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The Battle of Midway
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"They had no right to win, and yet they did,
and in doing so they changed
the course of the war."
-- Walter Lord, talking about
the Unloved Considers Presidential Run
Most-hated slut says she may run if Hillary does.
Bring a barf bag, Laura is naked, nude and vulgar
when you click
Plus, something from JRB:
Dear Dr. Laura,
I'm begging you. I realize you think most people
are weak, so I will skip the idea
that you can be appealed to by logic or fact,
and segue straight into groveling.
Please, please. Run for President. Get an exploratory
committee together and
toss your hat into the ring. Make my day? It
would make my LIFE, babe.
I can hardly wait to see Bill Ballance's nude
photos of you (airbrushed for decency, y'know,)
on even more Websites, not to mention guerrilla
campaign literature. The thought of having your
every stupid quote revisited again and again
in every media cycle makes me feel warm and tingly
in my lady place. Even better, it'll be truly
interesting to see if your mother, your sister (whom you
haven't spoken to in 15 years,) and the ex you
cheated on with Lew Bishop will finally come out
of the woodwork. Maybe his ex-wife will have
a statement or two!
A girl can dream.
Laura, Laura, Laura, you can't throw mud without
having some of it stick, and Hillary Clinton
would still be your intellectual superior after
a lobotomy. Plus, Hillary has her husband's support.
Does Lew think this is a good idea, or is he
ignoring you, as usual?
Perhaps the debates can be on pay-per-view. I know I'd tune in.
With all my love,
Says It Warned Bush, too
How many warnings does a moron need?
Hosni Mubarak said his intelligence services
warned U.S. officials about a week before
Sept. 11 that bin Laden was about to execute
a significant operation against a U.S. target.
It seems everyone told Bush something was coming, and the
lazy bastard just stayed
on vacation in Texas, talking to the cows, waiting for his goddamn
Trifecta to come in.
Even if he didn't know exactly where and when, his handlers knew
a major strike would rally
the country and give him the cloak of secrecy he needed for his
family to rape the treasury.
...and the voters LOVE him, and they just can't get enough?
Or are the pollsters just lying to us like the rest of the good
puppy press?
Dreams in the War on Terror
by Ro BB
The only problem was the fear that various
tribal factions in Afghanistan would sabotage
the pipeline, mostly because U.S. or Russian
companies were involved. It was for this
reason that the stabilizing effects of
the new Taliban rule were embraced; in early 1998
the Taliban signed an agreement with CentGas
which would net the ruling party $50 to
$100 million each year as "transit fees".
the largest investor in CentGas, Unocal arranged for a Taliban delegation
to visit Texas.
To help push the project in Washington,
they hired former secretary of state Henry Kissinger
and former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan
Robert Oakley.
All the tentacles of the BFEE were used to get that precious pipeline.
Was the cost too high?
No, not when the B.F.E.E. is going to steal hundreds of billions of dollars.
Mail Bag
I just read this a few minutes ago libmedia.htm
and, while I agree in priniciple
with what you're complaining about I have
a question for you ...
If the Barbara Olson criticism honks you off so much, why don't you edit it out like a *good* journalist?
Jim K
Jim, you think every time something changes I should scour
810 back issues and see if everything ever written still applies?
I'm a little busy for that.
I figure it's a form of honesty to let what I wrote stand.
Liars like Rush always say "mark my
words," but they
hide their words to make it harder to prove they've been lying.
Unlike them, I stand by my words.
vs Biter
the 411 on
Tyson fight?
Milt & I are having a contest - who can pick the winner and
the time.
It's free as the fries Ann Coulter eats, too.
Send your entry to Milt at contest@bartcopsports.com
pick a fighter, the round & the time.
All entries must be in by 5 pm CST Saturday.
Winner gets his pick of any item from The
BartCop Store
Would a live chat during the fight be a dumb idea?
We could talk between rounds.
We could make fun of the five-hour buildup and the post-fight
press conferences from the jail hospital should be funny.
Sellout and Other Humorous Interludes
by Al Martin
Over the Memorial Day weekend, the TNT
channel had what they called the "Salute to George Bush Movie
Marathon." Included in the list of movies
they played as a salute to George Bush was "Enemy of the State,"
Conspiracy Theory," "Air America" and "Double-Crossed."
The over-arching theme was that TNT was
obviously trying to be tongue in cheek.
The underlying message is that George Bush is linked to all sorts
of nasty illegal covert deeds. Here are
the movies, in other words, that portray the Bushonian form of
government -- movies about the surveillance
society (Enemy of the State), mind control (Conspiracy Theory),
State-sponsored drug trafficking (Air America)
as well as fraud and backstabbing (Double Crossed).
Mail Bag
Bart, I was wondering if you were gay?
If you are, I'd sure enjoy performing oral
sex for you.
Let me know, please.
Rick S. Tutt
Rick, thanks, but I'm straight and happily married.
You Will, and Soon!
Making Afghanistan Safe for Halliburton
by 'The Lovely' Tamara Baker as seen on americanpolitics.com
May 30, 2002 -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (APJP) -- Here in Occupied America,
often feels
as if 90% of the real news is either buried in Page Z36 of the Business
section of the papers, or is so hot
that the Powers-That-Be won't even let it into the country, even with
the lede buried down to Marianas-Trench-level.
(Speaking of which: Check out this story by Nicholas Kristof, wherein
he's forced to bury some truly earthshaking
statements -- namely, that the government knows who the anthrax letter
mailer is, and that he works in a government
lab -- deep within his New York Times article.)
For example: did you know that there's going to be a multi-billion-dollar
oil pipeline running through Afghanistan
-- and that US corporations such as Unocal are going to build it and
own it? Not if you only consume US media;
you have to go to the BBC for this story!
Speaking of oil and Afghanistan, here's a Halliburton connection, something
you won't be seeing Tom Brokaw
or Candy Crowley mentioning anytime soon:
Employees of Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Vice President Dick
Cheney's former company,
Halliburton Corporation of Dallas, Texas, are set to arrive at the
Bagram airbase in southern
Afghanistan in late April or early May 2002 (the exact date is classified)
to take over the support
services a Force Provider camp. They are also scheduled to arrive
at the Khanabad airbase in
Uzbekistan, one of the main military support stations for the war
in Afghanistan, to run three AirForce
Harvest Eagle camps (an earlier version of Force Provider) for the
1,500 U.S troops based there.
Meanwhile, according to New York Times reporters Alex Berenson and Lowell
Bergman, Cheney's tenure
at Halliburton featured his instituting some rather Enron-like accounting
practices (see Mac MacArthur's
excellent 05/29/02 story [below] for more on this). However, you won't
find this story on American TV,
or even in any other American paper. The only other people to pick
up on what by rights should be one
of the hottest stories in the US are, of course, the fine folks at
the British Broadcasting Corporation!
Unocal? You'd better, and soon -- because it's helping to dictate what
Cheney and Trifecta Boy are doing.
And the best way to do that is to watch what the UK papers are saying about it.
I'm such an idiot, but you knew that.
This was backwards in yesterday's issue.
They read it in Bangkok.
They read it in Liverpool.
They read it in Washington DC.
What happens when a Republican steals the White House?
The Fiscal Year 2001 Financial Report was
issued on March 29th - on time for
the 5th consecutive year. The report showed
a financial loss of $514.8 billion,
compared with the budget's FY 2001 $127
billion surplus.
The B.F.E.E is stealing ten times that every
We had a 5 trillion dollar surplus when Clinton left.
Now we're in debt and the B.F.E.E. is stronger than ever.
I saw the video of the exchange between David
Gregory and President Monkey in a Man Suit.
After he (sort of) reamed Gregory for speaking
french, Smirk said "Now I'm il-literate
in two languages!"
All the quotes have him saying "Now
I'm LITERATE in two languages".
The remark was ridiculous on it's face, since
he's not literate in ANY language,
and with the Spanish he threw in there, I counted
THREE languages.
What a complete moron!!!
Yes, the good puppy press always cleans up after the Boy King.
They can't report what he says because then his "magic aura" might
This, after fabricating outright lies about Clinton and Gore.
A nice, long list of Bush/Ari lies
About the White House proposal to drill
in Alaska in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
page 5-9 of the Bush-Cheney "National Energy
Policy" at http://www.whitehouse.gov/energy
tells Americans that: "Estimates
indicate that no more than 2,000 acres will be DISTURBED
if the 1002 Area of ANWR is developed...the
developed area is estimated to be less than one-fifth
the size of Washington D.C.'s Dulles International
Airport." In August, the House passed an energy bill
(H.R. 4) allowing drilling in Area 1002,
but limiting certain oil production activities to 2,000 acres.
However, the 2,000 acre (non-contiguous)
limit only applies to the area where "oil facilities" actual ly "touch"
the ground. This is the kind of lie politicians
tell all the time. It's factually correct, but totally misleading.
It's like saying a bullet through your
head will only "touch" 1% of your body, implying that the rest of
your body will be just fine.
Is Bad
by Paul Krugman
"It's true that in the long run reality catches
up with you. But a few years of illusory achievement
can leave an executive immensely wealthy.
Ken Lay, Gary Winnick, Chuck Watson, Dennis
Kozlowski - all will be consoled in their
early retirement by nine-figure nest eggs. Unless you go
to jail - and does anyone think any of
our modern malefactors of great wealth will actually do time?
- dishonesty is, hands down, the best policy."
Yeah, just ask the thieves who stole our right to vote.
Have you checked out the chat yet?
"There are too many scientists out there whom
I implicitly trust
that have proven to me these [global
warming] predictions are
basically apocalyptic doom and gloom
based on raw emotion."
-- the vulgar Pigboy, on the payroll of the polluters
Sure, Rush, "scientists" who work for Enron, The American Coal Institute, Unocal, Halliburton etc.
Project 60
This is one of the BIG ones.
Now and then, I'm going to insist you click on the Project
60 banner.
This is one of those times.
Midway changed everything.
If Midway had gone the way it should have we'd all be speaking
Japanese right now.
With Pearl wiped out, Midway is all that stood between Japan
and California.
It took the craziest luck, it took the strangest timing, and it
took guts.
Remember the movie?
Hal Holbrook comes to Henry Fonda and says,
"Admiral, you've won a great victory
- time to ease up?" and Fonda/Nimitz said,
"There's still a fourth carrier out
there - and I want that fourth carrier,"
It's called fighting back!
It's called going in for the kill!
The senate Democrats should be made to watch Midway twice
a year.
Dave Friedrich has worked hard for eight months or so.
If you're only going to click a few times, today is one
of the days to click.
Task Force 16 sets sail for Midway Island
to meet the Japanese invasion force.
The force of two carriers (Enterprise and
Hornet), six cruisers and nine destroyers
set sail to do battle with nearly 90
Japanese warships. The slow battleships were
intentionally left behind and ordered to
protect America’s west coast. Nimitz had fully
grasped the concepts of modern speed over
firepower and the supremacy of airpower
in naval action, something his counterpart
Yamato was yet to learn.
If you don't get a chill reading this stuff,
you take freedom for granted.
A lot of brave Americans died winning this
Do them a favor, and yourself, and read
this great story.
Hatter may as well run U.S. war
Phony and baloney
There was the attack on the World Trade
Center in 1993. There were foiled plots to drive
explosive-laden planes into the Eiffel
Tower and the Pentagon. There were all those bomb
ingredients driven across from Vancouver
to flatten the Los Angeles airport in Y2K. There was
so much "chatter" of malevolent intent
that U.S. intelligence agencies still haven't sifted through it.
But on Aug 6., after President George W.
Bush was briefed about the increasingly oppressive
atmosphere of threat, he went fishing.
in the BartCop Navy
Just like Midway!
Click below to be a Corona Light Seabee for only
a month.
Feeling Patriotic?
Click below to become a full blown Chinaco Reposada Admiral
for $50 a month
US bishops to release proposed policy on abuse
Catholic bishops have drawn up a national proposal on disciplining priests who molest children.
Its recommendations include asking the Vatican
to remove priests who have abused
more than one child in the past,
and those who molest any young person in the future.
However, priests who have committed abuse
just once in the past can remain in the ministry, if they
were never diagnosed as paedophiles, received
counselling and met other conditions under the plan.
The committee's recommendations stop short
of the blanket zero-tolerance policy that many advocates
for victims have demanded. More than 225
clergy out of more than 46,000 US priests have either resigned
or been taken off duty since the crisis
began in January with a case in Boston.
The Catholics could put Mike Tyson in charge of this and get the
same results.
The bishops don't want a "zero tolerance" against child rape,
probably because there are so many more rape stories to come.
To this day, they still don't get it.
What a mess.
Shirley was hot last night on Leno.
"Cherry Lips" was the
first song I fell for on beautifulgarbage back in Humboldt
I can smell those trees and feel that wind - ahhh, that was a
great week.
BartCop - come to Vegas...
I read in yesterday's USA Today, front page, that the AVERAGE
pockets $190,000
per year gouging customers on phone fees.
...but that's no reason to use Bartcop Long Distance
Possibly as early as Thursday, we'll have an announcement on the
The great luck we had with JulieFest2002-DC continues to astound
and amaze.
I've seen a rough copy, and it's un-be-lievable.
We were hoping to find a competent person, maybe someone
who could hold the camera steady and not shake too much.
Instead, we got Coppola.
Father's Day is just around the corner.
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel and
it costs you nothing
more than whatever you were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
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