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"If this White House is intent on coming up
with claims of phony executive privilege as a means
of keeping the facts from the American
people, it's going to be time for us to get off the sidelines."
-- Senator Fred Thompson (R-Tuxedo) Feb.
The Enroning of the Treasury
After four years of surpluses, Bush's budget
projects the government
will go in the red through 2004, including
a $106 billion deficit this year.
Saw it on Salon's Table Talk...
I almost choked on my coffee Thursday morning
when I read Kevin Canfield's article
"Shades of FDR in Bush Address." Excuse me, but
what color is the sky above the planet
where Canfield is living? Can anyone seriously
compare George W. Bush to Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
Any sane person who listened carefully to Bush's
saber-rattling state of the union address
on Tuesday night should be scared out of his
or her wits at this point. The subtext of the speech
amounted to "We don't care whether there's any
evidence that Iran, Iraq, or North Korea had
any connection to the events of 9/11; we reserve
the right to go after them as 'terraist' states,
hammer and tongs, just because we can, and just
because we don't like them. We've labeled
them the 'axis of evil,' and that's all we need."
In other words, Bush has proclaimed that we
are now a rogue state, beholden to no international
constraints on our behavior.
Mimicking the words of FDR does not elevate Dubya
to FDR's level. Roosevelt spent his early
adulthood in public service and grew spiritually
and psychologically into the man who was capable
of leading America through the crises of depression
and war by the searing experience of illness
and paralysis. Dubya has undergone no similar
transforming experience. He is still the same shallow,
smirking frat-boy he was on September 10 -- the
man who glided through life on skids greased by
family connections, who avoided service in Vietnam
by jumping ahead of 500 applicants into the
Texas Air National Guard, who then blew off an
entire year of his National Guard commitment
(May 1973-May 1974) without any consequences,
who spent most of his adult life looking at
the world through the bottom of a liquor bottle
or in the reflection of a mirror with a line of cocaine,
who managed to walk away from several failed
businesses (Arbusto Corp., Harken Corp.) with more
money than he went in with, who managed to get
appointed to the Presidency by a 5-4 vote of the
Supreme Court despite losing the nationwide popular
vote by over a half-million votes and despite
garnering fewer actual votes in Florida than
his opponent.
The fact that Americans naturally rally round
any president who is engaged in overseas military action
does not in any way mitigate the fact that this
particular soi-disant emperor has no clothes.
Mr. Bush, it is said, has a penchant for conferring
jocular nicknames on members of the press.
Judging from the fawning adulation given to him
by the press in recent months, I can think of one nickname
that would be appropriate for the entire press
corps, but especially for toadies like Kevin Canfield:
by Jim Higdon
C.S.I and U2
I have to agree that C.S.I is beating The West
Wing this year. I never thought I would admit that,
as I watch West Wing reruns with the same attention
that I pay to the show the first time it runs.
I am a fanatic! But C.S.I. is Thinking Man's
TV. You really have to pay attention.
It's brain food, not junk food.
I am beginning to suspect that you may be gay,
despite the constant references to Mrs. Bartcop.
I cannot believe that you would watch U2 instead
of turning to Playmate Fear Factor!
Ben Larson
The Last Liberal in the Texas Panhandle
I caught a little of the playmates but when they brought out
the giant jar of 10,000 flies I switched the channel
How Times Change
"The president's secretive health care task
force . . . has never held a formal meeting.
Its two dozen or so working groups are
staffed by 300 to 400 health care experts whose
identities the White House refuses to
disclose and whose deliberations are kept secret."
-- the Wall Street Journal editorial page, March
9, 1993, on Hillary Clinton's health care panel.
"President Bush was right yesterday when he
called [Henry] Waxman's demands to see records
of his energy task force 'an encroachment
on the executive branch's ability to conduct business'
Mrs. Clinton set up a body involving
non-government officials that was arguably subject to the
Federal Advisory Committee Act. The
Cheney task force was a governmental body to which
this law doesn't apply."
-- the Journal editorial page, last Tuesday, doing everything
they can to help Smirk's robbery
From: booradley
Subject: Bartcop Photo!
Hey BC-
Not only is my cat indestructible (recovered from
a broken leg in about 2 weeks)
but she's intelligent too, as evidenced in this
picture my mom just took.
Keep up the good work-
From: BartKar@aol.com
Subject: One of the best articles I have ever read
Hey Bart, the fellow that wrote this must read your site:
One of the conservative movement's strokes
of genius has been to invest a fortune in persuading the rest
of the nation of the existence of a beast
called the "liberalmedia". This is, from a conservative standpoint,
extremely useful nonsense. Journalists may
be a bit more liberal on cultural matters such as abortion and
pornography than many Americans, but they
are probably more conservative on economic questions,
and in any case take their orders from editors
and producers who are often extremely conservative.
The multinational or even family-controlled
corporations that own the mainstream media do not appoint leftwing
radicals to oversee their properties. Never
mind the lie, conservatives have set up their own network of extremely
generously funded media, on the phoney grounds
that this is needed just to give their views a fair shake.
This network includes the Moonie-owned Washington
Times, the Murdoch-owned Fox News Channel,
New York Post and Weekly Standard, the Wall
Street Journal, the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh,
the American Spectator, the venerable National
Review, and a host of others.
It's from "The Right Sort" at the Guardian News.
Keep up the great work......
From: Phillip A. Schuman
Subject: Bush vs. Starr/Clinton precedent
Dear BartCop:
You basically asked why it is that if Clinton
had to divulge meeting
notes and such with advisors, making for no confidential
how is it that Cheney has a leg to stand on to
refuse to do so himself?
Here for the answer
...by the way, there's always that one-in-10,000 chance the whore
court will rule
against Smirk's insane money and power grab, and if they
do, and Bush/Cheney are
forced to reveal how deeply Enron was buried in their butts,
look for a complete reversal by
the right-wing media. If that damning info ever sees the light
of day, every pundit will
talk about how normal and everyday these secret meetings were.
But if the secret Enron meetings were so normal and everyday,
why is
this crooked White House trying so hard to keep this information
You could sense it building there, late in the
fourth quarter in The Big Easy.
The Rams had mounted an Elwayian comeback in
the second half. The score was tied.
People were on the edges of their seats. Bookies
all over the country were sweating and making sure
they had their escape route all planned out.
The coaches on either sideline stalked up and down,
hair turning grey. Many would be they who would
have ragged fingernails afterwards.
Someone sent me a copy of Marta Lilbaugh's dead-tree VENT Magazine.
God, it was awful.
It makes bartcop.com look professional.
On the cover, it proudly states:
"It's not about what's trendy - it's
about what lasts."
Well, it was lucky to last four issues.
I couldn't figure out what the magazine was about.
It most closely resembled a 96-page USA Today pie chart.
The "highlight" was Marta interviewing her worthless slug of a
husband, asking him
questions like how he's able to stay so humble amidst all his
greatness, crap like that.
It also included typical Rush-style humor, such as this:
the difference between 25 cents and Princess Diana?
easier to scrape together 25 cents.
Typical Pigboy humor.
What an unprincipled slut he is.
by Cliff Downing
"Some Common Sense"
Day 13 of the Shirley Manson log
So far,
...have not heard from Shirley.
c l i c k to
o r d e r
Shirley Manson - contact bartcop.com
It appears that we have forced Michael Reagan to take down his disgusting porn link.
Shame, shame on the nasty Reagan boy.
I guess that's what happens when the parents aren't there to
raise the kids properly.
Check today's
Bo Derek and Playboy bunnies, The Razzies, and can you guess
who this is?
Democrats.com interview with Paul Begala
[bob] Dick Cheney refuses to turn
over the records of his Energy Task Force.
What is he hiding?
[paulbegala] Something. Maybe something
big. My vast experience with
scandals has taught me that anytime a politician
doesn't want to disclose
something, there's a very good reason.
Or a very bad reason. The notion
that's he's standing on constitutional
principle is bullshit. Thanks to Ken Starr,
"executive privilege" has been so eroded
that Clinton couldn't even meet privately
with a top aide like Sid Blumenthal. But
Cheney wants a privilege that allows
corporations to lobby -- and change government
policy -- in secret???
Preposterous! We've got to keep the heat
on them. Maybe the better strategy
is to pressure Republicans. They're the
ones who have to run in the Enron election
of 2002, and they don't have an 82% approval
rating. Once a couple of honest
Republicans (and yes, there are some) like
Fred Thompson or Chris Shays call for
an independent investigation, some Democrats
may grow some spine. Don't forget,
it took a Republican named Jeffords to
be the first to stand up to Junior.
Happy Birthday to...
Her husband Clint is 40
Natalie Imbruglia is 27
Also born today: Rosa Parks (1913) Charles Lindbergh
(1902) Alice Cooper (1948)
Joe Pesci (1943) Little Danny Quayle (1947) and
former comedian David Brenner (1945)
TV Sweep
weeks are underway
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...help meeeeeeeeee!
This BartCop
Hex has me choking on my food...
I'm the
victim in all this, I'm the victim.
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It had everything.
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