Los Angeles — Hollywood agents now advise budding screenwriters how to pitch scripts by using a political analogy.
"You're in the Oval Office," they bark. "You're
briefing President Bush. He's got no attention span.
He doesn't care about details. Sell him the movie."
If you can tell the story vividly and simply enough
to appeal to the curiosity-challenged chief executive
who likes his memos on one page, the agents figure,
you might be able to win over busy, bottom-line-oriented
studio executives.
It's not even meant as an insult. This was never
Bush country. The most the president has ever done for
California is dump his six-toed cat, Ernie, at
a pal's house here. This was Bill Clinton's Magic Kingdom and A.T.M.
But after 9/11, in a surge of patriotism and hawkishness,
many Democrats decided W. might be well cast
as president. Maybe, they told each other, a
guy who loves Israel so unequivocally and sees the world in
bumper-sticker terms would be better at fighting
evil than a president who thinks in complete paragraphs
and sees life with all its nuances. If Clinton
was a talky Stephen Soderbergh feature, W. was a fast-cut
Jerry Bruckheimer trailer.
Besides, Hollywood was exhausted from its long
tango with Bill. The "power clutch" between L.A. and D.C.,
as they call it here, was heady and fun. But
the ante kept going up, both emotionally and financially. Bill was
more high-maintenance and insatiable than a starlet
with a brand new Oscar. His trashy exit, with the last-minute
pardons, angered many. And fund-raising dinners
had escalated from $1,000 a plate to $25,000 a plate.
Even in a bull market, Bill was a draining co-dependent.
But Mr. Clinton keeps in touch, and the Top Gun
aura of W. has faded. Hollywood players who were mocked
for having the run of the Clinton White House
now acidly point out that at least they only wanted to jump on the
Lincoln bed, not dictate energy policy, as the
current favored West Wing guests do.
There have been dinners and coffees for candidates.
"John Edwards is practically living here," says one star's
political consultant, adding that no one is sure
if he's exciting or an empty suit. John Kerry is popular on issues,
but people have been e-mailing around a Washington
Post article about his volatile wife, Teresa. Tom Daschle
and Dick Gephardt are respected visitors. ("Dick
needs eyebrows," sighs a Democrat.)
Holy Joe Lieberman is unpopular. "He asked for
money and then bashed Hollywood," groused one fund-raiser.
Most Clinton-lovers in L.A. never warmed up to
Al Gore, finding him supercilious. The story circulated that when
a wealthy donor held a Gore-Lieberman fund-raising
party at his mansion, Mr. Gore came up to him at the end,
not to thank him but to ask where the bathroom
Tinseltown may not recover from its Clinton exhaustion
until it's time for another Clinton run. Senator Clinton is
on the move. She made a boffo keynote speech
Monday at the Democratic Leadership Council meeting in
New York, bashing the president's economic record
compared with her husband's. The Clintons have asked
the government to pay millions in legal fees
incurred by the Whitewater investigation; Hillary sees the
reimbursement as a vindication.
She recently got into a rumble with her party's
Mr. Clean, the campaign finance reformer Russ Feingold.
In Hillary's world, the soft money that Mr. Feingold
wants to see banned forever is what elects and re-elects
the Clintons. Like Terry McAuliffe, the party
chairman and Clinton bagman, Hillary pays lip service to cleaning
up the money-in-politics sewer, but knows her
presidential ambitions would be sustained by the big checks
Mr. Feingold wants to outlaw from Hollywood and
Wall Street.
Democratic strategists think Bill has smiled on
John Edwards's candidacy because he and Hillary want
Mr. Edwards to lose to W. in 2004, thus diminishing
him and clearing the way for a Hillary run in 2008.
Hollywood prefers actresses under 40, but doesn't
mind women over 40 running studios, Senate offices
or the country. In the new futuristic Eddie Murphy
movie set in the year 2087, Mrs. Clinton was a beloved
president long ago. In space, $10,000 bills have
her face on them and are known not as dollars, but as Hillaries.