You're about to see something from Michael Reagan's website.
I'd say it's an 8 or 9 on the porn scale - and it's on Mike
Reagan's website.
(Mike being Saint Reagan's son, the man who makes millions parroting
his father's money-making yada-yada about family values.)
I'm serious,
if you're a grandmother or a kid, this is nearly as far as you can
go, porn-wise.
...and it's on Mike Reagan's website.
Besides, it'll trap your browser and you'll have to hit the "x" in the
upper right corner,
but this is truly awful, and you'll want to get out as soon as you
get there,
...and it's not even Britney Spears in the faked ultra-graphic porno.
Why do I do this?
It's not for the porn
value. This has no porn value. It's just sick.
It's worse than watching a cowboy spit tobacco into
a Tiffany flute, and that's a clue.
It's not because I think
Ron Reagan is a porn master
(But if he approved this, the world's going to find out
before the sun goes down today :)
No, my best guess is that Ron
got a little greedy and accepted a link that wasn't checked out.
Listen to me - this isn't for you to see. It's
for the other former hard rock club owners
who've seen everything and aren't easily sicked
by ultra-degrading group sex.
Here we go:
In my opinion, this is worse than the urine crucifix.
So, you've been warned - don't write and say "How
could you?"
I'm exposing Mike Reagan's perversion, his greed, or his hypocrisy,
you decide.
Subject: Michael Reagan website provides helpful links to pornography
1. See Michael's site at
2. Click on 'Guest Info' under heading "On the Radio" at left margin.
3. Near the bottom of the list presented is a
link purported to lead to Dolly Kyle Browning's website,
4. Prepare to be surprised at where this link leads...
Pretty sick, wasn't it?
Why would Michael Reagan have that on his site?
Remember: Blame goes to Reagan!
If I reveal the Reagan perversion, don't call ME the pervert.
From: (withheld)
Subject: Rush steps in it big time
Just happened to be listening to the truth
molester, Rush Limbuagh, and heard something that I'm sure
will come back to haunt. He brought up
the pundit situation with Enron giving money to pundits for serving
on a useless board or for other made up reasons.
Rush was very outraged about this and asked how you
could trust these pundits writing when they are
being paid off.
He said that we have names of some of those that
have recieved Enron money but only mentioned the one
"liberal", Krugman, that has received this money.
Then he fumbled around and said there where others without
mentioning them. The obvious reason for
this sudden loss of words is becuase the other presently known
recipients are all conservatives, Noonan, Ludlow,
Krystol, and a couple of others. I believe he really opened
a can of worms that is going to haunt the conservatives
for some time.
The amazing thing is that Rush was so confident
in the stupidity and lack of curiousty of his audience that he
would feel comfortable selectively telling this
story to slam liberals when it is in fact obviously a very damning
story for conservatives. Everytime I listen
to this monster I'm more surprised with the complete lack of any
regard for reality in the hunt for bashing liberals
and democrats.
Mark, it's even worse than that. According to the Capital Gang, Krug
worked for Enron years ago.
He severed all ties when he moved to the NY Times, unlike those whores
you listed who were getting
checks LATELY to scream how pure and innocent Enron really is.
...but as far as Rush gambling that his audience is stupid?
How do you think he made his $300 million?
The strange
and convenient death of J. Clifford Baxter
Enron executive found shot to death
That a man only two days away from suicide
would be considering hiring a bodyguard
defies belief. But neither the Times nor
any other media outlet has raised the possibility
that Baxter felt his life to be in danger
because of what he knew and could divulge about
the internal affairs of Enron. Men have
been killed for much less..
There are missing billions here.
Of course the cops shouldn't have made the "quick call" on the
Was Katherine Harris helping out?
Is the Bush Family Evil Empire up to their same old tricks?
Will they bury Baxter in Florida and dig him up later?
(That's what Jeb's contributors do in Florida. you know...)
...why investigate anything that might "cause
irreparable harm to petitioner Bush?"
The Appointed King is above the law, always has been.
Above the Constitution, too.
From: (withheld)
Subject: More on Nelson Rockefeller
This is a great story.
A couple of years ago Doris Kearns Goodwin told
Imus that when Rocky died he was, in fact, with a hooker.
Not only that, but it seems he had been surgically
"modified" so that he could get an erection by using some kind of pump.
The way Doris tells the story, he died, apparently
of a heart attack, and the hooker tries to get his penis deflated and can't.
So, she tries to make him look "normal," as he
is sitting in a chair, by putting a copy of the WSJ open over the top of
the erection and slippers on his feet. Trouble
is, when the cops get there the slippers are on the wrong feet and the
newspaper is upside down.
It doesn't get any better than this...
Bart, yes, I remember the story.
The woman in question was on the Nelson Rockerfeller
Her job: Art Critic.
I believe her salary was $50,000.
There were several other 'art critics' on his
$50,000 in 1979 would be like $250,000 today.
I thought at the time, 'Man, imagine what a $50,000
hooker must be like'.
Now I wonder if that's the going rate for having
sex with a goofy GOP nutcase fascist.
What would one charge for Ashcroft?
ha ha
So all Clinton had to do was call Monica his "art critic?"
Ever been polled?
Now's your chance!
Take the quiz.
Why The Free Market Failed Enron
Click Here then vote on the right
I voted with the majority.
ha ha
Navy Submarine,
Ship Collide Off Oman
Accident: One of the vessels, the USS Greeneville, was involved
in a
deadly incident last year that killed nine people aboard a Japanese
According to the Navy, fatcat Enron contributors, in fact, were
not at the controls this time.
...fatcat GOP contributors from Enron were not at the controls this time.
Subject: WKRP episode
You wrote:
> "Johnny Fever and Venus Flytrap broke into his studio & stole 'em back."
I'm sorry, but this is wrong.
Please return your pop culture credentials to
the front desk.
It is true that Johnny and Venus "watergated"
the place, but they got scared off by a siren
(I believe it was a passing ambulance) and got
nothing. Herb then went in posing as a gay guy
and got nothing. Then Bailey (hold that thought...
mmmmmmmmmmmmm...) and Johnny went in
posing as ex-Playboy model Ginger Gregg and her
ex and got the photos.
(sidebar: there was a Ginger Grigg that
was a writer or something for the show.)
But thanks for bringing the memory back up.
Nolo contendere...
And it's a good time to remind people that
is not a research facility.
Hard to believe, but I have been proven wrong on small details, which
is not the same
as admitting liability or culpability in the aforementioned allegation.
If you see something on don't run with it, check it out.
in High Places
by William Rivers Pitt
Enron was allowed to fiddle with California's
power while lifting their wallets due to the efforts of Senator Phil Gramm,
Republican of Texas. Gramm
blasted a new law through Congress in 2000 that took the buying and selling
of electricity
"off the books," according to Public Citizen
researcher Tyson Slocumb. Before the passage of Gramm's bill, which
against the recommendations of then-Treasury
Secretary Rubin and Fed Chairman Greenspan, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission had been making noises
about price caps because of the extreme energy costs being levied
against California energy users.
After Gramm's law was passed, attached as it was to a must-sign bill, Enron's
trading moved beyond FERC's oversight powers.
Enron's profits quadrupled in the next quarter. It should be noted
that Gramm has accepted some $100,000 in
political contributions from Enron during his time in politics.
...but this can't be right.
Gramm said he was retiring to spend more time with his Enron director.
From: (withheld)
Subject: Random Thoughts
I just spend my time here in the North Maine Woods
watching the snowfall,
hacking around on the computer and watching the
Pats kick ass.
I tell ya if I knew a bookie, at 15 1/2 point
Hey, I'm with you.
I expect the Rams to stomp 'em like ants but I can't give up 15 1/2
Oh btw, you know that the Kennebunkport "White
House" has it's sewage go
directly to the ocean, it's "grandfathered" when
it comes to sea-side septic..
remember that Boston Harbor ad back in 1988,
we do!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave, I believe you on that pollution thing.
In Bush's case, "grandfathered" means it was paid for with Hitler's
Last thing?'s Kenny-bunkport.
Who do you think paid for that property?
Mrs. Enron
says family near bankruptcy
Linda Lay says husband ‘would do absolutely nothing wrong’
"We can't live on $600
game of the year!
How many interceptions for touchdowns will Aeneas Williams get?
Friday night, the funniest woman in America, Wanda Sykes,
is doing a pre-game thing on Bourbon Street for Fox Sports.
heard it here first
Ted Olson dating so soon?
What would Betty Bowers say?
Heard on the Mike Malloy Show
Malloy: (Recounts
the story of bin Ashcroft all in a tizzy because the breast of a
1930's aluminum
statue of "The Spirit of Liberty" was over his left shoulder during a lie
session with reporters.)
More specifically the nekkid boob of the statue, was over his shoulder.
He wants it covered up ... now ...dammit ... or somebody is going to
be sent to Cuba and tortured.
"So, ...we
have another Funnyboy, ...this one's on the radio.
Mike Malloy, ...Mike Malloy... I've seen that name on a list.
He was either on the al Qaeda list or the pagan list.
Mike Malloy, ...Mike Malloy, ...sounds Egyptian.
...we can't afford to err on the side on leniency
so take this Malloy character into custody but don't tell his family.
torture him and get to the bottom of this.
I little 'Giuliani time' will loosen his tongue.
If he's innocent, most of the scars will heal. "
From: Sharon
Subject: Geezer Rock Classics
Hey bartcop,
I was reading the story about Paul and Mick, and thinking about this little problem I have.
My boyfriend has been teaching me bass guitar.
He also plays 6 and 12 string has been trying
to teach me the benefits of simple bass lines
a la early Paul McCartney. Stuff like I -V-I (CGC on a C Chord).
He got me a Fender fretless jazz bass and tuned
it in fifths (C-G-D-A), since I can't think in fourths,
due to years of classical fiddling. So
I could play it like an extremely large fiddle.
I wish I had Bill Wyman's phone number so I could
ask him to teach me the bass line (not just the chords)
to "Start Me Up". Do you know anyone proficient
enough in bass to write it out for me? In bass clef please?
If anyone knows that, send it to Sharon
"I hate
to speak in front of porn."
bias in media is a myth
Letter to The Advocate; Baton Rouge, La.; Jan 11, 2002;
It seems the liberal-bias myth is rearing its
ugly head again. The Advocate has just printed at least two columns
on the subject, by Thomas Sowell and William
Rusher. While there is plenty that is wrong with media coverage
in this country, charges of media bias are misleading
Ten multinational corporations own virtually all
broadcast, Internet or print media in this country - General Electric,
Viacom, AOL/Time Warner, Disney, AT&T, News
Corp, Liberty, Sony, Bertelsmann, and Vivendi. Who really
thinks Jack Welch or Rupert Murdoch would appoint
radical left-wingers to run their businesses? These companies
depend on other big corporations for their advertising
revenue - big corporations that don't want news that equates
to bad PR. They also have huge vested interests
in parts of the conservative agenda, such as deregulation, that will
further increase their already- vast influence
and profits.
Let me make something clear - when the media give
saturation coverage to Chandra Levy and her relationship
to U.S. Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif., but show
no interest in a dead woman (Lori Klausutis) found in the office
of U.S.Rep. Joe Scarborough, R-Fla., that's not
liberal bias.
When George W. Bush's DUI became public knowledge,
the story became
"Did Al Gore leak the story as a dirty trick?"
and not,
"George W. Bush committed a crime, and successfully
covered it up for more than 24 years."
That's not liberal bias.
When Lexis-Nexis lists almost 14,000 stories
about Bill Clinton's having been a draft dodger, but fewer than
50 stories about George W. Bush's having
been AWOL from the National Guard, that's not liberal bias.
When the new administration took office, it demonstrated
its intent to "change the tone" in Washington, D.C.,
by smearing the outgoing administration with
charges of vandalizing the White House and Air Force One.
Rather than insist on proof, even a single photograph,
the media trumpeted these stories 24/7. When this slander
finally wsa debunked by a government investigation,
the media quietly retracted the allegations. That's not liberal bias.
When William Rusher has to use 20-year-old statistics
to support his claim of liberal bias in today's media, it might
be because there's no current data that support
his claims.
A pair of quotes:
First, William Kristol, editor of the Weekly
Standard and former chief of staff for VP Dan Quayle
- "I admit it: The liberal media were never
that powerful, and the whole thing was often used
as an excuse by conservatives for conservative
Second, Pat Buchanan, who I'm sure needs no introduction
to your readers:
"I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage
- all we could have asked. ...
For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal
media, but every Republican on Earth does that."
Both quotes from Norman Solomon's "Politics: What Is Disinformation?" San Francisco Bay Guardian, Aug. 8, 1996.
S. Healy
from Marty at BartCop E!
Both the 'Garbage' & 'Michael Dare' pages
have received over 1000 hits
(1047 for 'Garbage' & 1486 for 'MD')
I know what this really means.
It means almost 1500 people read that great Michael
Dare-John Belushi story,
and the 60 who clicked on the
sample got caught up in it and clicked on it twenty times each.
I'm so deep into this beautifulgarbage CD, the songs are so draining
my mind of any concentration,
...and now the lead guitar parts from each song are playing in my head.
Y'know, I have other things to do.
It's hard to think with some damn pop songs rollercoasting thru my
small brain....
by Cliff Downing
“The Strongest Economic Forces in America”
Black Hawk Down
You know all the hype over the movie and the book
Black Hawk Down?
Lot of rightwingnuts are taking some damm cheap
shots at Clinton over it.
I heard either Pigboy or Howie Carr say Clinton
had blood on his hands because of it.
He should have given them the stuff they needed,
tanks, gunships, etc.
He didn't and therefore he killed them.
Well I'm hear to tell ya that ain't so, Joe.
It was Colin Powell who stopped the local commanders
getting armor and gunships to support the
boys on the ground.
There was a recent report that came out by the
Senate Armed Services Committee, a GOP-controlled
panel. In it General Downing, a four-star general,
was quoted on the record as saying he asked for them
and that General Powell opposed them and
the Rangers regard this as having had a significant negative
effect on their ability to deal with that conflict.
Raptous, no it was all Bill Clinton's fault.
Don't you read the papers?
Don't you watch the cable shows?
Here's how it works:
If it went bad, Bill Clinton did it.
If it went good, it was Reagan's leadership from
beyond the grave.
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