Fair & balanced


Before we name more schools & airports after Ronald Reagan, 
can we get a look at what Bush is hiding in Reagan's files?

Press Rules

Kumho Tires

Ich bin ein Enroner

John Belushi

Chris Matthews

Bush POWs

Nudity on bartcop

Bush is Pissed

A Slut Named Laura

Judas Maximus

Insane Guns



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Volume 701 - Needles of Fire


 Sunday - January 27, 2002             Send me an Angel                  Recent old stuff            Shopping w/ Bart


"Now, it would be easy to make fun of Madame Ram for her showgirl beginnings, her seven marriages
 or the two children she bore out of wedlock. I prefer to take the high road, however, and ridicule her
 for her career as a homewrecker, team-stealer, and killer.   The highlights: Georgia takes up with the
 married Carol Rosenbloom, owner of the Los Angeles Rams. Georgia persuades Mr. Rosenbloom to
 divorce his wife and marry her. Georgia drowns her husband and takes over the team, neatly cutting out
 Rosenbloom's son (by his prior wife) in the process. Now, I should note that Mr. Rosenbloom's death
 was officially declared accidental. If you believe that a competition level swimmer drowned in five feet
 of lake water off the dock of his own home (with Georgia as the only witness), then you might as well
 climb in that golf cart with O.J. and go search for Nicole's real killers.
   --  Grant Miner, in today's bartcopsports.com

 Grant lowers the boom on the demonic Rams owner.

 Is he right?

 What's your opinion?
 Anyone know details about the death of Mr. Rosenbloom?

 I'm not sure he's right, but that's well-written and he's got passion.
 Nobody paid him to say that.
 Scaife didn't pay him $80,000 to make that up.

 ...at least she's not guilty of buying the Super Bowl.

 Hell, Kurt Warner worked in a grocery store, for Christ's sake.
 He wasn't some pampered superstar than Steinbrenner bought while drunk.

 You looking forward to the big game like me?

 Next weekend will be Steelers vs Rams, right?

 Do you have an opinion?
 A mind of your own?

 Send your thoughts to 

  Flashback - Bush's media wouldn't cover it, somebody had to...
  Bush's oil buddies at the controls of the sub when those Japanese students died.

 Big Oil at the Controls
  Subs Aren't the Only Things Dubya's Donors and Oil Buddies Are Mishandling
    by Tamara Baker   Feb. 19, 2001  for AMPOL

  Click  Here

 Todd Thoman and John Hall (who was the guy at the buoyancy levers when the sub
 did its disastrous emergency surface drill) are both employed by Fossil Bay, an oil
 company based in Dallas, Texas. They were on the sub because of the contributions
 they made to the USS Missouri restoration foundation...

 ...whose 'honorary chair' just happens to be George Herbert Walker Bush.

 ...and the press just let it go.
 There was only nine Japanese dead, at the hands of Bush's oil buddies.
 The White House told the military to entertain the oil baron contributors,
 and they wanted to play with George's new toys and those people died as a result.

 It's not like Monica, when there was something important at stake.

From: Pliplup@aol.com

Subject: Thanks for the CD

Got the Aerosmith CD last Tuesday.

And I even got a Bartcop autograph.

Hey, hold onto that BartCop autograph - it's very rare.
Because nobody wants one...


 "I was afraid Bush might favor big business at the expense of everyday people,
   but he turned out to be a pretty good president."
   -- some black guy Judas Maximus found to praise President Enron on This Whore

 The Real American Emergency
   by Randolph T. Holhut   at monitor.net

  Click  Here

 The reality is that the Republicans can't be trusted with the economy.
 Look back at the 1980s and consider all the waste, fraud and graft that we
 as taxpayers are still paying for -- the $500 billion it cost to bail out
 the S&Ls after they went belly up; the $59 billion unaccounted for at the
 federal Housing and Urban Development; the hundreds of billions of dollars
 that the Defense Department was overcharged for weapons; the billions
 ripped off by insurers from state and federal health programs.


 Fascism can't happen here?
 When you look at all the things that have happened in the past year,
 I would say this nation is already heading down that road.
 Even worse, few Americans seem to notice or care
 and even fewer seem willing to speak out against it.

 Today in history...

 In 1979, former VP Nelson Rockefeller died in New York at age 70.

 This came up years ago, when the hammer was even smaller than it is now.
 I know a secret about Nelson Rockefeller.  He died in bed with a hooker.
 This was before the whore press broadcast every wild accusation that Matt Drudge could fabricate.
 But it's true.

 Do some digging - make some calls - track this story down.
 His hooker called 911 when he had his attack, but he was cold when they arrived.
 If the story isn't true, why can't they say who called it in?

 You won't see this story anywhere else on the www, I believe.
 If you find something about this, let me know.

 Interestingly, today's the 4th anniversary of Clinton's
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,'' which was true.

 Too bad the press didn't cover up for Clinton like they did for Newt, Burton, Livingston
 and every other politician in history.

 The Republican Wife-Cheating Hall of Fame



 In 1998, Ashcroft gave an interview to a neo-Confederate magazine called Southern Partisan
 Quarterly Review.  In it, he argued that "traditionalists" needed to defend Jeff Davis, Stonewall
 Jackson and Robert E. Lee"  or else we'll be taught that these people were giving their lives,
 subscribing their sacred fortunes and their honor, to some perverted agenda."

 Unless we're badly mistaken, the agenda he's talking about would be slavery.
    --  Gene Lyons,  January 11, 2001

 Credibility of American Politics in Shreds
      by Andrew Gumbel

  Click  Here

 That is not to mention the White House itself, where no fewer than 35 administration officials have
 declared that they owned Enron stock at some point, in some cases running into the hundreds of
 thousands of dollars, and several senior figures, including the US Trade Representative, Robert Zoellick,
 and the White House economic adviser, Larry Lindsey, who served as paid Enron consultants before
 entering government. Mr Lindsey has been particularly active in blending his political and his commercial
 interests. For much of 2000 he remained on the Enron payroll, even as he was in charge of the
 economic platform on which Mr Bush was running for president.

 And late last year, before the catastrophic nature of Enron's problems became public, he took it upon himself
 to conduct an investigation into the possible wider economic fallout of a major energy company - he insists he
 had no particular one in mind - going bankrupt overnight.

 ...and they went after Clinton over sex?

 Is it cold where you are?


 Stay warm in a Hanes® Heavyweight BartCop Big Hammer sweatshirt.

 Draping History

  Click  Here

  They say Ashcroft is fed up with having his picture taken standing in front of nude figures.


 "Let me put it this way.  I really, really liked Frank Sinatra,
   but I wouldn't hire Frank Sinatra Jr. to sing at my party."
   -- Judith Regan, when asked if she liked the man some call president


 If you are a reporter with a story that your editor won't let you run, contact me.
 If you're "just a nobody" with some information and you have no way to get it out, contact me.

 Send proof, too.

 I'd like to see David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, but it's not playing anywhere near K-Drag.

 Every year when the give out the Oscars, half the movies have never made it to Oklahoma.
 The Lynch movie was released in October, and it's still hasn't made it to the Dust Bowl?

 Day 7 of the Shirley Manson log

  So far,

     ...have not heard from Shirley.

  Shirley Manson - contact  bartcop.com

 Excerpted from an e-mail from FizzTwo:

> A friend of mine on Wall Street told me that the Enron hierarchy have factored in
> a few years of low-security, country-club like detention before they will be able to enjoy
> the BILLIONS of dollars they shipped to the shell companies on off-shore islands their
> political benefactor (the current illegitimate resident of the White House) has said can't be
> interfered with because everyone knows the U.S.doesn't ever interfere with the internal
> affairs of foreign countries, especially not of ones we completely control.

 Remember what that sluggette Peggy Noonan said yesterday?

 The idea of getting into a struggle to squeeze out another $5 million when you already have
 a $100 million seemed to me absurd, a misallocation of energy and interest. It's not as if you
 can buy a better steak if you're already that rich. It's not as if you can buy a better anything.
 So why fight for another five?"
    --  Peggy Noonan in the WSJ on Enron

 I've been saying this for years, mostly about Laura and the vulgar Pigboy, that even with their
 $100 million in the bank, they're still willing to drop the pants of dignity to earn that extra nickel.
 Now we see it taken a step further by Bush's friends at Enron.

 They have their $100M in the bank, but they've factored in that that can make a few extra million
 if they're just willing to destroy the Enron little people and do a few years in the slammer.

 What makes Republicans think this way?

 You can have $100M and kick back on your yacht near St. Barts, licking Chinaco from
 the navels of firm and tan young girls while enjoying a fine sensemillia in your Jacuzzi...,


 ...you can have $200M later, and trade sexual positions with your cellmate for 22 months.

 I'd take the $100M, the Chinaco in the Caribbean and the young girls,
 but that's a Democrat talking, I guess.

     Send me your sticker pics!

 Sticker Contest!

  Click  Here

 Where are those sticker photos?
 I know digi-cams are $39, ...but surely someone has one.

 Sinatra and Reagan: A Rebuttal

  Click  Here

 Yesterday was the six-month anniversary for Marty's 
 Go Marty!

  Smoking Gun in Enrongate!
 Let the impeachment begin?
  by Mike Hersh at Liberal Slant.com

  Click  Here

 Former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Curtis Hebert, Jr. is
 going public with explosive allegations.  Hebert says Enron CEO Ken Lay--the
 largest contributor to George Walker Bush--made improper demands.

 When Lay threatened that his close friend Bush, would fire Hebert unless he obeyed, Hebert refused.
 Lay ordered Bush to fire Hebert, and Bush complied in August 2001.   Hebert says Bush also let
 Lay INTERVIEW him and other candidates for FERC Chairman in the first place!

 ha ha
 Bush is the most crooked moron to even visit the White House.

 If you didn't have a chance to check in yesterday,
 you missed Volume 700 - Corpus Gemini, which is
 probably the greatest single issue ever produced on these pages.


 But you wouldn't want to miss an issue, would you?

Ex-Workers Say Unit's Earnings Were 'Illusory'

   Click  Here

 But former employees, including three who were willing to be identified,
 suggest that Energy Services used shoddy accounting practices to create
 "illusory earnings," in the words of Jeff Gray, who joined Enron in 2000 and
 worked at the division for most of 2001.

 For example, by estimating that the price of electricity would fall in the future,
 Enron could book an immediate profit on a contract.


 It was run by ...Thomas E. White, who left Enron to become secretary of the Army last June.

 From: mks091557@netzero.net

 Subject: They'll never prove you wrong...

 They don't want any liberal voice in the media, period.
 Dittoheads, and the fat pig that they ditto, do not believe in democracy,
 they believe in fascism, at least as long as their ideology is running the country.

 Only a civil war where we win and they fight to the very last man will cure the country of conservativism.
 Sorry for the pessimism, but I think you can see my point.

Happy Birthday to...

      Bridget Fonda is 38                               Karen Velez is 41                           Elmore James (1918)

  Floyd  (1905)           Donna Reed (1921)

Chris Collinsworth (1959)  Troy Donahue (1936)

Daddy, you promised this would be easy.
Unka Dick wants to bail with his billions,
and the press isn't rolling over for me since
I've had this damn BartCop Hex chasin' me!

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