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Question: Mr. President, what is the status and your feeling on the amendment to prohibit flag desecration?
Bush: I
don't know what it is. I'm for it. And that's a good question.
I just don't know exactly where it stands right now. I need to -- okay.
Como esta?
Chickens Come Home to Roost
Remember in the summer of 2000, a Boston reporter surprised Weak
& Stupid with a pop quiz,
asking him if he could name the leaders of certain countries?
Governor Blow Monkey
got all snippy with the guy and said, "No,
I can't answer those questions ...can you?"
as tho it was that Boston reporter's job to keep up with global
One of the four questions that reporter asked Bush about was,
the leader of Pakistan?"
Bush admitted he didn't have a goddamn clue.
"General ...I don't know," he
That's when all the GOP machinery went into motion and declared
there was "no need"
for the president to have a clue about world politics as long
as he had a good staff.
Well, right now Pakistan and India, who each have nuclear bombs
and the rockets to launch
them at each other are sabre rattling - and our president
doesn't know who's in charge over there,
but probably someone on his staff does.
Gee, aren't we lucky?
The appointed Emperor has no brains and he has no inclination
or curiosity to learn about anything
and two countries he's not interested in are preparing to be
at war!
Pakistan wackos shot up India parliament and India shot a Pakistan
drone out of the sky just yesterday
...and the moron that Scalia appointed doesn't know anything about it?
Oh God, what did we do to deserve this?
Watch your
mouth, Funnyboy
Don't you
be blaspheming the Lord.
You criticize
the president and you ridicule God.
Your time
is coming, Funnyboy.
From: Laura81766@aol.com
Subject: Conspiracy theories on rense.com
That rense site you linked to with the outrageously
nutty claim that the planes were remote controlled
and there were no hijackers, is an ultra right
wingnut site. They claim Israel is responsible which proves
how anti-semitic that site is. Every conspiracy
they come up with is linked to Israel being culpable.
Someone needs to ask whoever wrote that article
if there were no hijackers how do you explain
family members of passengers receiving cell phone
calls telling them they were being hijacked?
I'd be very interested in how that can be explained
I've been getting mail saying, "How DARE you print such anti-Semetic
but making fun of the right-wing loons is what this site is all about.
But you are right. One report said a stewardess had her throat slit.
I doubt they can do that by remote control.
Unemployment Rate Climbs to 5.8 Percent
The nation's unemployment rate climbed to a
six-year high of 5.8 percent in December
as businesses slashed payrolls for a fifth
straight month. It was the longest stretch of job
losses in a decade as the economy continued
to falter in recession.
Since all GOP Presidents have recessions, why is this news?
If a Republican created jobs, instead of killing them, now that
would be newsworthy.
From: grswld206@peoplepc.com
Subject: Media cover up Bush idiocy
At the town hall meeting on Saturday in CA, Bush
said "Not over my dead body will they raise your taxes" (snort!),
yet ABC, CBS, Reuters, and the LA Times headlined
it as "Over my dead body will they raise your taxes".
Why do they do this?! Only CNN, AP News, and,
incredibly, Faux News headlined it accurately, although
Faux's was buried in some spin about how he "declared"
it with a "shout" (read: tried not to look like a bunnypants).
And they wonder why the public distrusts them
so much.
Mike, it's just more proof that the press will do ANYTHING to protect
the unelected moron.
Remember, they did just the opposite with Clinton and Gore.
Gore never said he invented the Internet, but that's what the
whores reported.
Gore never said he discovered Love Canal, but that's what the
whores reported.
Clinton never said he blamed America for September 11th, but
that's what the whores reported.
There is an organized effort to make Bush appear less moronic than he
is and that same bunch
has been spewing lies about Clinton for just about ten years now.
I'm sick of the right-wing media telling lies.
Toast of Town
Bill's daughter, 21, turns heads at city hot spots
Just like in Bush's America...
Dissidents to Be Tried Behind Closed Doors
TEHRAN - Some 15 Iranian dissidents are
to stand trial behind closed doors at the hard-line
Revolutionary Court Tuesday, accused of
plotting to topple the Islamic system, state radio reported Monday.
The defendants, mainly writers and university
professors from a liberal Islamist alliance, are among
dozens of people rounded up in several
police raids last year.
``This is another flagrant violation of the prisoners'
basic rights. We are afraid they will be denied the
benefit of a jury in a closed trial,''
the families said in an open letter to the U.N. High Commissioner for
Human Rights last week.
The religiously insane rule Iran and they hold secret trials.
How is that different that what we have in America right now?
does have
in store for Greta?
"Everybody feels that we have
reached the bottom.
Market people are pretty optimistic."
-- Lance Zipper, managing director of equity
trading at Brean Murray & Co.
Hmmmm... it doesn't say which branch of the Bush Family Evil
Empire is paying him to say that.
Maybe he's a former Enron director - happy with his retirement
package of $65,000,000.
Keep it
up, Funnyboy.
I'm keeping
an eye on you.
We're gonna
treat you reeeeeal special, Funnyboy.
You ever
been to Cuba, Funnyboy?
From: asasuperfly@yahoo.com
Subject: Senator Tom Daschle is Right!
America is in serious Financial Trouble.
Osama uses a minimum of his resources against
us while we spend spend spend in a war
that is not getting rid of Terrorism. This is
no time for Tax Breaks for the Rich!
Chocolate Contest #1
There's so much stuff on BartCop Entertainment I can't keep up.
"Given a choice between protecting American
civilians and protecting the client regimes
that sponsor and coddle those who murder
them, the Bush Administration has taken the
second option every time. This seems
to me impeachable in the profoundest sense of the term"
--Christopher Hitchens, who hates everybody.
This time it's Smirk.
Christopher, we don't want your help.
Please stay on the fascist side where you've been for 8 years.
I was going to run the latest Maureen
Dowd column here,
but it was so dreadfully boring and pitifully off-point, I canned
the idea.
One thing tho, this paragraph caught my attention
When I was little, I was a Grimms girl. Not
a Hans Christian Andersen girl. I much preferred
the more grisly Grimms' fairy tales, where
people got hands chopped off and hearts and tongues
cut out, to the sunnier ones by the Dane.
The nuns made us climb under our desks for air-raid drills,
and cried and sent us home early the day J.F.K.
was shot. We knew the world wasn't a big ice-skating rink.
So that's her problem - she's Catholic - she was reared by nuns.
No wonder she hates everyone and everything.
From: tjgarrett@attbi.com
Subject: My Big Political Prediction for the New Year...
I predict that by the end of the year, Dick Cheney will resign for health reasons.
This will be to cover up his connections with
Enron, of course, but he ll just say
that his heart can t take it anymore, and that
he will have served his purpose by
hiding out during the War on Terra.
You can take it to the bank
Jack in Dallas
Jack, I'll bet you're right.
Gramm resigned, Armey the foul-mouthed Dick resigned, so Cheney should
right behind them, probably right after Halliburton is forced to file
click here if you object to full frontal
Laden gettin' jiggy with Saddam Hussein
Send in your pro-BartCop pictures!
phony journalist poll where 89 percent went for Clinton?
Turns out Robert Parry has already looked into it.
A likely reason for the absence of these
prominent conservative journals was the fact that many
are organized as non-profit corporations
so they can accept tax-deductible donations from individuals
and foundations. But non-profits have difficulty
getting credentials from the Congressional Press Gallery.
And it was from that credentialed list
that the survey recipients were selected.
So the Freedom Forum survery appears to
have dramatically undercounted the scores of conservative
journalists in Washington, despite their
significant influence in setting the national agenda.
So - no telling what a real, scientific poll might show, but it
damn sure isn't 89 percent Liberal.
If it was even one third of that, we might actually hear
some pro-Democratic voices in the media.
Supplement by Terry Krepel
on the Cheap
by Frank Rich
The department's motto seems to be: If
it's broke, don't fix it. Never mind that even four months
after the attacks, the state of passenger
screening remains such that American Airlines let
Richard Reid board one of its flights but
turned away one of the president's Secret Service agents.
Now we're asked to believe that high school
dropouts are our best front line of defense against
the cunning likes of Mohamed Atta, the
recipient of two university degrees.
Happy Birthday to...
Michelle Behennah is 24
Erin Gray turns 51
The perky, super-rich cheerleader is 44
Caroline Kennedy (1956) Kenny Loggins (1948) Nicolas Cage (1964) David Caruso (1956)
From: gstinson7176@hotmail.com
Subject: Al Franken
You wrote:
> Remember what Al Franken said?
> He said Clinton told him if Gore had won, the Nazi bastards
would've impeached him.
> I am 100 percent certain this would have happened.
This is bullshit. Absolute bullshit.
Why on earth would they impeach Gore?
Greg Stinson
For the same reason they impeached Clinton.
Clinton was impeached because he beat the GOP twice and was a
living JFK to the party.
Nixon ordered the Justice Department to arrest the FBI - was
not impeached.
Ford pardon Nixon after saying under oath that he wouldn't -
not impeached.
Reagan looked America in the eye and said, "We
did NOT trade arms for hostages,
and there were no weapons on those two
small planes to Iran," - was not impeached.
Bush swore under otah he was "out of the loop" on Reagan's crimes,
but his own handwritten
notes said he was at every meeting when crimes were planned -
and he was not impeached.
Clinton had half sex with a bimbo and was impeached?
...and you want to know why?
It's because the fascist dogs planned to impeach him before
Monica's name was known.
Check your recent history - Bob Barr looked into impeachment
proceedures prior
to 1998.
We found out about Monica in January of 1998. They knew they
were going to impeach him,
but first they had to fabricate some "crimes," and the lapdog
media went along for the ride.
And all this time, Gingrich, Burton, Barr, Hyde and Livingston
were hiding sex secrets,
and you're asking why they would impeach Gore?
Does this
mean the end is near?
I agree with George Will and (choke) Laura the panty-dropping
Both of them said the AA pilot who kicked that armed and snippy
Arab off his plane should get a medal.
The funny part is the GOP can't decide which side to attack.
They have all this hate built up and ready to ship, ...but
to whom?
American Airlines had been especially hard-hit.
They lost two planes on the 11th, another one a month later,
and then Shoe Boy
make American his airline of choice coming from Paris.
The pilot has to have the last say.
If he says, "There's too much ice on
the wings," then they don't take off.
If he says, "The storm is too intense,
we're not talking off," then they don't take off.
If he says, "I don't trust the snooty
Arab with the faulty paperwork and the gun," so be it.
Single, young Arab men are going to have to ride this storm thru.
Anyone disagree with that?
I'd like to hear from you if you do.
If you think a pilot should take off when he's got reasonable
about a young Arab man with a gun, I'd sure like to hear your
bartcop.com reader Kevin Alexander had a few hundred of these printed up and sent them to me.
They has an adhesive back, so they'll stick on stuff.
He suggested we have a contest to see who can think of the most imaginative
places to stick it,
but the sticker is probably hell to remove, so I wouldn't want people
putting them on windshields or
any place where it'd be considered vandalism, but if you, the reader,
would like some of these,
mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to PO
Box 54466, Tulsa, OK 74155
and I'll send you 5 or 10, whatever you need.
This isn't meant as a fund-raising gimmick, but if you want to send
a pittance to help grow
the hammer higher with your self-addressed stamped envelope - that'd
be acceptable.
You can get stickers without a donation.
After all, this is not the Catholic Church.
If you attach the sticker to a fun place and send me a picture I'll
run it,
but don't do the vandalism thing, OK?
The sticker you see is actual size, so if you stuck it on the bumper
of a local fascist monster,
it probably would not be considered vandalism, because it's
so small, but you be the judge of that.
...and thanks to Kevin Alexander for the stickers.
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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