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"Now I'm going to eat my lasagna.
If it gets cold you have to eat
the lasagna."
--the stupidest president in history, obviously
to say something intelligent,
but failing once again
at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina,
Mar. 15, 2002
What did George W. Bush know and when did he know it?
What did Bush and his administration know
on the morning of September 11th and when did they know it?
Why did he continue with his public relations
event of reading stories with school children after he had heard
of the unprecedented attacks on the World
Trade Center? Why did he lie about when he first learned of the attacks?
Also, I wish someone would explain this -- Click Here
Was the famous video of Bush’s reaction to the horrible news
from Andrew Card an acted out P.R. stunt for the cameras?
ABC's John Cochran says Bush knew about both towers
BEFORE he started his Little Caterpiller book.
After the Waco suicides, the GOP insisted that ex-senator John
Danforth, a senior Republican,
investigate Bill Clinton and Janet Reno to find out what their
involvement was.
Since September 11th was at least 50 times bigger than Waco,
and Bush's role is very, very suspicious in the 9-11 events,
wouldn't it be a good idea for a senior Democrat to investigate?
...or would that be "helping the terrorists?"
State Power in America
by Al Martin
Now even US postage stamps will project
the supremacy of American Imperial Power
into the world. The new 57-cent stamp shows
an eagle, which is an exact copy of the symbol
of the Waffen SS, which in turn was taken
from the Imperial Praetorian eagle of Ancient Rome.
This is one of the first in a new series
of postage stamps being released by the US Post Office
to commemorate the New Age of State Power.
Review by Brad P:
Hey BC,
The Al Martin column is a good example of
how he mixes a few
facts (in this case an actual US postage
stamp) with mostly fiction --
The "Obsidian Order" is from Star Trek Deep Space 9, not from ancient Rome.
Moh's is a hardness scale (for minerals like obsidian), not a color scale.
I'm curious to know who this Al Martin character is and what his motives are.
-- Brad
Brad, maybe Al will write and explain...
The Greg Palast Interview is archived at
From: Jim
Subject: Rush Limbaugh and Dodge Ball
Rush had a fake liberal call in today and said
that dodge ball should be banned,
for it destroyed the self-esteem of kids.
Rush belittled the guy for 15 minutes and
bragged that he had been a stellar dodge ball
player. On one thing you can be sure,
Rush Limbaugh never lasted more than 30 seconds
in dodge ball.
The overweight, non-athletic types, like Rush,
were gone instantly. In Rush's case,
the game probably did damage his ego. That would
explain his bitterness and his
unquenchable ability to hate. Add the fact that
he never had a date in high school,
and it's a small wonder that the guy hasn't gone
If you missed this, check it out.
Julie answers questions better than Bill Clinton.
ha ha
Julie did Mike Malloy last week, and this week it was USA Today.
Who's next? Newsweek?
TIME!! ...not Newsweek.
Haven't you been paying attention?
Newsweek is where Judas Minimus works.
Check out http://uncommonsense.20m.com
It's Jeff Crook's site, author of...
Be sure to click on the diamond on the cat's mane.
Subject: Bono Bashing
Just last night I finally got around to watching
the video of U2's Elevation show in Boston.
Near the end of the performance Bono thanks the
audience for spending their hard earned money
on a rock show and he also thanks them for "giving
us a wonderful life" (or something similar).
Now this may not sound like much to some but I've
been regularly attending rock concerts since
the mid-seventies and I don't think I've ever
heard anyone thank the fans in this way. Sure they all
say "thank you" for the applause, but Bono acknowledged
that the tickets cost a lot of money and
that he was a wealthy man due to the support
of the fans. There aren't an overwhelming number of
class acts in Rock and Roll but Bono is definitely
one of them.
I know you've challenged your readers to send
in links to pompous Bono
quotes but I hope you don't mind hearing something
laudatory instead.
Brian, good stuff.
When you get as big/rich/famous as Bono and U2,
you have to have major detractors, but I think he gets a bum
Check out http://www.accidentalpresident.org
...and the "Die, Democracy Die" video
Going somewhere? ...like, ...maybe ...Washington DC on
April 27th?
Use this link and they'll send me a nickle.
We have a couple of people working on that Rush transcript,
so I can prove
The Truth Molester tells 100 lies per hour.
I wish it worked out that they transcribe Monday's second hour
or Tuesday's second hour.
Rush was as stupid as I've ever heard him Tuesday talking to
liberal "Alan."
For one thing, he said, "EVERY liberal
who calls here is named 'Alan,'"
which is a really really stupid thing to say, even for Rush.
Not sure how Alan got past the call screaner, but he very calmy
asked Rush
to explain why Bush always had to be so secretive.
Rush said, "Secretive? Secretive? Whatever could you possibly mean?"
So Alan says, "Besides this whole terrorism secrecy, he won't
tell us about his secret
energy task force, he's hidden away all his papers as Texas
governor so they can't be
obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, he's created
this shadow government,
he won't allow reporters into Afghamnistan so we just have
to trust the Pentagon that
the war's going like they claim it is, he's trying to prevent
Ridge from testifying
- it goes on and on Rush, why can't he be open and honest
with the voters when he
campaigned under the slogan, 'I trust the voters and Al Gore
doesn't.' Why is that, Rush?"
The poor stroke-riddled Pigboy brain came up with this response:
"Alan, that's pathetic. That's weak,
Alan, it really is. That's so weak and pathetic
I don't think it deserves an answer
and besides, none of it is true. You democrats
are so bankrupt of ideas all you can
do is tear down the other guy..."
He went on like that for about 15 minutes, and he kept talking
Alan, as though Alan
could respond but, of course, Alan's microphone was turned off,
a typical Pigboy trick.
Rush has to cheat like that because he's unable to answer
the simplest questions and I'll bet
his call screaner was tied to a tree and whipped for letting
Alan on the air, or maybe he just got
a good scolding if he was white.
The truth is, and everybody knows it, the Bush Family Evil
Empire has to keep everything hidden,
which makes the never-ending war more suspicious because we know
the B.F.E.E. is raping the
US Treasury under the guise of "We have
to keep everything secret to outwit Al Qaeda."
Dear Bart,
I love your web site! Keep up the good work.
I'm getting blocked at work
and need the list of mirror sites. Could
you repost them, put them in your links page
or send them to me so I can enjoy your humor
on my employer's dime?
bartcop.com mirrors
...more to come
Evening with Julie Hiatt Steele
<<<in Washington
important updates
Write to Julie at PO Box 1351, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
E-mail to Julie, use juliehiattsteele@bartcop.com
PayPal to Julie, Click Here ->
If you send me anything send your phone number
Send Juliefest inquires/confirmations to Juliefest2002@yahoo.com
Let's party with Julie like it's 2099.
...Senator Steele
I like the sound of that.
I can't wait to meet her.
39 days from today.
So, ...in Smirk's America, you need an ID to buy f-ing envelopes?
I sure liked Clinton's America better.
We owe it all to this clown...
I'm Tony
the Catholic,
and I know
what's best
so I chose
the president.
right leading America to abyss
Would it help if we dropped a nuke on the National Review?
By Bryan Zepp Jamieson
Rich Lowry is a good reason why the American
right is, more and more, being viewed as a raving
pack of psychotic loons. An editor with
the far right National Review propaganda sheet, he came out
with the proposal that we teach those Moslems
a thing or two by dropping a bomb on Mecca.
Granted, he had enough scraps of sanity
left to mention that it would be in retaliation if someone nuked us
first, and he even went so far as to say
that the idea was "a bit extreme," but he was pretty sure that
destroying Mecca and making it impossible
to visit for years or decades would "send a signal."
If that’s his idea of a "signal" then I
think his sex life must consist of jack hammers and cherry bombs.
It takes an incredible emotional thickness
to describe the destruction of Mecca as "a signal."
Maybe Hitler’s actions were a hint that
he wouldn’t be marrying a Jew.
Excerpt from yesterday's JHS chat with USA Today
> Fairfax, VA : I have heard that you have
not been able to find a job since your indictment.
> Do you belive that you are being discriminated
against because of your indictment?
> Julie Hiatt Steele: I know I have been in certain instances.
I also had a very
> severe accident in the fall of 2000, which kept me from working.
I'm not sure this has been mentioned on the page...
Two years ago, Julie's son Adam got into her attic. Julie climbed the
attic ladder
to tell him to come back down and she missed a step on the ladder and
She broke one leg and tore up her other knee.
So here she was, being stalked by the out-of-control United States government,
which cost her her job, her friends and all contact with the outside
world just for starters,
and now she's got a broken leg and can't even walk to the fridge to
get a glass of orange juice.
If it had been me I would've given up - but then, I have no children.
She had no choice but to press on.
Can you imagine the pressure she was under? And then on top of everything,
to lose your mobility, not to mention the pain of a broken leg and
a busted knee?
...and the whole time, Starr is screaming "Forty
years in prison, forty years!"
Thank Koresh for Marshall, who all but moved in with her to take care
of her.
You're going to meet Marshall at the big party on April 27th.
...shot of Chinaco for Marshall - for being Julie's angel when she really, really needed one.
From: Sacha
Subject: doves know nothing
And any dove who on the afternoon of Sept 11th
was saying that Afganistan was
the USSR's Vietnam is basically a wuss who wanted
grow a beard and speak Arabic?
Well, no, it's just that some of us boys outgrew
the war fetish when we were about 10.
You, on the otherhand, still get moist when you
see a tank.
ha ha
Yes, because I want to kill, kill,
I'm a blood-thirsty, war-mongering lunatic who
wants to murder the innocent.
Maybe if you were part of the 15% of Americans
who own a passport you would have
the chance to visit an actual foreign country,
maybe one where they had enough war
already and decided that the USA is simply wrong.
Have you ever visited Earth?
Like most doves, you provide no solutions besides, "defending
ourselves is wrong."
I fail to see how embracing suicide will keep America safe.
...and the reason you didn't send that e-mail to me in German is because
people like me recognized the need to fight aggression sixty years
The problem with ignorant people is that they
have no idea how much they do not know.
You are a man who "calls 'em how he sees 'em"
-- shame you are blind as a bat.
You see? You're doing your name-calling in English, which proves my point.
Florida delegates in Alaska with
a bartcop.com sticker
From: Michael P. Tremoglie at Front Page magazine
GIVE RUSH LIMBAUGH CREDIT. The guy is prescient.
He predicted that even though Andrea Yates would
be found guilty
of murdering her kids, somehow public opinion
would say the father
would be blamed as well. Rush predicted modern
feminists would
not permit a mother to be solely culpable for
killing her kids.
Somehow, the father would be blamed.
I intentionally don't follow this story, but basically, the GOP
says this woman was NOT insane when she killed her kids.
I guess that means Jeffery Dahmer was sane, too?
From the very, very little I know about this subject,
it seems the father's answer to everything was "more children,"
and he didn't notice or care that she was a basketcase of stress.
But hey, any story that will but more money in Rush's pockets
must be worth kicking around for a year - right?
Click to read his take on Julie Hiatt Steele
"Does this
BartCop vow to put Ken Starr
and Robert Ray in prison affect me?
I made some money in some crooked oil deals,
but I don't know much about Julie Hiatt Steele.
of fact, I'm not sure who she is.
Is she Jack LaLane's ex-wife?
I think I met her at a fundraiser in San Angelo...
not having much fun playing president
since the BartCop hex got on me!"
How about a hemp t-shirt that pricks our Failure in Thief?
click to order Buy 3, get free shipping
Justice's Wife's Tale
by Michael Kinsley
Looking around the real world, it is especially
hard to see this martyrdom that
Clarence Thomas supposedly has suffered
for the sin of holding views that the
all-powerful hard left wants to suppress.
He had a rough confirmation battle,
but now he is a justice of the Supreme
Court with a lifetime appointment,
even though he clearly lied under oath—or
at the very least willfully deceived
—in claiming he had never discussed Roe
v. Wade and had no opinion about it.
He probably lied about more notorious matters,
How eerie it is to see a Kinsley column where he doesn't attack Bill Clinton.
Don't forget the important Juliefest updates
Use the portal below and they'll throw bartcop.com
a nickel and
it costs you nothing more than whatever you
were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Shirley Manson -
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