This Has To Be Said
       by W. O. Coach

 So, 200 troops from the 101st Airborne, one of the best armed and trained military divisions on the planet,
 supported by missile-firing helicopters, managed to take out four people, one a 14 year old teenager,
 protected by the walls of an adobe house, in a mere six hours.
 There was no obvious intention to take them alive, so to brag about what can only be described as incompetent military overkill,
 is beyond my understanding.
 But what's worse, this was out and out murder.

 Iraq didn't threaten us, didn't even have the means to threaten us, yet we still invaded them for whatever reason the
 White House is using this week. And as brutal as Hussein and his sons were, Iraq is still a sovereign nation, and only one
 of dozens governed by brutal dictatorships around the world. What gives us the right to waltz in there and murder their
 leaders and citizens? There are world courts to handle these situations, and whatever happened to our law about
 assassinating world leaders? Little wonder Bush reneged on Clinton's agreement to join  the World Military Tribunal.

 America has truly lost her moral authority under this Bush regime. At first I thought the pre-emptive attack on Iraq was
 a typical Karl Rove ploy to distract attention from their disastrous tax cuts and resulting economic recession,  with maybe
 the chance to grab some cheap oil. But now, I'm left with the uncomfortable conclusion that it really was an imperialist,
 ideological mission by the NPACers (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle etc.), to reconfigure the Middle East in terms
 of their own world view. And true to the chickenhawks that they are, they picked a country that had no chance of defending
 itself, which is becoming increasingly more clear as time passes. Notice how quiet these chickenhawks became when faced
 with a true threat from North Korea, a country with a million man army and who knows how many nuclear warheads.

 In a couple of short years, America has deteriorated from the most respected nation world-wide, a nation of peace
 with respect for all other nations, to a despised bully who has to buy her friends for support, albeit insincere. Under Bush,
 we are now seen as an arrogant, imperialist country who only cares about rewarding the fortunate domestically, and punishing
 those who disagree with us internationally with either military might or economic superiority.

 We are a disgrace.

 We are a disgrace because we pick on small defenseless nations. We are a disgrace because we pick on small
 defenseless people economically. We are a disgrace because we murder willfully under the guise of liberation.
 We are a disgrace because we allowed this to happen by being too complacent and not voting. We took Al Gore
 and Bill Clinton's economic miracle and diplomatic genius for granted. We have only ourselves to blame.

 And now it may be too late with republicans controlling the companies that own the unverifiable touch screen
 voting machines. Remember, it was only last fall that the republicans won every race that was "too close to call"
 using these machines. And handily at that.

 The American dream has become the American nightmare; swelling deficits and unemployment, rising crime,
 corporate scandals, and record bankruptcies to mention a few. And that's only the tip of the nightmare as we
 suffer a huge loss of respect internationally.

 Suddam Hussein is a bad guy, no doubt. But he was no threat to us and we had no justifiable right to attack Iraq.
 It's bad enough that we're botching the occupation, but to brag about murdering his kids, particularly when it was
 two hundred of our best trained guys against his sons, grandson and a body guard, well, what does that make us?

 We are not officially at war with Iraq, who never threatened us, so it certainly doesn't make us heros. Bullies? Murderers?

 It doesn't matter how evil Saddam and his sons are or were. It was not our business to invade Iraq any more than
 it was Iraq's to invade us because they don't like our way of life. The international commuity tried to warn us off,
 but did Bush listen?

 What a mess.

 We will never get out of this international fiasco or recover our honour with any semblance of face until the
 Bush regime is replaced with an American President who acknowledges our errors.

 It won't be Bush.

 But this had to be said.

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