"The flag-waving that began as a heartwarming
reminder that we're
all in this together had turned
ugly. It breaks my heart to see Old Glory
wielded as a weapon to promote
partisan GOP politics while other voices
are told to shut up. Shutting
up is fundamentally un-American."
-- Ted Rall, web toonist
US anthrax scare:
Why the
silence on right-wing terrorism?
By Patrick Martin
The media, with the tacit encouragement
of the Bush administration and congressional leaders,
encourages the notion that the anthrax
attacks represent a second wave of Middle East-based terrorism,
There are sporadic attempts to link the
anthrax mailings to the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein, although
none of the evidence so far made public
substantiates such suspicions. On the contrary, the circumstances
surrounding the anthrax attacks—the method
employed, the targets chosen, previous experience
—suggest that homegrown American fascists
are the perpetrators.
House Zealots
Block Anti-Terror Efforts
by Joe Conason
Whenever an obscure professor complains
about the war against the Taliban, an alarm is sounded
from certain quarters about the enemy within,
the supposed disloyalty of academics and the uncertain
patriotism of anybody who lacks enthusiasm
for military action. But citizens peaceably exercising their
right to dissent—no matter how mistaken—are
no menace to national security.
The real menace is posed by some of the
country’s most powerful politicians, who remain enthralled
by a defunct ideology and engorged with
corporate campaign contributions.
From: RG
Subject: First ladies
Regarding Hillary's team going 35 MPH,
Remember Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed
her boyfriend.
RG, good point.
When Pickles ran somebody over, she did more than just hurt their shoulder.
Do you know she didn't even get a ticket for running that stop sign
and causing the death of her fiance?
True of False Quiz
1. Yesterday, this guy calls Rush and asks
him if he knew that Hedy Lamarr
invented or developed the
basis for what became modern day sonar.
Rush, who seems to be VERY deaf, and VERY quickly,
kept saying he couldn't hear
but he started giggling that this guy was
trying to get him to bite that Hedy Lamarr had
anything to do with England developing radar
in the early days of WWII.
Answer - Hedy Lamarr - true
Several people wrote with documentation
on this and several more wrote
to guarantee it was a stupid rumor that only an idiot could believe.
2. A buxom Hollywood bimbo invented or developed
the idea for cell phones.
I mean, why would a cowboy in a fifties
western need a cell phone?
Answer - Uncertain.
Several people wrote saying Hedy (that's Hedley!) also was involved
and they sent documentation,
but I recall a completely different story.
The story I heard involved some Jayne Mansfield/Jane Russell-type who
in a western with (possibly) Gene Autrey. The way I heard it, they
were filming a
runaway stagecoach scene for a movie in the California desert and there
was no way
the sound man could get a good sound mix because the stagecoach was
moving too fast.
The buxom star of the movie had the idea to install towers that were
connected so they could each grab the audio signal as the stagecoach
sped past them,
which contributed to the development of the cell phone.
But the Lamarr story has documentation instead of a foggy memory, so
a science
and logic man just might have to go with the evidence and give it to
3. The man who perfected American bombing sights
in WWII became famous for
being on one of these TV shows - Andy Griffth,
Beverly Hillbillys, Green Acres.
Who was he?
Answer - Green Acres (Eddie Albert)
Bartcop exclusive:
Cipro Scam
Cipro? - Just follow the money.... to the GOP
by Bill Satyr
Is Harry Potter the most feminine-looking boy in the world?
Not that there's anything wrong with being extremely feminine-looking...
From: Nick Barlow Senior Chair at the bartcop.com World Desk
Subject: Just a thought...
I've just been thinking about the Bush
Family Evil Empire and
the damage they've been doing to the world over
the past seventy years.
Prescott Bush deals with Hitler thus helping to
create the biggest war in human history.
George HW Bush as CIA Director, Vice-President
and President helps to fund,
arm and train Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden
and assorted terrorists in Central
and South America (sorry - 'freedom fighters'
- they were on our side, right?)
thus helping to cause millions more deaths.
Now, this means that the Bush family and their
trading partners have been responsible for at
least four major wars - WW II, the Iran-Iraq
War, the Gulf War and the 'War on Terrorism'.
What I want to know is - which of Shrub's trading
will we be at war with in 10-20 years time?
of drinking and fun"
The Diva
Letter to Robert Parry
Idea for a story by BartCop
Robert, I have an idea for a story but I have no resources and few facts
so I thought I'd
plant the thought in your mind and maybe you could work it into one
of your columns.
Right now we are getting ZERO information from the Bush administration
about the war.
They are running the most secret military operation in memory and we're
told to "watch what we say"
to prevent helping the enemy in this time of crisis.
But does anyone remember 21 years ago this month?
The term "October Surprise" has come to reflect the secret and illegal
ways which Bill Casey and
George Bush contacted the Iranian kidnappers in 1980 and convinced
them they would get a better deal
if they waited and dealt with Reagan (the tough Cowboy) than they would
dealing with the legitimate
government of Jimmy Carter concerning the release of the hostages.
As we all know, the Iranians agreed with Casey & Bush and were rewarded
with planeloads of
sophisticated Stinger missles for going along with the illegal Casey/Bush
foreign policy initiative.
But the actual "October Surprise," was literally a surprise attack on
Iran that might have freed the
hostages without the illegal transfer of weapons to a terrorist nation.
When this possibility was heard in the Reagan/Bush camp, (this is what
remember but don't have
the resources to confirm) they became afraid that their march to power
might be interrupted so they
got word out thru the military to watch for any suspicious troops movements
or planes taking off
so they could warn the Ayatollah that an attack was coming - thus no
The way I saw it at the time, Reagan/Bush and our military were conspiring
against the legally-elected
Carter administration to doom the "October Surprise" so the hostages
could only be "saved" by
Saint Reagan months after they could've come home if the "October Surprise"
had been successful.
In this light, with what we now know, can we
be sure the helicopters that crashed weren't victims of GOP loyalty?
...but now, we're told to "watch what we say" because it might endanger the troops?
Why wasn't that good advice 21 years ago?
Thank you for your time.
If you have any comment, I'd appreciate reading it.
Or maybe you could just file the thought and it'll come in handy
next time Ari Fliescher explains the dangers of "loose lips."
From: edvoves@infi.net
Subject: say what?
My sister wrote me:
> We're in the middle of this anthrax nightmare,
everyone is afraid to open
> their mail, and Bush encourages elementary
school children to get Muslim pen pals?
Remember during the campaign, when the whores
said that with Bush in office,
the " grown ups " will take over
foreign policy.... I'm still waiting
The Death of American Spectator Magazine
The conservative magazine survived and prospered for twenty-five years
before Bill Clinton
came into its sights. Now the former President is rich and smiling,
and the Spectator is dead
ha ha
These were the scumbags who Paula Jones CLAIMS caused her to come forward
with her unfounded and unprovable nasty-ass lies about our best president
Did she sue the magazine (Spectator) that slandered someone named Paula?
Did she sue the Republican billionaire (Scaife) who financed the pack
of lies?
Did she sue the writer (David Brock) who was paid by Scaife to make
shit up?
Did she sue the trooper (Ferguson) who slandered someone named Paula?
No, she didn't, because you don't get big headlines when you sue a Republican.
The press won't report a GOP sex scandal when they have proof of one
(see Newt)
Instead, she sued our best president ever, which produced a flood of
cash and publicity
and she might've succeeded if not for the courage of Julie Hiatt
Steele and Susan McDougal.
A shot of regurgitated Cuervo for the magazine and their puppet, Paula.
From: (withheld)
Subject: What do Hallibuton and Anthrax have in common?
I was doing some reading over at NewsMax (sorry
BC, their writing is even funnier than yours)
and I read an article which quoted an ABC news
piece linking the Daschle anthrax with Iraq.
According to ABC news, the anthrax was
treated with Bentonite to keep it from clumping
which enhances its effectiveness.
Now I had never heard of bentonite, and
since I trust nothing that I see on the NewsMax site
I decided to look it up with google.
Well wouldn't you know it, the very first site
that comes up in the search list is www.bentonite.com
and when you go to that site this is what you
see right on the top of the page:
to Bentonite Performance Minerals!
a Product and Service Line of Halliburton Energy Services, Inc."
I don't know, but I think I need to make some
more tinfoil hats.
Split in Ranks:
Hears the Boos of Firefighters
Hillary wasn't the only one treated badly by
the crowd at the concert
“The Democrats were just plain outshouted.
And Lady Luck rolled the dice and gave them
the butterfly ballot, the Jews for Buchanan,
the election boards that took days off, the hired mob
to stop the Dade recount, the disenfranchised
black voters, the illegally franchised military and
absentee voters, the Bush cousin to
call the election on TV, the Bush co-chairwoman to rush it
through certification, and the Bush
brother to mastermind operation fail-safe by the Florida legislature
to certify Bush electors no matter who
won. Even in Vegas they'd be amazed by luck this rotten;
the Miami Herald's statisticians estimated
that Gore probably outpolled Bush by about 23,000 votes.
That's why it was so important for the
Republicans to stop the count.”
- Roger Ebert: Chicago Sun Times
...and now the illegal Bush Family Evil Empire
controls the world.
Thanks to Patricia Razeghi
Big win
for Terrorists
by Marc Perkel
The terrorists have won another round against America with Bush signing
the so-called
“Patriot Act” which suspends the Constitution and eliminates the very
freedoms and liberties
that define who we are as a nation. This act gives the government powers
similar to Soviet Union
style Communism - with the government reading our mail and listening
in on our phone calls.
Nixon’s Watergate break-in would be legal under this new law.
What is America if we are no longer a free nation? What is the point
in being an American?
The terrorists set out to destroy our freedom and our way of life and
they were successful.
We are no longer the free nation that our forefathers fought and died
to defend.
Our liberties are gone!
We are a nation of cowards who have signed away the freedom we inherited
the first time someone bloodied our noses.
What kind of country are we living in where signing away our freedom
is called a Patriot Act?
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.