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"There are 22 Arab nations spanning thousands
of square miles - many of them rich in oil.
But they cannot abide one tiny Jewish
country in their midst... Israel was bullied and
cajoled into offering everything that
reasonable Western diplomats thought the Arabs
needed to make peace. Israel got war
instead. Only a lunatic would now argue that Israel
needs further 'negotiations' with the
murderers who are blowing up its citizens."
--Columnist Mona Charen, calling
W a lunatic
Guilty on All Counts
What kind of nut gets convicted of all ten counts?
"Can my
visit me every day?"
Thank Koresh this crazy idiot is leaving.
He's been more embarrassing than Robert Byrd.
You know your party's in trouble when a former
Klansman is not your biggest problem, right?
We should've dumped this loser years ago, but, like Gary Condit,
we LOAN the GOP rope to hang us - we don't even sell it to them.
And like Condit, he voted against us most of the time, so why
the hell
did we extend that kind of loyalty? "Stickin'" doesn't include
traitors, does it?
Subject: Kashoggii factoid
Saw your piece today on Barrick -- didn't know Kashoggi was behind it.
Fun factoid I saw in Slate after the 2000 "election:"
Teresa La Pore, remember,
the woman who designed the butterfly ballot in
Palm Beach (at the time a democrat,
now either rep or ind) had worked for Kashogii
as an "assistant" or "stewardess"
Would be fun to go over her off-shore finances sometime
keep up the good work
Allan, I've said it a hundred times.
When you run the C.I.A., very little is beyond your reach.
Subject: Help!
Bart, last night's "The West Wing" was a
repeat, and...once again,
I missed Ron Silver's classic line about
Republicans/conservatives ("reactionary, etc").
Can you help...and post it? Thanks much!
Doug, got it, thanks to my new "bitbuckets" search engine.
When I saw it coming, I egotistically told Mrs. BartCop,
"This will remind dozens of people of bartcop.com."
Ron Silver's character said:
"You all need some therapy, because somebody
came along and said;
'Liberal means soft on crime, soft on
drugs, soft on communism,
soft on defense and we're going to
tax you back to the stone age
because people shouldn't have to go
to work if they don't want to.'
And instead of saying; 'Well
excuse me you right wing, reactionary, xenophobic,
homophobic, anti-education, anti-choice,
pro-gun, leave-it-to-beaver, trip back to the fifties,'
we cowered in the corner and said,
'Please, don't hurt me.' "
That's Aaron Sorkin talking, that's Clinton, that's Carville,
that's Begala, that's how
EVERY Democrat should be talking, but noooooooooooooooo.
Ron Silver was right.
We are the party of scared little bunnies, begging Mr.
Rove to be gentle with us.
People are asking about transfering their Juliefest
tickets if they can't come.
We talked about it and decided you could transfer your tickets
this Saturday.
For security's sake, we can't have a bunch of last-minute switcheroos,
Julie is thinking about doing a question-and-answer session,
So send Julie some questions
Polite questions from conservatives and even ditto-monkeys will
be answered, too.
Subject: Julie's new home? Not Springfield, Mo!
As much as I would like to meet Julie (can't afford
the tickets or the airfare/hotelto DC),
and as much as I would like Julie to find a quiet
home in the beautiful Ozark Mountain Country
(lakes, rivers, beautiful lands...) please tell
Julie NOT to come to Springfield, MO--for obvious
reasons--chief among them: Perkel's thing with
the law.
Tell her to go ANYWHERE in Missouri other than Springfield!
Some of the places around St. Louis and Kansas
City are nice. Mid-MO is OK too
--just not Springfield. There are crooked
cops and crooked judges here.
Dude, I believe you.
Springfield has crooked cops and crooked judges.
They targeted Perkel for "illegal speaking" then busted him for drinking
in his living room on a saturday night while watching TV.
I still have more to say on Perkel's
illegal arrest,
but I wish he'd say it first...
"You're right again, Rush.
The Palestinians are happy.
They're so happy, they're committing
-- caller to El Vulgarro's show
There's always something good at
Arabia sets aside $50M for 'martyrs'
by Pamela Hess
UPI Pentagon Correspondent
WASHINGTON, April 9 (UPI) -- The Saudi Arabian
government has paid out at least $33 million to families
of Palestinians killed or injured in the
17-month-old intifada and in December 2001 earmarked another $50
million for the payments, according to
Arabic news agencies and the Saudi Embassy's Web site.
Similar payments promised by Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein have drawn sharp condemnation from U.S.
President George W. Bush and Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld. ...The fund is managed by Saudi Interior
Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz, according
to the embassy..
Reminder: The Saudis are partners with the Bush
They don't so ANYTHING without permission from the boss.
Bombings in the Middle East mean higher oil prices.
Higher oil prices mean more money for the Saudis,
more money for the Bush Family Evil Empire
more money for American oil companies,
more money for the chimp's second presidential campaign
It's all about the Bush family stealing TRILLIONS!
We're getting screwed.
When will America wake up?
This may not be the best issue ever of bartcop.com
but it's certainly the biggest issue ever.
If I had a budget and a staff, I could triple the output,
and it'd be better-sourced, better-researched, spell-checked,
But no, Tequilaboy has to hold down a day job that hinders production.
Send me an angel!
Here for today's totally hueueueuge bonus issue.
It took about twelve hours to put this double issue together.
If I had a staff of two (and no day job) I could put out
a double issue
each day before noon, but noooooooo. I have a day
job and a boss.
Somewhere out there, there's a millionaire who's looking for tax
You just couldn't find a better tax loss than bartcop.com
Surprise Number Four sent me some e-mail
We got one step closer to BartCop
TV, but it could be years
and who has the patience to wait?
We need to move now!
Send me an angel!
On June 8th, Julie loses the lease on her condemned apartment.
So, for the second time since I've known her she's being thrown
out of her home
and she has no idea where she's going.
She's going to move again - but where?
Any suggestions?
Tiger loses
head over BartCop Hex
Would you like to be a sponsor of Juliefest2002?
Here's how that works - security is going to cost Julie $360.
But if YOU wanted to sponsor Julie's security detail, you would
get a nice
personal note (not an e-mail) from Julie that would probably
say something like,
"Thank you, (your name here) for seeing
to my safety on my big night."
that would be worth framing and hanging in your
den or on your desk at work.
People would constantly be saying, "How
do you know Julie Hiatt Steele?"
There are also various transportation costs
(not mine) for this event.
Would you like to be a $300
transportation sponsor?
We're going to have flowers for Julie (maybe
$100) and a giant cake $80....(thanks
The pro photographer is probably $200...(thanks
Marg Matt)
and the videographer has some expenses,
so if you'd like to sponsor some costs for Juliefest,
which will mean more money in her pocket,
write to us at juliefest2002@yahoo.com
We have more tickets - bring a friend!
PayPal your $100 per ticket to
or snail mail checks/MOs (do it soon) to bartcop.com
at PO Box 54466, Tulsa, OK 74155
GOP Chickenhawks Ride Again!
Scared-Bunny Republicans Run from Corporal Cueball's Crossfire
Truth Brigade
by Tamara Baker
They're not content with having a stacked
Supreme Court and 4th Circuit ready
and willing to Calista Bisek them at every
They're not content with having control of most of the major broadcast and print media in America.
No. They have to show everyone their true,
dictatorial, whiny selves by viciously stomping
at anything that doesn't uphold their own
shiny propaganda.
Day SEVEN of Bush engaging
the Middle East problem
Defies Bush
US President seen as weak and stupid
The Bush boy: Withdraw immediately!
might pull back in a symbolic town or two, but no
snot-nosed, never-worked-a-day-in-his-life frat boy is going
to tell me
how to protect Israel, so don't care what you think, errand
deception: 9-11 conspiracies real and imagined
by Ted Rall,
Hitting a 70-yard-wide building with a
52-yard-wide Boeing 767 at 500 miles per hour
requires virtually instantaneous
reflexive response time-a lightening-quick three-tenths
of a second. Professional pilots are puzzled
by the kamikazes' virtuoso performance
that sunny morning, but there's an explanation:
someone has placed homing beacons
in each tower beforehand. A 1997 Defense
Department acquisition, the Global Hawk
system, has guided American Flight 11 and
United Flight 175 to their respective dooms.
That device was planted by U.S. government agents.
"It was a very dry day today. Mayor Bloomberg
a brush fire when he flicked
a joint out a window."
Quotes that can't be trusted
"Steele wanted to be very much into this story
and wanted to make money
off of it even suggesting we sell my
story to a tabloid newspaper."
--Kathleen Willey, May 5, 1999
ha ha
She's funny!
Julie, the woman who gave up her home over a principle, was trying
to make money?
If that's true, if money was Julie's goal, all she had to do was
sign off on Starr's lil' script
and she'd get to keep her home, sell her story to the tabloids,
get a contract from Guess? Jeans,
and probably her own nightly show on Fox's "fair & balanced"
...you lie really bad, Willey.
No wonder Ken Starr and Robert Ray said you couldn't be trusted.
"Unka Dick,
you said we had that problem with
Palast all handled after we sued him, so
the Palastinians still under his control?
...what's wrong, Unka Dick?
...why, ...don't cry, Unka Dick - did I say something sad?"
Use the portal below and they'll throw bartcop.com
a nickel and
it costs you nothing more than whatever you
were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2002,
Shirley Manson - contact