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"I wonder who is the architect of our
foreign policy...
Is it George Bush, or is it Colin
-- his Vulgarness, Rush Limbaugh
ha ha
Stop it, Rush.
Bush isn't even the architect of his daughters's
He doesn't know where the Middle East is
Condi brings in that special globe that
has Israel circled.
I know it's your job to pretend the Chimp
in Chief has credibility,
but the whole world knows he's got the
IQ of curdled milk.
Why else can he only read scripted remarks?
This guy is dangerous.
He's got that same look in his eye that Atta had.
When he took this picture he thought, like Atta did,
that people would only notice him after he was dead.
That shoe bomber? ...bungling fool.
That John Lindh Walker dude? ...bungling fool.
The former governor of Texas? ...bungling fool.
But this guy need to stay locked up or made to take a dirt
He's very, very dangerous.
the Intimacy, Stupid
by Paul Corrigan
Hindsight is 20/20, but America would have
been better off if half of the FBI agents
assigned to Starr were hunting terrorists
and the other half were staking out rectories.
We have fallen so far in 15 months that
the public has not had time to reflect on how
much has been lost. Why is it so hard for
pundits to write that peace and prosperity
are both lost and the current president
is incapable of finding them?
From: Rude Rich
Subject: Why you hate women...
> For the same reason I do....you're
a guy and they drive us nuts daily.
ha ha
Remember what Chris Rock said about O.J.?
"What O.J. did was wrong, ...but ...I understand!"
Ms. Julie,
Thanks for standing up to Starr's goons
and bullies.
You are a true patriot, you and Susan
Love ya,
Phillip McC, Ret AF Msgt
(Enclosed is $20)
Juliefest Total $23,620
If we get lucky, we could make it to $25,000,
but isn't $30,000 a much rounder number than $25,000?
I'm confused again
Israel is fighting for their sacred sand, risking their children's
lives, even.
That must be some sand, eh?
But during the fighting, they're firing bullets into the Church
of the Nativity in Bethlehem,
which they say is the actual birthplace of Jesus Christ..
Why isn't that church at least as holy as the sand?
Trent Lott
- a prig in a wig
warning the
Republicans about
the evil-doers
at bartcop.com
...and down the stretch they come!
Are you ready to meet Julie Hiatt Steele?
You've never met anyone like Julie Hiatt Steele before.
I don't care if Patton was your granddaddy, and Churchill was
your great-uncle.
When you meet Julie Hiatt Steele, you're going to be damn impressed.
She wants to say "Thank you," to you, in person, for what you've done.
We'll have a private bar where Chinaco Anejo,
Grey Goose vodka (Julie's favorite)
and a large variety of beers, wines and spirits will be available.
I hear the food at West24
For one night, we get to party with some big dawgs.
We have four
more days to make this one of the best days of Julie's life. Julie
is going
to be surrounded by her new friends from
all over the country who are flying in to say
"Thank you for standing your ground
against that election-hating Starr monster."
on a night that's bigger than any Emmy or Oscar night.
This is Julie's night back.
can still get in!
If you can't make it to West24
her a little something.
Snail write to Julie at PO
Box 1351, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
If you're totally flat broke, at least
send an e-mail of support to juliehiattsteele@bartcop.com
Each ticket sold is more foundation and more security for Julie, ...so let's party!
Also, don't forget the official Juliefest2002-DC
...so when you hear that Clash song on James's West24
sound system, shout out
"She fought the law and ...SHE
she fought the law and
...SHE won."
Biiiiiiiig party at Carville's place!
My most prolific stalker is sending e-mails to people with a carbon
going to the "Cato-Kidski Think-Tanke."
I think he's harmless.
I mean, how dangerous can a man be with only one free hand?
But if you answer his e-mail, even once, he'll adopt you
and then YOU
will be the object of his affection until the mountains fall
into the sea.
So - if you're lonely, then go ahead and answer him and make
a forever friend.
But if you have a life, you'd better ignore him.
If you're coming to Juliefest2002-DC
and you don't have a ticket yet,
first, you need to panic, then send an e-mail to us at juliefest2002@yahoo.com
There are still tickets available.
Brian B and Sam D from Ft Collins - your tickets have bounced back to us.
If you're planning to attend Juliefest, you need to send e-mail
to juliefest2002@yahoo.com
or you won't have tickets for Saturday.
You must have a ticket to get in the room.
"I don't understand. How can you be a
marine and a Democrat?"
-- El Chupacabre del Puerca, to a caller, third
hour yesterday.
Hey, Rush, did you have another stroke?
Did you forget a certain Democrat who's also a former marine?
You know who I worry about?
Ted Olson.
Poor guy, wonder how he's coping?
I'm sure he's gone thru hell, trying to make some sense of things.
Gosh, it seems like yesterday when he was happy, and now...
Hold on... what's this?
Disco Ted shakin' what he's got with an liquored up younger woman?
Surely, ...it's part of his grief therapy.
Of course, that must be his grief counselor, helping Ted cope
with reality.
...but I guess she's not the same grief counselor he's been seeing,
the one who Ted insisted pose with him and B'Orinn Hatch in February.
Poor Ted, his grief is so deep, he's having to see multiple
counselors in the same week
to help him shelve his debilitating heartbreak, to help him cope
with life after 9/11...
Got something to say on sports?
Who else lets the little guy speak his mind?
Do you have an opinion?
From: Andrew
Subject: "Misogynist" Bart
Some people on the far left confuse the male "impulse"
with misogynism.
In that way, they're not unlike the religious
right, which regards any
deviation from their hateful dogma as "blasphemy".
The nut-job left thinks having a "thing" for Shirley
Manson is the same as having it in
for women as "sex objects". Such people,
of course, have no "impulses" of their own
when Russell Crowe appears on-screen (yeah right)
and if they don't then their real
problem could be with heterosexuals in general
(sounds like another kind of "ism"to me).
Since time began, women have been swooning over Rudy Vallee, Bing Crosby,
Frank Sinatra, Elvis, The Beatles, Ricky Martin and all who have followed
in their steps.
For the first time in my life, Shirley is both a radical door-opener
and a fabulous babe.
I mean, in my youth, I lusted after Pat Benatar, Stevie Nicks and Chrissy
Hynde, et al., but they
weren't giants like Shirley is. More recently, with the slut-teen
explosion, we see Britney, Janet,
Shakira and Mindy Moore, but they can't even find the damn door, much
less open it.
Most of today's crop doesn't even sing their songs - they dance around
in military style
and say, "I can't be expected to sing AND
dance." Fine, stop dancing.
But Shirley opens up her chest and lays her heart on the stage and says,
"Let's be honest."
I'm old, I've seen them all, and I've never seen anybody
as good as Shirley Manson,
and the whole point is - she's got all that door stuff and she's cuter
than Paul McCartney!
Women have been lusting after Paul for 38 years, but when I say Shirley's
hot and she rules,
I'm a sexist pig?
...by the way, do we have an update on tour dates?
Aren't they supposed to be in the states soon?
I'd sure like to see her.
Shirley Manson - contact
Thanks to www.adamclymerfanclub.com
for providing
with a bunch of buttons and stuff.
Subject: anger
I detect a little bit of anger on this site.
Do you?
Why would I be angry?
We've lost the right to have
our votes counted,
the Bill of Rights has been
Clinton's $5 TRILLION surplus
has been stolen,
we're at war and they say this
war will never end,
we're in a recession, fabricated
to enrich the already super-rich,
a crooked moron stole the White
House with the help
of the crooked judges who owed favors to the moron's crooked
the top policeman in America
is insane,
the people in charge of curbing
these abuses are asleep or scared.
Why would I be angry?
One-Term Prez, My Ass
by The Diehard
My nomination for the democratic ticket in 2004.
This has a nice ring to it -
President Dennis Kucinich and Vice President Cynthia McKinney.
"People need to know that there is no
place in the priesthood
and religious life for those
who would harm the young."
-- Pope John Paul, who isn't firing
But, Sir, if you allow the guilty to stay at their posts,
isn't this about as effective as Bush saying "Enough
is enough,"
when he's trying to stop violence in the Middle East?
Tonight in Oklahoma, PBS is doing "Great submarine disasters."
I wonder if they'll tell the story of Bush's Enron fat-cats who
killed nine
Japanese students during a fund raiser for President Weak &
Nah, the Boy King is immune from criticism, even when people die.
So far, one served.
Help the hammer higher - get cheap long distance thru
Subject: It's obvious that you truly hate women
...because you have been married to the
same woman for over 25 years
and care so much for her that
you are willing to
1. stay in Oklahoma because she likes it there
2. work at a day job you hate so you can do the
web site
and STILL have time to spend
with her in the evening
3. take her on frequent trips all over the country
4. write about her infrequently to preserve her
but with respect and affection
whenever you do.
All of these things indicate a true hatred of
...and you should be ashamed of yourself.
...I am...
Day 16 of the bungling
"Bush Doctrine" in the Middle East
Defies Bush
Bush Family Evil Empire deals with terrorists
The Bush boy: We don't deal with terrorists!
Paris was fun last night
I headed close to where the action was,
and could smell tear gas. I got up real close to the police barricade
towards the Madeleine, and the police soon
decided to force the crowd back. They switched on the sirens
on their trucks and advanced in a barricade
with riot shields. People were throwing stuff at them, and kicking
down traffic lights. Once everyone
was out in the main area of Concorde, the police let off their tear gas
and canisters hit the ground all around
me. Time to run, it's the first time I've ever been tear-gassed.
It must have been the low-grade
variety, I get more noxious fumes in the kitchen when I cook up a curry.
Worldwide BartCop
Do you read bartcop.com from a faraway place?
If so, we want to read your story.
Tell us about your day, what you do, what you eat, where you
Got crazy weather? Crazy cops with tear gas? Wild animals?
...send in your stories!
Use the portal below and they'll throw bartcop.com
a nickel and
it costs you nothing more than whatever you
were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2002,
Shirley Manson - contact