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"Let's roll..."
-- Weak & Stupid, a cowardly wartime deserter, stealing
a line from a real hero,
delivering it with that same shit-eating
smirk that means he thinks he said something cute.
Yknow, I could learn to really dislike this guy...
So last night, I got my Strawberry pop and some popcorn and turned
the TV to NBC to prepare
to listen to President Weak & Stupid read whatever script
was handed to him by Unka Dick.
But then Friends popped up.
So I switched to the other VCR which was on CBS, and Survivor
was starting.
I figured Weak & Stupid couldn't find the studio or something,
so I went to the
Chat & Post section of bartcop.com to
see if I got the time wrong.
The posts there were making fun of the generic no-news crap he
was saying,
so I figured he spoke at 7 EDT and I missed it by an hour.
Turns out, NBC and CBS got a look at the script and said, "This
isn't news,"
and they went on with their regular programming.
So here we are, a nation at war, and Weak & Stupid has no
news for us?
The White House was billing this as "an update of our progress
in the war," and I didn't see it,
so I'm guessing Smirk said, "We are
smoking the evildoers out of their evil holes,"
and the networks thought that was even more stupid than their
crappy shows, so they didn't run it.
From: (withheld)
Subject: HOLY SHIT!
I heard it with my own ears, just now, during
the first 20 minutes (approximately minute 17) of today's show (11/9).
Rush said yesterday he had "CAC hour" (which
he pronounced "cock hour"), which stands for "Can't Avoid Clinton".
Why didn't he just say "CACC hour"? Which,
as we all know, stand for "Can't Avoid Clinton's Cock"?
Same thing.
Rush can't get thru one hour without Clinton's CAC.
He wants it so bad he can taste it.
Media recount
story set to break
First stories on Florida ballot review will run Monday
Temporarily lost in the aftermath of Sept. 11, what could be
one of the biggest news stories of the year is about to break.
Will President Weak & Stupid Wag the Dog to bury the news that he cheated?
George Bush - Nice guy or Bad Seed?
I figured something out...
Remember yesterday's quote from Helen Thomas?
> It's easy to see why President Bush wants to
keep his administration's current secrets, especially in wartime.
> But why is he trying to hide historic White
House documents of the Reagan administration that former
> President Ronald Reagan agreed in writing to
release to the public?
Reagan didn't mind those papers being shown to the public because
he wasn't aware
that Bush and Casey committed treason by fixing the election
with Islamic Jihad's help.
That's why Reagan saw no need to hide his administration's actions
- he wasn't aware of them.
Reagan probably thought he won the 1980 election fair and square.
When you think about it - it all ads up.
Reagan was the same mindless puppet that Weak & Stupid is
Reagan and Smirk both just followed their orders and read from
prepared scripts.
Reagan never had a clue that Bush was secretly plotting with
Islamic Jihad to have them hold
those 50 diplomats until the Bush Family Evil Empire could
gets their hooks into the White House.
If I'm wrong - show me where.
U.S. Will
Monitor Calls to Lawyers
Rule on Detainees Called 'Terrifying'
The Justice Department has decided to listen
in on the conversations of lawyers
with clients in federal custody, including
who have been detained but not charged
with any crime, whenever that is deemed
necessary to prevent violence or terrorism.
When the Bush Family Evil Empire gets into a power grab,
they can't have anything like the U.S. Constitution getting in
their way.
When is somebody going to stand up and say, "ENOUGH?"
From: fred@arisart.com
Subject: Your asset-freezing question
You wrote
>1) "Why is it, EIGHT weeks after the attacks on New York and the Pentagon,
> Smirk is just now getting around to
freezing assets of suspected terrorist organizations?"
>2) "If I can send e-mail to Japan and back in less than two minutes,
why couldn't Weak & Stupid
> pick up a phone and tell the Treasury or
the Fed or somebody to freeze those assets on Sept 11th?"
How 'bout,
1) Because it took until October 26th for his
daddy's business partners, the bin Laden family,
to divest themselves of their
part of the Carlyle Group?
2) Because too many Bush cronies had to hide their
cash investments in terrorism
before the Feds were turned
Ahh yes, the things that make you go hmmm,
Fred, damn good answer and it makes sense.
Everything the Bush Family Evil Empire does is done under cover.
Bush could've frozen those assets in September or October, but why
Bush & bin Laden had to split the proceeds first.
I think you're onto something.
We won't ever know the crimes he's pulling because Bush will lock up
the records
just like he did with the crimes of Reagan and his CIA daddy.
...son of a bitch.
the Attorney General the New King of the United States?
by Reggie Rivers
Were you aware that the attorney general
of the United States now has the power
to arrest someone without probable cause,
hold that person without presenting evidence,
and ultimately give that person a life
sentence without ever having a trial?
Readers of bartcop.com do, but nobody gives
a fuck.
At least, nobody with the power or balls to stand up to these
power-hungry thugs.
I got me a little comedy treehouse, but it's so small and unknown.
And another thing...
Bush "won" in 2000 because he cheated and the partisan whore court backed him up.
Clinton won in 1996 because America wanted more of Clintonomics.
Clinton won in 1992 because America preferred a dope-smoking,
draft-dodging KGB agent to that terrible, horrible bungler George
Bush won in 1988 because they had, so far, buried their felonies
with a disinterested press
and Lee Hamilton acting like a pink tutu Democrat, taking the
White House's word that
Reagan & Bush had done nothing wrong instead of doing his
goddamn job and investigating.
Reagan won in 1984 largely on the fact that Mondale was an IDIOT
who told the truth and said
he was going to raise taxes just like Reagan was going to raise
taxes. Reagan swore he wouldn't,
but, of course, he was lying and then he raised taxes once he
had won the election.
Reagan won in 1980 because Bush made a secret illegal deal with Islamic Jihad.
Ford lost in 1976 because he pardoned the evil and crooked Nixon.
Nixon won in 1972 because he had, so far, successfully buried the truth about Watergate.
Nixon won in 1968 because somebody put a bullet in the brain of Bobby Kennedy.
Johnson won in 1964 because Goldwater was too right-wing for the
(Funny how Goldwater is the ONLY Republican I ever heard
"President Clinton is my president
and I support him," proving that the hardline right-wingers
of the sixties were leftists compared to the mad dogs
who currently control the GOP)
Jack Kennedy won in 1960 because people saw Nixon's shifty eyes
on the TV debates.
So that means Dwight Eisenhower was the last Republican to legally
win the White House
without benefit of a murder or covering up a horrible series
of crimes against the United States.
...and they tell us to "get over it?"
Spook Stuff
I was invited to interview this guy for bartcop.com
but I don't know what questions to ask a renegade former CIA
...I guess we could've talked Vegas, tequila and rock music...
I don't like it when people talk about "the
New York tragedy."
It wasn't a tragedy.
To me, a tragedy is a lightning strike, ...a car wreck, ...an
New York wasn't an accident.
It was a goddamn attack!
Let's call it an attack.
..and I don't want any arguments.
When Osama
Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman
by J. Orlin Grabbe
The other man, dressed in Docker's clothing,
was not a native Afghan any more than Olberg was.
He was a 27-year-old Saudi.
Tim Osman (Ossman) has recently become
better known as Osama Bin Ladin.
"Tim Osman" was the name assigned to him
by the CIA for his tour of the U.S.
and U.S. military bases, in search of political
support and armaments.
The author says this was in the spring of 1986. Guess
who was president then?
THIS is one of the reasons why Weak & Stupid must hide the
sins of his father.
THIS is why bin Laden will be killed, not put on trial.
If bin Laden is put on trial, they'll have to show evidence
to convict him,
(unless that fuck Ashcroft has written that out of the Constitution,
but if we can't be trusted with the evidence now, we can't be
trusted then, right?
The gelding Democrats and the whore press are
Bush to keep his father's crimes hidden.
We were forced to endure every detail of Clinton's sex
life for the last 30 years,
because every goddamn Republican and pundit said "The
people have a right to know."
but the real crimes of the Bush Family Evil Empire
must be hidden and protected?
Bush Conspiracy
You getting fed up with the very ugly Bush conspiracy theories
that we want to dismiss out of hand,
because nobody wants to think the Bush Family Evil Empire
would actually condone 5,000 murders,
but how many coincidences can we afford to ignore?
I need to make a list of say, 20 questions about this Bush conspiracy
Let's just do the ones that have URLs to back them up.
Examples of stuff to get:
Did Jeb really declare martial
law in Florida just before 9-11? Why?
Did Atta's luggage REALLY fail
to make that flight? If so, why?
Bush family associates corner
market on gold - need best one-oage URL
Bush family has exclusive drilling/shipping
rights to all the oil in (Bahrain?) - need URL
One page summary of constitutional
changes by Bush since 9/11
Why did the FEMA team show up
in NY a day early?
SUMMARY of the Bush Empire
dealings with Hitler, Noriega, Saddam, bin Laden
We've all seen the URL, but how credible is
the Pakistan official who said Bush told them
we'd be invading Afghanistan in October? The
fact exists, but is it unknown or discarded?
...the list goes on, but here's my plan.
You know me - no attention span
I can't get deep into subjects, so I became a pretty good "skimmer."
I know a little bit about a whole lotta stuff, but I can't
get deep into anything.
...and I, a skimmer, can't even begin to get a grasp of this entire Bush Family Evil Empire story.
Even with people like Greg
Palast and Robert Parry
continuing to do great work,
they just don't have the resources to cover twenty stories -
deeply - at a time.
Neither do I, but if we could assemble a list of twenty (if that'll
cover it) things
that affect Bush & us that we can't get straight answers
And to narrow the scope, let's limit this to CURRENT crimes
We can do Iran-Contra later, let's figure out what's going on
If we could assemble a list of SHORT questions/charges about 20
subjects, with URLs
that list just might get sent around the internet and cause a
columnist who gets read
to ask about a few questions on the list.
In closing...
If a list was assembled, a list even Ol' BartCop could understand,
it might provide
some context in this overload of horseshit
the White House is having the media feed us.
I'm not sure about this metaphor, but things are running past
me like they did on September 11th.
There's too much information coming too fast - some true, some
false - and the Constitution is getting
some "needed in this time of war" corrective surgery and I don't
want it looking like Michael Jackson
when we finally wake up and say, "What
the hell did we allowed that bastard to do?"
If you know of something fishy about the Bush Family Evil Empire,
put your question or allegation in 20-30 words and back it up
with a URL.
and we'll run the list and add it to the Recent
Stuff list for easy locating.
You don't have to send twenty, yourself. But if you find
some Bush crimes with URLs
(back issues of bartcop.com would be a great
place to start)
Let's mount an assault on dishonesty, treason and treachery.
Let's put together 20 simple questions that need answers.
Maybe we can get a Bush official to DUCK answering some of these
From: rds1@csinet.net
Subject: NPR-Daniel Schorr-and Smirk's cover up bill !
Don't know if you listened to NPR this afternoon but.......
Yesterday's report regarding the media report on the fraudulent election that is MIA was great.....
And today's Daniel Schorr report on Smirk signing
the bill to cover up Raygun, Poppy, Scowcroft,
Powell etc, etc, etc crimes was unbelievably
great! I had the GT's 500 watts cranked up louder
than The Rain Song on the drive home just to
make sure I was actually hearing Daniel Schorr
talking about Smirk boy covering up Raygun and
Smirk Daddy's crimes!
I checked NPR site and today's piece (11-08-01)
was not yet posted but
tommorow, type in "Daniel Schorr" in the upper
right hand "SEARCH" box
and it should be posted by then.......
Hi, I'm a frog in a pink tutu.
I want to join a political party.
In which party would I fit best?
Photo by Nic in Australia
bad language alert on this one, but it's one funny sombitch
Thanks to Kai
Survivor was such a whore last night.
I prefer Friends, but she likes Survivor.
Usually we watch Friends and then I surf while she watches
the last half of Survivor.
But this week, they promised a "special,
shocking surprise," in the first 15 minutes,
so we watched that and taped Friends.
(The whole point was to screw up the viewing schedule for people
like us.
By promising the "special, shocking
surprise," in the first 15 minutes,
they've effectively ruined Friends for those without
a VCR.)
Since the sexually-repressed Republican bastards who run CBS like
to force the young girls
to put unspeakable things in their mouths for their deviant personal
sexual satisfaction,
I cringed at the thought of what the "special,
shocking surprise," might be.
All week, the promos have been tiny, one-second clips of the
girls screeching,
"Omigod," "Oh, no," "Oh, my God, no," and on and on and on.
In the past, the percerts have made those women eat live grubworms,
drink blood,
eat a chunk of a cow's esophagus and other really gross stuff,
so what's up now?
So, it turns out that the "special, shocking
surprise," was three members of one tribe
were traded to the other team for three
of their members.
Big fucking surprise.
CBS, you are such a cheating, double-dealing
That's even worse than the whore promo people at NBC, and that's
saying something.
But at least the whores at NBC deliver.
Remember the "last five shocking minutes" of West Wing
was the sudden and shocking death
of Mrs. Landingham, understated and superbly delivered by Charlie.
she's dead."
But CBS is a much worse group of whores than NBC.
I'm not going to forget this, CBS.
Dave is right - you guys are the worst whores in the business.
From: (withheld)
Subject: Prayer and Well-Being
Hi BC,
Actually, there is research that has strongly
suggested that there really is
a correlation between well-being (in the form
of health) and having people pray for you.
The evidence was published in the Journal of Health
and Social Behavior, circa 1993.
Just thought you would be interested.
No, no, no, no, no.
If you think I was stubborn on the spy plane, Casey Martin and being
a wartime hawk,
you haven't seen anything compared to my intractability on the
value of prayer.
Don't think I lost a love one after praying hard
and that's how I got this way.
Lots of people have, but I've had nothing like
that happen to me in my life.
I'll bet if I had a staff I could show you a dozen cases where people
took placebos
and got better because of the power the mind has in positive thinking
or whatever.
Besides, if prayer works, why haven't the Cubs won a World Series?
As you may recall, I think Garbage
is the best band in the world right now.
Their new CD beautifulgarbage is the best CD I've heard
since CDs came out,
but it's dropping like a rock on Billboard's
chart - now at #83.
Sure, everyone has different ideas about what's good music, but
this beautifulgarbage
is a pop album, full of catchy-ass songs that don't leave your
head after a single listen,
but it seems like nobody's heard it.
I've never heard anything from the new CD on the radio, and this
is a group that won
Grammys or MTV Awards - whatever - for "best album" on their
last outting.
Management seems to have screwed them silly. The first single
they released, Androgeny,
is a great song, but hardly the song that would hook the listener
the fastest. If I was in charge,
I would've released Untouchable
(click to hear a sample - only 90 second download).
That song has everything. (For
a full review of the CD, Click
Untouchable hooks you faster than Camel no-filters.
And I think they've only done one TV show, that was Dave and they
were on after midnight.
When the new CD came out, they played 5 gigs (with U2) and then
took off for Iceland.
How many goddamn albums can you sell in Iceland?
I have no personal stake in this, but I just hate to see the airwaves
flooded with horseshit
while a CD with great adult songs remains unheard by the
From: nuke@dcwis.com
Subject: Bartcop.com Ghost Hunt
I think the ghost hunt idea is a great one.
While you're looking for them,
there's a few ghosts I'd like to see tracked
The ghost of Liberal Activism
The ghost of the Separation of Church and State
The ghost of American Democracy
...and many more. I'm sure you get the
R.K. Thompson
RK, great idea.
I'll ask Teri if she can conjure up the ghost of the Democrat's cajones.
A shout out to our friends at http://www.portagedems.org
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need to contribute.
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- no need to contribute.
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will prevail - no need to contribute.
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It had everything.
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Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.