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Another Vince Foster
by BartCop
"There's not a lot of talk about dating in
our White House."
-- Karen Hughes, on how her West Wing differs from "West Wing"
(New York Times, 1/23/02).
"This is definitely a policy priority from
the top."
-- Mindy Tucker, who "says Bush himself likes to play matchmaker
for aides" (Washington Post, 6/14/01).
Why did GE-CEO Jack Welch pressure NBC News to quick-call the
election for Smirk?
Official Decries Bush Effort on GE-Honeywell
The European Union's top antitrust official
today denounced what he described as
political pressure by President Bush and
other members of his administration to
influence the EU's review of General Electric's
$45 billion bid for Honeywell International.
This is incest run amuck.
President Happy Crack can pressure allies (and carpet-bomb non-allies)
doing business with the same crooks who are financing his stolen
media scam: a confederacy of amnesia
by Norman Solomon, FAIR
Even by Washington's standards, the ability
of John Ashcroft
to reinvent himself has been a wonder
to behold. Just a year ago,
squeaking through Senate confirmation
as attorney general, Ashcroft
found himself shadowed by his own praise
for leaders of the Confederacy.
Now he's able to tout himself as a disciple
of Martin Luther King Jr.
It's quite a scam, and Ashcroft couldn't
have pulled it off
without major help from news media.
Damn right. The media is being a hueueueuge help to the Fraud
second only, I suppose, to thew pink tutu Democrats who obey
Smirk's every whim.
Those senate Democrats loved Ashcroft from the start.
They put on that pitiful confirmation charade as a handjob
to their own party.
They were ALWAYS going to confirm the insane, Nazi bastard because
he was
in their precious little club and "us clubbies gotta stick together."
Screw minority rights, screw women's rights, screw gay rights!
This is the new Democratic Party, Party of Ashcroft, Olson and
Is it too early for a drink?
Come back, Bill Clinton.
Come back.
Whore Watch from mediawhoresonline.com
Kristol Awash in Secret ENRON Cash
Who Else at the Standard Silently is On the Take?
You must Click Here
In kicking up a false fuss about Paul Krguman,
Andrew Sullivan has inadvertently revealed a hitherto
secret cash operation linking higher-ups at the
Weekly Taliban Standard with the Enron Corporation.
According to National Review writer Larry Kudlow,
Irwin Stelzer of the Weekly Standard and London
Sunday Times -- former Reagan director of regulatory
affairs, Hudson Institute fellow and a close confident
of right-wing press mogul Rupert Murdoch -- organized
the consulting operation.
ha ha
When you're busted by Media Whores Online, you are so busted!
big is the Eagles-Rams game Sunday?
And, to a lessser degree, the Steelers should stomp the Patriots...
Also, the collective Bartcop Sports experts blew away all the
so-called other "experts"
by going a combined 14-7 in last week's playoff action
Kurt Warner is hurt, Ted Williams is back in the hospital, Devil
Ray arrested for raping
a 15-year old girl, and check to see who, if anyone, Mike Tyson
bit today.
Ready to be sick?
From CQ Monitor News (wish I had the URL)
Projections show shrinking long-term surplus
By Mary Dalrymple, CQ Staff Writer
Jan. 23, 2002 - The Congressional Budget
Office has reduced its estimate of the federal
budget surplus over the next decade to
$1.6 trillion from the $5.6 trillion
Can you believe that?
The Bush Family Evil Empire has stolen (or lost) FOUR
But, of course, the big story is John Walker, a dopey kid from
Marin County.
Why should the press report Bush stealing TRILLIONS when we can
obsess over some dopey kid?
If Gore had chosen to fight for his country and democracy, that
$5.6 trillion figure might have held up.
But President Stupid and Greedy stole the election AND, apparently,
the $4 trillion.
It's a good thing Bush didn't mess around with an intern.
It's a good thing we have a "decent man" back in the White House.
This country didn't need that missing 4 trillion dollars, ...noooooooo,
...not at all
We paid 4 trillion dollars for the weakest and stupidest president
in history?
And the Commander in Thief is only 1/4 thru his term?
Let's see, ...even with my Catholic math, that means we should
expect $16 trillion to be missing
the next time we cast our ballots, if we chose to waste our time
with such a fruitless gesture.
I mean, what if Scalia thinks Smirk deserves a second term?
...and the press refuses to cover Operation Enduring Handjob.
"We fooled
them all.
Tony gets his check, Renqui gets his, and the people just have to eat it.
We have their 4 trillion and we've only just begun to plunder.
...and thank God we own the press and the senate Demoncrats."
From: lcorder@tetratec.com
Subject: Thoughts
Here are 3 things that I haven't heard anyone talk about, maybe you or someone can expound:
1) Just a stab in the dark, but d'ya think
maybe Enron's stock went down so
far and so fast because all the guys in Bushie's
administration had to sell
their Enron stocks when they started their new
Good question...
The BFEE was so into Enron, pulling out hurt
their stability?
2) My problem with USA's handling of the
prisoners in Gitmo Cuba is the future
handling of OUR prisoners by other countries.
When our pilots were "detained"
in China, we complained about every bruise and
every scratch. What if we had
seen them bound, gagged, ear-muffed, blindfolded,
and on their knees in outdoor
cages not fit for zoo animals? What kind
of precedent are we setting here?
Another good point.
I'm not pro al Qaeda, but if every prisoner
taken is a "killer of Americans,"
wouldn't that make John McCain a "killer of North
Would Kerrey, Kerry, North, Cleland and Hackworth
all be "killers of North Vietnamese?"
Were Bush, Dole and McGovern "killers of Germans
and Japanese?"
I wish this "the Geneva Convention crap doesn't
qualify in this case"way of thinking
would more closely mirror the thinking of every
ally we have.
3) I also think that the reason Democrats
are scared to investigate too far into Bush's oil connections
re: the terrorist attacks and Enron (for
instance) is because they saw the public's response to the constant
barrage against Clinton. They need
to see the difference here. The public didn't care about Clinton's
sex life
(except as entertainment). The public WILL
(or should) care about travesties of justice committed by Bush
and his cronies. These indiscretions are
important to America and our way of life!
the Democrats need party-wide testicle implants.
A Lot of
People Hate the Double Standard Nation
by Molly Ivins
Now we've won the ``war.''
So we take the prisoners we've captured off to
our base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and suddenly
announce that they are not prisoners of war after
all, because this isn't really a war we've been fighting.
Therefore the prisoners are ``illegal combatants,''
and we don't have to treat them in accord with the
Geneva Convention on POWs.
This is why a lot of people hate us.
Do you suppose Molly reads bartcop.com?
If you are a reporter with a story that your editor won't let
you run, contact me.
If you're "just a nobody" with some information and you have
no way to get it out, contact me.
pagans are still here?
nation wasn't built so they could disown the one, true God.
my new secret torture compex gets built, these subversives
be manacled, blindfolded and shipped to Cuba for some 'Giuliani time.'
show you punks the meaning of pain.
I love my job...
me to send the senate Democrats a thank you note."
Day 5 of the Shirley Manson log
So far,
...have not heard from Shirley.
Shirley Manson - contact bartcop.com
From: (withheld)
Subject: Fighting back
FYI, last night I called my CA US Senators to
register my disgust over Bush's comment
about his mother-in-law having lost money w/Enron.
I don't know how much she lost but
1) it's unlikely she had her retirement frozen
in an Enron account and
2) she is set for life thanks to the Bushs'
I asked why the dems weren't speaking out, screaming,
in fact, against this unmitigated disaster of a president.
Feinstein's aide sent me to Boxer, and Boxer's
aide said they needed to do things in small steps.
I said that didn't mean anything to me.
I said the only dem that seemed to be standing
up to the repubs was Kennedy.
He said Kennedy had been taking a lot of hits
from the public since his suggestion
that the tax cut be repealed--probably got 350
phone calls from the freepers in one day,
but that's no reason to let a bunch of fascist
Delay thugs determine domestic/foreign policy.
I called Kennedy's office as well, to pass on
some congratulations and advice to hit harder.
I think it's a mistake to back off the GOP, especially
now that they're weak.
That's what they want.
Now is the time to hit them in the guts or else
go down in history as "ineffectual."
Michele, are you married?
That's the kinda talk I like to hear.
"Things in small steps" doesn't apply to our
Just yesterday, Bush stole $37 billion for Ashcroft
to build more secret torture rooms.
Just today, we lost FOUR
President Greed fixed the election.
"F" a bunch of small steps.
There's no good reason in the world to delay
getting our Constitutional rights back.
I don't want my Bill of Rights returned in drips and drabs.
I talked to Julie Hiatt Steele last night.
She mentioned the Freedom of Information Act.
Does that thing even still exist?
It's my opinion (I need staff) that there is no longer a Freedom of
Information Act.
The Bush Family Evil Empire destroyed the FOIA along with the
Bill of Rights.
Am I right?
The time to fight back is NOW!
ha ha
It takes a minute to load, but it's worth it...
I need a really good (but small) Bush Family Evil Empire logo thingy.
Send me your sticker pics!
Sticker Contest!
Still no sticker photos...
From: markcole@flash.net
Subject: Re: yesterday's Triathlon - Harry Potter story
How disgusting is it that we live in a country
where the KKK will get police protection
everytime they march, and Harry Potter book reading
kids don't deserve it?
Mark, don't bother complaining to the Attorney General.
Headlines from today's exciting
The Diehard does Enterprize, Hillary and Pickles get together
for something, Elvis,
and West Wing's Aaron Sorking is dating Maureen Chalky
Those stories and tons more.
Waves Flag For G.O.P. Candidates
by Smokin' Joe Conason
"We can go to the country on this issue,
because they trust the Republican Party to do a better job
of protecting and strengthening America’s
military might and thereby protecting America," he said.
He might as well have added that the Democratic
elected representatives who have with a single lonely
exception in the House supported the American
military campaign in Afghanistan are a bunch of suckers.
We're in trouble.
Rove plays hardball, while the Democrats play Barbies.
Happy Birthday to...
Christine Lakin is 23 Leigh Taylor-Young
is 57
Don Maynard (1935) who caught a whole lot of passes from Broadway
China Kantner (1971) makes me feel really old, Edwin Newman
(1919) makes me feel young.
...the BartCop
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It had everything.
Copyright © 2002,
Shirley Manson, contact bartcop.com