I don’t know what I could say that hasn’t already been said about
Julie. After seeing this video,
I can say this about her: There is a heart of a lion inside that tiny
little Julie-bod. There is charm,
southern grace, wit, intelligence, and a sense of humanity that is
far beyond the comprehension
of the mean-spirited, egomaniacal, hell-bent lunatics of the OIC.
Having been raised in a home with a mom and three older sisters,
I have come to truly believe that
women are equal to men. However, I was also raised to be a gentleman,
with a certain amount of
“knight in shining armor” thrown in. After seeing Julie for the
first time, Sir Mad of Dog feels like rattling
his mighty sword (hockey stick) in Ken Starr’s face and saying, “How
could you treat this sweet, tiny
southern belle this Way? How could you show so much disrespect
for a dedicated mother and grandmother?
How could you threaten to remove that wonderfully bright little Romanian
boy from his adopted mother?”
My tail is between my legs right now. Why? I missed
out, and I know it. This tape brought it all home to
the DOG HOUSE. I missed the chance to be in the same room with
Carville, Brock, Conason, Bart, and
most importantly, Julie. I also missed out on actually shaking
hands with so many of the people that I talk
to online almost every day-the people known as “Bartcoppers.”
There were so many moments that you could just see the joy in
the faces of those who attended Juliefest.
There were so many moments that you could also see the “hammer” growing
to immense proportions.
It was just so dog-gone special to see James Carville take time out
of his busy schedule and support the
event like he did. And, it was pretty cool to see the real “Bartcop.”
When I saw Bart for the first time,
I envisioned this mild-mannered cat in a red shirt and glasses running
into a phone booth and magically
transforming himself into ‘TEQUILABOY!” I imagined an announcer
saying something like,
“He fights injustice with his mighty hammer; and he expects no reward...except
for a nice shot of Chinaco!”
For those that have not seen the tape-and there are many-I don’t want to give away too much and “spoil the movie.” However, here is just some of the memorable comments:
James Carville: “She’s a true American Heroine.”
Julie: “If you look up domestic abuse, it’s all there...but instead of your spouse, it’s your government.”
David Brock: “There was a right-wing conspiracy...I know, because I was in it.”
Zomar: “I read Bartcop for the first time, and I finally found someone
who agreed with what I saw”
(Note to Zomar: I wanna party with you cowboy, so we can compare our
similar hairstyles.)
A.Stranger: “He's got a slant, and he charges me up...Bart puts it right
out there.”
(Note to Stranger: You and I MUST form the “Bartcop All-Star Band &
JulieRB: “We are drinking Chinaco, because that’s the way it should be.”
Bartcook: “She’s a true Patriot; not in Ashcroft’s sense of the word, but in the true sense of the word.”
PeteHisey: “Oh yeah, it’s up there with the time when I was eight years
old, and I got taken out on the field
at an all-star game by Warren Spahn.
(Note to Self: Give Petey a good ribbing about this comment the next
time you see him in Bartcop Chat.)
Joe Conason, speaking to Julie’s son Adam: “...see so many people love your mom.”
I wish I could have quoted everyone, because they were all good.
John Tomato even opened up a can of WHOOPASS on the Republicans.
It will be fun to look at this tape many years down the road.
Even though I wasn’t there, I will know that my spirit was.
Seeing Julie Hiatt Steele in her shining moment, seeing some
great authors: seeing James Carville and Bart, and seeing all
my so many of my cyber-buddies in one place, all for a good cause,
was a great mental and emotional lift.
If you haven’t purchased this video, please do so.
I promise that you will NOT be disappointed:
You have a Dog’s word on it!