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Have you heard the BIG story of the day?
An unknown, unnamed jailhouse snitch is claiming that he's pretty
he heard some "Middle-Eastern-looking guys" talking about a secret
to kill Jeb Bush (little Brother of Saint George) so I think
it'd be best if we
ignored all this partisan wrangling about the poor Enron executives
who really
haven't done anything wrong because they're "good people."
..and Jeb, God bless his pure soul, has vowed to "stay the course,"
and not let
the threat of certain death keep him from doing what's right
for the people of Florida.
A state official speaking on the condition of anonymity told Reuters
that there are
"serious questions" about the integrity of the informant, who
has made many "off the wall''
comments and failed numerous lie detector tests in connection
with his story, but he's
probably a godless Democrat who wants brave Jeb to get hurt -
it's all politics.
The Quiet
by Paul Krugman
Last month, for example, Karl Rove explained
that the tax cut, although originally proposed
amid an economic boom, was designed to
cope with the current recession. "All the signs were
there in the second, if not the second,
the third quarter of 2000," Mr. Rove said.
When a questioner gently pointed out that
Mr. Bush had laid out his tax plan way back in 1999,
Mr. Rove brushed him aside.
And since Mr. Bush is infallible, why should he ever reconsider his decisions?
From: joeb@buckeyeinet.com
Subject: We will see who has the Guts
Morning Bart
Maybe the Dems. will show some guts this year,
well I can hope, anyways.
Bart my Dad said that the thing about Enron is
all the people who lost everything is going to screw Smirk up.
It`s kind of ironic that most of the little guys
were Republicans that lost it all.
Most of em are cause they promote using oil and
etc.`which is their bread and butter.
Joe, good point.
Why we haven't seen these families crying all over Fox News?
Remember when that cow who was renting from Gore had her sinks stopped
from pouring bacon grease down the drain every day?
Fox News had her on constantly, crying and moaning about how badly
Gore "hurt" her.
But now that Enron and the Bush Family Evil Empire have stolen
a billion dollars
from thousands of families, the "fair and balanced" network doesn't
have anything to say about it.
Gee, it's almost as if Fox News was controlled by partisan whores...
Thanks to Robert Dobbs
for the graphic.
From: Janet in Portland
Subject: trick played on protesters
Tonight I while I was cooking dinner I was listening
to the radio and one of the local right wing
nut cases in the last few minutes of his show
was telling how the protesters in Portland were fooled
by the announcement that bush had cancelled his
appearance at the location where they were
protesting and after they had left, bush pulled
up just 10 minutes later.
He was saying how he loved this , no mention that
right wingers or bush people were responsible.
But you have to remember that this guy John Carlson
ran for governor of washington on the republican
ticket and was later found to be among and connected
with republican party officials supporting and
financing a local green candidate so as to keep
votes away from the democratic candidate.
He knows dirty tricks and probably was recognizing
one there.
Please withhold my name, I have children
ha ha
I understand.
Notice when Clinton goes anywhere, he's mobbed by regular Americans.
But when the Failure in Thief goes somewhere, they have to divert the
public so
Bush can stand in front of a hand-picked, bussed-in crowd to pretend
he's respected.
"I used to be the next president of the
United States.
Hey, you win some, you lose some,
then there's that little-known third category.''
-- Al Gore, making funny in a speech in San Francisco
tar and feathers ready? Mine are.
by Cragg Hines
Ari Fleischer, that simpering twit of a
White House spokesman,
urged that the Enron debacle not be turned
into a partisan witch hunt.
OK, Ari, let's make it a bipartisan witch
You know what's going to piss me off?
The Republicans are going to rally behind Bush and protect him.
But the Democrats, at the first whiff of Clinton trouble, scurried
like cockroaches when the lights were turned on.
You have to admire that about the GOP.
They have loyalty and they stand by their president.
But the gelding, sniveling, scared bunny Democrats?
They stabbed the man who taught them how to win in the back.
Is the dam breaking?
Is the "No stories on the Bush crime family" embargo over?
Family Value$
The Bush clan's family business
Click Here for a detailed report on the crimes of the three Bush boys
Not much fun or sex in this report, but it shows how crooked and
the Bush Family Evil Empire has been for many, many years.
Supposition: Since Rove is implicated in the Enron disaster,
maybe reporters are no longer asking his permission on every
Headline: Ford to layoff 35,000 jobs.
Thanks for giving the super-rich a tax cut, George.
Enron auditor
destroyed files
Top Bush aides talked with CEO about bankruptcy, its implications
The investigation into the collapse of
Enron Corp. widened Thursday as the company's auditor,
Arthur Andersen LLP, admitted destroying
an untold number of documents relating to the Houston
energy firm while the White House disclosed
that Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay last fall contacted
two Cabinet officers about the firm's pending
As the White House sought to contain election-year
political damage from the company's extensive ties
with the Bush administration, Atty. Gen.
John Ashcroft and the entire U.S. attorney's office in Houston
recused themselves from a newly opened
criminal investigation into Enron's failure.
Tim the Whore - on the record
by David Podvin as seen on makethemaccountable.com
“I believe in everything I ever did. But
I also know that I never would have become moderator on
Meet The Press if my employers were uncomfortable
with me. And, given the amount of money at stake,
millions of dollars, I don’t blame them.
This is business.”
The executive agreed. “But are you concerned about losing yourself? You know, selling out?”
Russert pounded the table. “Integrity is for paupers!”
Russert's breakthrough performance occurred
in 1990, when he oversaw the production of the
prime time special, “A Day In The Life
Of President Bush”. The show was so worshipful and fawning
that one embarrassed production assistant
referred to it as “Deep Throat: The Missing Footage”.
ha ha
Great article!
It's about time somebody busted NBC's biggest whore.
"Multi-culturalism is ruining America.
It's so anti-western, this multi-culturalism
It's the liberals and their politically-correct
-- Laura the panty-dropper, protecting the
children, I suppose
So, if we have a St. Patrick's Day parade, we're tearing
down western culture?
If we have a shot of Chinaco on Cinco de Mayo,
white European Americans will suffer?
If we have a beer at Octoberfest, we're doing what - aiding
the terrorists?
Enron debacle won't be President Bush's Whitewater
It will be much
Unlike the financial sideshow over a 20-year-old
failed land deal that dogged the Clinton administration,
the collapse of the nation's largest energy
trader into the nation's largest bankruptcy last month is set to go
straight to the heart of exposing what
is wrong with the way the Bush administration is conducting itself these
From: marc@perkel.com
Subject: Ashcroft got $50,000 from Enron to defeat Perkel?
I just read something about Ashcroft getting $50k
from Enron in his Senate campaign.
If he got it before August 8th 1998 then he got
the money to defeat ME!
Marc Perkel
Note: Perkel ran for the US Senate as a Republican.
If candidate
Weak & Stupid had picked Ashcroft as his running mate,
Perkel might've
been Missouri's junior senator.
I wonder...
Is Dick Cheney still alive?
in all, a great year...
by John Johnson
Imagine finding yourself flagging in opinion
polls one day,
then basking in the pain and suffering
of others to reap
90% approval ratings, scoring an apparent
From: roblaw@hawksnet.net
Subject: Why Guantanamo?
We've sort of taken it "as read" that the al Qaeda
fighters are going to
the U.S. facility at Guantanamo, Cuba.
Anybody wondering why?
Here's why: the prisoners there (and they're
prisoners, not "detainees," make no mistake) will have no recourse
of appeal to the federal judiciary so long as
they do not set foot on genuine U.S. soil. Thus, our pResident can
have them quietly killed on nothing more substantial
than a delerium tremens-induced whim, and no one, not even
a federal judge (if one could be found with the
short-and-curlies to challenge him) can call him on it.
Sounds like the good ol' days in Texas, huh?
One wonders how the man can shave, looking in
the mirror
and trying to grip a razor with those blood-covered
I got a nice note from David Ravandi of Casa Noble tequila.
He thanked me for my support, Click
Here but somehow the e-mail cut off
before he got to the part where he offered to send me a free
for saying nice things about Casa Noble Extra Aged Anejo.
Funny, I've only mentioned Casa Noble a couple of times and he
yet Chinaco has been mentioned hundreds of times
- and nothing.
Maybe the Chinaco people are too busy picking wildflowers
and pears
and apples and mango to be surfing the internet for ego mentions
"From what I have been seeing, the Democrats
with balls look to be the ones
born without them."
-- William Sterner
Rush's favorite website
Strange Story
This story is 98 percent true.
I've changed one word that doesn't matter, but the rest is true.
Recently I sent out Claven thank you notes to those who have contributed.
Christian got one and asked why I sent it.
I assured her I didn't send her a thank you, even tho she has
contributed financially
which is crazy because of how many hours she contributes each
week without pay.
But since she had the letter in her hand, something weird must
have happened.
She read me the address, which I remembered because of a weird
name in it.
So I dug out the envelope the contribution came in and guess
what I found?
Wait - I'm skipping ahead too fast.
One day last week, Christian was getting her mail and saw a letter
that had a
"Knuckledrag" return address written in the corner of the envelope.
Naturally, she opened it and that started this story into motion.
But the weird thing is, she lives in an building with just two
Using reverse logic, we pieced together what happened:
Her landlord sent that contribution, despite the fact
that she and her
landlord never had a conversation about bartcop.com
Isn't that boggling?
I mean, there can be no other explanation.
She knows how many people live at her address, and since she
didn't send an envelope
with a contribution signed "C G," it had to be her landlord,
who is "C G."
The oddest part of the equation is that only a few dozen people
in America
even knows what a BartCop is, yet two of them lived in the same
two-unit apartment.
So, "C G" at "61 Silver," if you read this, Christian didn't mean to steal your mail.
Winona, J-Lo, Matt Perry getting Liz Hurley pregnant?
West Wing, Survivor and Pink Floyd's David Gilmore?
Bono, Howard Stern, Oprah and Grissom from C.S.I.?
Ally McBeal, Kim Cattrall, The Tick and Michael Jordan?
(Rumor has it Mike's wife might get MORE than half.)
...and that's just in the first half of today's
Enron Auditor
Says Documents Gone!!!!
Operation Enduring Handjob continues...
The firm that audited the books of collapsed
Enron Corp., Arthur Andersen LLP,
disclosed Thursday that its employees had
destroyed a "significant but undetermined"
number of documents related to the company.
Sometimes they pardon the guilty felons in advance to stop the
truth from coming out,
sometimes they hold back the release their presidential papers
to hide their crimes,
sometimes they destroy all the papers that would incriminate
the Bush Family Evil Empire.
Keep going,
starting to become a problem for us.
You should
make your peace with God, Funnyboy.
You don't
have much time left.
BartCop the Catholic Basher
Birthday to...
Nobody of note was born today, so we borrow from tomorrow
Rush Limbaugh is 51
Howard Stern is 47
Joe Frazier is 57
by Arianna Huffington
Since the Enron collapse, President Bush
has been acting like Ken Lay was just some good ol' boy
who also happened to hail from Texas. This
new information proves otherwise: that Lay and his company's
sizable political contributions had bought
what Rep. Henry Waxman has termed "extensive access" to the
epicenter of American political power.
It's Teapot Dome, the Sequel.
During his run for the White House, Bush
fought long and hard to convince us that he was a new breed of
conservative -- a Compassionate Conservative.
But recent events make clear that he is actually the standard
bearer of a far more coldhearted breed.
Call them the Enron Conservatives.
Catholic Rant
Was Jesus Married?
by Father Mushroom
Valentine's Day is just around the corner
That means chocolate. Chocolate for her.
If she gets chocolate, you might get something in return. (cough)
South's Finest Chocolate makes the finest chocolate
I've ever tasted.
Make your woman happy - get her the best chocolate in the world.
It's the Chinaco of fine, luxury chocolates.
I don't even know what those are (I'm not their best salesman)
but it could be white chocolate on fresh strawberries.
Koresh - those look good!
They're going fast,
so get 'em while they last!
bartcop.com reader Kevin Alexander had a few hundred of these printed up and sent them to me.
They have an adhesive back, so they'll stick on stuff.
If you'd like some, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to PO
Box 54466, Tulsa, OK 74155
and I'll send you 5 or 10, whatever you need.
If you want to include a pittance to help grow the hammer higher - that's
but you can get stickers without a donation. After
all, this is not the Catholic Church.
There he goes again with another unfair attack
on the Catholics...
If you attach the sticker to a fun place and send me a picture I'll run it, but be responsible.
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
POBox 54466....
Shopping online?
Use the portal below and they'll throw bartcop.com
a nickel and
it costs you nothing more than whatever you were going
to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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