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"And in order to make sure that we're able
to conduct a winning victory,
we've got to have the best intelligence
we can possibly have. And my report
to the nation is we've got the best
intelligence we can possibly have."
- Smirk for brains,
speech at the CIA, Sept. 26, 2001
CIA Knew Two Sept. 11 Hijackers Were in U.S.
Months before the Sept. 11 attacks, the
CIA knew two of the hijackers were in the United States
and that they were connected to the al
Qaeda organization, Newsweek reported on Sunday.
Every day, we see we need a Democrat-led investigation into this
Bush has the credibility of the Catholic Church, and it's getting
worse every day.
The Newsweek story was written by Michael Isikoff (R-Lying whore, Lazy
which means it's very possible he was paid to make the whole thing up.
Hijackers We Let Escape
The CIA tracked two suspected terrorists
to a Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000,
then looked on as they re-entered America
and began preparations for September 11.
Inside what may be the worst intelligence
failure of all.
From the NYW Times
President Bush told nearly 1,000 graduates at the United States
Military Academy here today
that the cold war doctrines of containment and eterrence were
irrelevant in a world where the
only strategy for defeating America's new enemies was to strike
them first.
"If we wait for threats to fully materialize,
we will have waited too long," the president said,
speaking at the commencement of the 204th graduating class of
West Point. "We must take
the battle to the enemy, disrupt his
plans and confront the worst threats before they emerge."
How do we know Bush said that, or anything like that?
because the New York Times said so?
ha ha
You get more honest news right here at bartcop.com
...and I lie sometimes.
Why should we believe George Bush said those words?
I have no doubt those words were distributed to the press by
members of Team Bush, but the media in this country do NOT report
what Bush said - they report that which he was scheduled to
How do you think AP can file a report at 4 AM in the morning telling
what Bush said to the Boy Scouts of Troop 216 later on that afternoon?
The good puppy press writes what they're TOLD to write.
Not the truth.
Not the facts.
Somewhere, buried in the mail was a note from a reader accusing
me of stretching a point in
Volume 804 - Number
One Crush to make Bush look bad - it was over the word "uninalienable."
> "We hold dear what our Declaration of Independence
> that all have got uninalienable
rights, endowed by a Creator."
> -- President Monkey in a Man Suit
The irate reader said he saw a transcript and claimed that's not
what Bush said.
Well, I got some bad news for you, Sunshine.
The press reports what Bush was TOLD to say.
They DO NOT report what he actually said.
Your only chance for the truth is to watch the video,
but I've seen them edit their own meaning into the video, too.
Remember when Bush told Ozzy at the WHCD, "Mom
likes your stuff?"
CNN and others changed that, even as we heard the tape, to "Your
Mom likes your stuff,"
which never made any sense. The whole joke was that the staid, elder
Babs Bush liked it,
but they "fixed" that because they were afraid Bush real words would
embarrass Ma Grizzly.
Friend and foe alike need to realize that the press is lying to us.
They aren't in the news business, they're not in the honesty business
or the honor business.
They don't exist to make Edward R Murrow proud, they exist to make
more money than they
made in the last quarter, and that means they go with whatever lies
generate the most revenue.
Mail Bag
I watch C-Span everyday. On Friday, Brian Lamb
day, they ran a question
about the political conventions and do they matter.
It was a yes or no response.
Each and every caller was anti-Bush. This went
on for about forty five minutes.
Lamb was so pissed he called for open phones
and returned to Republican/Democrat lines.
Now we know the truth, if C-span doesn’t run a
Republican line the calls are
so overwhelmingly against Bush, there would be
no support for Bush.
former oil firm founders
by Michael Kranish
A Texas energy company plummets in the
stock market. The CEO appeals to Washington for
financial help. A federal securities probe
is launched. Reports focus on a merger that may have backfired,
10,000 laid-off employees, and a former
chief executive who walked away with millions of dollars in compensation.
But this is not Enron; it is the Halliburton Corp., and the former executive is VP Dick Cheney.
vs Biter
got the best chops?
the 411 on
Tyson fight?
I'm there, Dude!
I haven't paid for a fight in many years.
There hasn't been anything worth paying for.
Tyson fighting a spaghetti salesman?
Tyson fighting the Danish Creampuff?
In the old days, we'd pay to see Hagler vs Hit man Hearns,
Hearns vs Sugar, and Sugar vs Hagler - those were fights.
Milt & I are having a contest - who can pick the winner and
the time.
It's free as the fries Ann Coulter eats, too.
Send your entry to Milt at bartcopsports.com,
pick a fighter, the round & the time.
Winner gets his pick of any item from The
BartCop Store
Would a live chat during the fight be a dumb idea?
We could talk between rounds.
We could make fun of the five-hour buildup and the post-fight
press conferences from the jail hospital should be funny.
Subject: Rush's sense of morality
Rush thinks The Osbournes is a profoundly
immoral show because it contains
a lot of swearing, but he loves The Sopranos,
who actually KILL people.
Media Scam: A Confederacy of Amnesia
by Norman Solomon
"It's true that Ashcroft has walked in
historic footsteps of civil rights struggles.
But those footsteps mostly belonged to
George Wallace. Not Martin Luther King.
Too bad so many journalists haven't noticed
-- or prefer to dispense with history."
Can anybody remember the last time the American whore press did any work?
The beginning of 1992 started the new era, "Clinton's zipper
- all the time."
Since then, they've published scripts from The Star, The
National Enquirer, Matt Drudge,
then Kenneth Starr, James Baker, Karen Hughes and now Karl Rove/Ari
I'd like to pin down the last time the press did any independent
...was it the Gulf War?
Gary Trudeau on King George
Katherine Harris has a book coming out.
of the Storm:
Practicing Principled Leadership in Times of Crisis"
Although many Republicans such as myself
are used to living our lives according to the
strong principles of self interest upon
which our party is founded, few of my fellows in the GOP
have their principles tested as severely
as mine were during the great seething cauldron that was
the 2000 election of my boyfriend's brother.
Few can imagine the firestorm of intense pressure
to "count the votes" and "obey the law"
from those awful days. In spite of intense lobbying by
liberals, the sacred committment that I
made to my boyfriend had to come above all else: I alone
was to decide whose votes counted. This
is the story of how my unwavering sense of self interest
overcame all obstacles and allowed me finally
to declare my boyfriend's brother the winner
of the 2000 election and President of the
United States of America.
Katherine is already house hunting in DC, she's so certain that
she'll win the election.
I guess whoever's counting those votes owes her a favor, eh?
Thanks to SY
They read it in United Arab Emerates.
They read it in Lyon.
They read it in Pensacola.
"Yesterday Mr. Bush signed a farm bill that
represents a low point in his presidency
-- a wasteful corporate welfare measure
that penalizes taxpayers and the world's
poorest people in order to bribe a few
voters. What's more, Mr. Bush said he was
'pleased' to do this, and delivered
a brief statement suggesting that he is either dishonest
or utterly ignorant of what he has just
done... During the next months, when the
administration says there is no new
money for welfare mothers or health care or
low-income housing, remember Mr. Bush's
farm bill."
--"Cringe for Mr. Bush," lead editorial, p. A-20, Washington
Post, 05/14/02
This is what happens when you get a kooky religious-o
nut at the helm of our nation's primary
law enforcement organization. Don't blame
Meuller...hell, the guy just got the job on September 4,
but the Crisco Kid had been in power since the
Dimwitted Prince took over in January 2001.
Ashcroft was worried about pornography, and medical
marijuana, and voiding handgun laws,
and right to die cases in Washington State, and
covering up breasts in the justice department statues,
and as I understand it, terrorism was NUMBER
13 on his list of Justice Department priorities.
Ashcroft is responsible for these mis-placed
priorities and look what it got us.
John DP
F.B.I. was
warned resources were lacking in memo
By James Risen and David Johnson
conspiracy continues...
by Eric Alterman
"Nordlinger's complaint echoed the even stronger
contention of another Kurtz favorite,
Andrew Sullivan. The world-famous gaycatholictorygapmodel
took the amazing position
that potential warnings about a terrorist
threat that would kill thousands and land us in
Afghanistan was "not a story" at all. Sounding
like a Karl Rove/Mary Matalin love child,
Sullivan contended, "The real story here
is the press and the Democrats' need for a story
about the war to change the climate of
support for the President."
Have you checked out the chat yet?
time to stand in the road
by jmowreader
The Air Guard had a plane up trailing golfer
Payne Stewart's Learjet six minutes
after it went off course. Two huge airplanes
roll out of Boston heading for California
and all of a sudden they're heading for
New York... gee, Gomer, do ya think maybe
we should send someone up to look at these
The Imperial Japanese Fleet thinks they're sneaking up
on Admiral Nimitz at Midway Island.
The entire war in the Pacific is about to turn 180 degrees.
Nimitz is about to give Hirohito a major case of the red-ass.
The Battle of Midway is just a day away.
in by decency
by Jesse Berney
"Republican elected officials also have an advantage
over their Democratic counterparts
in their willingness to abandon principle
for the sake of politics. The Clinton impeachment
saga provided a perfect example. Republicans
took the ridiculously small crime of lying
under oath about an affair (one they set
up, according to Blinded by the Right), and
convinced themselves that it fit the Constitution's
requirement of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Now imagine President Bush lying under
oath about something more serious, say, the influence
Enron had on his administration's energy
policy. Is there any doubt at all that the same
Republicans who called for Clinton's head
over a blow job would rush to his defense?"
Enlist in the BartCop Air Force
Click below to be a Corona Light Airman for only $5 a month.
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Click below to become a Chinaco Silver Fighter Pilot
for only $25 a month
Anybody know this language?
It's a piece of a giant puzzle sent to me by a mysterious e-mailer.
It's said to be a clue in unmasking traitors in America.
I need a translator - anybody?
Committee Chair Questions FBI Powers
The House Judiciary Committee chairman
said Saturday the Justice Department
has gone too far in giving the FBI new
authority to monitor Americans and risks
a return to the "bad old days" of abuses
in domestic surveillance.
Rep. James Sensenbrenner told CNN he wants
John Ashcroft and FBI Director Mueller
to testify before his committee about why
"regulations on domestic spying that have worked
so well for the last 25 or 26 years have
to be changed."
I sense another Karl Rove handjob here.
Sensenbrenner is a Monica Impeachment House
Manager on the B.F.E.E. payroll.
He's going to hold some phoney-baloney hearings where every script-solid
will give the governor harrumph for the TV cameras
and then come to the conclusion that
increased power at Justice and the FBI power is a good and just
thing for these scary times.
Oh, if only we had a free press in this country.
Day is just around the corner.
Could dad use 200 minutes of free long distance ...for just
to start saving money on long distance
What he really wants is a free trip to Las Vegas to bag
a classy call girl who looks like the playmate of the year...
(He misses your mother, sure, but he's very lonely...)
...but if you don't love him that much,
at least get him 200 minutes of free long distance.
BartCop - come to Vegas...
Green is Oil
by Dwayne Eutsey
· May 2002: Plans for the oil pipeline
through Afghanistan are approved.
So what’s this oily recipe for greed and
war got to do with “Soylent Green?”
It occured to me as I watched the gruesome
truth come out in the movie that
the main ingredient Heston discovers is
used to manufacture all those little
green squares also helped make this pipeline
Dead bodies.
The likely scenario for 2004 is that President
Bush will win re-election.
Americans don’t like to change presidents
in the middle of war. And you can be sure
the war against terrorism will be ongoing,
as the Bush administration defines it, until at
least election day in 2004. Even if we go
a full three years without another attack,
Bush will say it doesn’t mean a thing—and
who’s to say he’s wrong?
Well, MSNBC isn't going to say Bush is wrong.
Neither will NBC, CBS or ABC, CNN, Fox Whore News or talk radio.
neither will the Whore Times, the Whore Post or any other American
Bush the golden boy can do no wrong.
Every phrase he mangles is a pearl of wisdom for history.
Every non-recorded gaffe is proof that he's "just like us."
Every war he bungles us into is "patriotic,"
Every Enron indictment handed down is "an unfair attack."
If Bill Clinton had Bush's fawning lapdog press, every American
would have health care,
we'd have a ten trillion dollar surplus and less than one percent of
America would've
ever heard of Osama bin Laden or Al Qaeda, and New York City would
look like this:
...but then, Clinton's goal wasn't a pipeline thru Afghanistan.
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