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"America is under attack, and I'm trying to
absorb that knowledge...
I have nobody to talk to. I'm sitting
in the midst of a classroom with
little kids, listening to a children's
story, and I realize I'm the
commander in chief and the country
has come under attack.
George W. Bush
Who's turn was it to babysit young George on Sept 11?
Who wasn't doing their job properly?
Was it Karen Hughes's turn?
Is that why she had to go?
by David Podvin
Bush Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta
has said that he warned the airlines of an impending attack.
The airlines - all of the airlines - say
he never did. The pilots’ association denies Mineta’s claims that they
were alerted.
Is another functionary lying to protect
Bush? Could this possibly occur inan administration that Dubya pledged
avoid “even the appearance of impropriety”?
Or are the airlines and their so-called “pilots” engaged in the most nefarious
conspiracy since Obstructionist Daschle colluded with arctic caribou to
persecute the American Petroleum Institute?
So much goes on there - have you been yet?
Be sure to check
You learn all kinds of things by reading Marty's BartCop E!
Where was
George W Bush on 9-11?
If you think you know, you may be wrong.
There is a story about to break (if there's a God) about Bush
on 9-11.
Hell, it could break here, if we can piece the puzzle
Bush was in Florida when the WTC was bombed, right?
Next thing we knew, "they" said he was at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.
Next thing we knew, "they" said he was in Nebraska, of all places.
How did he get to Barksdale, then to Nebraska?
I remember seeing a story at the time that the WH press corps
Bush was on the 747 known as "Air Force One," but he wasn't.
This is what we need checked out.
The people working on this story before me have run into a brick
Was this info taken off the web "to
protect America?"
Ordinarily, I don't get into a story like this, but this time
I remember somebody,
possibly Ann Compton of ABC News, saying they all thought Bush
was on AF1
but it turns out they learned later that he wasn't.
He was on another plane.
So the question is...
Is that photo of Bush looking out the window of Air Force
on 9-11 real?
We think we know for a fact that Bush was not on AF1 from
Florida to Barksdale, and we think
we know for a fact that Bush was not on AF1 from Barksdale
to Nebraska. We think we know
for a fact that Bush wasn't on AF1 until he left Nebraska for
DC, about 6 PM CST so, judging by
the light can we tell what time of day the infamous photo-for-sale
was taken?
Have the White House spinners been caught selling a fake photo?
Here is one researcher's report:
Here is why I believe the 9-11 photo is a fake.
Upon hearing of the attacks, Bush fled the
Florida elementary school in a C141 headed
for Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.
The C141 pilot called in for landing clearance
and the Barksdale tower told him that if he
is carrying the president, he IS AF1 and he
can land wherever he needs to land. That is why
the story made the news in the first place....it
was to reassure the public that the president
was not in Air Force One (then thought to
be a target of the terrorists)
Bush did NOT board the 747 as it was carrying
the press and he was immediately separated from them.
As any pilot can tell you, a C141 would NOT
have had an office aboard it for that photograph to be taken.
At best, that pic was taken later in the evening
when Bush was headed home from Offut AFB in Nebraska.
He does not board the 747 until he goes home
to the White House to go to sleep.
So let's recap. Bush flees to Louisiana.
Then he finds a hidey-hole in Offut, Nebraska.
not the 747 that would have facilitated that
At the very least, that picture is misleading.
At the worst, it is A FARCE.
We need more facts.
If you're good at searching, help us piece this together and see if
we were lied to.
Correct that, the White House has already admitting knowing more than
they let on,
but did they sell their campaign contributors a fake photo?
IF Bush
was on a C141 from Florida to Barksdale
to Nebraska,
when was the infamous photo taken?
Send us your proof, your links, your theories.
Put "fake photo" in the header so it doesn't get lost.
Let's nail them for selling a fake photo of a very dark day, if that's
what they did.
Maybe Bush is innocent - this time - but we know for sure he
can't be trusted.
After all - he stole the election away from the voters, and he didn't
about knowing in advance about Sept 11 until somebody else forced him
They found another Osama bin Laden tape.
In the tape there's Osama,
then his buddies Mullah, Jango Fett
and Count Dooku.
The first tape showed him in a cave –
big surprise there.
The second one was sort of a surprise;
he was having dinner with his buddies.
This third one looks like he's on a
boat having sex with Tommy Lee.
-- Dave
Tonight - the exciting conclusion of 24..
How many times will Kimberly get kidnapped between 11PM and midnight?
Has anyone kept up with each episode? Around Episode 3,
Jack was ordered
to murder Nina. He faked her death by shielding her in
a flak jacket and shooting her,
Was Karl Rove involved?
Plus The Shield, best new drama
Plus, season-ender two-hour NYPD Blue.
Plus, is Frasier still on?
...but, no Ozzy?
Subject: got my shirt
Christian, BC,
Just to let you know I got my Juliefest2002-DC
shirt in the mail the other day.
It's a fine addition to my wardrobe and I shall
wear it with pride.
Thanks to both of you.
the BartCop Team
By popular request, we have added a $5
subscription button, which makes sense
because that's the figure we'd probably use if forced to go to
a subscription-only
bartcop.com which we're trying to avoid if
at all possible.
Wouldn't you like to see a full-time hammer in this full-time war?
Is $5
a month too much to read bartcop.com?
If enough people subscribe, we could launch Bartcop
which won't happen as long as I owe somebody else 40 hours a
Also, we have changed the names of the two entry-level subscriptions
to Corona
and Corona Light. >
Transfer interrupted!
reaction to the Cuervo name,
so we're now using a fine Mexican beer for our start-up subscriptions.
Join the BartCop Team!
It's what the popular crowd is doing.
The Oh-Jeez-Did-We-Forget-To-Mention
by Stephen Sacco
Representative Tom DeLay was joining in
the new forgiveness when he said yesterday,
"Do you think the President of the United
States has time to go around connecting the
dots for every terrorist threat that comes
by his desk? He’s the Commander and Chief
not the Connect The Dotter and Chief.
This is so unfair, just give the guy a break."
He knew Al Qaeda was planning a mojor strike with a hijacking.
And when America suffered the worst day in her history, ...Bush
stayed with the goat?
The Primary Evidence
Stay connected with
This week's special: 200
minutes for only $20.82
Over six served - and no complaints.
have a new benefactor!
Until the end of the month, each time you buy two minutes of long
Julie's friend will give her a minute of free long distance.
Buy 1000 minutes at just $83.00
and Julie gets 500 minutes free.
Buy 200 minutes at just $20.82
and Julie gets 100 minutes free.
America - what a country!
Mail Bag
Please keep up the good work.
Everyday, I wake up believing that thugs have
illegally seized power in our country
and I wonder when they will attack us on the
West Coast in order to quiet the true
majority that voted to STOP them. We were not
heard and I am fearful they will
silence us with violence. I am not afraid of
Bin Laden. I am terrified of the enemy within.
Will the truth ever come out? Why does my family
listen to an AP report but ignore
what I've been sending them from Mike Ruppert
('from the wilderness')? We likely only
get a small percentage of the truth - even from
all the web sources - but it's enough to
understand the larger (evil) vision they have
in mind. Oil. Pipelines. Iraq. Better control
over the drug trade. Better control laundering
money. Enriching military budgets at huge
costs for all of us. And attempting to legitimize
that which can't be - another Bush presidency.
It would be entertaining if it were not so tragic.
Keep fighting for us with your words.
You are among the special few.
The king
on his throne.
BartCop, ...BartCop...
BartCop - come to Vegas...
like a laser
by James Higdon
I knew.
Now they know that I knew.
But now I know that they know that I knew.
I wish I knew what the hell that meant.
Condiiiii!!!! What did I know?
We're trying to raise funds to increase the size of the hammer.
Consider sending fishes and loaves for a struggling website.
You can
or you can snail mail
to bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
Police Contact: Silence is Golden
by Carl F. Worden, as seen on barbarahartwell.com
Note from
Thanks to A Voice for Children
for this excellent presentation on
Fifth Amendment rights under the U.S.
New Feature - Contributor Links
On the links page, we're now featuring business products of people who
have contributed in the past.
This is one of those rare occasions when I'm not asking for
This is for anybody who has contributed previously.
So far, all I have is Harmonycedar
baskets and NorthernAirLodge.com
so I need to hear from the rest of you if you want a free link.
Send your banner or link to the business account - bc_biz@yahoo.com
"Why of course the people don't want war ...
But after all it is the leaders
of the country who determine the policy,
and it is always a simple matter
to drag the people along, ...Voice
or no voice, the people can always be
brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to
tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the pacifists for lack of
patriotism and exposing the country
to danger."
-- Karl Rove or
Hermann Goering - you decide
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel and
it costs you nothing
more than whatever you were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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Shirley, contact bartcop.com