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"I can't believe the news today
I can't close my eyes and make it go
-- some Irish friend of Paul O'Neill's
Aides: Bush
Knew of
Threat Pre 9-11
In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks,
the Bush administration received intelligence that
bin Laden could be plotting to hijack U.S.
aircraft, prompting it to put security agencies on alert,
the White House said on Wednesday.
"The information the president got dealt with
hijackings in the traditional sense,
not suicide bombers, not using planes
as missiles," Ari Fleischer said.
Call me partisan.
Call me suspicious.
But this sounds a lot like "Since it's
going to come out anyway, we'd better get ahead of the story."
Why the hell are we just hearing about this NOW?
We're hearing this ONLY because that story broke recently that
the FBI was warned that many
Arab-types were taking flight lessons and weren't bothering to
learn how to land the damn planes.
Since the story looked like it was coming out, the B.F.E.E.
has changed their story from
"We didn't know," to
"We knew but didn't know it would be this bad."
I wonder what their story will be in two weeks, when more
information gets out?
Why weren't we told earlier, Governor?
We need to put the entire B.F.E.E. under oath and see who wants
to avoid life in prison.
Put the sons of bitches under oath and see who wants to see
the sun again after 40 years.
This isn't a some damn blow job between consenting adults!
This is mass murder that gave the Unelected Fraud unlimited
power until further notice, so...
Why aren't we investigating?
I think it's time we took a second look at my Pearl Harbor theory
- that Bush knew this was coming
and decided to "take it" to involve us in a "bigger war to save
Israel" that conveniently put hundreds
of billions in the control of the Carlyle Group and the
Family Evil Empire.
...but you know what pains me the most?
a senate Democrat.
can you let this evidence lead you to that ugly conclusion?
W. Bush is my president and I stand behind him.
"I'm so sick of it..."
Drudge is a lying whore
...but you knew that
Brock challenged the media to probe his
reporting's accuracy:
"Good credible journalists can look into what
I'm saying, examine it,
and get to the bottom of this, and they
can find the truth."
One of the best places to accept Brock's
challenge is at the university
where he became a conservative. As Brock
tells the story, his life changed
profoundly during his sophomore year when
he covered a February 15, 1983...
Gee, Matthew, that's awfully convenient for a Clinton hater to
try to prove Brock
a liar by going back 19
years, isn't it? To hear Matthew tell it, Brock was a liar
and a fabricator in the old days and right now, but when
he wrote about the Clintons,
Anita Hill, Paula Jones and the troopers he was telling nothing
but the truth?
How do you expect to get awa...
Oh, that's right. The ditto-monkey right will swallow anything
they're fed.
Instead of going back nineteen looooooooooong years
to discredit him,
why not go back six or eight years, Matthew? Why are you so afraid?
Why don't you attack Brock's Spectator articles if the truth is
what you seek?
Why don't you attack Brock's The Real Anita Hill: The Untold
Why don't you attack Brock's The Seduction of Hillary Rodham?
A-ha, because the truth is NOT what a whore seeks.
A whore seeks money.
Are you confessing to being a whore, Matthew?
When Drudge was on Crossfire he was insulted again and again by
Bow Tie boy.
Since they both whore for the same causes, it struck me as odd,
but Bow Tie boy
kept saying, "If I ever want a link
to a story about the iguana that eats kids
I know I can find that if I go to your
site," which I thought was pretty insulting.
Yesterday, I saw these two stories on Drudge.
dog eats its owner...
'leaves bag of husband's limbs outside girlfriend's home'...
So, for the first time, Bow Tie boy got one right.
U.S. intelligence told President Bush a month
before Sept. 11 that Osama bin
Laden's terrorist network might hijack American
airplanes. Bush was warned
one month before the actual attack. He did nothing
to beef up airport security.
Bush deserves the blame for this attack along
with his Secretary of Defense,
Rumsfeld for their inaction. But before you blame
these two guys, don't forget
to blame the Supreme Court who appointed Bush,
an incompetent guy, who
received 500,000 fewer votes than Al Gore, to
be president.
If all the votes had been counted in Florida,
President Gore would have heeded
the warning and 3000 lives would have been
saved. Bush received the early warning,
but was too dumb to do anything about it. We
need a full investigation of the president's
inability to protect the U.S.
Jim in Rochester, MI
"The need for an investigation of the events
surrounding September 11 is as obvious
as is the need for an investigation
of the Enron debacle. Certainly, if the American people
deserve answers about what went wrong
with Enron and why (and we do), then we
deserve to know what went wrong on
September 11 and why."
--Rep. Cynthia McKinney
The Lincoln Submarine
All this talk about Bush using the 9-11 photo to raise money has
brought back
the stories about Clinton renting the Lincoln Bedroom, but nobody
has mentioned
the Lincoln Submarine that
Bush let his Enron buddies play with
...and kill nine students.
Why are Bush's Enron friends off-limits?
NINE PEOPLE DIED when the Enron boys took the controls
of that sub
and the whore press is spending their time harping about Bill
Clinton didn't kill anyone when he rasised money,
and he didn't kill 3000 people when his crime family decided
they needed
an excuse to suspend the Constitution and do all their dealings
in secret.
...but the radio and TV keep blaring Clinton's name?
Bill Maher is cancelled
This isn't a Limbaugh told-you-so, probably, but first
thing I remember writing about
Bill Maher's comment that the hijackers were brave and we tend
to bomb from 15,000 feet,
I said he was telling the truth and why was he tired of being
in show business?
I'd like to think I'd want him on the air even if he was more
of a prick.
It would be cool if I was as tolerant as I think I am.
But Bill Maher shouldn't be fired for telling the truth.
We have extremly brave men in our armed forces, we just don't
throw them away.
The religio-crazies's lives are such shit, they'd rather bail
than stick around and make things better
So why is it a crime for Maher to say what he stupidly said?
Don't we have to go back to 1969 when Nixon pressured CBS (details?)
into cancelling their
Number One Show because the Smothers Brothers were saying
"This war sucks."
Besides Mike Malloy, you don't cancel a money-maker.
But CBS did it in 1969 (details) and ABC did it this week.
Hey, I know what to do. I'll offer Bill Maher a weekly column
on bartcop.com
Bill Maher's a little like Ol' BartCop in that, if you know who
he is, you love him or hate him."
Two recent TV moments deserve a mention
On Alias, when that boyfriend-reporter nerd saw
his good friends the old guy and superbabe Sidney
(in a nasty red wig) doing spinning-kung-fu drop-kicks that sent
large men hurling thru cafe windows,
reporter nerd did some great acting when he asked, "....Who
you people?"
And on 24,
I knew twenty weeks ago that the guy Jack drugged in Episode One
of 24
was a traitor, making him traitor #2, but who knew there
was a traitor #3 - .....Nina!
I've never had a foreign spy use me sexually trying to try to
attack my country.
I'll bet that's awful.
BartCop MIRC chat
Have you ever been there?
Seems like there's always somebody there.
To find out how to get there Click Here.
I'm in there a few times a week, usually between 9-midnight.
You might see Julie, too.
by Wizard of Whimsy
"We deserve to know what went wrong on September
11 and why. After all, we hold
thorough public inquiries into rail
disasters, plane crashes, and even natural disasters
in order to understand what happened
and to prevent them from happening again or
minimizing the tragic effects when they
do. Why then does the Administration remain
steadfast in its opposition to an investigation
into the biggest terrorism attack upon our nation?"
--Rep. Cynthia McKinney
"All I can tell you is Congresswoman
McKinney must be running for
the hall of fame of the Grassy Knoll
--Ari Fliescher, who said that BEFORE he was forced to
admit they knew
more than they were telling until the
outted them as liars.
by MoDo the Dragon Lady - she hates everybody -
this time it's Governor Bush and Co.
Mr. Bush went to a Republican party gala
last night and raised a record $30 million.
It was at the same gala two years ago that
Mr. Bush vowed to change the tone in
Washington and end "excessive partisanship"
and what he cast as the craven tactics
of the Clinton administration. In his campaign,
he vowed that he wouldn't put the
Lincoln Bedroom up for sale. So he
shouldn't put one of the worst days in our
nation's history on the block, either.
The Bush crowd has a glaring double standard
when it comes to opportunistic use of catastrophes.
Bush? He's nice but dim, says Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah
The prince proves himself to be a master
of the art of damning with faint praise, saying of Mr Bush
that "he listens and debates politely,
but was not fully informed about the real conditions in the region,
especially the conditions suffered by the
Palestinian people". And so, he continues, "I felt it was my
duty to spend as long a time as possible
to brief him on the facts directly and without an intermediary".
Everybody says the same thing after meeting the Unelected Fraud.
Marty has an all new Ozzy page II
Wait till you see what Ozzy says about Sting.
ha ha
You learn all kinds of things by reading Marty's BartCop E!
Click Here but bring your sense of humor, OK?
Not everyone agrees I should be trying to raise money.
From: Greg Stinson
Subject: Bartcop and Limbaugh?
> You're BOTH petty and pitiful...
Greg Stinson
Hey, ditto-monkey, after 12 years of making $20M
a year, Rush signed a contract
for another $280
million and he still sells his dignity
every day for an extra nickle.
Same for Laura the Unloved.
She sold her show for $72M
and they pay her $12M
to beat up the extra-stupid people for the entertainment of others.
I took a cut down to $30K a year to do bartcop.com for
But Greg feels like we're all the same...
From: Joe Jackson
Subject: Bart's Question on Arthur Bremer
No, Bremer didn't shoot Vernon Jordan.
You're thinking of Joseph Paul Franklin,
who shot Larry Flynt
and Vernon Jordan (among over a dozen others,
mostly minorities)
You are correctimundo!
Not quite worth a pound of South's
Finest Chocolate, but correct.
Stay connected with
This week's special: 200
minutes for only $20.82
Please, one at a time!
"I think it's the best year yet. Last
year, there was a lot of focus on the
Soprano kids. We're leaning more
toward the gangster stuff this year."
-- Michael Imperioli,
AKA Christopher the hotheaded mobster
West Wing
Did you see that great episode last night?
Some terrorist bastard needed dying and Bartlet the Democrat
kept whining about "moral absolutes."
Hey, screw moral absolutes when it's the life and death of innocent
Jed, save the moral indignation for your speech at the funeral
of the innocents.
Meanwhile, JC Chairman Fitzwallace grabbed Leo and explained the
facts of life to him.
I know the few doves who are still reading are spinning in their
chairs, but this is war and for all the
outrage about the innocents who've died, why can't we get some
support when we take out the guilty?
The scumbag had diplomatic immunity AND they got their entire
cache of evidence thru torture,
so they knew any American court would throw the case out, so
then just waste the son of a bitch.
The Bush Family Evil Empire murders dozens when they go
on strike in a gold mine.
Can't we kill one scumbag terrorist to save hundreds of lives?
Leo: Mr. President, this is the
most horrifying thing about your liberalism.
This guy kills innocent people so we must end him.
I'll tell you one damn thing.
If I ever run for president you better vote against me because
I have a GOP streak in me
that ( I think ) only comes out at the right times. I'll be damned
if I play by the rules when
some religous handjobs are flying American planes into buildings.
In West Wing, they gave us the paper
trail that proved Shariff had to go. Unlike Governor Usurper,
West Wing gave us PROOF, so don't accuse
me of carrying the Bush boy's water .
Feedback on the ghost-chasers story
People are asking, "Bart, while ghost-chasing, what drugs were you guys doing?"
The answer, ...painfully, ...is none!
I couldn't believe it.
Frankly, I can't think of any reason to meet the other dimension
people sober.
If there's evidence of "the beyond," that means 2 + 2 =
4 is no longer true.
To a logician (is that a word?) 2 + 2 being 4 every time
is important.
...but this group was completely drug and alcohol free.
(I live in Oklahoma)
Trust me, I don't want to meet any ghosts sober.
I want to be well-baked when the impossible happens.
I mean, if an apparition looks me in the eye and says "I
know about Donna B,"
...I'll need all the drugs within a three mile radius.
If I ran the local ghost-busters club, I'd make whiskey and drugs mandatory.
Bill Adams
(a real Patriotic American)
on getting the red-ass.
There they go again
Congress is giving the Congressional Medal of Honor to
Von Reagan.
If what Reagan did was so honorable, why do his papers have to
remain sealed?
Reagan was a liar, a cheat, a fraud and a bigot.
He was so black-hearted, Bush had to promise to be "kinder
and gentler" by comparison.
His own kids say he never let the evidence interfere with his
and those decisions were always final, even when they
were wrong as hell.
President Dignity
Shouldn't we stop the honors until we see what evidence
the B.F.E.E. can't allow to see the light of day?
We're trying to raise funds to increase the size of the hammer.
Consider a few alms for a struggling website.
You can
or you can snail mail
to bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
Jeb will pay for 2000
Getting a Bush out of the Govenor's Mansion
will make up for a Bush in the White House, they say
"I'm not someone who follows politics all that
closely, but I'll never forget what happened
with that stolen election," Crews said
as his friend nodded in agreement. "You get slapped
in the face, and you never forget it. That's
what happened to blacks in Florida. We got
slapped in the face. In November, I think
we're going to turn out in record numbers."
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