I'm sure that there are those who might believe
that catching the latest crap that passes for entertainment
at the local multiplex is much more important
than the $25 it costs to buy a JulieFest tape. I'm also sure
that there are those who believe visiting the
local Hooters is important, spending $25 on domestic swill and
multiple orders of wings, in order to talk to
a waitress with big boobs who won't date you anyway.
Here's a question: Would you rather spend ninety
minutes of your LIFE watching the struggle between good and evil?
The feel-good story of the decade -- hell, one
of the greatest feel-good stories since our nation was founded -- was
captured in James Carville's restaurant, West
24, in Washington, DC, on April 27, 2002. The good guys won, due to
the courage, the determination and the refusal
to quit of a woman who looks like she'd blow over in a strong breeze,
but has the heart of a lion.
Is there anything currently in the movie theater,
ANYWHERE, that could compare to the story of a woman so set on
telling the truth that it cost her her paid-for
home, her health, her job, her peace of mind, her family's peace of mind?
Anyone else would have buckled under. I'm sure
that most reading this have seen "Erin Brockovich";
Erin's a pretty courageous woman, but Erin didn't
at the cost of everything she had, except her
Twenty-five dollars is a trip for four to McDonald's,
a trip for four to the movies, a pizza and a two-liter soda.
In some places, you can get a few cheap seats
at an MLB game. What do you want your family to remember?
Would you like them to remember another trip
to get something to eat, or would you like them to remember
that there is a woman in our country that did
what she had to do to right a wrong for all of us, at huge personal
and professional expense?
You need to buy this tape. Buy more than one.
Buy them for gifts, leave one at your dittohead relatives' home.
Leave one at the local video store. Send 'em
in brown paper wrappers to your elected officials.
For $25, all monies left over after duplication
and postage costs go to Julie and her son.
Help keep the wolf from the door, and help spread
the word about an evening that will go down in history
for those who love truth, character and integrity
more than their own comfort and safety.
I believe that the Democratic Party was reborn
in that room that night.
In the meantime, get yourself to Las Vegas, and
go to Julie's next party in September. The last one, DH and I agreed,
was better than our wedding. It is the most fun
we've had, and we don't make that statement lightly. We're looking
forward to seeing Julie recognized again, this
time on the Left Coast, by those who know the sacrifices she's made.
Don't wait. Hit that Pay Pal button now, and
hit it several times, for a lady and a patriot named Julie Hiatt Steele.
the other Julie
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