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We open and close today's issue with Rush quotes:
"My base is mad at me because I spend
more time
attacking Bush than the Democrats
-- El Vulgarro Puerca, third hour Friday
Rush has told the truth here.
Wake the kids, mark your calendar (it was April 19th)
Rush Limbaugh told the truth - and isn't it shame that the Democrats
are such scared little bunnies that Rush has to fight our
battles for us?
Hanssen, Louis Freeh and the DOJ
Partisan Bush Appointee's Backstabbing Reno and Clinton
-- Allowed Dangerous Soviet Mole to Flourish for Years
by Tamara Baker
President Clinton put forth an Executive
Order that was sensible and necessary -- and Louis Freeh
flat-out ignored it. Why? Because he was
too busy trying to use his GOP and media pals to pressure
Janet Reno into hiring ever-more special
prosecutors to investigative Clinton and Gore, even though
Reno, truthfully, kept telling Freeh --
and everyone else in America -- that Freeh couldn't make his case.
Crossfire Moments
Rudy Giuliani on March 5 hosted a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. called,
and I quote, "a salute to America's
heroes." Do you know where the money went?
They didn't go to America's heroes.
They went to America's hacks.
Republican politicians and the firefighters
in New York were outraged.
If anybody's exploiting September 11,
it's the Republican Party.
Backs a Botched Coup in Venezuela
by Ted Rall
"They hate what America stands for. They despise freedom.
They now know we love freedom, and we will defend our
freedom with all our might."
-George W. Bush, March
You didn't have to blink to miss it. Let
the record show that George W. Bush, reconstituted
Cold Warrior and ardent defender of democracy,
has suffered his first Bay of Pigs.
Whether this experience will chasten him
as much as it did JFK remains to be seen.
In a stunning reminder that the Resident's
76 percent approval rating stops at the Rio Grande,
an American-backed coup against Venezuela's
President Hugo Chávez went from fait accompli
to farcical footnote in a matter of hours.
Ransom Arranged to Rebel Group
Involved in Arranging Payment
Free American Hostages
The US was involved in arranging a ransom
payment to the Abu Sayyaf rebel group in
the Philippines to secure the release of
an American couple kidnapped nearly 11 months ago,
but the couple has not been freed, ABCNEWS
has learned.
The Pentagon — Rumsfeld personally — opposed
the idea, but he was overruled...
"We don't negotiate with terrorists"
the Governor says on camera.
But, just like his daddy, Junior pays the terrorists and gets
nothing in return.
Has he done anything right since he stole the White House?
John O'Neill
Who was John O'Neill?
Was he murdered?
In August 2001, FBI Deputy Director John
O'Neill resigned from his post over years
of the US's policy (going back 20 years)
of handling terrorism and Osama bin Laden.
Specifically, his department was told to
"back off" their bin Laden and Al Queda
investigations while the Bush administration
negotiated with the Taliban.
O'Neill became the security chief of the
World Trade Center - where he died on 9/11.
Had he survived, the events since then
would have unfolded quite differently...
and a President would be embroiled in a
scandal like the country has never seen!
It may be a good thing that everyone's too afraid to ask questions
about September 11th
because it's possible the answers would just be more than some
of us could bear.
Today in History - April 20th
In 1999, the Columbine High School
massacre took place in Littleton, Colo.,
as two twits killed 13 and wounded 26 others
before taking their own lives.
...and the N.R.A. said it happened because not enough Columbine kids were carrying guns.
...another Meet the Press Moment
Russert: Sir, let me show you some
videotape of the official Saudi TV station
holding a martyr-thon, where $52 million was raised for the families
of suicide bombers. How can you explain that to those watching today?
Saudi spokesman: Tim, we condemn terrorism in all it's forms - we always have.
Russert: That's a great answer
and I see no need for a follow up question.
Thanks for sitting in the hot seat, Sir.
Tim the whore, doing everything he can to smooth relations between
his bosses,
the Bush Family Evil Empire, and those who fill the B.F.E.E.
blood coffers
in Style
by semi-liberal Michael Kinsley
"If the truth was too precious to waste on politics
for Bush I and a challenge to
overcome for Clinton, for our current George
Bush it is simply boring and uncool.
Bush II administration lies are often so
laughably obvious that you wonder why they bother.
Until you realize: They haven't bothered.
If telling the truth was less bother, they'd
try that too. The characteristic Bush II form of
dishonesty is to construct an alternative
reality on some topic, and to regard anyone who
objects to it as a sniveling dweeb obsessed
with 'nuance'."
Notice how Kinsley can't call Bush a liar without reminding people
that he considers Clinton a liar, too. Thanks for helping,
"Help" like that put President Pinhead in the White House.
...and down the stretch they come!
Are you ready to meet Julie Hiatt Steele?
She'd be totally penniless if not for the generosity of people
like you
who have contributed.
She wants to say "Thank you,"
to you, in person, for what you've done to help her.
One thing I must mention: Do to a lack of communication
skills on my part, there will not be free beer
and free wine at this event. Certain perks that were available
in the early stages of planning Juliefest2002
did not make the big jump to the packed house final stages. A
rookie mistake by a rookie organizer - me.
The good news: We will have a private bar where Chinaco
Anejo, Grey Goose vodka (Julie's favorite)
and a large variety of beers, wines and spirits will be available.
And besides the free (how to you spell oer d'oerves?)
munchies, the West24
kitchen will be open. I apologize for the inconvenience my mistake
has caused.
We have six
more days to make this one of the best days of her life.
Julie is about to be surrounded by her
new friends from all over the country who are flying in
to say "Thank
you for standing your ground against that horrid Starr monster."
If you can't make it to West24
consider sending her a little something.
Snail write to Julie at PO
Box 1351, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
If you're totally flat broke, at least
send an e-mail of support to juliehiattsteele@bartcop.com
are still available
Each ticket sold is more foundation and more security for Julie, ...so let's party!
Also, don't forget the Juliefest2002-DC
...so when you hear that Clash song on James's West24
sound system, shout out
"She fought the law and ...SHE
she fought the law and
...SHE won."
Biiiiiiiig party at Carville's place!
Well I'll
be darned! Fancy stumbling upon a BartCop sticker
in Rupert
Murdoch's homeland! The word's spreading folks ... ;o)
Sent in
by Andrew
"When I tried drugs, they were fucking
great, and they worked for me for years,
and now they're turning against
me — and now I'm walking through hell, and this sucks."
-- Layne Staley, singer/guitarist for Alice
in Chains, found dead in his apartment early Saturday.
Drugs can be deadly, especially if you have lots of money,
problems, time on your hands, and nobody to tell you, "no."
Marty has a web page devoted to the hottest show on TV - The
Did you know that The Osbournes was the most watched show
on cable this week?
Did you know that The Osbournes has more 18-35 viewers
than C.S.I., CBS's top drama?
Did you know that The Osbournes has only three more shows
to go in Season One?
Did you know that The Osbournes was the Number 7 TVshow
last week?
Kids are watching, parents are watching, grandparents are watching.
Heck, if you were 30 when Iron Man came out, you're in
your sixties now.
Don't we have to go back to The Monkees to find a current pop act with a TV show?
Week-old Garbage
I spent Saturday watching it, over and over.
I'm not sure why I get such a kick out of reading Geneva's
Astrology Forecasts.
I know nothing about the field of astrology, but it's damn fun
to read.
for "Juliefest 2002" April 27, 2002 in DC
Julie's financial condition will show a
definite improvement. Jupiter, the ruler of the Ninth House
in the natural zodiac, occupies the Demi-Return
Second House of personal worth. Cancer is
on the cusp of the Second, with ruler Moon
in the Fifth of creativity and ingenuity. Moon is in
a beneficial and enhancing trine to Saturn,
the ruler of the Demi-Return Ninth House, of advertising
and publicity, conjunct the Ascendant and
Julie's natal North Node, along with a trine to Neptune
actually occupying the Ninth House itself.
This forms a Grant Trine, a very lucky configuration
denoting benefits, opportunities and good
Was Laura the Unloved Fired?
Watching "Reliable Sources" on CNN Saturday afternoon,
I caught a commercial for Korean tire maker Kumho Tires.
Remember the commercials Laura Schlessinger used to do for Kumho?
"Hi, I'm
Dr. Laura for Kumho Tires.
you think of Kumho, think of me, Dr. Laura.
Next time you need tires, buy Kumho."
But she's not in the new Kumho commercials, I wonder why?
Maybe they have a morals clause in their contracts...
To: wesat@npr.org
Subject: Can I Have My Money Back?
Dear Sir or Madam:
This morning I listened in stunned disbelief
as Daniel Schorr discussing the Catholic crisis asked if priests
are now to be viewed as "cover up artists" like
Nixon or--and here comes the outrage---Clinton?
Schorr, with no objection from Scott Simon, mentioned
Nixon and Clinton together as equally felonious
--quite a feat of historical revisionism.
Has Schorr been hanging around with the Washington Post
editorial board too much or did he forget his
medication today?
Nixon reached deep into his slush fund to buy
the silence of thugs he had hired to break into DNC HQ
to dig for information that would put the fix
in for the election of 1972. The illegal and unconstitutional actions
of the Crook from Whittier will forever remain
the gold standard of executive evildoing. Clinton - the most
successful president of my lifetime--lied about
sex. How in the name of God have these two men morphed
into one in the addled brain of Dan Schorr?
This morning's broadcast made me regret my recent
pledge to WCPN-a very good radio station by the way.
They won't see any more of my money until those
two "Beltway Boys" are fired or retired. I used to admire NPR
and consider its broadcasters honest brokers
(much the same way the USA was viewed in the Middle East during
the Clinton Administration), but now it pains
me to say that Schorr and Simon have made my enemies list.
The ditto-monkey congress told NPR to lean right or go out of business.
ALL radio and TV news
today is whore driven. Their ONLY purpose is to show a hefty profit,
and unfounded attacks on
Democrats make more money than the truth. The networks, cable shows,
talk radio and newspapers
have all turned into Drudge imitators in an attempt to increase that
all-important bottom line.
The only place you can get the truth are certain websites, certain
and certain newspapers that are NOT located in the continental
United States.
There was a time when you could trust salon.com,
and others, but their costs
are so high, they've had to hire obvious whores such as David
Horowitz and Andrew Sullivan
to bring in that all-important ditto-monkey dollar.
Jesus, I'm so old, I remember when once-respected newspapers like the
York Times and
The Washington Post could be trusted, but that was before they
hired Drudge to run their editorial rooms.
If I was a concerned citizen, interested in the truth, I'd send support
to ampol, bartcop.com,
buzzflash.com, mediawhoresonline.com,
and others.
Day 14 of the idiotic "Bush Doctrine" in the Middle East
Defies Bush
US President seen as incompetent nose-picker
The Bush boy: Withdraw immediately! Enough is enough.
somebody swat that fly for me?
Arafat: ÊÏì ÇáÍæÇÑ,
little smirking boy
From: DC in DC
Subject: For You Athiests
I used to be an athiest, but I had to give it up because I had nothing
to say during a blowjob.
"Oh -- Random Chance, Random Chance -- RANDOM
just doesn't express the gravity of the situation.
From the ass-kissing Whore Street Journal
say Bush weak on world
Even allies question his influence
"Will the George W. Bush we once knew please
stand up?
Suddenly, the president who soared by
standing on principle seems to
have been replaced by an impostor who's
lost his foreign-policy bearings."
Stop lying to your readers!
His numbers soared because we were attacked - NOT because of any
The only principle he's ever had has been "tax
cuts - so help me God."
Bush has always been less than a featherweight on foreign
He's easily the most stupid and ignorant "president" since television
was invented.
Pro-Apocalypse Foreign Policy
Why Conservative Christians Back A Genesis-Inspired Mid-East
by David Corn
If Inhofe is going to take his Middle East
policy guidance directly from Genesis, he has a problem,
for in Genesis 15, God makes another real-estate
promise to Abram. One night, as Abram is
offering an animal sacrifice to God (a
three-year old cow, a three-year-old female goat, a
three-year-old ram, a dove and a young
pigeon, per God's instructions), the All-knowing
One says, "I will give your descendants
the land east of the Shihor River on the
border of Egypt as far as the Euphrates
That's some stretch. It would cover Jordan
in its entirety, a big chunk of Syria,
a third of Iraq, and the northern tip of
Saudi Arabia. Talk about a Greater Israel.
Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Pissquik) is insane.
He was sent to the senate by an insane state.
"There's no reason why Bush shouldn't
have entered the fray on ANWR.
Bush is a warrior, and
he's a fighter, too. You can see it in his eyes.
Look into his eyes - he's not
afraid of anything, that's why I like him so much."
-- Rush Limbaugh, who never tells a lie, third
hour yesterday.
mama! That BartCop Hex is out to get me.
Please, daddy, make BartCop disappear."
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Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Shirley Manson - contact