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“When it comes to talk radio in America, Rush
Limbaugh is Elvis
without the sideburns, the king of
his domain -- opinionated,
conservative, entertaining, and very
--Tom Brokaw, wanting some of that
Rush money reeeeeal bad, 05/09/02
pipebomb nut
He was blowing up people to form a smiley face on America's map?
He's probably another Rush fan, like McVeigh was.
Shouldn't this nut be imprisoned forever for felony stupidity?
Seriously, anyone who's that warped should be caged forever.
...and no more AM radio for him.
Republican Primary Opponent calls
for Independent
Counsel to Investigate Enron
Marc Perkel, who was John Ashcroft’s primary opponent for United States
in the 2000 election is calling for the justice department to appoint
an independent counsel
to investigate if Enron and other energy traders broke laws while manipulating
supply and prices during the California energy crisis.
Perkel is calling for an independent counsel because it has been revealed
that Attorney
General John Ashcroft received $50,000 from Enron in his race
for U.S. Senate for the state
of Missouri. Ashcroft received some of the $50,000 before August
8th 2000, which means
that the money from Enron was donated during the primary election what
Ashcroft was
running against Perkel. In October of 2000, Perkel relocated to San
Francisco and suffered
the results of high energy bills and rolling blackout that devastated
the California economy.
“This is outrageous!” Perkel states
in joining with the sentiments of other California
Republicans such as Mary Bono and George Radonovich who have joined
Democrats in
calling for an investigation. Perkel however is calling for an independent
counsel because
Attorney General John Ashcroft is tainted with Enron money.
“It is important” states
Perkel, “that any investigation have credibility.
The public has
to believe that the government has gotten
to the bottom of this! We do not yet know if
Enron acted alone or has acted in concert
with other energy trading companies to defraud
the State of California. Furthermore, we do
not know if there was federal complicity in
undermining California’s energy supplies.
These people had secret meeting with the
President and Vice President of the United
States and the People have the right to be
reassured that the Federal Government as acting
in the interest of America and was
not a partner in criminal activity.”
Perkel is also calling for Congress to act. “The
House Energy and Commerce Committees
should quit stalling and also investigate
this. I call on all Republicans to put the interests
of the public ahead of party politics.”
At issue, according to Perkel, is the reputation of our government and
the Republican Party.
“This is an election year.” states
Perkel. “It would be bad if the Republicans
were seen
to be covering up criminal activity. Especially
when the Republican party got so much
money from Enron and the energy sector. Republicans
must cooperate with an
investigation to show that they are clean.”
Perkel himself received no money from any energy company. In
fact, the only money Perkel
spent on his campaign was the initial $200 filing fee to run for office.
“I ran against Ashcroft
in 2000 because he was unopposed and was on
the short list of VP picks to run with Bush.
If Bush had picked Ashcroft, I would have
become the Republican candidate for United
States Senate for the State of Missouri.”
Marc Perkel - Publisher of bartcop.com
which makes bartcop.com a Republican publication
Last night's opening skit on SNL was dedicated to the premise
the unelected moron needs a baby-sitter when talking about world
Are we past the point where we have to pretend he's a leader,
because of 9-11?
Have we progressed to where telling the truth is back in style?
We're trying to raise funds to increase the size of the hammer.
If you think we have too much influence on politics, send
no money.
If you think we need less GOP and more bartcop.com
you're invited to participate in taking our country back
Consider a few alms for a needy website.
or snail mail
to bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
Last night, Mrs. Bart and I spent the night in a haunted house.
Remember Teri the Ghost Chaser?
In Vol 636 - The Vault of History,
Teri offered to take us "ghost-chasing,"
so we finally took her up on it and spent the night with some
We were guests of Paranormal Investigation Team of Tulsa, or
P.I.T.T. for short
One of Tulsa's founding fathers was Thomas Gilcrease.
His Gilcrease
Museum is Tulsa's finest, and one of four (count 'em)
tourist attractions that anybody would ever come
to Tulsa to see.
Gilcrease bought the mansion in 1913 and lived in the bottom half
upstairs, (don't ask me why) there was an orphanage for Indian
Somehow, Teri got permission (we didn't break in or anything)
for us to
occupy the house from 9 PM until 5 AM. A security guard
sat outside
in his car to notify our next of kin in case it turned all The
Shining on us.
If you click on the Haunted Places graphic,
they list the Gilcrease Mansion as
an official spooky place, but I wish there
was more info on the web. Since we've
been in K-Drag, we've heard lots of stories
about the place being haunted.
Rumor has it they have to pay the night
watchmen extra because they go thru
more security guards than a normal building
- too many people quit after reporting
that they saw something that appeared to
be Mr. Gilcrease walking around.
I guess that's why our guard stayed in
his car.
The ghost-buster team was:
Teri - Video / EVP/ EMF / Photos
Tina - Notes / Records / Photos / EVP
Darren - Photos / Temp.
Craig - EVP / Photos / Temp
Cindy - EVP / EMF / Photos
Valerie - Dowsing Rods / Photos
Mrs. Bart manned another - EMF
Definitions: EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomena
EMF - Electromagnetic Field (EMF Detector)
They started by getting temperature and EMF readings from each
Then they re-visited each room to get the "feel" for any paranormal
(BTW, there was no liquor and no drugs, so I knew they were serious.
Me? Whenever I contact beings from the other dimension
I get all lit up.)
So we killed all the lights, put cardboard over the few windows
that weren't
boarded up and they turned on all their equipment and waited
for Mr Gilcrease.
The more finely-attuned ghost-chasers seemed to feel and sense
certain things.
I could testify under oath that unexplained noises were heard.
They would call
out to the entities with questions and we would hear something
but while I was there we were unable to get any of the noises
to repeat.
Teri would make some exxaggerated step-climbing noises, and we'd
all be
very silent and we could hear a noise from upstairs, but again,
no repeats.
Teri had a killer new digital camera that recorded what they
called "orbs,"
which are tiny dots of light on the recorded image. Some members
they felt sudden cold drafts or possible brush ups against something,
while I was there no hard evidence beyond the photos was obtained.
For our last hour, we sat or lied down on the floor so as to be
totally motionless.
Some members heard individual things, and once or twice we ALL
heard some
kind of noise and said, "I heard that" simultaneously.
We bailed about 2:30, shortly after I was accused of snoring.
It was a blatantly false accusation, as I was not
Teri e-mailed me this report of what we missed:
It was so great having you and Mrs. Bart
with us last night! It got pretty hairy after you left.
We roamed around the house for a little
bit then came back downstairs and did another
"sit down" in that hall area. Around
3:30am we heard voices of what sounded like 2 men arguing.
The air got really thick. I went to
check and see if it was the guard talking to anyone outside,
but saw him in his car through the kitchen
window. As I headed back going through the butler's
pantry area, *something* (not Mr Gilcrease
or one of the kids, an adult male) came right up
behind me with a rather frightening feel.
It really startled me. I told him not to sneak up on me
like that and he stayed right on my back,
very eiree. He told me we wore out our welcome.
All the other members got very uneasy,
too. (Some before told of my experience.)
We were all feeling it, it was uncomfortable
and so we packed up and left early.
For their official report Click Here
From: editor@bartcopsports.com
Subject: Possible end of BartCop Sports?
I have not updated recently because I have been
sick, and just a couple of days ago, lost my job.
As you can imagine, my motivation is gone, and
the money will soon follow. As such, I really can't
do Sports anymore.
Would you announce that I am looking into having someone take the place over?
Costs $15 a month to keep on the server where
it is now.
If I hear nothing in a couple of weeks, I'm just
going to deep-six the place,
which would suck, but that's how it is.
Thanks, and good work with Juliefest.
Well, Sports Fans, can anyone step in and take over?
Is there enough interest in sports to keep sports alive?
If you're rabid about sports and know html and have $15 a month,
contact editor@bartcopsports.com
and apply for the job.
Since it's your $15, it's your page and you can advertise or whatever
recoup the $15, but we need a rabid sports fan to permanantly pinch-hit!
Democrats to Sic Carville On Wacky Pataki
State Democrats are about to unleash a
new razor-tongued weapon against Gov. Pataki
- spinmeister James Carville, known for
being about as subtle as a pitbull on steroids.
With Pataki's ratings high as he seeks
a third term, the Democrats have lined up the party's
Ragin' Cajun to rip the Republican incumbent
at their May 22-23 state convention in Manhattan.
More Juliefest pictures
How many best-selling authors can you find?
Pictures by Marty E!
Church of Scientology Pays $8.7 Million to Ex-Member
A former Scientologist who received $8.7
million from the church this week
22 years after first suing it for mental
abuse hailed the settlement on Saturday
as a victory that could unleash a flurry
of similar lawsuits.
"They're facing a cigarette company meltdown,"
Lawrence Wollersheim, 53,
told Reuters, referring to the flurry of
claims filed against tobacco companies
after the first successful suit brought
by a smoker with health problems.
I don't know Bush about this wacky cult of space monkeys, other
than JohnTravolta
and Tom "Mr Actor" Cruise are members, but to me, it doesn't
matter if it's Jerry Falwell,
Pat Robertson or the Catholics because all churches exist for
one reason.
They exist to take your money.
They play on your fears and sell you the eternity-in-Hell nightmares
so you'll take out
that wallet and give them ten percent of everything you've ever
brought home.
Conservatives whine about "big government" is, and then they
go to church?
If you know something about these wacky Scientologists, write
it up and send it in.
Don't point me to a URL, write something and e-mail it to me
- I'll print it.
Juliefest2002-DC t-shirts
free with a minimum donation of $23.95, which covers
priority shipping.
The shirt says:
She's Steele the One
Send check/M.O. to bartcop.com PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
Juliefest2002-DC shirts only come in thousand dollar increments.
Once they're gone - they're gone. Don't wait to place your
The Enduring Freedom Scorecard
of Bush's Broken Promises
by Rochester Jim
To: fns@foxnews.com, MTP@NBC.com, cnn@cnn.com, info@cnbc.com,
Rush@EIBNET.com, capgang@cnn.com, dateline@nbc.com,
Bush said his tax cut would not cause deficits,
even in a bad economy.
Bush's FY 2003 budget posts $106 billion deficit,
the first deficit since 1997.
The budget will return to balance in 2005, at
the earliest.
Social Security
Bush said Social Security Trust Fund would remain
in a lockbox.
Bush breached the Social Security Trust Fund
and is on schedule
to spend $1.65 trillion of it over the next ten
National Debt
Bush promised to pay down a record amount of
the national debt.
Bush not only failed to pay down the national
debt, he has been forced
to request a $750 billion increase in the debt
Education Reform
As part of the bipartisan education reform, Bush
promised to spend more money
on education. Bush budget cut funding from his
own "No Child Left Behind" law
and provided the smallest education funding increase
in seven years
Pell Grants
Bush promised to increase the maximum Pell Grant
award, thereby increasing access
to higher education. Bush froze Pell Grant
limit below his promised level.
Bush promised to "fully fund" LIHEAP (the Low
Income Home Energy Assistance Program).
Bush's budget cut LIHEAP by $300 million.
Bush pledged to provide Medicare prescription
drug coverage for all seniors.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated
that Bush's plan would
cover only 6 percent of Medicare beneficiaries.
Yucca Mountain
Bush promised to listen to sound science and
local officials before deciding to bury
the nation's nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain.
Bush designated Yucca Mountain
the site before all the science is in, flouting
local officials.
Student Loans
Bush promised to make higher education more accessible
by helping students
with high costs. Bush proposed pulling $1.3 billion
from a program that allows
students to consolidate education loans at federally
subsidized interest rates.
Are you still happy that you let the Supreme Court appoint this guy president?
Jim in Rochester, MI
Juliefest Experience
by Nancy M
Buying a Juliefest T-shirt is the least I can
do to help Julie.
I was, of course, outraged when I learned of
Julie's treatment at the hands of that
partisan asshole Kenneth Starr (whom I agree
belongs in prison, and I've been
telling that to other liberals who don't know
as much of the story as we do.)
I just finished Carville's book "And the Horse
He Rode in on" and have started
Conason and Lyons' book. Brock's new book
is next. The more I read, the more
I realize that Clinton's reputation as a "corrupt"
president is just as undeserved as
Reagan and Bush II's "walk on water" reputation,
and is a product of our
"I'll print anything scandalous about a Democrat
for a nickel" corporate whore media.
The GOP DESPERATELY needs America to believe that
(a) the media are "liberal",
(b) that Clinton was our most corrupt President,
and (c) that Reagan and the Bushes
can do no wrong. Once America learns the
truth about ANY ONE of those things,
it's the end of the GOP. With your help,
Bart, and the help of like minded liberals telling
EVERYONE the truth, that WILL happen. (It's
gotten to the point that whenever anyone
forwards me those stupid jokes about Clinton
kissing the frog and making her turn into a
15 year-old girl, or the picture of the Arkansas
quarter, I angrily "reply to everyone."
The most recent example was when someone forwarded
me the frog joke, and I hit
"reply to all" and said "if anyone's interested,
I know a rumor about a President having
sex with a 15 year-old girl, and it is NOT about
a former president.")
Bart, keep the hammer growing higher. Julie,
you are a true hero, and I'm
sorry I didn't get to meet you at Juliefest 2002.
I'm going to try to attend
"Juliefest West" [if you have one] even though
that's further away from me.
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