![]() "How many dictators who ended up being a tremendous
global threat,
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"Y'all will never get over the fact that Bill
Clinton was the greatest
president in the last 50 years. You'll
never get over the fact that
this guy in here can't walk and chew
gum at the same time."
-- James Carville, telling
the truth again
W.'s Worst Fear: A W-Shaped Recession
by Edmund Andrews NYWTimes
"But there was always a third possibility that
would be especially painful for the White House:
the W-shaped recession — a double-dipped
downturn. The economics of it would be bad enough,
but the perils of political parody would
be even more nightmarish. The Dubya recession.
The Dubya-dip downturn. It would be fresh
meat for every late-night comedian, right on the eve of
national elections in November that will
decide which party controls Congress. The Letterman-Leno
-Jon Stewart potential for trouble was
almost certainly on the minds of at least some White House
staffers as they organized Bush's feel-good
economic forum last week."
Joe Conason's Journal
"Military service isn't a prerequisite for advocacy
of military action, but those who
haven't served ought to temper their enthusiasm
for shedding other people's blood,
if only as a matter of civic etiquette.
Warrior pundits might also think carefully before
they slur combat veterans who dare to dissent
from the war-making mindset."
Time's now to speak up about war
The Vietnam protest generation should have
learned this: If we don't want
our government to initiate a questionable
war halfway around the world,
we'd better speak up now -- before, not
after, the body bags start arriving."
Today in History
In 1950, Althea Gibson became the first black tennis player
to be accepted in competition for the national championship.
Fifty two years later, the Republicans have no black members
in Congress.
In 1956, Eisenhower and Nixon were nominated for second
terms by the
Republican national convention in San Francisco. It would
be the last GOP
ticket that would not grant or receive a pardon to cover up their
One year ago, this picture was seen on bartcop.com
Smirk, wiping himself on Maria Pope, one of Dave's producers.
This is how Bush treats all the "little people."
"I've never signed a subpoena in my 5 1/2 years
as chairman.
I guess there's a first time for everything.
If you want to play,
I've got a secret, good luck getting
the Patriot Act extended."
-- House Judiciary Committee chairman,
James Sensenbrenner,
(This guys a Repub
- you can tell, he's fighting back)
about Ashcroft's stonewalling on answering questions
Open letter to America from a Canadian
Amid all this, where are those who are
supposed to represent your interests, America?
For the most part, your congressional representatives
are nothing but swine gathering at the
corporate troughs. Your president is a
white-collar thug, a hypocrite who through his actions
celebrates war, repression and greed even
as he gives lip service to peace, freedom and justice.
George W. Bush deceives you daily, the war
monger hiding behind a phony patriotism.
He is an Enron buddy boy, a spoiled child
lying in his teeth about his past and current dirty deeds.
Does he care about you America? Hardly.
"Is your tape recorder running? Turn it on!
I got something to say.
My only regret with Timothy McVeigh
is he did not go to the New York Times Building.
You're right, after 9/11 I shouldn't
say that..."
-- Ann Coulter, foul-mouth hater who speaks for the Republican Party.
Between she and Rush Limbaugh - they ARE the Republican Party
Another Coulter quote from the same Observer article:
"I’ve dated him, I’ve dated every right-winger..."
...I didn't even know McDonald was a Republican.
This guy with the Democratic campaign ads is really good.
Too bad the Dems don't have the guts to use them.
Subject: Guest Rebuttal
Hey Bart,
I'd like to respond to Denise about the use of Nazi imagery.
As one of the practitioners of lampooning the
BFEE with the use of Nazi imagery, I feel I must respond
to your comments. While it is true that the current
regime is not yet sending anyone to the showers,
Hitler didn't start doing that until well into
his reign. He first needed to gain supreme control of his country,
the military, and the police. Most importantly,
he needed a war to cover his actions that would have
otherwise been impossible to hide. We didn't
know the true horror of the Holocaust until our troops
began liberating the camps.
Any student of World War II should be able to
see many parallels between Hitler's rise to power and that
of George Bush. From the Brown Shirts that disrupted
the Florida recount, to the support of the financial
community and the press. He's already started
his war and has made no secret of his intent to take it globally.
As for the camps, the religious right has already
begun speculating along those lines. I believe it was Lou
Sheldon who first came up with the idea of using
the old Japanese internment camps to quarrantine
homosexuals to prevent the spread of AIDS. He
benignly called them "Cities of Refuge".
The time to stop George Bush and his masters is
now, not when he starts herding people into boxcars.
By then it will be too late. I use Nazi imagery
in my cartoons not because it's funny, but because it's true.
Bruce Yurgil
Just a reminder - I continue to get e-mail from people with bad
e-mail addresses.
I'm sure there are people fuming that they sent a letter or a
cartoon or a contribution
and we "didn't have the decency" to reply. Well, if I can't hit
"reply" and reach you,
I really don't have the time or the resouirces to track you down.
Sidebar: Sometime I get blank checks,
too. The amount is filled in,
but there's no name or address on the check, and the signature is just
a snake.
I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to be sure your e-mail address
is valid.
Lots of people but a "disregard the x's" in their address to
fool the bots,
We've had people pay for tickets to BartFest with an invalid address.
All we can do in that case is eventually post on this page that
invitations have been sent,
and if you didn't get yours, it's probably because we have no
way to reach you.
(Invitations should start going out at the end of the month)
...I'm just saying,
Free stickers for all subscribers
and BartFest ticket holders
or with any donation to bartcop.com
Send in your sticker pictures.
Free ticket to BartFest for best sticker picture.
Subject: Donation
Dear Bart,
Here's a crumb of bread to help you "build
the hammer higher."
My wife and I share a growing disbelief
at the arrogance and blundering of our selected President.
We are ever more dumbstruck by the PALL
OF IGNORANCE enshrouding the minds of all in
the current administration and their parochial
myopia (how that for a disease!).
Bartcop represents all that we feel and
puts into words and wacky pix our anger and shame at being
deemed ugly Americans by the rest of humanity,
all because of the loathsome swaggering of George Bush.
Thanks for being there and speaking up.
We, all of us, need to find a way to express our dismay
without burning ourselves up with anger
in the process.
God save us from the Christians. God save us from ignorant Republicans.
Larry W
"Welcome back to CROSSFIRE, which might be
my last one after that outburst."
-- Carville, who used "goddamn" and assholes" in
his tirades.
I like that kind of talk. Not because I enjoy hearing those
words, but their use
tells me that the speaker is speaking frankly, and not holding
anything back.
From the CNN transcript:
these mosques in these countries that are praying,
that are working, that are good Americans,
that pay taxes here. They're not evil people.
They're good people. And for you to
suggest that and Franklin Graham to suggest that
is just wrong, god damn it, it is wrong.
CARVILLE: What offends me is that people
expect me to hate Muslims because some assholes,
some criminals, ran a building (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
This is what Franklin Graham said, and
you'd agree. He called Islam a very
different God, a very evil...
Subject: Jon Stewart
Hey Bart,
I like John Stewart, too, but wasn't the complaint
by Republicans against Clinton that he
actually ran it like a business and sold nights
in the Lincoln bedroom specifically for money?
It wasn't that he had people stay over.
The complaint was Clinton used the White House
like a hotel where anyone could stay there if
they anteed up enough money.
Dan Bain
Dan, how very Catholic that sounds.
It's bad if Clinton did it, because "he ran it like a hotel."
It's OK if Bush does it, because..._______________________.
Please fill in that blank, would you?
Harold Ickes has some BartCop in him.
Once, under oath, Sen Dominici asked Ickes if the president's friends
got to ride
on Air Force One and Ickes shot back, "No,
Sir, ...only his enemies."
I, for one, don't see the "sanctity" of the Lincoln Bedroom.
I mean, it's not Arlington Cemetary.
Whoever the president it, his friends spend the night, they fly on
Air Force One,
they are invited to dinner at the White House, they go to parties with
the president, etc.
The crime wasn't what Clinton did.
The crime was taking what every president has done and then screaming
"He's being a whore," and then
doing it yourself four years later.
Remember, Bush ran on the "honor and dignity" platform, the only difference
instead of Spielberg and Streisand, Bush is hosting BIG oil and BIG
subscribe to bartcop.com
by the benefactor who's matching all new subscriptions
Keep pounding that hammer. I wish
more people would subscribe, even at the $5 level.
In Influence: Science and Practice
(4th Edition), Robert B. Cialdini groups influence techniques
into six categories: reciprocation, consistency,
social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity.
Reciprocation -- Bartcop has done something for me, so I ought to do something for Bartcop.
Consistency -- I'm a radical kind
of guy that likes to make a difference, it would be inconsistent
with my identity to just sit on my fat
ass while Bartcop does all the risk taking and heavy lifting.
Social proof -- Millions of Bartcop
subscribers can't be wrong.
Subscribing to Bartcop must be the right
thing to do.
Liking -- Bartcop -- I love that guy. I guess I ought to help him out.
Authority -- Julie and the Big Dog
both say I should subscribe, and so do 5 out 6 doctors surveyed.
Sounds good to me. Where do I sign up?
Scarcity -- You mean there only 5
Bartcop subscriptions left and then they're all gone?
I've got to get mine before the hoarders
get them!
Donate to bartcop.com?
Click to become a Corona volunteer for $10
a month
We've got to build a bigger hammer.
Click Here to donate large.
Dueling Quotes
"As befits Mr. Barr's celebrity status, he
attracted a host of conservative luminaries,
including Charlton Heston, G. Gordon
Liddy and Oliver L. North to campaign for him."
-- Atlanta Journal-Constitution
"In Georgia it seems impossible. How could
Bob Barr have lost
with the support of two felons and
an Alzheimer's patient?"
-- Rackjite
Click Here for more Rackjite
Subject: Lincoln Bedroom
The point is not that Bush has guests at the White
Presidents always have many guests.
Republicans did not care about that.
What we cared about is that Bill Clinton SOLD
for cash to people who would fork over the money.
It was an illegal business run by Bill Clinton.
Don Jackson
Don, what in the world are you talking about?
All presidents treat their big contributors with perks.
Bush took money from BIG oil and BIG tobacco and they were rewarded.
Clinton took money from Speilberg and Streisand and they were rewarded.
What's the difference?
You think if you leave out the word "sold" when taking about Bush
that makes it OK for him to do what Clinton and his daddy and Reagan
Can you explain yourself?
1998 e-mails between Poppy and Junior
Thanks to R Waters for sending this in
Daddy, do you think they'll build the bomb?
Daddy, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooooowaa Daddy, should I build a wall?
Daddy, should I run for President?
Daddy, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooooowaa is it just a waste of time?
Hush, my baby. Baby, don't you cry.
Daddy's gonna make all of your wishes come true.
Daddy's gonna put all of his failures on you.
Daddy's gonna keep the bad press off of you.
I won't let you govern, and you'll never be harmed.
Daddy's gonna keep Junior cozy and warm.
Ooo Babe, of course Daddy's gonna help build a wall.
Daddy, do you think America's good enough, ...for
Daddy, do you think she's dangerous, ...to me?
Daddy will she tear your little boy apart?
Ooooowaa Daddy, will she break my heart?
Hush, my baby. Baby, don't you cry.
Daddy's gonna check out your cabinet for you.
Daddy won't let anyone disloyal get through.
Daddy's gonna get Olson and Baker for you.
Daddy will always know where you've been.
Daddy's gonna keep Junior needy and mean.
Ooo Junior, you'll always be Baby to me.
Daddy, did it need to be so high?
BartFest2002 - Party on the Strip
Make your own hotel reservations.
BartFest tickets will be available until the night of the party.
Vegas Fever is spreading. Ticket sales have been pretty good, (except
for California)
and we're still 5-plus weeks away, so call
me an optimist for thinking we're doing OK.
No news on the special guest stars
yet, but we're checking the e-mail every hour.
I'm content to let things happen - yeah, that's the way
to make this happen.
Check The
Rio web site.
Click on "Hot Deals,"and get a luxury suite for $139
on Fri/Sat and $59
Just 5 weeks away ...isn't
it exciting?
(Oh, God, please don't let me lose my ass
on this!)
28th - tickets
on sale!
it gets darker, the colors are LSD-bright
Click Here to see Bart's 48 (so far) things to do in Vegas.
Click Here to see Dave's 100 Things to do in Vegas
Talk to me!
Special bartcop.com
Gambling: The Absolute Minimum
A primer on how to not lose your ass gambling at
the casinos
by George
Click Here for Installment One
Click Here for Installment TWO
Just IMAGINE if Bill Clinton had:
1. sold millions in oil equipment
to Iraq, at the same time that he and
his party were
pounding the war-drum vs. that state!
2. spun off a Haliburton company
Insurance Subsidiary that had millions
in potential claims
liabilities about to break open....
3. engaged in a huge and risky buyout
of a company, Dresser Industries,
that had further
millions in asbestos liabilities...
4. used shaky accounting to justify
the buyout, and minimize Haliburton's federal taxes...
5. STONEWALLED all public requests
for information about the conduct of
Cheney's "Energy
Task Force" that determined national energy policies.....
Ruthless as a CEO
Tale of Two Brothers.
True, Bush's good puppy press refuses to hold them accountable for anything.
Cross your fingers - we should know something soon...
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and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2002, bartcop.com
Heard at BartFest