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"A number of you have asked me if I had any
interest in running
for the most powerful office in the
land. But I want to make it clear
- I have no interest at all in being
secretary of state of Florida."
--John Kerry, testing the waters
An Updated Timeline Surrounding 9-11
the CIA and our government
involved, what were they doing?
Bin Laden Met with the CIA in July and
Walked Away
Expert: Anthrax suspect ID'd
An advocate for the control of biological
weapons who has been gathering information
about last autumn's anthrax attacks said
yesterday the FBI has a strong hunch about
who mailed the deadly letters.
But the FBI might be "dragging its feet"
in pressing charges because the suspect is a
former government scientist familiar with
"secret activities that the government would
not like to see disclosed," said Barbara
Hatch Rosenberg, director of the Federation
of American Scientists' Chemical and Biological
Weapons Program.
Did Gore fight hard enough?
From: (withheld)
Subject: What you said about JHS
"She's a lot like you and me - if she gets a nice e-mail, she answers it."
I send you nice E-mail all the time, and
you never answer it.
A lot like you and me indeed.
Evk, a couple of things.
In round numbers, I get ...a bunch of e-mails each day.
Probably half are "personal" the others are stories, toons and
I answer maybe 100 a day, which means the rest remain unanswered.
There just isn't enough time.
If you have a trick to slow the passing of time, please tell
Ku Klux Coulter...
and whore
Ann Coulter, another conservative philanthropy
frankenstein. A spat on the Right reveals a lot.
Ann Coulter is a leggy, sassy blonde telebimbo,
(and constitutional lawyer) whose career as
a TV talking head took off during the Clinton
scandals – and, like Clinton, she never really went away.
Her column...has been a mainstay
of the firebreathing Right...Ms. Coulter is now embroiled in one
of those intramural spats on the Right
that reveal more about the participants than anyone ever
intended, a scrap which underscores the
new era of ugliness that now seems to be dawning in wartime
In yesterday's issue, I was asked,
"Is it true Ken lay stayed in the Lincoln
Bedroom during the Clinton years?"
I replied,
"JB, it's my guess that he did.
Either that, or the Dems are doing
their usual triple-bad job of refuting GOP lies."
It turns out I was right - about how incredibly inept the scared
bunny donkeys are.
Thank Koresh CNN got a list from the AP on who - exactly
- stayed in the Lincoln Bedroom
during the Clinton years and - surprise - Kenny Boy's not on
the list.
Note that "BartCop" does
not appear on that list.
The Democrats are so totally and hopelessly clueless on
how to fight.
Where the hell was Terry McAuliffe? Where the hell is everybody?
The fascist dogs of the GOP have been spreading that rumor since
Enron died,
and the helpless and hopeless Democrats just lay there saying,
screw me again."
What's wrong with this party?
Do I need to go to Washington and straighten them out?
Is there no fight at all left in the Democrats?
And don't give me, "We're all one since
September 11th," crap.
The GOP is fabricating lies and selling them wholesale, and the
Washington press corpse
is buying every lie and re-labeling it "the God's truth," because
the Dems refuse to fight back.
This party needs to borrow a cup of courage from Julie Hiatt Steele.
From: Rochesterjim@aol.com
Subject: Bush: The 5th Amendment Administration
The whole world knew everything about former President
Clinton -- much more than
anyone wanted to know. Republicans wailed, "The
American public has a right to know."
Ken Starr and right-wing religious groups, made
sure that everything President Clinton
ever did or was accused of doing before and during
his presidency was an open book.
Why can they not apply this candor to themselves?
This president and his appointees
should be known to history as the "Fifth Amendment
What are they hiding?
Jim in Rochester, MI
Damn, when was the last time you visited mediawhoresonline.com?
Can you believe how big they're getting?
It seems like every week, MWO is mentioned by a TV talk show,
a nationally syndicated columnist or quoted in an article in
Salon or The Nation.
Wolf the Whore alluded to them just last night.
I'm so jealous!
Someone asked me today if some story they read on MWO was real.
I told them,
"Yes, they are honest and reliable at MWO!
It's me who can't
be trusted."
Check it out.
Mediawhoresonline.com is one of the most important
sites on the web.
Get your BartCop Stickers while they last.
Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Donation not required.
Yet another incredibly silly "best President ever" poll
Tops Presidential Poll
Lincoln has moved to the top of the list of greatest
presidents in an ABC News poll
George W. Bush ease ahead of Ronald Reagan in
the overall survey and among Republicans.
In the same ABC poll a year ago, Reagan was at
the top.
Republicans are dumping the Reagan myth for the Weak & Stupid myth?
Does that mean in 2004, all the GOP candidates will be arguing
over which of them is the closest clone to the unelected fraud?
Why are they talking about new Reagan monuments if he's not even
considered the greatest living Republican by his own party?
American democracy: R.I.P
The emergence of the Fascist American Theocratic State
by John Stanton and Wayne Madsen, Online
Journal Contributing Writers
Three events accelerated the demise of
American Democracy.
The Election of 2000 (the American version
of a coup), the 911
attack on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon primarily by
terrorists from Saudi Arabia (a vaunted
but corrupt U.S. "ally"
that funded both the terrorist Al Qaeda
network and the Taliban)
and the US response to it, and the spate
of corporate bankruptcies,
most notably Enron, which provided clear
evidence—to those who
dared look at it—that the American democratic
process was a sham.
The Bush administration, composed of a number
of former Enron
officials in its upper ranks, could only
describe the worst financial
collapse in the world's history as a "tragedy"
as if it were akin to a
hurricane or earthquake and not man-made.
From: tommymack@sbcglobal.net
Subject: An American in London...
Hey, Bart.
Just went to London and you know what?
Liberals AND conservatives over there hate Bush.
So in a way, he is a uniter and not a
Enjoy the pic!
Tommy Mack
ha ha
That's so cool!
Great idea, too!
Hey, all you non-stateside bartcop.com readers -
Send in your "Bush is a complete idiot - bartcop.com"
picture by a famous landmark and
get your picture in to the most exciting political internet liberal
treehouse published in Oklahoma.
From: catzies@dock.net
Subject: Could (should) this
be "Funeralgate II?"
See Tomb
Bartcop and Dear Bartcop Readers,
I know you agree that any story with "...and they
were all filled with human remains,"
is too too terrible to even contemplate.
But it's true again, and how very sad.
Why is it that these happen in "we put the -mental
in fundamental" Christian states,
where the 2nd Amendment reigns over all, and
Southern to boot?
And they're all Republicans...oops, which goes
without saying.
I don't have to remind you the BFEE has a trail
of these in their wake.
To get to the bottom of this is an important
job for someone who can play
Has the BFEE been tampering with the Death Industry
I hope by asking, all of you Brilliant Readers
and Writers, someone can prove
something like this being a result of deregulation.
Or something. Probably bad.
This awful sort of thing never happens, but somehow
it follows Bush around
like a tail wagging a dog? Mere coincidence?
Bartcop readers need to know.
No one else will do it, or at least they won't
get a fair airing in the
MegaMedia outlets that are all whores looking
the other way.
But someone here knows the way. Please tell us when you find out.
Look, it's Granny C in 1955
She's a hottie!
Some of the graphics seen on this page come from
How about a hemp t-shirt that pricks our Failure in Thief?
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From: sascha@futurefunk.net
Subject: You're a legend in your own lunchbreak
I've yet to see you debate me without resorting to personal attacks and name-calling.
What a sweet way to begin a conversation.
It's always nice to hear from Sacha.
(Have we spoken before?)
But that can wait, what I'd really like to see
is an unreserved admission that the doves
were right all along and you were so easily suckered
into being a ra-ra nationalist by
the GOP and the hegemonic structure that we call
American "democracy".
I'll admit this:
On September 11th, I wanted revenge and it couldn't happen fast enough
for me.
Only one man on the planet could order that, (well, actually everyone
orders Smirk around)
and yes, I believed him when he said he was going to erase bin Laden
and the bad guys.
About the only thing Bush ever did with any efficiency was send men
to their graves.
As I recall, you were in the "Let's forgive them" camp.
I'm not naming names, but some of you doves act like you were up on
bin Laden and the
proposed Afghan Pipeline on September 10th, and the second that first
plane hit,
you knew Smirk's plan for world domination was now in motion.
But I don't see it, all I see is "you told us
you would get the baddies, boo-hoo."
It's time you faced up to the fact that you are
also responsible for what has happened
in the last 5 months. You are an "enabler of
ha ha
No, I'm a wanter of revenge.
Are you getting any closer to not being a tool of the state?
ha ha
BartCop - apologist for the unelected, weak & stupid crook
The truth is, your position is so extreme, you see me in bed with Smirk.
To "A," it looks like "E" and "Z" and standing next to each other.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing.
--Edmund Burke
(And it's even more likely when they have a website
that says "we owe those bastards")
Hey, if Americans refused to fight for their country,
Burke would've said that in German,
and we'd be able to read it with no problem.
Do me a favor - write in 30 years and ask if I've changed my mind yet.
is back online
Her friend Marshall waved some magic wand and she's back with
us again.
I was reading about Julie today in my The Hunting of the President
written by my good friends Gene Lyons & Joe Conason.
Two things jumped out. This is Joe Conason writing:
When Isikoff reached Steele's suburban
home later that afternoon, he found
a cordial, talkative divorcee in her
early 50's with curly blonde hair and a six-year old.
The other thing was this sentence:
...Willey had fallen into a state of
mental and emotional breakdown...
and Steele had been forced to place
her friend in a hospital for care.
ha ha
I don't know why that sounds funny - Julie committing Willey
to a mental hospital.
There's a funny story behind that.
I hope she puts it in her upcoming book.
Meanwhile, here's what you could do:
Click and order this great book, only $11.95 plus shipping.
and when it arrives, read about Julie on pages 272, 278, 279,
303 and 354.
Then write to Julie and say, "You
go, girl!"
...and it wouldn't hurt to include your phone number.
You might get a call from the woman who sacrificed her nice life,
her health and her paid-for home
to stop the fascist dogs from throwing away your vote in 1998
instead of 2000.
Hey, I should ask her that:
Julie, if you knew back in 1998 that
we were going to lose the right to choose
our president in just two years anyway,
would you have still done the same thing?
I'll be she says "yes..."
Write to Julie at PO Box 1351, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
E-mail to Julie, use juliehiattsteele@bartcop.com
PayPal to Julie, Click Here ->
...and if you hear from her,
and Comments
by Barry Crimmins
In defending the Court-appointed Bush administration's
scheme to
route nuclear waste across the entire country
to a planned Yucca
Mountain repository in Nevada, Energy Secretary
Spencer Abraham said,
"Everyone travels to Nevada to gamble so
what better destination for
the riskiest cargo of all?"
If Bush's Yucca Mountain nuke waste dump
plan is implemented, the
entire state of Nevada becomes a game of
TV Sweep
weeks are underway
That means it's fund-raising time here at bartcop.com
We're supported by impoverished Democrats.
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
snail mail to
POBox 54466.... Tulsa,OK
to spend $2500 to see the Who
Row 5 in Las Vegas?
Well, that's just for tickets.
Add in your plane fare and hotel, car rental etc and you're a
real Who fan.
Happy Birthday to...
Cindy Crawford
is 36 Kimberly Davis is 29
Patty Hearst is 48
Hoskins is 32 Jennifer O'Neill is 54
Nancy Wilson is 71
she looks great for her age
Also born today: Ansel Adams (1902) Charles Barkley
(1963) Kurt Cobain (1967)
John Daly (1914) (He can sure hit a golf ball for being 88)
the great J. Geils (1946)
Sidney Poitier (1924) Bobby Unser (1934) Peter Strauss (1947)
True or False?
Del Toro, Benicio
Regular guy. Macho.
"Shockingly sweet...amazingly mellow."
Linked with Heather Graham.
Has no particular liking for oral sex.
ha ha
How bad could Heather Graham be at oral sex?
Waste Site
Story: Bush Caves on Nukes
by Joe Conason
"Let them know it’s not true," said Mr. Cheney
after his rivals warned that a Bush administration would promote
the transport of high-level radioactive waste
to the controversial site, just 90 miles from Las Vegas. "We won’t
support it on either a temporary or permanent
basis" unless "it’s deemed safe by government scientists," he promised,
insisting that there was "no difference" between
Mr. Bush and Democrat Al Gore on the issue.
Mr. Cheney had good reason to blur any distinctions
between Democrats and Republicans regarding the unpopular
siting scheme, because the Clinton-Gore ticket
had carried Nevada during the two previous national elections,
and late surveys showed that neither side could
be confident of victory in 2000.
Mr. Cheney further vowed that the Bush administration
would veto "any legislation … that is not based on sound
science and can’t be done safely," and that he
and Mr. Bush would "support the E.P.A. setting tough standards
for health and the environment before anybody
does anything" at Yucca Mountain.
Poor Nevada, they fell for the Bush Family Evil Empire lies.
Use the portal below and they'll throw bartcop.com
a nickel and
it costs you nothing more than whatever you were going
to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Shirley contact bartcop.com