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"I once woke up after a party and found a syringe
sticking out of my arm.
Hell, I died twice in the emergency
room and they brought me back.
I've had so many ODs I can't remember
them all. The car crashes, the fights,
the mayhem we caused - but there's
nothing like Ozzy. That man is crazy.
We were all drunk in Florida one morning,
walking down the street to go
somewhere and somebody dared Ozzy to
do something crazy so he asked if
anybody had a straw. Someone handed
him a straw and he got down on his knees
on the sidewalk and snorted a line
of f-ing ants. That Ozzy, he's crazy"
-- Nikki Sixx of Motley Crew,
from VH-1's Behind the Music
new Vegas Report
What do they really know about
me? - casinos track your every penny.
Shaq is Not My Neighbor - Famous
(and not so famous) VIPs call Vegas home.
UNLVino - Nation's biggest single
day wine tasting fest
Patricia Scotto - Downtown Vegas
Tries to revitalize itself (again).
Dear President
don't kill us.
News from West24
They have ordered a case of Chinaco Anejo.
Hey, this is starting to sound like a party.
A case of Chinaco Anejo?
I think Juliefest2002-DC has already made history.
are still available
Each ticket sold is more foundation and more security for Julie, ...so let's party!
Also, I mentioned the Juliefest2002-DC
I put together some background music for the evening, which is
half Garbage songs
and half good old party songs and some right-on-the-moment songs.
I mentioned the Jackie Brown song "Across 110th Street"
which was merely a personal favorite of mine until I ran into
the line,
"You don't know what you'll do until you're
put under pressure."
I'll never hear that song again without thinking about The
Lady of Steele.
But that begat other songs that we could (but won't) spent the
night debating.
Going thru the stack o' CDs, The Clash's, "I Fought the Law"
jumped out,
so it's the big repeat song of the night. Maybe if things get
rowdy, when that song
comes on the West24
sound system, we could all chug our drinks and shout out,
"She fought the law and
...SHE won, she fought the law and ...SHE won."
Sure, it sounds stupid now, but it might be the only thing you remember Sunday.
Madonna's "Over and over, I get up again," seemed a logical choice.
King's X's "Over My Head" for H. Kenny made sense.
Scandal's "Goodbye to You" for the entire VRWC.
Shania's "Man, I Feel Like a Woman," for the girl's who are out
to party that night.
Zappa's "I Am the Slime" for the lying whore media.
Stevie's "I Was Made to Love Her" for everyone who was compelled
to contribute.
ZZ Top's "Under Pressure..." the list goes on...
...but when you hear that Clash song on the West24
sound system, shout out
"She fought the law and ...SHE
won, she fought the law and ...SHE won."
Biiiiiiiig party at Carville's place!
BTW, our new tally is
...but $20,825 is so not a round number, you know?
Now, ...$25,000 - that's a round number.
If we could reach $25,000, that'd make Juliefest a real success, wouldn't
If all the readers who haven't yet contributed would just send in $10
we could break $25,000 before the end of the day. If you sign up with
they'll GIVE you $5, so all it would cost you is $5 and you'd be a
part of history.
Help a hero out, would you?
Subject: Time table of 9/11/2001
I have recently been involved in an online debate
regarding GWs comments
on 9/11/2001 about seeing the first plane hit
the tower. I have read the transcripts
at CNN and The Guardian, and a resonably intelligent
person would say,
"Obviously he saw the second plane hit the tower
on TV was mistaken to its identity
and then an aide told him about it later not
knowing GW saw it on TV beforehand".
Valid assumption, but Bush repeated that line
again and again.
If he misspoke, why didn't the boy's handlers
correct him?
However my next question would be, "What was the
timetable of events, when we saw the aide
whipser in his ear on CNN and when the first
and second planes hit". Could you, would you
please point me in the right direction to end
this as fact or conspiracy theory #149.
My pointer doesn't work very well, maybe someone can assist, but for
sure Bush knew about
the first plane before he went into the school. He told ABC
he was aware of it while getting out
of Al Gore's limo. When we saw the aide whisper to him on camera, he
was telling him about the
second plane, which means continuing to read to those kids was
a stupid decision by the governor.
Anderson is engaged to be married again.
In 6 months
she'll be on Leno announcing her divorce,
Osama had been beating her.
From: Thomas
Subject: Malfeasence in office?
A few days back, on Crossfire, Paul Begala made
the point that
30 Reagan officials were indicted, yet only one
Clinton official was indicted.
Is this true? If so, it sure would be nice to
have a list of all those Reaganauts who were indicted.
Better yet if we had a list of who was convicted.
And what about Bush I -- anything interesting there?
I heard him say that and I'll bet it's true.
Notice Bow Tie Boy didn't call him on it.
...anybody have a list for Thomas?
Roar like
a lion
by James Higdon
The question has often been asked of late:
"What is a hero?" I will tell you what a hero is. A hero is,
by status
and constitution, no different than any of us.
A hero is someone compelled by circumstance and necessity to act
boldly in the face of great risk when others
may not, or can not. A hero is Julie Hiatt Steele.
Shortly an event will take place in Washington,
DC, at James Carville's West 24, that Bartcop has dubbed
The purpose is to raise money for Ms. Steele to alleviate the destruction
brought upon her life
by Kathleen Willey's lies, and Ken Starr's jihad
to bring down America's last popularly elected president. Ms. Steele
suffered merely because she had the courage to
speak the truth to those intent on illegitimately gaining power.
Good article (spoilers) that explains Mulholland Drive
Subject: Clinton's Stupidity
one thing in particular has always bothered
the crap out of me.
I wonder what your opinion of it is.
Bill Clinton knew the GOP was out to get
him from the day he took office. Hell, even
before that. They were throwing every
little thing at him to see what stuck.
So, why would he be so stupid as to have
some intern give him a beej in the White House?
You'd think someone of his obvious intelligence
would know that the possibility of it coming
back to bite him (pun intended) was huge!
Why in hell would he do this?!!
Bart for Prez 2004!
Great King Rat
GKR, it's possible that even he can't explain that, but I have
a theory:
I think maybe a little nobody from Nowhere, Arkansas grew up
to be the most powerful
man on the planet and everything was going his way and he wanted
to see how far the
rubberband would stretch before it broke.
The concept has come up before - when there's nobody to tell you,
IMO, that's what killed Belushi, Bonham, Moon, Hendrix, Morrison,
Joplin and so on.
Besides, men are dogs, and lust drives them crazy.
My old boss is the cheapest, tightest man
who ever lived.
He's a multi-millionaire who's half-blind
because he won't pay for eyeglasses.
We won't buy gum or a Pepsi because it's
"money wasted."
He has rabbit ears on his TV because "cable
costs too much," yet he'd approve loans
to coke-addicted strippers knowing he'd
likely lose thousands because he wanted to see
them when they made payments each month.
The idea of sex drives men crazy.
Last thing - this takes the cake - he became
rich because grown men will feed twenty after
twenty into a video poker machine where
a cartoon lady strips if you gamble correctly.
I've seen men pay $100 to get a glimpse
of some cartoon character's titties, proving men are insane.
I'm getting all spiffed up for Juliefest.
My dentist has ordered me a diamond for my gold tooth.
Crossfire Moment
"A two-year-old could see this crisis coming.
And the idea it could be brushed
under the carpet as the administration
focused on either Afghanistan or Iraq
reflects either appalling arrogance
or ignorance."
-- Paul Begala, quoting Geoffrey Kemp, who led the Middle
East efforts
for President Reagan on
the national security council.
Even Reagan's people say President Pinhead has the brain of "a two-year-old."
SF Examiner predicted
by Marc Perkel, San Fransisco
The Chavez government is presently trying
to change the 60-year-old agreement with
foreign oil companies that charges them
as little as 1 percent in royalties and hands out huge
tax breaks. There is a lot at stake here.
Venezuela has 77 billion barrels of proven reserves
and is the United States' third-biggest
source of oil. It is also a major cash cow for the likes of
Phillips Petroleum and ExxonMobil. If the
new law goes through, U.S. and French oil
companies will have to pony up a bigger
slice of their take.
Why did the government change in Venezuela?
Because the B.F.E.E. wanted a bigger Piece of the Action.
Like that classic Star Trek episode of the same name, the B.F.E.E.
swooped down on the
backwards Oxmyx Venezuelan gang with our starship and demanded
a bigger piece of the action.
Instead of giving him the Billy Jack treatment, they allowed
him to survive.
What the Democrats need is a cleverly played game of Fisbin.
Our starship has fallen into evil hands.
Osama to the Rescue
Subject: Bonus Section
Check with your technical staff on this one but
when I click on the bonus page
I always open it in a new window. I open most
links in new windows.
Maybe it doesn't register as a click on your
Who knows, who gives a fuck?
It's Rude Rich!
...that's why we love him.
Subject: Jews to Oklahoma - in only 234 years!
Enough with the screaming eagles crap.
Let's put aside the reasons that they wanted
their own homeland
since you only listen to the one you came up
with anyway.
Let's say all Israelis wanted to move to the USA.
They should start their applications soon because
there is a limit of
25,620 from any one country allowed to move to
the US per year.
For 6 million people that will only take about
234 years;
longer if those who remain have children.
Bill, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States have
been discarded,
so I doubt the immigration laws are so set in stone that we'd rather
watch Israel burn,
blow up or get nuked than have congress stay late some Friday and rewrite
If you think Israel should stay and die, that's your opinion,
but my preference that they move and live isn't without its merits.
Subject: The World Court Controls You Now
Look what you Liberals have done now.
You have stripped the Bill of Rights from us
and ripped our Constitution away.
Now that backer of terror Kofi Annan and the heinous
United Nations
can arrest you or me anywhere in the world and
bring us to trial without
due process of our legal system nor is any appeal
All our soldiers are subject to arrest by the
UN backed World Court.
All those Communists and Socialists on the World
Court are ready to
rip apart Christians and leave alone Muslim terrorists.
They will be arresting out soldiers fighting
terrorism throughout the world.
No one is safe any more. Big Brother in
the UN and World Court are
watching you and grabbing your rights away from
You did it.
Congratulations Liberal Democrat Nazis.
Thorgy Troveman
Dude, whatever you're smoking, can I buy $50 worth?
We can't get that kind of quality in Oklahoma.
Are you under the impression the Democrats are running this show?
Or are you blaming Clinton and your e-mail arrived two years late?
Subject: Bart, PLEASE snap out of it!
You wrote:
>"No bonus section today
> The counter says only one-in-five readers bothered to click, so I'm
> that time could be better spend doing something else, perhaps staring
into space.
Bart, for Koresh's sake, PLEASE SNAP OUT OF YOUR
I'm ONE of those one-in-five readers who 'bothered'
to click."
Not ALL Democrats are wimpish!
Were it not for your website, I, too, may have
given up!!!
Thanks for listening, now get off the "self-pity" thing, will YA? Ha Ha Ha!
My wife, Barb, and I would LOVE to attend JulieFest2002.
We can't, but give our best to Julie!
Doug Keene
anyone know of a mail program
can handle a lot of mail?
I seem to have outgrown Eudora, and forget virus-king Microsoft Express.
Money is no object - I have to have a reliable mail system to
stay alive,
but if I pay for mail, the damn thing had better work.
Day TEN of the idiotic "Bush Doctrine" in the Middle East
Defies Bush
US President seen as pitifully clueless
The Bush boy: Withdraw immediately! Stop the suicide bombs.
you what - I'll withdraw "soon."
Arafat: ÊÏì ÇáÍæÇÑ,
little smirking boy
For what it's worth, I get so much good e-mail that never gets published, it's a shame.
Sometimes, late at night, I'll have 40 e-mails to get to and only read
the first ten, and out of
the first ten, four are killer but I can only publish two, and
I always wonder what's buried
in the other 30 unread e-mails.
Great personal stories that will forever remain unread?
Angels with offers of a tryout being goofy in front of a microphone??
Stalker threats that warn me that I only have 24 hours to respond?
...the unmined material, the unread killer joke, the laughs that never were.
Remember the classic Star Trek with Joan Collins where "the portal"
or whatever
had been high-band broadcasting Earth's entire video history for minutes
and Spock says,
"I'm such a fool, I could've been recording
this on my tricorder."
Yep, ...that's just what this is like.
I worry about the guy who spent two hours writing a comedy rant, who
sent it in for my opinion
and never heard back from me. He thinks I think his stuff sucks, but
what if it never got read?
The graphics boy who spent hours getting a cartoon just like he
wanted it,
and then I find it six months later when it's no longer relevant -
that's bad.
The serious rants that can't be explored because there's too much mechanical
to be done but I always mean to get back to it later, but then there's
tomoro's issue.
If I could unload my loser day job, and hire a staff of two,
we still couldn't read all the mail,
but there'd be fewer laughs that remained undiscovered.
Someday and angel will appear - I hope it's soon.
. If you go to google.com, and search for "bartcop,"
you'll see some unlucky person has paid for an attack ad
to pop up whenever "bartcop" is the search object.
The ad says,
Bartcop is a cancer (Actually
I'm a virgo)
Learn to think for yourself!
Separate spin from substance.
He seems smarter than the average bear,
but he's essentially requesting the red ass from my big boot.
Stay tuned...
Use the portal below and they'll throw bartcop.com
a nickel and
it costs you nothing more than whatever you
were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2002,
Shirley Manson - contact