![]() One cock-fighting, snake-handling nation, under a smirking, unelected thief... ![]() POLITICS - HUMOR -
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“We have served many a lawsuit on Clinton,
Gore, and Hillary when they were in The
White House. The Clinton White House
accepted the papers. Never before have our
process servers been threatened with
arrest. If this Bush-Cheney White House is serious
about corporate corruption and responsibility,
it would not allow the VP to improperly hide
behind White House security to evade
service of process in the Halliburton securities fraud
litigation, and it would not threaten
the process server with arrest.”
-- Larry Klayman, the best
guy on our team (choke)
That's how bad things are with pink tutu
gelding in charge of our party.
Jeffords, Barr , Burton and (choke) Klayman
are the only ones fighting back.
Halliburton to Build New Cells at Guantanamo Base
Halliburton has been awarded a $9.7 million
contract to build a 204-cell detention camp
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to hold additional
suspected al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners.
This is the B.F.E.E. laundering money thru a crooked corporation.
This contract isn't for some measely $10M, it's probably for
over $100 million.
Were there bids on this contract? How could there be?
The Crooked Administration can't allow any sunlight near
their money-shuffling.
They'll say it's a secret what they're building and how much
it really costs.
They're stealing billions and we're powerless to stop them.
Halliburton will get the
Afghan pipeline, too, because they can launder our money
into the B.F.E.E. coffers
and it's none of our business because to open the books would
mean that "terra" has won,
and The Crooked Administration is laughing all the
way to the Federal Reserve.
my secret torture chamber.
Soon we'll
have Conason, Lyons, Buzzflash,
Ivins, MWO, Carville, Begala on the
rack and we'll teach them the meaning
of patriotism
the way God intended it.
real American emperor
by Carla Binion as seen on Online Journal
Contributing Editor
With today's avalanche of corporate scandals,
I'm reminded of early warnings from wise journalists.
In Who Will Tell The People (Simon
& Schuster, 1992) Bill Greider warned that certain multinational
corporations, companies largely unaccountable
to U.S. law, were slowly eroding American democracy.
Greider mentioned that German social critic
Wolfgang Sachs had called those corporations and their
global marketplace the world's new "closet
White House Rebuffs Attempt to Serve Lawsuit on Cheney
Judicial Watch is having trouble serving
its latest complaint against Dick Cheney.
They say a process server was threatened
with arrest at the White House July 22
to deliver a copy of the legal complaint
against Cheney on behalf of Halliburton shareholders.
Can you imagine the howls on talk radio
if Clinton pulled such a stunt?
A process server is a member of the court,
and the WH threatened the court with arrest?
Remember, it was the GOP, thru their bought-and-paid-for
lackeys on the Supreme Court,
Wizard of Whimsy
who decided that suing sitting office holders
was the best idea ever conceived.
Now that it's their turn (due to
stealing the White House) but they don't want
to play by the rules they
established to try to un-elect our last legally-elected president.
Mark this somewhere, so I can say, "See,
I told you so," but very soon, this Court of Whores
will reverse themselves and rule that it's
"too cumbersome" for the Executive Branch to be
bothered by such petty matters as a few
hundred million stolen dollars.
You see, one bought-and-paid for Arkansas
tramp with a no-proof claim has more rights than
the thousands of people who lost
millions to the Cheney criminal and the B.F.E.E.
Mark this somewhere, cause it's going to happen.
"After my book, Rush Limbaugh is a big fat
idiot, was published, Rush lost about 100 lbs.
I saved the man's life and he has not
thanked me."
--Al Franken, telling the
truth again
Follow Up
Did a story last issue about those awful OU football players who
were caught
"committing crimes of alcohol," and then I read a story on those
drunken pilots.
The story said the FAA allows pilots
to be drunk up to .04
so that means that kid
they busted for driving a truck at .03
was legally clear to fly a jet full of passengers?
In my unscientific opinion, .03
is either 2 or three beers.
If I guy can't have 2-3 beers with dinner, then this whole country
needs to stop
selling alcohol unless the customer can prove he's in a cab,
with a friend, etc.
To be fair, he was busted for being 20 and committing these alcohol
but I think stopping after 2-3 beers shows restraint and maturity.
You think those Bush twins ever stop at 2-3 beers?
Bart's French Flashback
Subject: Vegas $19 from California!
Southwest Airlines just released fares TODAY - $19 from CA to VEGAS each way!!
That's $55 pp (with tax & security fees)
Tally Briggs
Thanks to Chookie for these.
Foundations are in place for martial law in the US
Recent pronouncements from the Bush Administration
and national security initiatives put
in place in the Reagan era could see internment
camps and martial law in the United States.
When Ronald Reagan was considering invading
Nicaragua he issued a series of executive orders
that provided the FEMA with broad powers
in the event of a "crisis" such as "violent and widespread
internal dissent or national opposition
against a US military invasion abroad". They were never used.
But our current idiot is crazier than Reagan ever was.
More and more, it looks like we won't have elections in 2004.
All President Swipe has to do is commit a crime so outrageous
that Americans fill the streets
in protest, then Ashcroft brings out the tanks (which are already
our in Alabama) to quell the
disturbance "for the safety and stability
of the country."
Something I never considered until now - what if stealing the Teasury blind isn't enough?
Like some two-bit street punks holding up a bar, what if Bush
& Cheney aren't content with robbing
the cash register - what if they decide to take the time to rob
every customer of their wallet, too?
...and you STILL don't own a gun?
Do you think guns will be for sale after Ashcroft's tanks are on every corner?
...meanwhile, the American whore press is still chasing Clinton's cock.
I've heard murmurs, maybe you have, too, that
is "just for the elite."
This may surprise you, but I have an answer to that.
If you say
is only for the elite, because we all can't afford to go,
couldn't one logically extrapolate from that, that bartcop.com
is an "elitist web site,"
because not everyone can afford a personal computer in their
So if there shouldn't be a
maybe there shouldn't be a bartcop.com
See how crazy that sounds?
But if one really wanted to go to
one could probably find a way.
The way I figure it, a five-hotel, three night stay in Vegas
comes to about
You will never forget this weekend in Fabulous Las Vegas!
For those considering going to
there is a posting board to share information,
car pooling, room sharing etc at The
BartCop Forum.
Look for "Events"
Help Wanted
Seems like we could use a legal expert and and medical expert.
We're talking very part-time, with no pay, but now & then
it would be nice to have
someone who could explain (or keep up with on-going) legal and
medical situations.
Also, we could probably use a semi-regular column that keeps up
with all the lawsuits
and crimes Bush & Cheney have committed or are being accused
of. I don't have any
time to get into the details of harken or Haliburton, would you
have time for that?
Knowing html isn't a must, but that would save me tons
of time.
If I could just link to you like RB Ham or Consumer Consumtpion
I wouldn't have to format and font and color everything that
comes in.
If you fit the bill, please contact Christian at clivemore@bartcop.com
Bush is losing control of the political agenda
Can it really be happening again? A decade
ago, George Bush senior let a seemingly
simple re-election slip out of his grasp,
as economic problems and a perception that
the president was out of touch obscured
his triumphs abroad. Now the son for whom
that defeat was a cataclysmic experience
also appears to be drifting, as the war against
terrorism has given way to corporate scandals,
falling stock-markets and the idea that
a rich Republican president is out of
Well of course he's out of touch.
He never did a day's work in his rich-boy life.
The closest he came to working was an audit manager for Harken
Energy, but now
that he's been caught, he says he knew nothing about any of that
auditing stuff.
Great map of The Strip
Separated at Birth?
Bonus Issue
From: RB Ham
Subject: Re: Traficant
Driving back from Winnipeg Friday night I caught
a bit of Michael Savage.
The neo-con Fascist wanna be Quisling.
Anyway, he had TRAFICANT on his show! And Traficant
was trashing Dems
(says RENO set him up, and gephardt, Daschle
and Clinton all had it in for him,
swear to koresh) and saying...
Wait for it... Traficant said that, "...the salvation
of America lies with people like you, Michael.
And Rush Limbaugh, "Mike" Reagan, et..." ...names
some more ditto monkey orchestrators...
Ha Ha Ha! This corrupt freak has gone running
and crying into the waiting
arms of the Right Wing Thugocracy where he always
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ...
I'm new to Michael Savage, but yes, he's from the Rush/Coulter school
the wilder he talks, the more credibility he has with the crazy cave
"I told you Bill Clinton was the Devil," is Savage's trademark personal slur.
...and in America's whore media culture, he'll be a zillionaire in no time.
You gotta see this
A city boy, Kenny, moved to the country and bought a donkey from
an old
farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the
next day.
The next day the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry son, but I have some bad news. The donkey died."
Kenny replied, "Well then, just give me my money back."
The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."
Kenny said, "OK, then just unload the donkey."
The farmer asked, "What ya gonna do with him?"
Kenny: "I'm going to raffle him off."
Farmer: "You can't raffle off a dead donkey!"
Kenny: "Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he is dead."
A month later the farmer met up with Kenny and asked,
"What happened with that dead donkey?"
Kenny: "I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at $2 a piece and made a profit of $898.00."
Farmer: "Didn't anyone complain?"
Kenny: "Just the guy who won. So I gave him his $2 back."
Kenny grew up and eventually became the chairman of Enron and
best friends with the crooked president of the United States.
Kirspy Kreme
I finally got a fresh donut.
I was on my way to Bixby, Oklahoma to get some fine, luxury Silver
King corn.
Koresh as my witness, they had another new strain or corn - the
I bought a dozen to check them out - full report later. But on
the way back,
I saw there were only 15 cars in line, and I had the newspaper
with me so I pulled in.
I got a dozen glazed, a dozen choc-top, custard filled, 6 raspberry and 6 strawberry.
Mmmmmmmmmm, good!
Subject: Re: Norm Coleman spiel
Norm Coleman is a notorious womanizer. One day
back when he was running for Governor, he was the guest on one of
our local public radio station call in shows.
Somehow, somebody got thru the screeners and gave Norm a tongue lashing
for the way he treated a server at a local restaurant.
The caller had the date, time and the other people with whom Norm
was eating. The caller provided sordid details
and asked how Norm could bring back honesty and decency to the state
of MN. Stunned silence. Even the normally savvy
host was caught off guard. I think they danced around the issue and
never really answered the question.
We also knew Norm was running for the Senate when,
as a friend of mine so eloquently put it, "...the ring was back on." Everybody
around here knows Norm wanted to be Governor. But when Bush came calling
and said run for the Senate,
like the lap dog whore that he is, Norm decided
to run for the Senate. Spineless. Also, at a campaign fund raiser that
we as taxpayers paid for where Bush was to talk
about his education agenda, every GOP member of MN congressional delegation
was invited. Not one Democrat was there to listen to Bush talk about the
war on terra. I believe he gave lip
service to education that day but I may be wrong;
he could have ignored it completely.
Jon, I have a feeling the ditto-monkey who wrote wasn't the real Norm
but you're right - he does sound like a first-class weasel of a Republican
BartFest2002 - Party of the Year
Make your own hotel reservations.
Reminder: Las Vegas is NOT Hollywood Boulevard.
Update: Mary at the Pink
Taco says she has new strands of luxury tequila.
Big News: Nothing yet, but that could change in a heartbeat.
Who would you like to see at BartFest in Las Vegas??
vote, in alphabetical order:
(We're not going to get either Clinton, so don't waste your vote)
Paul Begala
Al Gore
Ted Kennedy
Joe Lieberman
Gene Lyons
Susan McDougal
Who else?
Other: __________
Vote here --->
and put your answer in the subject box, OK?
Comments are welcome, as are other suggestions you may have.
Also, vote for TWO people.
This is a PARTY!
UPDATE: I'm getting lots of mail saying, "If Lieberman is coming, I'm not, and I want my money back."
The inclusion of JoeL was kind of a gag - I should've used my head a little more.
28th - tickets
on sale!
You've read what people said about our first gathering.
We intend to top that in Sin City come September.
Click Here to see Bart's 36 (so far) things to do in Vegas.
Here to see Dave's 100 Things to do in Vegas
16 days from todayThe Rio will ask "Bart, you in or out?"
bartcopsports.com has been down for
maintance for the past 3 days...
they didn't abandon it did they?
Yikes! I hope not!
Dann Brown
Dann, I'm having mail problems, (some suggest Ashcroft is installing
snooping software)
but it's my understanding Milt is dealing with a family emergency.
Let's hope he's back real soon. He does a great job.
Is it wise to support bartcop.com?
The $17
figure was suggested as a reasonable monthly amount.
That's 54 cents a day. Is bartcop.com
worth 54 cents a day?
Click to subscribe for $17
a month.
We're in the third month of matching funds.
A man who wants to remain anonymous is matching all new subscriptions
up to a total of $500.
Recently, I got a $50 Chinaco Anejo subscription
from a John F, that means a net gain of $100.
That's a great deal towards making the Pie Higher, so if you like
the message on this page,
consider tossing a few pesos this way if you'd like to see what
can be done with a larger hammer.
Usurberboy Bush, working hard to protect
us from terra, just like he did last summer.
When they strike again, Bush will say,
"What could I have done to stop them?"
How about doing your damn job?
If you don't like the job, why'd you steal it?
You're screaming "terra alert" then take a month of vacation?
You're more lazy than Reagan,
less attentive than Reagan,
more stupid than Reagan.
God help us.
They read it in Siemianowice Slaskie.
They read it in San Pedro de Macorís.
They read it in Reno, which is a beautiful 440 miles from The
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel and
it costs you nothing
more than whatever you were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2002, bartcop.com
Heard at BartFest