![]() Fair & balanced ![]() Wielding a part-time hammer in a full-time war. POLITICS - HUMOR -
![]() Just say no to George W Bush
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"You would have risked shutting down
the American
civil aviation system with such
generalized information."
-- Condi Rice,
explaining why the president couldn't call a meeting between the FBI,
the CIA, the NSA and the Joint Chiefs to coordinate information about a
But Condi, how would calling such a meeting shut down our airlines?
Is this why Bush chose to do NOTHING?
Or is the real truth that it would have
risked shutting down another
month long vacation by the laziest president
we've ever had?
Bush received this warning on August 6th,
then went on another vacation,
leaving New Yorkers exposed and vulnerable
to an attack by Al Qaeda.
I remember President Pinhead telling his
lapdog press followers that he enjoyed
getting out of Washington ...so he could
talk to the damn cows at Crawford, Texas.
...instead of taking action against the coming attack.
White House writes AP story
Bush's team was bolstered by a new poll
showing that while most Americans
wish the administration had discussed
the threats earlier, only a third
the revelations this week have made
them feel less favorably toward the president.
Who the hell wrote this?
Karl Rove or Unka Dick?
ONLY a third?
ONLY 90 million Americans are disappointed in Bush's bungling
of 9-11
and the White House is "bolstered" by the new poll's findings?
Here's a boy who got fewer votes than legally-elected President
and the White House is happy that ONLY 90 million Americans feel
let down?
Bush's high approval numbers come from being president during
But if it's proven he bungled the whole mess, how far will he
"Nice rack,
open letter to John Ashcroft,
Attorney General of the United States
Do you have an attribution for the James Woods
I'm engaged in whipping a local newsman's ass
in a game of
"What did Sockpuppet Know and When Did He Know
Can you get me an attribution to the James Woods
/ Jay Leno story?
I want to use a big ass hammer on this local
yokel and show him up as a media whore.
(Man, I need one good last shot at these Springfield.
MO assholes before I head for the coast!)
Whenever you can get it to me--or post it on the
I'm sure many other people would like to see
this attribution.
Gully, yes and no.
First, it DID happen I saw it myself.
Two, I have it on videotape, but the tape's in the big pile.
But when in doubt, check snopes.com
They're right more often than not.
They say he talked to the FBI after 9/11.
"The internet is a great way to get on
the net."
- Bob Dole, who won't be living with
his Bag o' Hairspray
if she pulls off a
win in her Carolina senate race.
(There are several flashbacks to Volume
159 - Right Click to Own a Botticelli in this issue.
This is the first one:)
More Stroke Evidence
Poor Pigboy.
It's just a matter of time before the doctors come to take him away.
Did you hear his last hour Monday?
Pigboy: "The EIB Network, and the next call
up is from Winslow, Arizona.
The Eagles wrote a town about your
did you know that?"
Caller: I don't know, Rush, I'm from Winslow, Arkansas.
Pigboy: "Oh..."
BartCop MIRC chat
To find out how to get there Click Here.
Why do you think they call it 'Operation Snipe'?
Seen the Enemy?
Since then, the marines have met only bemused
shepherds as they yomped up
and down hills, poked around in a few caves
and had a sort of private fireworks
party with some ammunition left over from
the fight against the Russians.
Every now and then someone thinks they've
found the body of bin Laden,
but it later turns out to be a goat, or
a Canadian.
We hear a lot of talk about intelligence failures prior to 9-11.
Have we gotten anything right SINCE 9-11?
We don't have the slightest clue where Mr. Evil Doer bin Laden
but the White House keeps trumpeting their "successes."
What, exactly, are the "successes?"
Rounding up goat herders by the hundreds and sending them to
the Caribbean?
It makes me gag every time I head a TV ditto-monkey say,
"Thank God we had the Bush boy in charge
instead of the smarter guy
who had eight years experience
helping to run America."
"The latest from DC is that Bush might
have been warned about hijackings last summer.
Congress wants to know what Bush
knew and when Dick Cheney explained it to him.
-- Leno
Bart, Did you see TimHo on Brokaw?
It was disgusting. What a whore.
He said, "Tom, this is political," with
a "grave" look on his face.
Drop dead, Russert!
Russert has been a partisan whore for many years.
According to Russert, "all Democrats are guilty,
all Republicans are innocent,"
which is why Rush loves him and why he always showers him with praise.
That's also why Jack Welch gave Russert an eight-year contract.
Russert is the Republican's second-best cheerleader, after the vulgar
For the last five years, Russert has had only one thing on his mind:
Be sure to check
You learn all kinds of things by reading Marty's BartCop E!
Subject: Turntable Democrats
Mr. BartCop,
It is interesting to see that Hillary has accused
Bush of knowing beforehand
of the Twin Tower and Pentagon crashes by diabolical
Muslim monsters.
That didn't happen.
You must be a ditto-monkey getting your "facts" from Rush or Fox News.
It will be interesting to see who wins this one. Can Hillary slay the great Texan?
There's an old saying gamblers use:
"I'll let you make the rules if I can keep
With a crooked Supreme Court on the take, Hillary could lose
to Bush even if she beat him by 500,000 votes like Al Gore did.
You called Liddy Dole a carpetbagger for running
in North Carolina.
Heheh, she was born and raised in North Carolina.
True, possibly, but Bob Dole won't live in Carolina OR
in Russell, Kansas.
He likes his luxury condo in Loserville, Florida.
Meanswhile, the Clintons live together and Hillary WON her election.
The man some call "President" was appointed by crooked judges.
How did Bob Dole get so rich on a senator's salary?
Taking bribes?
Remember when Newt needed $300K to pay a fine
for breaking the law?
Dole whipped $300K out of his pocket to save
Newt's crooked ass.
I just got back from DC and a hamburger &
fries there costs $13.
How did Bob save millions on a senator's salary?
Where were you born and raised?
In Communist China? Ho, ho. Hohoho!
Chang Yenyen
Chang, that's the closest you came to laying a glove on me.
(There are several flashbacks to Volume
159 - Right Click to Own a Botticelli in this issue.
This is the second one, written in my blue period, over 600 issues
ago, before any of us knew JHS.)
Click Here bring your sense of humor.
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you
will not see the shadows".
- Helen Keller
Hi bart, I wanted to tell you what I did yesterday
Friday the 18th in hopes that you
will encourage your readers to follow suit. I
phoned the white house 'comment' line
@ 1-202-456-1111. This is what happened to me.
You have to wait to speak with a staffer so I
did, a woman answered and asked me what
state I was calling from. I begin my speech.
I first told her that I wanted mr. bush to resign.
She asked me in a snotty, condescending voice
"why?" I almost laughed, except that I
was so mad. I replied for knowing about 9/11
BEFORE it happened and he did nothing.
At this point, she asked me AGAIN what state
I was calling from, this angered me so I
said "CAL...LEEEE...FOR....NIA...." "you know
that state that dick cheney had to
PUNISH with blackouts and dirty dealings with
his energy buddies"
Do you know that state, I asked her. She said
"yes, I wanted to make sure I had it right"
Then I said I hoped mr. bush and dick and all
the others go to prison for what they did, s
tarting back with stealing the election.
I told her that "I thought I lived in a democracy,
but now I live in a DICTATORSHIP with a 'secret'
government. She kinda laughed at that
and repeated back..."a secret government" I said
YES in a very irritated voice.
I DEMAND to know where MY TAX DOLLARS are being
spent. "I DEMAND to know
how much is being spent on this never-ending
war, I DEMAND to know where the money
in the Social Security fund is" I then told her
I HAD SAID. I ended with "I am totally disappointed
with this 'regime' and I want him to
RESIGN and SOONER then later. I was shaking
mad during most of this conversation but
I think I got my point across.
I hope you tell everyone to call and ask for bush
to resign. After I finished with that call,
I called Rep. Mckinney's(202-225-1605) office
in DC and told her aide that she was on
the correct path and to keep the pressure on
bush and his co-horts! I told him that I was
proud of her courage and t o thank her for me.
He was really pleased. Then I called my
Gov. (Gray Davis) and told his comment line that
I was backing him 100% and his budget
woes where a direct result of the republicons
(dick cheney and crew) doing their number
on us winter before last with the blackouts/etc
and that is when Davis had to borrow money
to keep our lights on. Now the bastards are tying
to use it against him. Damn, I sure hate
republiCONS!!!!! I had to share this with you.
Ashley, expect a visit from the Secret Service.
Ashcroft and the B.F.E.E. don't take criticism well.
Unka Dick,
if I'm the president, can we outlaw the BartCop Hex?
It sure
is causing us a lot of trouble, and I don't like Bart's sarcasm.
was going slicker 'n snot until that pretzel kicked my ass.
Can't we
kill him like we did them Barrick miners?
...why you
crying Unka Dick?
Did I say
something sad?
Stay connected with
This week's special: 200
minutes for only $20.82
Over four served.
So few of you get Fox Channel 23 in Tulsa, but...
Teri and her Ghost Chasers,
who you've read about on bartcop.com
will be on K-Drag Fox News following the X-Files finale,
which might be the most-watched show in Fox's history.
P.I.T.T. investigated
the infamous Gilcrease haunted house and will be featured.
Promos are now airing on FOX 23 and during The X-Files finale.
Catch it if you can and drop Teri and the PITTers a note.
Governor Bush's Horoscope
Geneva says communications are in retrograde, (she says it a lot
better than that)
but in Bush's case, two negatives might possibly make a positive
so we may
understand what the Unelected Fraud is saying for the next couple
of weeks.
ha ha
Also charts for Gray Davis and California vs Enron.
Is Diane Lane the hottest babe in films now?
BartCop, ...BartCop...
BartCop - come to Vegas...
by the
Daily Brew
The real story is the certainty that any
highly publicized investigation into the
intelligence gathering process will reveal
the truth about the Bush Administration's
counter-terrorism activities in the months
preceding the September 11 terrorist attacks.
It is there that the next shoe will drop,
since any publicized investigation into the FBI's
counter terrorism activities prior to September
11 terrorist attacks leads, inexorably, to
the deceased FBI Deputy Director, John
P. O'Neill. Since the Bush Administration
also knows what is likely to be revealed
if John O'Neill ever becomes the focus of the
inquiry, the battle over the scope of the
coming Congressional investigation has become
the political knife fight that will determine
the fate of the Bush Presidency.
We're trying to raise funds to increase the size of the hammer.
Consider a few alms for a struggling website.
You can
or you can snail mail
to bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
It's Time to be Mean to Laura the Unloved
This is the last flashback to Volume
159 - Right Click to Own a Botticelli
A certain high-ranking reader reminded me we haven't run the
nasty, awful and
disgusting pictures of Laura the leg-spreader in a while, so
this goes out to him/her.
These pictures of Laura Schlessinger are nude, tasteless and
Don't click below and then come whining to me later.
I don't run these pictures to tittilate those who've never seen
nudity before,
I run them to show what a lying hypocrite and sleazebagette she
This isn't about 30 years ago, this is about right now.
So if you choose to click on these vulgar, nasty pictures of
Laura Schlessinger,
remember it was your decision - besides, I'm trying to get her
to sue me, anyway.
Remember - no whining.
Do you know this woman?
If you watch TV, you can't help but know her.
Who is she?
U.S. Detects 'Enhanced' Threat of a New Attack
U.S. intelligence officials have detected
"enhanced activity" that points
to a potential new attack a White House
official said on Saturday.
The FBI also warned of a possible plot by
bin Laden's al Qaeda network
to detonate bombs in apartment buildings
in the United States.
How can this be?
Governor Bush told us bin Laden had been "marginalized," and
was so
inconsequential that he was "not even
a concern for me anymore."
How can this be?
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel and
it costs you nothing
more than whatever you were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Shirley, contact bartcop.com