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"We did it."
-- Christian & Bart, April 27th
The Juliefest Report is almost complete.
Clinton's voice: "I've worked harder on this report than anything."
There is so much to tell, so much detail to be covered.
My last trip report to Intelligencia took 2-3 weeks to write.
This has so much more detail to be told and - because
there were witnesses,
I'm forced to tell the truth which always adds extra pressure.
I really think the official Juliefest Report will be up tomorrow
I have 16 hours in it so far, but it's just not ready,
and I'm only going to get one shot at telling the story right.
Meanwhile, I felt like I had to post something, so here's this:
Why is Colin Powell Lying?
Sam Donaldson: Has Saddam Hussein stepped up his weapons of mass destruction program?
Colin Powell: I don't know what "stepped
up" means...
Have you ever heard such a bald faced horseshit
lie in your life?
Powell doesn't know what "stepped up" means?
Check the transcript, that's exactly what Powell said.
Colin Powell looked America in the eye and gave us Tommy Dimwit.
"I cain't figger out what 'stepped up'
might could mean."
Colin Powell lied ...and, of course, Sam let him get away with it.
This administration can give the most mealy-mouthed, non-answers
to direct questions
while Donaldson, Russert and the other "Pitbulls of Monicagate"
just roll over and say,
"Thanks, that's a great and honest answer.
I see no need for any follow up questions."
The mob enforcer press that Clinton had to put with
has turned into Shirley Temple for the Unelected Fraud.
It's Cinco de Mayo, the most important holiday of the year at bartcop.com
He swore
to uphold the Constitution,
but we
know where his loyalties are.
"Bush, Saudi prince, share vision"
-- Top headline in The Washington Times the day
Hmmm, that vision would be ...stealing billions with illegal oil deals while arming terrorists?
Mail Bag
BC, I voted for Nader, and I'm glad I did,
and I'll do it again next time
unless I find a leftist I like more. I
don't know what the other Nader voters
had in mind, but speaking for myself, I
think that if you want real, large-scale,
structural change, and you vote for Al
Gore, you're throwing your vote away.
<major snippage>
(Those Greens go on and on and on...)
Al Gore and the Democrats will never make
really big changes.
No, but the Bush Family Evil Empire will make big changes,
your help.
Wherever Karl Rove is right now, he has an erection. He knows
he owns you.
You were the difference in Florida in 2000.
You gave us President Pinhead.
Your vote took us from peace to war.
Your vote took us from surpluses to deficits.
Your vote took us from employment to massive layoffs.
Your vote took us from a smart president to a really stupid president
Your vote took us from a never-arrested president to a moron
doesn't even have to explain how many times he's been convicted
of a felony.
Your vote took us from a sober president to one with coke and
alcohol problems
And you've sworn to do it again, pleasing Rush and Karl Rove no end.
Marty E!'s quick take on Juliefest2002-DC
I don't think I'd be too out of line in
JulieFest was a rousing success,
thanks to the incredible efforts of Christian
and Bart (and let's not forget the
tolerance of Mrs. Bart), and a wonderful
crowd of great people. James Carville,
Joe Conason, David Brock
and Mark
from Buzzflash.com
were there to join
in the festivities. Chinaco
ran like water (but, the really good, bottled kind).
Oh, and the chocolate!.
Julie was even cooler than imagined. And funnier.
Yes, a video was made, and pictures were taken (but, the film was turned over to Bart).
It was a weekend where the only thing
in short supply was sleep, in spite of DC
not being a late night town at all. I'm
really tired. More eventually.
So, last Friday, we're standing in the big
baggage check-in line for Southwest at LAX.
A black stretch limo pulls up & Ralph
Nader gets out, to go wait for his Southwest flight.
Just struck me funny.
...Marty! thanks for that.
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling the
war effort,
are they saying they're happy with the fact that he's not been
able to catch those responsible?
Are they happy that we seem to be going from country to country,
bombing, but accomplishing nothing?
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling the
are they saying they're happy we've lost the prosperity we had
with Clinton and now
are faced with nothing but recession, layoffs and bankruptcies
under his leadership?
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling foreign
are they saying they're happy that our closest allies are barely
speaking to us and
that we've abandoned decades of treaties with friends and enemies
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling the
character issue,
does that mean they don't want to know how many times he's had
to stand before
a judge and say, "Guilty, your honor?"
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling the
integrity question,
I wonder if they know about the rape and subsequent abortion
arranged for Robin Lowman
at the Twelve Oaks Hospital in Houston, TX (now the Bayou City
Medical Center)
who was only 15-years old at the time? Is that how
America defines "integrity?"
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling the
are they saying they enjoy seeing America's Commander in Chief
get down on his knees
and beg China to please release our airmen so he can give them
medals for turning over
an advanced spy plane packed with technology China wouldn't have
for another twenty
years without that voluntary surrender?
When people say they're happy with the way Bush is handling the
Social Security fund,
are they saying they approve of Bush raiding the Social Security
lockbox to give Enron,
Mobil/Exxon and General Electric 16 years worth of tax refunds,
some of which will
make it back into GOP coffers to ensure the money niagara will
Yes, America loves their president, because, thanks to a vigilant
press and a strong
opposition from the Democrats, regular Americans are educated
and informed.
Is that what the GOP and the media are selling us?
From: frank@godisdead.com
Subject: First Time Visitor Comments
Dear Ms. Steele,
I've just visited your site for the first
time. I have a few comments to make.
1. Your web site design is horrible. Please change the design of the site.
Ms. Steele doesn't write anything here besides her column.
The bad web design and tacky comments are mine - BartCop.
She's a lady and would never say the stuff I say.
I'm a ADD Catholic with an IQ of 64.
The fact that you read enough to be pissed off is a tribute to
my overcoming my handicaps.
2. Your comparisons of the GOP to the Nazis
is disgusting. No political group in the United States
deserves to be compared to the Nazi party
(okay, except the neo-Nazis). You sicken me.
Do you own a dictionary, Frank?
When you look up "nazi," it says "See fascist"
When you look up "fascist," it says "a supporter of a system
of government that uses
force to supress liberals, Jews, gypsies, teachers, homosexuals
and intellectuals."
Sound like anybody you know, Frank?
Another way to answer you would be to suggest you Click Here
3. You offer no evidence to the vast majority
of your claims. You seem to be a Washington nobody,
so I find it hard to believe that you have
access to scads of inside information. You simply repeat garbage
that you find elsewhere on the web and
pawn it off as your own.
You must be confusing me with Julie again.
Do you make big mistakes often, Frank?
You sound like the type of individual who could teach me a lesson,
but then,
the others sounded just like you before they became "too busy"
to debate.
4. You praise James Carville. Although
I'm sure he's really smart, as far as I can tell, he's just a redneck
with so heavy an accent, that I can't figure
out what the heck is is saying half the time.
James speaks quickly, that's for sure.
Perhaps you could read Crossfire transcripts at
your slower, individual pace.
Remember during the fraudulent campaign of 2000, President Monkey
Brains said,
"What America needs is leadership -
and I know the way!" ...and the crowds would cheer
because they knew Bush was such a smart and informed leader of
But now that he's stolen power with the help of his daddy's crooked
instead of leading on tough issues like the Middle East, President
Pinhead is
calling for a summer summit to see if any smart people have a
clue on how to lead?
And just to lower expectatiuons even further, they're warning
everyone NOT to expect
a peace breakthrough from the summer talks, but to expect only
a "framework for peace" and,
of course, the American whore media will hail the non-breakthrough
as "another foreign policy triumph"
for the "dream team" that the wise Boy King has assembled from
his daddy's Iran-Contra team.
But that's not even the worst part.
The worst part is Senate Democrats will join in that praise for
no goddamn reason other than fear.
While I was in DC, every newscast was crowing about Bush's great
poll numbers.
Get this: 74
percent said they support Bush's policy in the Middle East,
but only 43
percent say he has a clear and concise plan to deal with events over there.
That means over 31
percent of America supports a policy they think is rudderless and incoherent
for a part of the world that almost certainly will trigger a
nuclear World War III.
But that's not even the worst part.
The worst part is 53
percent of all Democrats gave Bush their support, too.
But that's not even the worst part.
The worst part is that Bush has waaaaaay more than 53
percent of Senate Democrats.
His worship quotient with Senate Democrats could be as high as
percent, and this is
supposed to be the opposition party, part of the checks
and balances that our founding fathers
envisioned as the last defense to keep an out-of-control president
from going too damn far.
are the Democrats?
why are they cashing their paychecks
they're not willing to do their jobs?
America is looking for a leader for this crisis, but Rudy retired, so what do we do?
We know we're lying lied to by an incompetent moron, but until
the Democrats stand up,
we're sticking with the incompetent moron - at least that's what
these polls numbers tell me.
But what do we have for an opposition party?
I'm a Democrat, and
W. Bush is my president.
Subject: Crossfire Plug for MWO!
Friday, in the closing minutes, Paul Begala mentioned MWOL twice.
They were discussing what good on-line news sources
like the Drudge
Report were (Drudge had been a guest....gross),
and Paul said it might
be good for finding out in an iguana had eaten
a small child in a foreign country...
Tucker starting screaming about something, and
Paul said something like "...and then
there are sites like Media Whores....", which
he then repeated to be sure it was heard
over Tucker's ongoing whining.
A great way to end the show!
Baseball, basketball. hockey, golf!
It's all on BartCop Sports!
From: Jenniferandrick@aol.com
Subject: Fabricated lies?
Fabricated lies? Uhhhh which one was fabricated?
Which one?
ha ha
Which blades of grass are green?
This is a trick to get me to spend a year listing every GOP-fabricated
lie against Clinton.
Look at it this way: Of alllllllllllllllllllll the "crimes"
Clinton committed, why did
the GOP only impeach him for the "crime" of Monica, for which
he was found innocent?
All the rest (Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster) was horseshit,
invented and fabricated by
the Scaife-paid ditto-monkey talking heads of the right and the
whores of the press who know
the right-wing masturbators will pay for every wild-ass,
fabricated story about Bill and Hillary.
Subject: Hello from Tucson, AZ
I am in the chatroom amd many times I get in
fights with republicans.
Sometimes I use profanity and call people at
FOX and CNN names.
Can they sue me in court? Please let me know...
Badii, if anyone tries to sue you, just tell them you were quoting me.
Every word I say is true, and they can't handle the truth.
If they sue me, I'll videotape it and defend myself while sipping Chinaco.
We'll run excerpts forever.
"Can you believe this Enron mess?
I love how Bush's good friend 'Kenny
suddenly turned into 'Mr. Lay.'
Give me a break!"
-- Johnny Carson
ha ha
I miss Johnny Carson.
Subject: Are you better off now than 2 years ago?
Everyone in American can answer this question
with a resounding NO!
Bush has squandered a huge budget surplus into
a huge deficit.
Jobless numbers are at an all time high.
Wall Street resembles a bombed out Beirut.
Most 401K accounts values are at 50% what they
were just 2 short years ago.
We are in never ending war with a confused leader
at the helm.
Contrast our present state of war and recession
with the Clinton years, peace and prosperity.
Jim in Rochester, MI
Headline: Jobless rate highest in 8 years
This is not news.
We knew the day the Supreme Court stole our right to vote
that the Clinton Miracle was over and we were in for four years
of war and
recession and a rape of the US Treasury on a scale like we'd
never seen before.
The Bush Family Evil Empire didn't spend $200 million to
install a moron puppet
so they could help America's working families get ahead. They
spent that $200 million because
they knew their investment would come back into their pockets
a hundred-thousand fold.
While in the DC area, we stopped at a Giant grocery store for
and their checkout line ads for lost distance calling cards caught
my eye.
They had several different tiers, depending on how much you spent,
but their cheapest rate was 13
cents a minute.
Using bartcop.com long-distance calling cards you pay only 8.3 cents per minute.
Make bartcop.com your long-distance carrier
Ol' BartCop if YOU want to save big money on long distance.
>Win a Corvette for mentioning
>bartcop.com on live TV.
could be yours!
In an unusual move, Crossfire did not take questions
from the audience on April 26th,
the evening that Julie RB scored tickets for people who frequent
the Juliefest boards.
Was it a coincidence that Crossfire "forgot" audience
questions that night?
Or is bartcop.com banned from that network?
They say if you mention bartcop.com on a CNN chat room you get bumped.
Stop answering my stalkers and sending me a copy.
I don't care who you are or why you're doing it.
If/when we go subscription only,
those who tease the stalkers won't be invited.
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel and
it costs you nothing
more than whatever you were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2002, bartcop.com
you were great!