She is a unique human being.
I watched the most recent
about Scott Peterson, and Grace was nothing short of amazing.
She was ridiculing what she claims is Mark Geragos's obsession
with Satanic cults.
(To this day, has anyone heard Mark Geragos mention the words,
"Satanic cults?")
Grace beats the Satanic cult drum like Bush beats the WMD drums
for Saddam.
When remarked
that Grace had no way to know for certain that a Satanic cult didn't do
this crime,
Grace said, "I would be willing to bet
everything I own that a Satanic cult was not involved in this."
I tried to think of a sentence that was more empty than that one and I failed to come up with anything.
In poker, if you say, "I would be willing
to bet all my chips that I have the best hand," nobody
bats an eye because talk is cheaper than Ann Coulter on a first
date. When you push your chips in,
then the others know you're serious - but talking
about betting is nothing more than verbal masturbation.
So when this unprincipled distorter claims she'd be willing to
bet all - she's just handling herself.
I'm not sure why she hates Mark Geragos
with so much passion. To me, Geragos seems like a
really friendly guy who's almost always
smiling when he's not in court. Maybe Grace is a hard-core,
anti-Clinton, pro-impeachment shrillest
of all harpies and just can't forgive Mark for taking this gig.
Several times, she attacked Mark for selling out for the cash.
I'm no expert on this case, (wish I had
a Peterson point person) but I'm sure I heard that Peterson was
dead broke, so I fail to sdee what money
Mark was selling out to.
Againa and again, Grace said, "Geragos said
on this show many times that he thought Peterson was
going to be convicted, but after they hired
him, (heavy emphasis on hired)
he changed his tune."
As far as I'm concerned, she's calling Mark a liar and a whore
and a sellout, and she should be slapped.
A few minutes later, she attacked Dr Henry Lee the same way, saying
he was hired to
an opinion, suggestion with her vocal inflection that Lee was
also a crooked man, willing to lie for cash.
Of course, like
a true Democrat, failed to straighten out Grace's lies. But then a caller
reminded the panel that since Lee is employed by the state of
Connecticut, it would be illegal for him
to accept outside employment such as this, and 100% of his fee
in the Peterson case was being donated
to the Connecticut Pathology Association, or something like that.
Grace knew that, but like Ann Coulter,
she can't let the facts get in the way of a good personal slur.
Then she accused Geragos of somehow rewiring his mind to deny
to himself that Peterson was guilty.
She made a big production out of this, saying that if some evidence
were to somehow creep into his brain
that Peterson was guilty, his brain would find a way to reject
that without letting the thought connect with his
conscious intellect. Whew, Nancy, do you kiss your Steely
Dan with that foul mouth?
Dr. Robi Ludwig, Clinical Psychologist joined Nancy in these wild,
no-foundation attacks.
This lady gives all ditsy blonde women a terrible stigma they
don't deserve.
Check out this exchange, from the transcript:
CALLER: First, I just want to say Nancy,
you're great. But I have a little bit of a background in psychology,
and it seems to me through Scott's interviews
that he meets a lot of the Harris checklists for psychopathy,
the superficial charm, the pathological
lying, the lack of remorse, lack of skills, shallow affect, promiscuous
sexual behavior, and I'm wondering if either
the defense or the state has ordered a psychological for this guy?
KING: Dr. Ludwig?
LUDWIG: That would be an excellent idea
and your caller is absolutely right. The fact that he had an affair and
presented himself to be one way when he
was really doing something else would suggest a sociopathy, that he felt
the rules did not apply to him, that he
was special in some way. So that would be an excellent idea because that
-- you know, if he comes out as a sociopath,
then he certainly would look more guilty and more suspicious.
Men who cheat on their wives are sociopaths?
Doesn't that mean American has about 50 million sociopaths running
I find it amazing that Peterson is seen as guilty beyond all
doubt to these women because:
his "charm" is deemed "superficial"
his lying is seen as "pathological"
the lack of remorse? I'll
give them that one, mostly to save time.
they've deemed him a man with
a "lack of skill," which needs to be explained.
his "affect" is "shallow," whatever
the hell that means
he had at least one affair,
so that's further proof that he's a sociopathic killer.
Wouldn't that make every man in the NBA a sociopathic killer?
GRACE: Scott Peterson not only had one
affair but many affairs including strippers, this Amber Frey.
Not only keeping it a secret he was married
but going so far, allegedly, to tell his lovers he was a widow.
And then boom, the next week he was. I
don't think he's clairvoyant, Larry.
The transcript is unable to convey her monsterously sarcastic
tone when she said, "clairvoyant."
Hey Nancy, I have a big-ass thunderbolt for you: Cheating
men lie - that's a fact.
What was Scott supposed to do, say he's never been married?
His tarts might wonder why his ring finger has a slight indentation
where a ring was once worn.
Unlike these harpies, it's possible for me to be wrong, but it's
my guess Nancy caught a boyfriend or
her husband cheating, and that made all cheating men anti-Christs,
and Scott must pay for that.
More wildness from Grace:
GRACE: Do I believe the satanic cult theory?
No. Because there are less than 10 founded and substantiated
satanic cult killings in the history of
this country, and I don't think Laci Peterson and Connor Peterson's death
is the 11th.
I can just hear Nancy Grace in 1995: There
are no founded and substantiated cases in the history of this country where
a Heisman Trophy winner murdered his wife
by trying to decapitate her, and I don't think Nicole Simpson is the first.
...but wait - that could never happen, because in Grace's world,
the accused are always guilty.
Just think what kind of juror this I-guarantee-I-know-it-all
nutcase would make...
One more excerpt, where Nancy Grace predicts the future, just
like Rush.
GRACE: Larry, we keep seeing those shots
of Scott Peterson's family giving statements, recent statements to the
If the Rocha family had given those statements
that Scott Peterson, they thought, was guilty, they would be hauled into
the courtroom and held in contempt.
And I find a double standard going on here. I understand they're in a lot
of pain,
but their continued violation of this gag
order I don't think is appropriate.
Nancy, you can't equate the victim with the accused. If
the police have one tenth of the evidence they claim, there would
be no need for Laci's family to hold a press conference to accuse
Scott since they can't know what happened to her.
On the other hand, the state has announced their intention to
murder Scott.
You think his family should stay out of this fight?
Nancy, the way you lie and distort the facts, you should be on
FOX, not Court TV.
I find Nancy Grace to be immensely entertaining, like watching
our extra-stupid president trying to
pronounce a world leader's name or watching Mr Perfect miss a
two-foot putt.
Also, I'll admit once again that Scott might be guilty.
The only way you'd admit it's possible he's innocent is if someone
wrote you a check.
If the evidence proves he did the crime, I say punish him to
the full extent.
But let's not inject the man because he lied to his girlfriend
and his "affect" is "shallow."
Lastly, if Geragos gets Peterson off, we all know Nancy will say
"it's because he's so slick."
But if Geragos can flat-out prove Scott is innocent, what will
the second-shrillest harpy in America say?
Nancy, will you go on
and apologize to Scott and retire your lying ass from show business?
Now that's what I call a bet.