"I'm not doing anything with secret trials
that FDR didn't do."
-- Weak & Stupid, power-hungry
moron puppet of the Bush Family Evil Empire
Hey, Smirk!
There's a lot of differences between you
and FDR.
1. FDR won four elections - legally.
He won three - legally - before the war started.
He was so popuplar,
he became president without the help of crooked judges
2. He didn't warn us of a never-ending secret war.
3. FDR wasn't in an Evil Empire that empowered Hitler and Tojo.
4. FDR didn't corner the market on gold and oil and then steal for MORE power.
5. FDR saved us financially from an idiot
You're an idiot Republican
destroying the paradise Clinton created.
6. FDR's idea of keeping secrets was not
letting us see his wheel chair.
You won't even allow
Saint Reagan's public papers to see the light of day because it would prove
your father lied about
helping Reagan's goons commit the crimes he pardoned away.
There are dozens more, but there's not enough time to list them all.
Bush sign his Impeachment Warrant?
by Bruce S. Ticker
Members of Congress from both parties are
deeply concerned about Bush's neglect in even
consulting Congress about his measures.
Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania declared on the
Senate floor that Bush's decision to conduct
military tribunals for suspected terrorists is
unconstitutional, according to The New
York Daily News.
From: ne1cmymind@hotmail.com
Subject: Afghan heroin
Hey BC,
Maybe you can get some inside "dope" on what's
going on.
One thing the "liberal" media doesn't seem to
care about, and no one else is asking:
Where is all that Afghan heroin?
Where is the CIA going to sell it?
Which branch of military will get the proceeds?
What secret war will the proceeds be used to
Just curious.
I understand as a New American I have no right
to know,
but I'm still a little old fashioned.
peter georges
Peter, great questions.
But there's no need to be concerned.
It was a born-again Christian who stole his way
into power.
That means he's honest.
Great toon from Ted Rall that explains everything...
killed professor Don Wiley?
Was the Bush Family Evil Empire involved?
Don C. Wiley was in town to visit relatives
and attend the annual meeting of the scientific advisory board
of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.
Police said there were no signs of foul play, just the car with
the keys in the ignition on a bridge that
spans the Mississippi River. Police found the car five hours after
Wiley left a dinner at a posh hotel several
blocks from the bridge.
From: Elizabeth.Baxter@fancygubmintjob.gov
Subject: the closing of the white house...
dear bartcop,
the white house is not closed to everyone.
the bushes will be having small, private tours
of selected people to view the christmas decorations.
in other words, if you are a big donor to the
republicans, or want to be a big donor to the republicans,
it won't be very hard to see the white house
decorated for christmas.
Of course, just like the private fireworks display we were FORCED to
pay for.
The Imperial Bush Family gets to use the treasury like it was their
own money.
I wonder if fat cat Republicans are still allowed to kill Japanese while
playing Sub Commander?
Good thing the press dropped that story.
Tons of good stuff over at today.
"If you pray hard enough, water will run uphill.
How hard?
Why, hard enough to make water run
uphill, of course."
-- Robert A. Heinlein
Soldiers and Ashcroft Coming
...we're finally on our own.
From: utusn@flash.net
Subject: Mrs DOLE's New Convictions
Word is that Mrs DOLE, a candidate in a state
she hasn't lived in for scores
of years, has now changed her hitherto "moderate"
stance on gun control over
to a "harder" stance more palatable to her newfound
Where are the Spice Girls reporterettes (CiCi
Conolly, Katherine Seeleye, and the other one)
when a politician is changing attire daily and
long-held positions?
Why isn't Mrs Dole being tagged a "carpetbagger"
as now-Senator Clinton was?
Why isn't Tweezer Mathhews (lately forgoing his
platinum hair shade for a mellow
lemon-honey number) calling her a "pander bear"????
How can journalism be taking a vacation like this?
John Garza
John, simple answer - they are whores.
There's no money in liberalism or accuracy or honesty.
The big money is in right-wing fabrications and federal cock-hunts.
by William Safire
Spain, which caught and charged eight men
for complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks, last week balked
at turning over the suspects to a U.S.
tribunal ordered to ignore rights normally accorded alien defendants.
Other members of the European Union holding
suspects that might help us break Al Qaeda may also refuse extradition.
Presumably Secretary of State Colin
Powell was left out of the Ashcroft try-'em-and-fry-'em loop.
Why is Ashcroft rounding up Jews?
Why hold Israelis when there is no evidence
linking them to terrorist activity?
"We are taking every step we can to
prevent future terrorist attacks,"
said a Justice Department spokesman
That's the answer they always give.
Mr Ashcroft, why did you shut down buzzflash, bushwatch, mediawhoresonline
and bartcop?
"We are taking every step we can to
prevent future terrorist attacks."
Gene Lyons did a great interview with Buzzflash
GENE LYONS: To put it in perspective, just
imagine if almost any of the actions that were taken against Clinton
were taken against Bush today. Let's imagine
that somebody with a whole bunch of money hired a journalist to
go down to Texas and use paid sources to
dig up dirt on George Bush's intimate life. Just as it happened in the
Troopergate story. Let's say they found
some Houston "barfly," to use the term Barbara Olson applied to
Clinton's mother, to say Bush raped her
20 years ago, or paid for her abortion. They would be talking about
treason, wouldn't they? The Republicans
are all talking about civility now. Of course, what they mean by civility
is you can't say anything bad about Bush.
But in my view it was equally objectionable the first time around.
Great stuff
Tequila Taste Test
A couple of days ago, I got a hundred dollar
bill in the mail and was ordered
to purchase and compare Sammy Hagar's Wabo
Cabo reposado to Chinaco Anejo.
I purchased both, and set out to address
the question scientifically Saturday evening.
Dreamed I bought another club.
Koresh, those are scary dreams...
I lost $40,000 in the Hard Rock Island,
but I only lost $4000 at The Train Station,
so maybe my next club might make a profit.
ha ha
That's why they call them dreams...
Who's that
blonde babe at the end of the GAP ad with Sheryl Crow?
She might be in an English girl band that hasn't broken here
Worth a second look...
Oregon judge tells Ashcroft to butt out
Assisted Suicide Law Given Another
Breath Of Life
Oregon's assisted suicide law was still in effect Wednesday morning.
U.S. District Judge Robert Jones extended
his restraining order against religiously-insane
John Ashcroft last Tuesday, assuring both
sides that the state law stands until he reaches
a decision in the case. A decision
could take as long as five months.
Jones also said that doctors should not
fear any repercussions for
prescribing the lethal doses of federally
controlled drugs.
So, the Nazis get a little taste of defeat.
Of course, it wasn't a democrat who stood up to the fascist bastards.
Noooooooooooooooooooo.. They're too scared to stand
It was a judge who's probably a Republican, who probably thinks
the feds shouldn't be butting in
when the voters decided that they want the option to die without
months of severe pain.
Screw you, John Ashcroft, you power-hungry Taliban-thinking bastard.
When the Rain Comes
Lots of great toons on RB Ham's site...
Drums & OJ
BartCop TV is here - sorta...
"Bartcop, Part 1" to be on local access
channel in Houston, Houston MediaSource (HMS).
It will air this coming Tuesday, November
27, at 7:30pm (Central).
I haven't seen this show. It's was a phone interview (pre 9/11) and
I probably should've taped my half
to remember what the hell I said, but hey - when you're telling the
truth you don't need to keep track, right?
The only question I remember (it was an hour interview) was when they
asked me to explain Ann Coulter
blowing Ronald McDonald and I just said, "Let's not go there,"
to much laughter from the panelists.
Maybe they'll show the pic of Coulter & her clown when the question
comes up.
So, if you're in the Houston area and near a TV next Tuesday you might catch that.
Don't let the bastards take complete control.
Save a little bit of America so we can tell the kids what freedom
used to be like.
The way things are going, it may be all we have left.
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
POBox 54466....
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.