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"I am offended. Whatever happened to 'the Greatest
the World War II generation, that it
now looks at everybody else to pay for whatever it wants?"
--Rush Limbaugh, with his $280M contract, whining about having to
Social Security for the lazy World War II generation
Convenes Forum on the Economy
Guinness Book of World Records certifies "largest handjob
No excerpt because I'm going to save you the time.
Here's was President Fraud is doing: He's assembling a group
of thieves, traitors, kidnappers,
rapists, crack-heads, carjackers, rustlers, hustlers, embezzlers,
scam-artists, safe-crackers, muggers,
drug-smugglers, buggerers, bushwackers, rapists, Catholics, sidewinders,
bandits, and the insane
(but not the Irish) in one big room.
They're all going to "study the economic trends" and then they'll
tell the young Bush boy,
in their opinion, what America needs is another giant tax cut
for the super-rich!!!!!
Of course, he'll agree, and the economy will get worse, but meanwhile
crime family is looting
the hell out of the US Treasury of money it doesn't even have
yet. He's signing these no-bid,
hundred-billion dollar, ten-year contracts with unclean companies
like Halliburton so the looting
can continue long after he's impeached for allowing 9-11 to happen.
for Dollars
by David Podvin as seen on makethemaccountable.com
Recession? Not at the Washington Post Company.
While most American corporations are struggling
to meet profit targets during these hard
economic times, the Post recently reported much better than
expected earnings. According to Dow Jones,
“The publisher said its 7% increase in revenue for the
quarter was due mostly to a 25% revenue
boost at its education division, 12% higher revenue at its
cable division and 3% growth at its broadcasting
The success is the financial windfall
that comes with placing the interests of George Bush
above journalistic integrity. Since
1999, the Washington Post Company has relentlessly
promoted Bush at the expense of whatever
honor its flagship newspaper previously had.
So now the B.F.E.E. has both papers in Washington
at their disposal.
I'm so old, I remember when we had a free press.
Dueling Quotes
Catholic Sex Abuse Czar Frank Keating:
"Parishioners unhappy with their bishop could
attend Mass in a different
diocese or use "the power of the purse"
by halting donations. In effect a
strike, if you wish, a sit-down until
things change..."
The Pilot, where Boston Cardinal Bernard Law serves as publisher:
"Oklahoma's governor is calling on Roman Catholics
to 'commit a mortal sin'
by urging parishioners to stop donating
money or attending churches in other dioceses.
Geez, they made voting with your pocketbook a sin, too?
At each step, I think this mess can't get any worse for the Catholics.
They still aren't within a light year of getting it.
The Church still sees itself as the victim in this sex abuse
and now they have Frank Keating (R-Insert Foot) urging them "to
secrecy harms the people
by Carla Binion
The Pentagon proposed, writes Bamford that
"people would be framed for bombings
they did not commit; planes would be hijacked.
Using phony evidence, all of it would
be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer
and his cabal the excuse, as well as the
public and international backing, they
needed to launch their war."
A Joint Chiefs of Staff document read:
"World opinion, and the United Nations forum,
should be favorably affected by developing
the international image of the Cuban
government as rash and irresponsible, and
as an alarming and unpredictable threat
to the peace of the Western Hemisphere."
This the blueprint the B.F.E.E. is using to provoke war with everyone.
Charlton Heston Have To Give Up His Guns?
by Bryan Curtis
Charlton Heston announced that he
has symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Heston is the president of the National
Rifle Association and owns firearms.
If he is diagnosed with full-blown Alzheimer's,
will he have to give up his guns?
"In eight years, President Clinton created
22 million new job.
In six years of two Bush administrations,
they have lost 1.8 million jobs.
Don't tell me the president doesn't
effect the economy, for good or bad."
-- Bob Shrum, one of the best Democrats on
our side, on some talk show
Subject: Your Jimmy Page theory is BS
If there are no established groups around that
are willing/able to play the music Page wants to play
he has no choice but start from scratch.
His luck in finding compatibility with the Black Crowes has
absolutely NO relevance to the reality
of a pusillanimous democrat party that has sold itself out!
Anyone who wants to elect politicians who will
put the people ahead of the powerful has no
choice but to build a newer, better party - the
old one is dead and stinking.
One indicator of severe mental illness is continuing
to do the same painful thing and expecting
different results - isn't that what you're suggesting
to Derek Longwood and with your blind
support of the democrat party?
G. Wallace
Your hard work for Nader may result in eight years of the Bush Family
Evil Empire
looting the treasury and polluting the air and water - and you question
Cage trades comic books for King's Daughter
Hey, I have comic books, too!!
Related comic book news...
Lantern is Gay!
Who knew?
"I think too many Jewish voters associate conservatism
with things
that it has nothing to do with. Let
me put it this way: to them,
Germany was conservative in the '30s."
--Rush Limbaugh, with a Priestly
swerve into the truth
Dick, if we get arrested for stock swindlin'
we have to do that perp walk thing on TV?
don't want Momma to know what I done.
be Texas-sized pissed if she finds out.
...why you cryin', Unka Dick?
Did I say something sad?
as Strikebreakers?
Bush Administration Considers 'Options' in West Coast Dock
"The Bush administration is threatening the ILWU
with military action in support of a lockout
of the ILWU workers in the event of an
impasse in negotiations. The mere threat of intervention
is an unconscionable effort to bolster
the PMA's contract demands and threatens the legitimate
collective bargaining rights of longshore
workers. On a larger scale, the threatened use of federal
troops to determine the outcome of a collective
bargaining dispute undermines the basic civil rights
of the labor movement and all American
It's like President Pinhead can't wait to have a Kent State scenario.
God, please protect us from this monster you installed against
our wishes.
Subject: Heston on guns
You made another one of your classic flubs re:
guns and Heston.
Heston didn't say Clinton, he said Gore.
One of us is crazy.
BTW, are we to now believe that since Clinton
only wanted "assault-rifles" off the streets
that he didn't have plans to take away ALL guns?
Or was that Sarah Brady's plan only?
I'm not familiar with Brady's plans.
Clinton never called for people to lose their muskets.
Bart, if you're going to be for guns, which I'm
glad you are in part, be for ALL guns,
not just the ones Clinton supposedly likes (even
though he had "assault-rifles"
smuggled into the country for use by street gangs).
Fake name
ha ha
I think you mean Reagan, Bush and Ollie North.
The reason I know is the CIA confessed.
...and only insane people are for ALL guns.
You don't need a hundred AK-47s in your home, Vern - you just don't
the idiot or Bush the fiend
by William Rivers Pitt
"Either George W. Bush is the dumbest, most incompetent,
most utterly harebrained human ever
to sit in the Oval Office, or he is some
dazzling breed of Uberman fiend bent upon dominion over
the earth. Either he's a total dimwitted
dunderhead who cannot understand a threat when it is
wagged in his face, or he is an evil genius
who allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place so as to
enhance his political power, and now plans
to attack Iraq to further entrench that power.
We crossed that bridge to the 21st century
and found a troll living beneath it. It is named George
W. Bush, and it is either dumber than a
bag of doorknobs, or more fiendishly clever than any
comic book supervillain. Neither option
is terribly palatable."
Actually, I'm certain both are true.
Bush is so stupid, you almost have to have Quayle in the room
to measure him.
But Cheney, Poppy and Rummy are sharper than Ginsu knives, and
they write scripts
for President Pinhead, who's bumbling and incompetence has been
labled "charming"
by the billionaire media moguls who feel over-taxed and over-regulated.
Subject: Left's position on Marijuana
You stated that it was Begala's duty to state
the left's position in regards to the legalization of marijuana.
But is the entire left behind decriminalizing
marijuana? Or is it just a vocal minority?
If it's just a vocal minority, then Begala was
right to take the position he did. If the vast majority of the left
is for legalizing marijuana, then you're right.
Also, I didn't exactly say that Begala's job was to state his opinion,
I said he had to, because if he tried to argue
a position he didn't believe it, the right would tear him up,
and he'd just make that position look stupid.
Charles, taxing and controlling the distribution of a drug that every
ten year old can get is logical.
I'd like to think the Democrats stood for a modicum of logic on this
important matter.
Maybe Begala has teenagers at home, and can't be seen taking the correct
position on this,
but either way, it's his JOB to take the anti-Novak side on
every issue possible.
For him to team up with a hard-rightie and beat up a man doing the right
thing sickened me.
He was hysterical and about 80 years behind the curve on this subject.
We deserve better.
Sidebar: I'd really like to hear a logical explanation why pot should remain illegal.
Great toon by my good friend Tom Tomorrow
circumventing Hill on tax breaks
Or, "Bush invites friends to loot Social Security"
In a series of little-noticed executive
orders intended to ease the tax burden
on corporate America, the Bush administration
has implemented a number of
new policies that will provide corporations
with billions of dollars in tax relief
without the consent of Congress.
"President Bush visited those rescued coal
miners in Pittsburgh and Bush
really connected with the men; he's
good at that kind of stuff. He told them
he knows what it's like to go to work
everyday and be totally in the dark."
with another formula joke, but it was anti-Bush so we liked it
Sidebar: I think Leno bought Bob Hope's joke file.
From: Phillip A. S.
Subject: Wrong on House Dems and Clinton
Dear Bart:
You wrote:
> The Dems lost the House in 1994 because they refused to stand with
Clinton on health care.
> They rarely stood with Clinton on anything. --
Bart, this is incorrect in every possible way.
You are right that the failure of the health care plan
helped the Democrats lose Congress. But the Democrats
didn't refuse to stand with Clinton,
there or mainly, and especially not after his
first two years. After that, in the minority, the Dems
were normally able to get unanimity in their
caucus for Clinton's positions.
(much, much, much snippage)
Phillip A. S.
Phillip, it's amazing that we remember it so differently.
I remember endless, relentless attacks, my favorite being G. Gordon
Liddy promising that
"Unqualified black men will be doing surgery
on your kids if this bill passes."
Shades of Willie Horton!
And every time the right would lie, the Democrats would kick the dirt
and diss Clinton.
A lot of your epic e-mail was true, but the Democrats had the House
and the Senate,
and Clinton couldn't get anything done! All they had to do was grab
a TV camera and say,
"We're five votes from giving every American
health insurance," but nooooooooo.
They refused to stick with a winner, and ended up hanging separately.
I can't believe we have different memories, and it hasn't even been
ten years.
Lastly, as a debating tactic, you can never go wrong accusing the Democrats
of refusing to
back their president when he had a chance to do for health care what
he did for the economy.
Analysis of Bush presidency suggests a nation overthrown
Consider this: An inarticulate, politically
inexperienced man with family links to a previous national regime
comes to provincial leadership. Subsequently
he gains the highest national office without winning the popular vote.
The election in which he was declared the victor
is considered compromised by his brother's province.
He appoints a chief law enforcement officer who
has repeatedly called for constitutional revisions.
Regulatory agencies are filled with those previously
regulated. Soldiers patrol transportation centers.
International treaties are abrogated. International
legal organizations are shunned.
Roles of police and military are blurred. Law
enforcement agencies are centralized.
Individual civil rights are reduced.
A "shadow" government is created.
Domestic surveillance is increased. People are
encouraged to spy on each other.
Military budgets are increased. The military
establishes a disinformation program.
Media access to government is limited. Consultations
with the legislative branch decline.
Connections to corrupt corporate sponsors are
Efforts to further plunder natural resources
for profit are initiated.
Access to past administrations' documents is
A war mentality is established with imprecise
Nebulous fear- inducing alerts are periodically
National level profiling is introduced.
People are imprisoned without public charges
and unknown others are "disappeared."
Does the word "coup" come to mind?
Bill Petz
To: withheld@thenation.com
Subject: What is going on with Forbidden Truth?
When I first heard that Avalon Publishing Group
would be distributing Forbidden Truth for you,
I called them to find out who the publicist would
be. I sent the information out to more than 30
liberal talk show hosts and to a number of liberal
writers on my email address list. Since then, I have
not heard much about the book. Many of
the people I sent this information to ordinarily follow through
with suggestions I make, but I have only heard
two interviews about the book: Peter Werbe interviewed
Wayne Madsen, who wrote one of the introductions,
and Randi Rhodes interviewed Jean-Charles Brisard.
Joe Jackson, of KTKK in Salt Lake City, had scheduled
an appearance of M. Brisard on tomorrow's show,
but Mr. Jackson let me know yesterday that the
original publicist is no longer with Avalon, that M. Brisard's
appearance scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled,
and that the new publicist said that M. Brisard
will not appear on Mr. Jackson's show at all.
What is going on, Carl?
Isn't Avalon interested in publicizing this book?
I think NationBooks should be concerned about
Carolyn Kay
Note: This is the explosive French book that says Bush knew.
Is the
White House pressuring the media to back off?
Or are
they covering for him to make more money, like the Washington Post?
"I haven't seen Treasury Secretary O'Neill
That's probably a good thing."
-Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska)
who publically says Bush's economy is going to hell.
Laura the Unloved "Weak and Ashamed" Links
of the Draw
by Ned McGuire
The Monday edition, #846 (Weak and Ashamed)
is definitely a top 10 nominee in my book.
The Impeachment trial of George W. Bush,
and Hector the progressive spic's jaw-dropping compliment to
progressive rednecks were only two others
of many juicy delights in this issue. You really should frame this one
and take it out when times are tough- it's
not easy doing what you do, and some issues have been quite uneven recently.
I do think the Vegas stuff has gone way
too far - not everybody wants to drop their boring life and schmooze
with a bunch of whiny liberals. I really
admired what you did for Julie Hiatt Steele, but enough's enough.
I will keep supporting you at a modest level
until you are bought out by Disney/Salon...
I enjoy frank criticism.
Koresh knows using "uneven" was very diplomatic on your part.
But one thing - if our very special guests come thru for
Las Vegas,
"whiny" is the very last adjective anyone would use to describe
Thanks for reading.
BartFest2002 - Party of the Year
Make your own hotel reservations.
The dice have been rolled!
There is a misconception about the August 15 deadline.
That is NOT the last day you can buy tickets.
Tickets will be available until the night of the party.
The 15th, Thursday, is the day The
Rio wants to know if we're going high or low.
If we rent a room for 60, and 160 show up, we'll be all kinds
of cramped.
If we rent the 160 room, and 60 show up, we lose a few thousand
At this point, it would help to know if you're a "maybe."
We could have a hundred "maybes" but I'd hate to find out 6 weeks
from today,
when it's too late to change the size of the venue.
Last night, I called and e-mailed our mystery guest,with a reminder
of the Thursday deadline.
This would be sooooooooo coooooooool if it works.
...isn't it exciting?
Since our last update, East Coast is still leading the West Coast
3-2, and we have another
European coming - this time from Austria. You chatters know who
I mean.
is all we have.
from todayThe
Rio will ask "Bart, you in or out?"
...we are out on a limb, ...isn't it exciting?
(Oh, God, please don't let me lose my ass
on this!)
28th - tickets
on sale!
Click Here to see Bart's 40 (so far) things to do in Vegas.
Click Here to see Dave's 100 Things to do in Vegas
Talk to me!
Special bartcop.com
Gambling: The Absolute Minimum
A primer on how to not lose your ass gambling at
the casinos
by George
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Installment two tomoro
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It rocks!
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