"Just imagine, a little black girl who grew
up in segregated schools in Birmingham, Ala., who became
provost at Stanford University. Who
became a figure skater. Who became a concert pianist. Who speaks
four languages, including Russian. But
since she is a Republican, Condoleezza Rice is not getting her due...
if Rice was working for Al Gore, then
the nation's first black national security adviser might be on posters
and on our tongues."
--Rochelle Riley, Bush
promoter, Detroit Free Press
"Just imagine, a little black girl who grew up in segregated schools
in Birmingham, Ala., who became provost
at Stanford University. Who became a figure skater. Who became
a concert pianist. Who speaks four languages,
including Russian. But since she dedicated her life to getting
oil tanker named after her, and getting a man elected
who wouldn't even call the family of a black consituent after
he was dragged to death by some good old Texas boys,
Condi cries at night about the bad, but very, very profitable
career choices she has made."
-- BartCop, bartcop.com
Ann Coulter (R-Sex with Clowns) has written a really nasty (and
probably false) story
about the Spokane airport security guards conspiring to steal
her precious K-Mart jewelry.
Oh, if only the Democrats had allowed foreign-born minimum wagers to search her, instead...
Koresh, she's a hateful bitch.
How many Olson/Coulter/Schlessinger/Schaffly/Noonan clones does the GOP have?
A lady sent me this (actually, she sent the whole dollar).
She said she didn't do it - she got this back as change.
I think I'll get me a Patrick Leahy, ...I mean a rubber stamp,
and stamp me some bills of my own.
From: jjtest@ismi.net
Subject: Your answer about Britney...
You quizzed, "Put another (and hopefully
better) way, ...why is this story
(that Britney Spears can't sing live) in the news?"
Answer: 'Cause we're gettin back to "normal".
Thank Koresh, eh?
Tons of good stuff over at today.
Bono takes on bin Laden,
Dave on Oprah,
O'Reilly sued by a John F. Kennedy,
Madonna is always up to trouble,
a Survivor review,
Will Smith as Ali,
the scoop on Mick Jagger's tom-catting around,
and the wedding of the traitor,
Judas Maximus
(I understand he got married as cover, like Rock Hudson
did) - not that all Greeks are gay.
Then there's the picture of the girl with the world's longest tongue...
Marty - how do you get so much stuff on your page - day after day?
Did you know Betty Bowers is writing speeches for Pickles?
What else do we know about the Middle East?
Well, they have a lot of genies!
The Koran (which is their Bible, only it
is more full of lies than a Bill Clinton deposition)
teaches that genies are not angels, but
demons of Satan.
So, Barbara Eden can dress in a cute little
pink midriff and seem all sweet and everything all she wants,
but it is important to remember that she
is ultimately going to entice Major Anthony Nelson to eat his young.
ha ha
Have you been to algoreisourpresident.com?
A Sammy
Hagar fan sent me a hundred dollar bill.
He ordered me to go buy a bottle of Chinaco Anejo
and a bottle of Cabo Wabo
(a dreaded reposado) that Sammy Hagar produces.
One thing I know how to do is follow orders.
He asked me to give Cabo Wabo a second chance - so I will.
That will happen later this evening, live in the bartcop.com chat room, ...unless I forget
"Last Sunday Britney Spears did a concert
in Las Vegas.
Everywhere she went people would
just stare at her – not because of how she looked,
but because no one in Las Vegas
has ever seen a virgin before."
--Jay Leno
From: Biker Trash
Bart Cop,
The quote, "There should be limits to freedom"
has brought something to mind
that I would like to share with all the good
people on your site.
I have been in touch with 'Discovery Channel'
concerning a program entitled, 'ANCIENT PROPHESIES'.
Possibly, some of the good people had seen this;
there are five segment, each discussing events in the near future.
One segment in particular was disturbing, and
I did not give it much thought until the (s)election came about.
In this segment, two US Army enlisted men decided
to play with a ouija board. Questions were posed to
the ouija, and the 'replies' caused the men to
stop their questions.
When the men were interviewed they both stated
they were frightened by the 'replies', to wit, upon asking
about elections (President Clinton had just been
elected), the ouija 'stated' George Bush is president,
and would declare Martial Law; there will
be a world war.
When 'ouija' was informed Clinton was President, ouija 'replied', year 2000.
I am a logical individual and I am involved in
legal research, so I dismissed the whole thing as bullshit.
Well, here we are, King George is in, and we
are possibly fanning World War III.
Coincidence, or did these men have access to info
and were attempting to pass it on to the public through
the 'gloom and doom' media? This would provide
them with 'plausible deniability' should they be questioned
about their actions.
Discovery informed me they will rebroadcast the
full series sometime in January;
By the way, I don't believe in ouija, nor do
I believe in 'ghosts' as you call them.
Seems the trick was knowing Junior would someday be appointed president.
But once you know that, a war and a power grab are relatively easy
to predict.
After all, they're not known as the Bush Family Evil Empire
for no reason...
Remind us when that show is rebroadcast, would you?
GW Bush
on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
by by Robert Lederman
The "conspiracy theories" Bush is referring
to similarly have three basic premises and many divergent subsets.
The first is that the attack was known about
and was allowed to take place in order to bring about
certain conditions, including the suspension
of our guaranteed civil liberties.
The second premise is that even if bin Laden
and al Queda were immediately responsible for the attack
that those supporting them are closely
connected to the Bush administration and our allies.
The third premise is that a U.S. built oil
pipeline through Afghanistan which has been in the planning stages
for more than a decade is the real goal
of the war and that a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was in the works
long before September 11th.
What makes these alternative viewpoints, "conspiracy
It certainly isn't a lack of evidence.
"If they surrender to the Northern Alliance,
we will kill them all.
They invaded Afghanistan."
-- unidentified Northern Alliance commander
The guy who sent the B-52s wants the Taliban dead so they can't
He's used to getting everything he wants.
Not sure how or why, but we got a link on...
Maybe it was the "cop" in bartcop
Military tribunals flunk test of American values
How unAmerican
are secret trials?
President Bush condemned those involved in the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as people who
"can't stand freedom; they hate our values, they
hate what America stands for."
When the president asked Congress and the nation
to "uphold the values of America,"
columnist Anthony Lewis said that would be a
fair test of Bush's own terrorism policy:
Does it uphold the values of America? We agree
that is an appropriate measure.
Bush's executive order giving himself the power to convene military tribunals does not pass.
From: billsterner@earthlink.net
Subject: Vacation-in-Chief Bushie
Again pResident Bush turns his back on the
Military, again.
While Bushie did do a 10 minute PR Photo Op to
Kentucky, he did not do what every other
Commander in Chief has done when they put our
military men and women in harm's way.
That is going to visit the troops in the war
zone on Thanksgiving.
Bush was at Camp David and President Cheney was duck hunting in NY at a private Rod and Gun Club.
As far back as I can remember, Reagan, Bush Sr.
and Clinton would visit some troops in the war zone
or at a minimum send the Vice President. In some
cases they would only visit an Aircraft Carrier, but they went.
Bushie and Cheney thought more of their vacations than the men they put in HARMS Way.
Now the Bush apologists will 1) attack me, 2)
attack Clinton.
But they know Reagan/Bush SR/Clinton would have
No what we have now is a Vacation-in-Chief.
Want bet, Christmas will be the same?
Bill Sterner
Hey, Kirstie, how is Smirk doing?
The White
House is Closed
by William Rivers Pitt
The White House is in all likelihood the
most secure building on the face of
the earth. Yet today, it's doors
are bolted. The public has been barred,
we are told, to defend against terrorist
The same people, most notably the President,
who are now barricaded inside
what was once called the People's House
are the same propagandists who
are urging Americans to get back to normal,
to shop, and to fly on airplanes.
The President himself will soon appear
in television commercials extolling
the joys of commercial airline travel.
and Osama
by Maureen Dowd She hates everybody
- this time, it's Laura Bush's hypocrisy
Holy Jesus!
Maureen Dowd has written a column that's not totally worthless!
I'm so shocked - I may give money to the church.
The Saudi religious police, the matawain,
use sticks to make sure women hide beneath their
abayas, the long black cloaks. But the
Bushes love that royal family and its oil. What does it
matter if Saudi women can drive, as long
as American women can keep driving their S.U.V.'s?
Millions of Muslim women are still considered
The first lady might think about extending
her campaign beyond Afghanistan.
Lots of great toons on RB Ham's site...
Snopes to the rescue
Claim: Green Party activist
Nancy Oden was denied permission to fly because she
represents a political party that opposes the bombing of Afghanistan.
Status: False.
I was sent this story by a lot of people, but it sounded "funny," so
I didn't run it.
Snopes says it never happened, at least not the way Oden told it.
The way I understand it - we have the will Atta left behind because
they did not put his bags on the plane that he flew into the WTC.
I wonder why that is?
Did the Bush Family Evil Empire
figure that diary would be a good propaganda tool?
But that can't be
...since the B.F.E.E. didn't know Atta was going to crash the plane,
So how did the airport officials know to hold his luggage from the plane?
Wait - let me guess...
It was just a coincidence
that it happened, and a stroke of luck for young Bush
that of all the bags in Logan airport, the one bag that could help
young Bush was
accidentally and inadvertantly left off the plane so
his diary could be read hours later.
Do I have my facts straight?
Is this really what happened?
BartCop TV is here - sorta...
"Bartcop, Part 1" to be on local access
channel in Houston, Houston MediaSource (HMS).
It will air this coming Tuesday, November
27, at 7:30pm (Central).
I haven't seen this show. It's was a phone interview (pre 9/11) and
I probably should've taped my half
to remember what the hell I said, but hey - when you're telling the
truth you don't need to keep track, right?
The only question I remember (it was an hour interview) was when they
asked me to explain Ann Coulter
blowing Ronald McDonald and I just said, "Let's not go there,"
to much laughter from the panelists.
Maybe they'll show the pic of Coulter & her clown when the question
comes up.
So, if you're in the Houston area and near a TV next Tuesday you might catch that.
Don't let the bastards take complete control.
Save a little bit of America so we can tell the kids what freedom
used to be like.
The way things are going, it may be all we have left.
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
POBox 54466....
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.