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"Wow. Wow. Wow. It's just unbelievable. I have
no words."
---Mine worker Lou Lepley
I didn't watch because I didn't think they'd make it.
Thought: It would've been too expensive to have a phone down there?
Clinton Blasts Bush
"There was corporate malfeasance both before
Bush took office and after.
The difference is I actually tried to do
something about it, and their party stopped it.
And one of the people who stopped our attempt
to stop Enron accounting was made
chairman of the SEC," Clinton said. "That
is a fact; an indisputable fact."
The White House said: "There is a long-held
tradition of former presidents acting
in the national interests, not their own
partisan interests.
Hey, screw you!
If you guys would stop lying about Clinton, he wouldn't have
to defend himself.
He's been waiting for somebody besides Carville and Begala to
set the record straight,
but he's in the party of timid, pink tutu geldings so he had
to defend himself.
What Clinton said was true. The GOP keeps screaming for government
to get out of the way.
When the GOP kicked the government auditors out, the Enron/WorldCom
crooks ran wild.
President Dim Son appointed Harvey Pitt, and now he needs to
pay for that.
(If only we had a free press in America, but noooooooooooo.)
The GOP gets the blame for this mess, and if they try to blame Clinton he'll make them eat it.
the Resident’s Men
by Christian Livemore
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prohibits such use of
military troops. However, a clause
in Section 15 states that such force may
be used if "expressly authorized by the Constitution
or by act of Congress." The Homeland Security
Act, with its inclusion of FEMA under its
roof and the emergency powers granted that
organization by Reagan’s executive orders,
could be argued to constitute the act of
Congress Bush would need to invoke such use
of troops. And with the Supreme Court,
such use might stand up to a court challenge.
did America go wrong?
by Carla Binion as seen on Online
The National Security Act
of 1947, and the creation of the CIA as a result of that act,
radically changed the direction of this
country. This act helped create a secret government
within our legitimate government. In many
ways, the beginnings of the CIA and other secretive
agencies marked the end of the America
created by the framers of our Constitution.
"These [Bush} people ran on responsibility,
but as soon as you scratch them they go straight to blame.
Now you know, I didn't blame his father
for Somalia ...I didn't do that.
-- Bill Clinton, reminding us that HE
never sent a man into battle who didn't come home.
Another thing about this Wall Street crashing mess
The GOP always wants things boths way, but it rarely works.
Rush has said 1,000 times that the Democrats are the biggest
headache big business has,
but then they wants to scream "Both
sides took money."
They have to make up their minds. If both sides are equally
culpable for being whores
of big business, why does the GOP paint the Democratic party
as "anti-business?"
Isn't there anyone at the DNC who knows how to fight back?
Why should an uneducated
blowhard from Oklahoma have to explain the Democratic battle
plan to them?
Why can't the Democrats defend themselves?
never liked Clinton much anyway.
did he ever do for us?
he had sex, remember?
the other hand, Dubya is our friend.
nice, Bart. Cave in like we did.
by my good friend Tom Tomorrow
I have a feeling people are still sending mail to bartcop@yahoo.com
Don't, because Yahoo says there's no such mailbox.
Cabal Strategy: The Pounding of Fists,
Gnashing of Teeth, and The Shredding of Documents
by Al Martin
The aggregate losses over the last eleven
trading sessions are over $1.5 trillion, as of last Monday.
It's interesting to note that historically
the New York Stock Exchange composite has lost more equity
value in the last eleven trading sessions
than it gained in the first two hundred years of its history.
And the free fall continues, while George
Bush's reaction is actually turning to anger. He was pounding
his fists on the podium -- "Why aren't
the people listening to me?" and "The economy is improving, so
why don't they have any confidence?" And
somebody cried out, "It's not the economy we're worried about;
it's you." Immediately the Secret Service
was dispatched to find out who said it. After all, it could be
a "terrorist," and that's probably who
they're going to blame. In fact, that could be a new definition
-- an "economic terrorist" is somebody
who refuses to buy stock because they don't have any confidence.
Thanks to Chookie for these.
I've heard murmurs, maybe you have, too, that
is "just for the elite."
This may surprise you, but I have an answer to that.
If you say
is only for the elite, because we all can't afford to go,
couldn't one logically extrapolate from that, that bartcop.com
is an "elitist web site,"
because not everyone can afford a personal computer in their
So if there shouldn't be a
maybe there shouldn't be a bartcop.com
See how crazy that sounds?
But if one really wanted to go to
one could probably find a way.
The way I figure it, a five-hotel, three night stay in Vegas
comes to about
You will never forget this weekend in Fabulous Las Vegas!
For those considering going to
there is a posting board to share information,
car pooling, room sharing etc at The
BartCop Forum.
Look for "Events"
The Vegas Vote
Subject: Invite Jenna Bush!!!
Invite Jenna!!!
If there's booze, you can be sure she will
be the life of the party.
Bonus Issue
"If you love Jesus, love the Church. Do not
be discouraged
by the sins and failings of some of
her members."
-- The Pope, who seems
to be telling molested families to "get over it."
Help Wanted
Seems like we could use a legal expert and and medical expert.
We're talking very part-time, with no pay, but now & then
it would be nice to have
someone who could explain (or keep up with on-going) legal and
medical situations.
Also, we could probably use a semi-regular column that keeps up
with all the lawsuits
and crimes Bush & Cheney have committed or are being accused
of. I don't have any
time to get into the details of harken or Haliburton, would you
time for that?
Knowing html isn't a must, but that would save me tons
of time.
If I could just link to you like RB Ham or Consumer Consumtpion
I wouldn't have to format and font and color everything that
comes in.
If you fit the bill, please contact Christian at clivemore@bartcop.com
Why was Kneel Bush meeting with John Hinckley's brother?
Could it be that Poppy wanted to be president at any cost?
Subject: still don't own a gun
>...and you STILL don't own a gun?
> Do you think guns will be for sale after Ashcroft's tanks are on every corner?
The Polish Solidarity movement did not
use guns.
Neither did the Czechs
Corazon Aquino overthrew Marcos without
Ghandi booted the British out without guns
ML King Jr overthrew Jim Crow without guns
winners don't use guns. even when confronting violent dictators.
Alice Marshall
You mean violent dictators like Hitler?
Apparently you think the B.F.E.E. will lose its appetite
for greed.
Separated at Birth?
Subject: Re: Norm Coleman spiel
Norm Coleman is a notorious womanizer. One day
back when he was running for Governor, he was the guest on one of
our local public radio station call in shows.
Somehow, somebody got thru the screeners and gave Norm a tongue lashing
for the way he treated a server at a local restaurant.
The caller had the date, time and the other people with whom Norm
was eating. The caller provided sordid details
and asked how Norm could bring back honesty and decency to the state
of MN. Stunned silence. Even the normally savvy
host was caught off guard. I think they danced around the issue and
never really answered the question.
We also knew Norm was running for the Senate when,
as a friend of mine so eloquently put it, "...the ring was back on." Everybody
around here knows Norm wanted to be Governor. But when Bush came calling
and said run for the Senate,
like the lap dog whore that he is, Norm decided
to run for the Senate. Spineless. Also, at a campaign fund raiser that
we as taxpayers paid for where Bush was to talk
about his education agenda, every GOP member of MN congressional delegation
was invited. Not one Democrat was there to listen to Bush talk about the
war on terra. I believe he gave lip
service to education that day but I may be wrong;
he could have ignored it completely.
Jon, I have a feeling the ditto-monkey who wrote wasn't the real Norm
but you're right - he does sound like a first-class weasel of a Republican
"If dolphins are so smart, why don't
they build hospitals and roads?"
--the stroked-out vulgar Pigboy
Iraq Attackers Who Proudly Did Not Serve
George Bush, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, John
Ashcroft, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle,
Spencer Abraham, Don Evans, Karl Rove,
Andrew Card, Tom DeLay, Trent Lott,
Bob Barr, Mitch McConnell, Dick Armey,
Phil Gramm, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas,
Newt Gingrich, Mark Racicot, Rudy Guliani,
Charlton Heston, Wayne LaPearre, Bill Bennett,
Jerry Falwell, George Will, Bill O'Reilly,
Tony Snow, Britt Hume, Sean Hannity.
Subject: Bush & Cheney's charitable contributions
Has anyone checked to see if Bush or Cheney has
given any personal
contributions to the victims of 9-11 or to any
of the charities associated with it?
Cheney made $36 million, I think in 2000.
How much did he give?
I haven't heard a word about it.
by David S. Broder
"Every administration makes certain compromises
-- in policy and appointments -- to satisfy
important political constituencies. But
most administrations draw the line at compromises
that cost lives. The Bush administration
now has crossed that line -- not accidentally but deliberately."
BartFest2002 - Party of the Year
Ontario is $19 to Las Vegas
Burbank is $19 to Las Vegas
Los Angeles is $19 to Las Vegas
Orange County is $19 to Las Vegas
Make your own hotel reservations.
Big News: Nothing yet, but that could change in a heartbeat.
Who would you like to see at BartFest in Las Vegas??
vote, in alphabetical order:
(We're not going to get either Clinton, so don't waste your vote)
Paul Begala
Al Gore
Ted Kennedy
Joe Lieberman
Gene Lyons
Susan McDougal
Who else?
Other: __________
Vote here --->
and put your answer in the subject box, OK?
Comments are welcome, as are other suggestions you may have.
Also, vote for TWO people.
This is a PARTY!
UPDATE: I'm getting lots of mail saying, "If Lieberman is coming, I'm not, and I want my money back."
The inclusion of JoeL was kind of a gag - I should've used my head a little more.
28th - tickets
on sale!
The most exciting
city in the world.
You've read what people said about our first gathering.
We intend to top that in Sin City come September.
Click Here to see Bart's 36 (so far) things to do in Vegas.
Here to see Dave's 100 Things to do in Vegas
16 days from todayThe Rio will ask "Bart, you in or out?"
bartcopsports.com has been down for
maintance for the past 3 days...
they didn't abandon it did they?
Yikes! I hope not!
Dann Brown
Dann, I'm having mail problems, (some suggest Ashcroft is installing
snooping software)
but it's my understanding Milt is dealing with a family emergency.
Let's hope he's back real soon. He does a great job.
Is it wise to support bartcop.com?
The $17
figure was suggested as a reasonable monthly amount.
That's 54 cents a day. Is bartcop.com
worth 54 cents a day?
Click to subscribe for $17
a month.
We're in the third month of matching funds.
A man who wants to remain anonymous is matching all new subscriptions
up to a total of $500.
Recently, I got a $50 Chinaco Anejo subscription
from a John F, that means a net gain of $100.
That's a great deal towards making the Pie Higher, so if you like
the message on this page,
consider tossing a few pesos this way if you'd like to see what
can be done with a larger hammer.
Protesting Bush in Greensboro
Another Officer, helmeted, dressed in black with a M-16 stepped
in my path.
"STOP! Those are not my instructions.
I was instructed to stop you from going
past this point."
"Why can we not proceed on this open public street that you are allowing others to travel?"
"I was instructed to stop you from going past this point."
"I understand that those are your instructions,
but may I as a citizen
of the United States and this city
ask why I am being stopped?"
"We are under orders to protect the president."
"We are no threat to the president. We wish
him no physical harm.
If you want to check us for weapons
you are welcome to.
We want to express ourselves to the
Do you object to what we have to say?"
"This is private property."
"What is the nature of our restrictions
from this property?
Who else is not allowed to walk
down this sidewalk?"
In Bush's America, you're not allowed to walk down the street.
We lost the right to vote.
We lost the right to have an attorney.
We lost the right to a public trial.
We lost the right to not be searched without probable cause.
Ari Fliesher says we have to watch what we say.
...and now we've lost the right of free assembly?
Do we have any rights left?
have the right to be sexually tortured.
time is coming, Funnyboy.
They read it in Hammerfest, Norway
They read it in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
They read it in Taos, New Mexico on their sprawling ranch.
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel and
it costs you nothing
more than whatever you were going to pay.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2002, bartcop.com
Heard at BartFest