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Over the last several years, we've all heard the nuttiest quotes
come from
the Doctor of Dis-information. But yesterday he
said something that was
so incredibly and overwhelmingly false I just had to share it
with you.
You might want to get a drink and sit back in your chair for this one...
"Everything was fine in
the Middle East until 1979 when Jimmy Carter
deposed the Shah
of Iran and got everything stirred up over there.
The Shah might
not have been perfect, but he was our ally.
That's who started
all the trouble over there - Jimmy Carter."
I mean, has anyone in the media ever distorted the truth as much as Rush?
If you're in your early twenties and worship the ground Rush waddles
on you might believe him
when he says that's what happened, but I'm old and I remember
22 years ago.
The truth is that audio cassettes brought down the Shah of Iran.
The Iranians were getting tired of the Shah torturing and disappearing
and there was plenty of unrest boiling in that country. Meanwhile,
a good friend of
Reagan/Bush named the Ayatollah Khomenie, was exiled in Paris
and his followers
were distributing audio cassettes of Khomenie speeches and anybody
with a boom box
could listen to the man they saw as an alternative to the King
of Torture, The Shah.
The people of Iran eventually rose up and caused The Shah to
flee for his life.
What specifically caused the trouble was The Shah asked permission
to come into the
United States to be treated for cancer or whatever his malady
was, and when Carter
granted our longtime ally permission to be treated medically,
the religiously insane Iranians
took this as a sign that America was propping up The Shah for
his return to the Iranian throne.
But for Rush to state that "everything
was fine" over there is just another clumsy lie
from the biggest political fraud in America's history. "Everything"
hasn't been fine
in the Middle East since Isaac and Ishmael found out they had
different mothers.
And Jimmy Carter didn't depose anybody. Pigboy knows that.
And every ditto-monkey smarter than The Bird knows it, too.
The trouble happened when Carter tried to help an old
How in the world can any Republican who knows what happened in
respect Rush Limbaugh when they know he's lying to his ignorant
caught lying about seeing the first plane hit the WTC?
Or is he just too stupid to form a sentence that makes sense?
"I was in Florida. And my chief of staff,
Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom
talking about a reading program that works.
And I was sitting outside the classroom
waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane
hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on..."
...but it was hours after both towers collapsed before the video
of plane #1 surfaced,
so how did President Trifecta see video of the first plane crash?
Did he screw up the day's script?
Or does he lack control over the words coming out of his mouth?
From: psennett@bigfoot.com
Subject: Your "fuck you" to Ashcroft
I continue to monitor your hate-infested blatherings,
much in the way one cannot help themselves from gaping
at a car wreck alongside the highway. Just
in case something interesting is there, like a bloody corpse.
But you have reached an all-time low (and believe
me, that is quite a claim.)
What exactly do you want from government?
Your sole undercurrent seems to be the dismemberment of
anyone with a (R) after their title, and anyone
who is charged and convicted with the crime of agreeing with an (R).
Patrick, it's true I hate what Bush and Ashcroft have done to the Constitution.
As of this writing, it's still legal to have an opinion.
Funny, they've torn up everything but the Second Amendment.
Could you answer a question for me?
What would your (or Rush's - same thing) reaction be if Bill Clinton
was suspected of being
involved in America's worst terrorist nightmare, and then he suddenly
declared that everything had
to be investigated in secret with he, Clinton, personally selecting
the suspects (his former business partners)
to be tried without counsel and executed behind closed doors "to protect
Can I get you to answer that?
Don't answer with, "But that's not what's happening,"
because I didn't ask you if it was happening.
I asked, "What would your reaction be if Clinton did that?"
...you any good at answering questions, Patrick?
by Isaac Peterson
Now, if we had national ID cards, a lot
of that information scattered all over creation and
beyond will be in a central database. The
plans I've heard floated call for the little magnetic strips
(like the ones on credit cards, and in
some states like Minnesota), to hold an awful lot of information
about you. And all that info would be kept
in one place. I have to wonder if there would be any
provision to find out just what information
is on the card we would be forced to carry around.
Before I forget, I need to thank Dan Quayle for helping me spell-check
that last issue.
Geez, that was a mess.
From: (withheld)
Subject: We asked for it
Hey BC,
This is the only article on Ashcroft you or any BartCop reader ever need to read.
"In general-just to tidy up all of Ashcroft's
doings in one neat package-it's silly to fault the man for
unleashing the gestapo-spores of a
police state, for at his very core is an intolerant, racist, unfulfilled
totalitarian yearning of which he has
never made much of a secret. Ashcroft may be a Himmlerian
doppelganger, but he's our doppelganger,
straight out of the scenic, right-wing Missouri Ozarks.
He did not simply materialize against
our wishes. We put him everywhere he has been and where
he is now, every step of the way. He
is our creation."
He is the Democrats' creation because they
allowed this. Everyone knew what he was, but the Democrats allowed
I think that when Congress is in session
the Democrats go up to the cloak room. The guy behind the desk says,
'Honorable Sir, please check your balls,
they are not allowed in the halls o' Congress under the current administration,
(Executive Order # 1234567)." Then
they go in as eunuchs and, praise be, are too scared to talk straightforwardly
and ask the right questions because they
are afraid of losing the lobbyist's money.
Whores - all of them.
What we need right now is a Democrat with
balls (or ovaries as the case may be).
Someone who will fight and not back down.
We need someone to step up to the plate,
not worrying about lobbyist's money.
With all due respect (cough) to the gentleman
from Missouri who lost an election to a DEAD man,
this man singlehandledly handed over the
Judicial branch of the government to the Executive branch.
He is as much a victim of President Bunnypants
as the American people are. Any Attorney General
worth his salt would have balked at Dubya
taking the prosecution of terrorists out of the Justice Dept
and into the military. He would have
balked at Dubya messing with the separation of powers.
But not Ashcroft, whose balls lie in state
in some vault down in Crawford, TX.
He is the most inept Attorney General in
200 years.
An embarrassment to 200 years of jurisprudence.
If Congress doesn't wake up we will have a dictator on our hands if we don't already.
Where are the REAL Democrats?
By Robert Parry
Major news outlets have gone silent about
their presidential-election recount stories following the disclosure that
they misunderstood the plans of a key judge
and thus mistakenly reported that George W. Bush would have prevailed.
From: (withheld)
Subject: Creeping Fascism
I was going to keep this between Ashcroft and
me, but then I saw that msg from Linda
and I thought you guys might be interested in
a note a sent to him today. If you post this,
please take my address out. Ashcroft and
the FBI don't scare me but I feel no need to
be harassed by ditto(e)s-for-brains freeper scum.
(Yes, they're like termites - everywhere)
I caught your little show in the senate yesterday
and I thought you might be interested in what I think.
I am 57 years old and I have been following politics
since my early 20s. I know politics the way Walter Cronkite
knows politics. I have a long standing
love and respect for the principles that make this country great.
I consider
our Declaration of Independence and Constitution
to be the finest definition of human rights, freedoms and
responsibilities in existence. I think
that this country quite rightly still leads the world in promoting democratic
so it pains me some to say this, but when you
told the senate that criticism of your policies was aiding terrorism,
it sent a chill through me. You could not
be more wrong! This country was founded on dissent. If people
not objected to the actions of their government
then, we would be South Canada today. Your statements
yesterday prove that you do not have the most
basic understanding of how and why this country began.
Nor do you understand that dissent is what keeps
this country alive. (The Declaration of Independence is
dissent, is criticism of the government, read
it sometime.) You obviously have no respect for the principles
on which this country was founded and so, (this
is important, John), you have no legitimate place in the
government of this country. The same may
be said of the unelected boob who appointed you.
I oppose you, John! I oppose your very presence
in my government! Rest assured that I am doing everything
I can to see that you and the current occupant
of my White House are replaced at the first opportunity.
did the Bush Family Evil Empire know about the WTC?
when did they learn it?
After pointing out - among other things
- that the Chief of Pakistani intelligence (approved for his position
by the CIA) ordered a $100,000 wire transfer
to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta; that the Bush family had
business dealings with the bin Laden family
through the Carlyle Group, that the U.S. and British governments
had extensive military deployments already
in the area before the attacks, and that the Bush administration
had ordered the FBI to stop investigating
two relatives of Osama bin Laden living near CIA headquarters
this January, Ruppert launched into the
centerpiece of the lecture which was a visual presentation of his
timeline of events around September 11th
- which left some members of the audience in tears.
By the way, for you Rush fans out there, Ebay is having a special
for all things concerning "The Little Piggy."
Just Click Here
Rolling Stone says that new Garbage CD was the sixth best of the year.
...and still, nobody has heard it.
Click on and
see what else is new in Entertainment.
There's tons of stuff over there - you should click and
check it out.
"Ted Olson a right-wing knuckledragging
-- Paul Begala, who doesn't read bartcop.com
Happy Birthday to...
Basinger is 48
Teri Hatcher is 37
Also, Kirk Douglas, Redd Foxx, Greg Allman, John Milton,
Jim Morrison,
Sam Kinison and "Book 'em," Dano.
Has Officially Lost His Mind
by The Diehard
Not once did the obviously stoned and clearly
off-his-rocker luddite demonstrate
the mental capacity to even use the phrase
"global warming," and if there's ever
actually a transcript posted of that conversation
it will make most of us head for
the cheap vodka in order to get drunk enough
to try to unravel a single sentence,
but Pigfucker seized on it immediately
to finish off his previous screech, which I
caught thirty seconds of, that "the liberals
are just like the Taliban because they
want to take away our right to drive SUVs!
Tom Daschle is a terrorist who
wants to take away your rights!"
(I almost drove into the river right there.)
Great stuff...
If you don't read bartcop.com every day - the Evil Doers win.
"I fully support the idea of military trbunals."
"The president's high approval ratings
are well-earned."
-- Hillary Clinton, to Tim the General Electric
Hillary, I now believe that you won't be in the 2004 election.
"More guns,
more God,
less education"
The AG's perpetual adoration of guns
"You're looking for new tools in every
direction...," Chuck Schumer told Ashcroft at his Senate hearing.
"But when it comes to the area of even
illegal immigrants getting guns and finding out if they did,
this administration becomes as weak as
a wet noodle."
Meet the Whore
Watching Cheney with Tim Russert pissed me off again.
To most questions, Cheney lied and said,
"That's not my call."
Russert would semi-press a little on the issue and Cheney would
"That's not my decision, you'd have
to ask the president that."
Hey, Dick!
The man you call president is so stupid he's unwilling to answer
Why is President Dumbass sending the smart people out to whine
to Russert,
"I don't make those decisions,"
when the man who does can't answer any questions?
This way, the Crooked Administration never has to answer for anything
and that's certainly quite all right with America's obedient
A movie review by BartCop with hardly any spoilers.
Journalist beaten by Afghan mob
Damn, ...I was hoping it was Jerry Rivers...
Ashcroft shoots self in the foot
It turns out that Ashcroft's Justice Department
won't let the FBI find out if 1,200 people being held have
bought guns in the United States.
Everyone who buys a gun goes through a federal background check.
Some people - convicted felons, for example
- aren't allowed to own guns.
In most cases, the FBI can't use information
from the background checks. But the FBI thinks there should be an
exception for some of the people being
held as part of the terrorist investigation. The Justice Department still
says no.
So, apparently, it's OK to bring people
in for the slightest of reasons, hold them as long as you want, and give
a secret military trial.
But it's not OK to find out whether they bought a gun.
By the way, if anyone has any good ideas about how to combat the
with The Dark Cloud (above) send them to Christian at publicist@bartcop.com
Loop de Loop
by Maureen Dowd She
hates everybody. This time...? You tell me.
Ashcroft suspends civil liberties logic
But Ashcroft's willingness to subvert civil
liberties in pursuit of terrorists apparently has limits.
Pressed to explain why he has refused to
let the FBI tap the Justice Department's database
of criminal background checks to see if
any terror suspects have tried to buy guns in this country,
this apostle of law and order wrapped himself
in the Second Amendment -- or at least, his
interpretation of it. Under the law, he
said, the database can be used only to verify prospective
gun buyers' eligibility to own a firearm
and not for any "unrelated" purpose.
In this case, presumably, suspected foreign
terrorists do have a constitutional right.
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the
fumble, Dude.