![]() One nation, under a Catholic God... ![]() Wielding a part-time hammer in a full-time war. POLITICS - HUMOR -
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"It looks like congress has finished investigating
the 9-11 attacks, and doesn't it figure?
They spent three weeks and two million
dollars investigating the 3000 WTC murders,
...but they spent three YEARS and $200
million chasing after Clinton's zipper!"
-- Leno said something close
to that and got a big round of applause.
Questions about Bush's past business practices
prompted the White House to acknowledge
that he had failed to promptly disclose
the 1990 sale of his Harken stock as required by federal law.
The notice of the sale was filed with the
SEC 34 weeks after it took place.
A spokesman blamed it on a clerical mistake
by company lawyers. Bush has said previously
that he filed the disclosure form and government
regulators lost it.
Put more simply, Bush lied, and when he got caught, his spokesman changed his story.
blames lawyers for undeclared $1m share sale
American good puppy press spreads the propaganda for him
"The White House compared the offence to doing
60 in a 55mph zone. Mr Fleischer said
Mr Bush had given notice of intention to
sell. Of failure to confirm the sale he said:
"I think the best explanation is that the
attorneys thought the form had been filed."
Democrat Julian Epstein, said: "This is
like saying the dog ate my homework."
"I just hope that God has got his earplugs
Whatever happens, he'll have to reinvent
as it simply won't be loud enough anymore!"
-- Roger Daltrey, on the passing of John "Thunderfingers"
The God
Dam, near Vegas
for a Special Prosecutor?
by Matthew Miller.
Bush's muscular new piety on corporate
ethics means the press has the hook it needs
to re-examine his cozy Texas business history.
And that means we may finally get beyond
fawning accounts of Bush's irst-president-with-an-MBA-management
style to reminders that,
among other remarkable facts, (1)
Bush is the first president to have been investigated by
the SEC for insider trading, and (2) Bush
seems to have received an unusual $12 million gift
while governor of Texas that accounts for
his fortune.
It Breakfast of Our Champs
by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Subject: A rebuttal to JoeS
It's hard to explain, JoeS and BartCop. You are
right, those words don't belong in the pledge.
But here's the thing, here's what Gene and others
like myself are trying to get across.
Bush stole the White House. He's installed, the
press ignores his most criminal behavior, the Democrats in
Congress roll over and hike their asses into
the air every time his johnson starts to stir, he's raping trillions
from the Federal treasury, redacting huge portions
of the Bill of Rights, illegally detaining aliens, foreign
combatants AND citizens of this country in secret
jails, threatening to use preemptive nuclear strikes
against any country that doesn't tow the line,
he MIGHT have been involved in 9/11, he stands by and
lets CEOs steal billions from their employees'
pension funds and life savings, he's driving the economy
into the crapper while he makes weekend visits
to the ranch so he can commune with the cows, etc., etc., etc..
And two words in a pledge that no one is required
to say is the issue that you want to fight about?
It's not like Joe S and I brought this lawsuit
to the courthouse.
The subject came up, and like almost every issue that exists, elected
Democrats apologized
and abandoned their duty to their constituents and the Constitution
to agree with the Republicans.
GOP dignity
From last issue's Gene
Lyons column
Lyons wrote...
"...two words in a patriotic oath hardly constitutes an "establishment of religion."
In my opinion, of course it does.
I'm being asked to swear to something I'm certain is untrue.
If the two words were, "under Allah," would that seem as harmless?
Those offensive words were written into the Pledge before blacks
had civil rights.
Those two issues aren't related, but I'm saying the world was
different back in 1954.
In 1954, there were no gay people, men could beat their wives
legally, drunk-driving
was mostly winked at, "niggers" knew their place - America was
hardly recognizable then.
As divisive as those two words are, you might as well put "under Reagan" in the pledge.
Democrats would be idiots to hand so easily demagogued an issue to Republicans...
This is true, because the Democrats have no idea how to defend themselves - none at all.
...just so some self-dramatizing village
atheist can "protect" his eight year-old daughter
from a theoretical threat she's too
young to understand.
Whoa, Gene!
The guy who refuses to swear to that which he believes is false
is "self-dramatizing?"
Those words have no business in a pledge to our country - that's
seems so obvious.
And if you're a religious person, you see "no harm" in saying
those words,
but the Bill of Rights isn't just for the religious people, ...or
shouldn't be.
Bart, about your stalkers,
Now they're stalking me.
How do i get rid of them?
You can't, it's impossible.
They live and breathe bartcop.com every minute
of every day.
It's the only reason they get out of bed.
They think of bartcop.com when they masturbate.
I'm pretty sure they shout out my name at the big moment, too.
bartcop.com means everything to them, and
if you're connected to it, they're connected to you.
Like herpes and diamonds, they are forever.
If you EVER correspond with any of my stalkers,
the only way to lose them
is to change your e-mail address. Unless you like having
stalkers, you'd better ignore them completely.
Consumer Consumption
Reddin, righting and rythmatic...
Subject: Re: Joe vs. Gene re: under God
> Bart,
> As much as I agree with you that the ruling
was right, and with Joe that
> it is a very important principle that is at
stake, Gene Lyons still has a point.
> This is completely a political calculation. You have to pick your fights,
<major snippage>
Phil, name the last time we fought back - on anything.
Gore refused to fight during the campaign and we, as a party,
refused to fight in Florida.
We have refused to fight Bush on a appointing a religiously-insane,
whites-only monster to be
attorney general, we refused to fight when Bush appointed a full-time,
anti-elections cock-hunter
as solicitor general, we refused to fight when he appointed a
nature-raping wacko at Interior,
on the tax cut, on the war, on 9-11, on the theft of five TRILLION
dollars from the surplus,
not to mention the pillaging of social security and more.
We're a party that surrenders every time, and I'm really sick of that.
Eye -- Seat of Power
By Chris Floyd
The curtain of lies that shields the benighted
and betrayed American people
from the grim reality of its rulers --
that corrupt tyranny of plutocrats, sycophants
and frothing extremists which has taken
power in Washington -- was pulled away
last week and briefly, tantalizingly, the
truth was revealed:
Dick Cheney is President of the United States.
Subject: Your background
What is your educational background?
I spent eight years in a Catholic elementary P.O.W. facility,
then four years in two Catholic high P.O.W. facilities, then
I played
pool for six years at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
You can check each back issue - I never said I had no education...
"The 'party of Lincoln,' has adopted a robot-like
allegiance to conservative views
that blinds it to the historic suffering
of African-Americans and causes it to be
often absent on issues of civil rights,
equal opportunity and poverty.”
-- Uncle OJ Watts, from his forthcoming book
Hey, OJ - why didn't you do something about that?
If anyone in the Dallas area needs an assembler language programmer,
I have a candidate for you, so contact me.
Check out www.liberaloasis.com
Two things from last night's Vegas Night on the Travel Channel.
"In Las Vegas, you can eat dinner for $1.99 or drink a $10,000 bottle of wine."
...and a guy talked about watching a fellow play Blackjack.
He saw him go from being down $300K to being UP $300K
in thirty minutes.
Only in Las Vegas can you stand there and watch that kind of
Where can I find that "create a poll" thing?
I need some polling - just like Smirk!
Under God
by Jim Higdon
You see that pyramid with the eye in it.
That's a Masonic symbol. It's there because
a good number of the founding fathers were
Free Masons, including George Washington.
The fact is that Masonic symbols are just
as prevalent as religious symbols throughout Washington.
Why, the Washington Monument is a Masonic
treason in the U.S. government
by Doreen Miller
Q: Just who is a terrorist?
A: Anyone (non-U.S. citizen or U.S. citizen
alike) Attorney General Ashcroft designates as one.
Q: On what evidence can Ashcroft designate
someone as a terrorist?
A: Mere suspicion and hearsay.
Q: What legal rights and Constitutional
protections does someone detained on the grounds
of being
a suspected terrorist have?
A: Next to none.
...and what do the winners of the last election say about this?
all so negative, especially Bart.
We can
trust Dubya, he's an oil man.
And Ashcroft
was once in our club!
We're at
war, we should follow Bush.
It's the
least we can do, since the GOP
Clinton for eight years.
Dubya is
a good president!
Party of the Year at The
Just a reminder: Vegas is NOT Branson, Missouri.
28th - tickets on sale!
days to save the world
by William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t
As Americans unfurl their flags and remember
the day that birthed the concept
of a free and democratic nation, the PATRIOT
Anti-Terror Act gnaws grimly
at the guts of everything we're supposed
to celebrate. The Constitution and the
Bill of Rights have become almost quaint
in their meaninglessness, like a
campaign slogan from 100 years ago.
Our Fourth was cool...
We had fresh Silver Queen corn on the damn cob, because
it's the Fourth of July.
We had Train Station, flame-smoked, secret-recipe burgers on
the patio Bart-Grill,
I had The Miracle of Canaan performing for my taste
buds, she had Hornitos in her margaritas...
The Travel Channel did the six best American travelogs.
They did great architecture, then something else, then Yellowstone,
then Alaska,
then Yosemite, and something else, ...and then Branson, Missouri.
From there, David Cassidy toured The Strip.
(I took notes, got some great ideas.)
Then at 8, the C.S.I., gang had a murder to solve. (The
drug dealer did it.)
Plus, this show is based in Las Vegas, and the Tally Briggs theme
song "Who Are You?"
was donated to the show by The Who, who have been in the news
Then on Vegas Cops, they showed security footage of LA
gangs brazenly robbing The Bellagio.
Geez, you'd think something like that would make the papers,
but nooooooooooo.
Doesn't anyone even know what a Libertarian or
a Conservative is?
Guys, gays, lesbos a Conservative believes in
small government. So do Libertarians.
Neither believe in flogging Blacks and Jews like
you say.
That is left to the DEMOCRATS who formed the
KKK in the 1800s and man the KKK today.
Yes, the KKK today is made up exclusively of
Thorgy, could you explain one thing for me?
Every four years, the KKK endorses the GOP candidate, and right after
the GOP candidate calls a press conference to say their endorsement
was not
requested and it has, in fact, been refused.
Reagan did it, Bush did it, Dole did it, and Bunnypants did it.
So my question is, if the KKK consists of all Democrats,
why do they endorse the GOP candidate every election?
They read it in Tobruk.
They read it in Hope Town Harbour.
They read it in Greenville, SC with an English accent...
Subject: wow
Bias and Slander are two well documented recent
books detailing the bias of the media in favor of the left.
If the media is really so biased in favor of
right wing causes, where are the books detailing that?
And btw, referring to yourself as some sort of
"cop" is laughable.
If you want to police something, you might begin
by policing your own offbase rantings.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Fulwiler
Joe, you're saying Big Business and Wall Street are controlled by liberals?
I'm talking about the United States, which country are you talking
Big Business is NOT on the side of the little guy.
They want their corporate welfare from Bush more than they want anything.
They want the power to merge so they can control and manipulate markets.
They can't get that from the Democrats.
They are firmly in the pocket of the Bush Family Evil Empire.
Bush Twins
the Top Ten conservative idiots this week at www.democraticunderground.com
Now, we fully understand the exuberance
of youth and all that. And we're sure that the vast
majority of people first tried alcohol
when they were underage. But if you're already famous
for being up in court twice on alcohol-related
offenses, then don't you think that going around
drinking in public is a bit, um, stupid?
But then I guess if you're a Bush, you would have learned
life's most important lesson a long, long
time ago: it doesn't matter what you do, because you'll
always have your daddy to bail you out.
Consequences? What consequences? Which is
why it's all just fine and dandy that the Bush twins
were out and about in Washington DC last
week, "sucking down Budweiser’s... with a group of friends,"
according to the Washington Post. Yep,
they've learned the Bush family's number one lesson alright.
Paul Begala is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong wrong
Paul Begala took leave of his senses and teamed up with Bob Novak
to ridicule a man
who asked that the Constitution be upheld. It's pretty
rare that Begala has his ass handed to him,
but Dr. Newdow, the man who filed (and won, but then they stole
his victory) the decision
by the 9th Circuit that religion has no place in the Pledge of
Dr.Newdow more than held his own against two extremely-seasoned professional debate specialists.
Click Here to read selected pieces from this great debate
NOVAK: Are you going to bring suit against
all of those practices?
NEWDOW: Absolutely. If I win here
I'll keep going - yes. Can you imagine if we had all of those
things using the names of Allah or David
Koresh or someone else that you don't agree with?
The Reverend Sung Yung Moon?
You're comfortable with it because it's
your religion. I'm uncomfortable with it.
And I'm American and I'm supposed to be
protected just like you.
That's how an American is supposed to
In 1960, people were whining that if elected, President Kennedy
would take orders from the Pope
Kennedy replied that he would put his job before being a Catholic.
I wish Paul Begala had the same attitude.
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