But, in effect, what you are promoting is segregation.

Moving away from the crazies with knives is segregation?
Is it wrong to segregate violent crazies behind bars, too?

Go live with your own kind and let the people that hate you simmer in their hate with no one around to focus it on.

You can't mean that.
You're saying Jews should live with the crazies with the knives so the crazies
will have someone, in this case a 12 year-old girl, to focus their hate on?

What does that fix?

What it fixes is people who agree with me are safe and non-scarred.

Yes, your daughter is not mutilated, but Bart, some people can't afford to move.
Some people have nowhere else to go.

If we're talking about Israel, we give them (guessing) $6-$10 billion a year.
In ten years we'll give them, say, $80 billion. In 20 years that'll be $160 billion.
My so-simple-it-can't-work ten year plan has to be cheaper than that and as
an added bonus, under my plan nobody dies - that's gotta be worth something.

No more 9-11s,
no more 840 dead US soldiers,
no more aircraft carriers in the Gulf of Arabia,
no more attacks on the USS Cole
we're not isolated from the whole world,
...there's a dozen reasons why ending the violence is good.

I don't know the financial status of Glaser's 12 year old girl's family.

Moving doesn't solve the real problem of hate and violence.

Nothing will ever solve the problem of hate and violence,
so moving away from it sounds like a good idea to me.

And that, I believe, is what people are getting on you for.
You are giving a simplistic and unrealistic solution to a very complex problem.
And while moving might save one person or ten, it doesn't solve the problem.

Nothing will ever solve the problem of hate and violence.
The religious crazies will teach each new generation to hate.

Remember?  We're the liberals.
We're the ones that want to help society as a whole, not just make things okay
for me and my family and screw you and yours.

Please stop being so narrow minded on this one, you're losing credibility.
A subscriber

Just like with Tillman, this will cost me a lot more than credibility.
And funny - when we disagree, it's because I'm narrow-minded and I don't get it,

It's not even possible that I'm right?
I'm 100 percent, rock-iron hard, dead-to-rights, guaranteed wrong for sure?

Hey bart,

If it's so easy to pick up and move from where you've lived all of your life,
why not move to another state yourself?  Even better, since you (and I)
hate Bush so much, why not move to Canada?

See, but we don't want to.
We want to stand our ground, and make our home country better -- by getting Bush out.
That's patriotism, right?

So, what's wrong with patriotic French Jews who want to make sure that the France
that they love stays a great country, which doesn't tolerate antisemitism?
What's so different about those two things?

And what part of "I don't want to let anyone kick me out of my country" don't you understand?
These people are Frenchmen, Bart, even if they are Jews.  They are French.
They should not have to leave their country, just because some bullies moved in.
And the same thing could *easily* happen in Oklahoma.

Take care bart,


I think it's a mistake to force a 12 year-old girl to the battle front.

You and I might choose to stay and fight, but would you really put your kids
on an Israeli bus and gamble that they made it to school alive?

And what part of "I don't want to let anyone kick me out of my country" don't you understand?

I might be the only one who thinks this way, but I'd rather see my kids grow up to be adults
than gamble on trying to change the minds of tens of millions of religiously insane knife carvers.

"Killing Isaac's kids will get you 72 virgins," doesn't scare you?

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