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"We are America. Those other people are not."
-- Rich Bond, Chairman of the RNC, at
the 1992 Convention:
Those "other people" are you and me.
We're not America.
For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11
CBS News has learned that barely five hours after American Airlines
Flight 77 plowed
into the Pentagon, Rumsfeld was telling
his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq
— even though there was no evidence linking
Saddam Hussein to the attacks.
Yes, September 11th was a dream come true for these oil pirates.
There STILL is no evidence that Saddam was involved, but
that idiot Bush boy
wants Saddam's oil and the oilfield equipment that Cheney sold
him in the nineties.
...and he's willing to watch hundreds of brave men die to enrich
his family more.
Funny how the press refuses to mention those points.
...but if it involved Monica and a cigar, it would be front page news!
The "Bush Knew" baseball protest
Bush has a word for it, even if the dictionary doesn't
This is a story about the dilemma the UN translators have.
What will they translate when Bush says, "I
put food on my family,"
or "I know about small business - I
was one," or "We need to grow the pie
How do you translate nonsensical gibberish?
you just gotta Praise The Lord
by Bob Reynolds, BartFest attendee
My topic at this conference will be World
Peace. I will explain that we need to learn more about the world
so that we are not Geographically Illiterate.
I will give examples of brief encounters I have had with people
from all over the world -- people
who were pleased to find someone in the USA who knows where their
grandparents are buried and where they
were born. I will tell the people at this convention that their hobby
gives them a perfect vehicle to work toward
World Peace.
And then, at the end of my talk I will tell
them them about a new way to help bring about world peace:
Hate-Free Radio.
"We're no longer a superpower.
We're a super-duper power."
-- Tom Delay
(R-Squirrelly bastard), explaining why Saddam must go.
Silence Isn't Golden
Nelson Mandela, whose struggle against
white supremacy in South Africa inspired people all over the world,
says he was rebuffed in an attempt to call
George W. Bush, whose life of entitlement stands in marked contrast
to Mandela’s personal sacrifice.
Unable to reach Bush, Mandela said he spoke
with Bush’s father about his son’s behavior.
Mandela says the younger Bush “is introducing
chaos in international affairs.”
Blowing off Mandela is just the latest example
of George W. Bush’s unwillingness – or inability – to engage
the rest of the world in a discussion about
his administration’s international agenda. Rather than hearing out
the near unanimity of opposition to his
go-it-alone foreign policy or articulating a defense of his doctrine of
unilateral invasions, Bush has chosen to
avoid spirited debate and to duck unscripted questions.
Bush can't debate the issue or take unscripted questions because
he's a moron.
I don't get a BartCop Bonus Issue,
I start
eating my clothes...
FBI Criticized for Failing to Solve Anthrax Case
Almost a year after the nation's worst biological weapon attack,
the FBI has yet to
figure out who sent anthrax-laced letters
that killed five people, prompting criticism
that its investigation is moving too slowly.
Federal law enforcement sources acknowledged
they are not close to making
an arrest in the investigation,
Well, of course not. The anthrax killer only goes
after Democrats,
so why would Bush or Ashcroft make it a priority to get this
We KNOW the GOP is in on this, because Bush and Cheney started
eating CIPRO when the planes struck the Trade Towers.
Nothing else can explain their clairvoyance.
It's the same as same as someone saying, "Let's
not go to Manhattan today
because the planes are due to attack
around 9 AM."
That would mean they knew it was coming, right?
So why did Bush & Cheney eat CIPRO when those planes hit on 9-11?
Why can't we get an answer to that?
Because the press is covering for Bush and the
Democrats are too scared to do their goddamn jobs.
Help us get the truth out!
Click to become a Corona volunteer for $10
a month
We've got to build a bigger hammer.
The illegal President Monkey in a Man Suit needs to be stopped.
Click Here to donate large.
Canadian Mail
to Vancouver Canada
Well, I'm back from Vancouver Canada and
I must say it was GREAT
to be in a country where Bush isn't president.
The city was clean, people
were happy, plenty of "Help Wanted" signs
up. People living their lives
as normal prosperous citizens in a stable
country that is doing well.
Canada it somewhat amazed that it's economic
growth is 4 times as high as
America in spite of the fact that the majority
of it's trade is with the United States.
Perhaps it's because they didn't raid their
social system to give a big tax break to the super rich.
Perhaps they aren't controlled by big oil
and corporate looters.
Canada was a very peaceful place with happy
It's like America used to be back in the
good ole' days.
Back when Clinton was president.
Marc Perkel
Publisher, bartcop.com
I spent a minute at Bareback
Andy's page today.
(By the way, Andy, do you tell your sex partners that
you're HIV positive before you bareback them?)
I have a question:
Since Sullivan HATES every move the Democrats have ever made,
and LOVES every move the young Bush boy makes,
why does he pretend he's a Democrat?
Same for that Christopher Hitchens, Pat Caddell and
Judas Maximus.
If they loooooooove Bush so much, why don't they officially turn
I'll tell you why - because the whore media likes nothing more
than getting a traitor
on the air to scream "rapist" at Clinton while they flash "Liberal
Democrat" under his face.
The whore media is trying to convince the majority that
we made a mistake
when we voted for Al Gore, and against the Appointed King and
the B.F.E.E.
"See, we love — we love freedom. That's what
they didn't understand.
They hate things; we love things. They
act out of hatred;
we don't seek revenge, we seek justice
out of love."
-- Dubya, whose going to love Baghdad
to rubble
I just filled out a survey for democrats.org
They asked how often I'd donated to them, and what was
the likelyhood of my donating in the near future.
Good thing all answers were multiple choice, because if I'd been
given an opportunity to speask my mind, it would've been brutal.
I'm going to democrats.org now and look for a feedback button.
(Jeopardy song)
I found it, and sent them this:
To Democrats.org
I recommend that my readers avoid sending you any money until you begin to fight back.
Elected Democrats shouldn't be cashing their checks
until they start fighting the monster in the White House.
How DARE you lay down and let him walk over
Why don't you act like an opposition party?
I always vote straight Demo, but I'll send money
to the Clinton Library instead of you.
Clinton was a fighter, not some scared rabbit.
Have you ever watched Crossfire?
Watch James Carville and Begala (sometimes) if
you want to see how a Democrat is supposed to act.
...or read http://www.bartcop.com
Your timidity disgusts me,
Free stickers for all subscribers
or with any donation to bartcop.com
Send in your sticker pictures.
"I had the privilege of saying good-bye for
a brief period of time
to our First Lady who's down there
in Crawford."
--Dubya, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, Aug. 29, 2002
To JM in LA who wrote about the radio show.
Dude, your e-mail address isn't valid, I can't reply to your message.
(Remember I told you this happens a LOT. There must be dozens
of people who are miffed
that I don't even have the good manners to reply to contributions
and ticket purchases etc
because their reply e-mail address isn't valid)
Reminder: Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes produced the vulgar Pigboy's TV show in 1993.
He and Rush were responsible for this great joke Rush told:
"You all know about Sox, the White House
Did you know there's also a White
House dog?"
Then, these "brave and decent" role models put up a picture
of Chelsea.
is the guy who runs Fox Whore News,
because they wanted to get someone who was "fair and balanced."
Of course, the vulgar Pigboy claimed he had "nothing
to do with it,"
even though the hateful words came out of his nasty, vulgar
Attacking an innocent 14-year old girl is Fox's idea of a class act?
"The country knows what happened under Clinton,
and they know that the deficit went
down, and they're greatful for it."
Carville, Crossfire, 09/04/02
by The Pieman
Claws come out as chicken-hawks squawk 'War!'
"After he returned to Texas in May 1973, Bush
says he performed nonflying duty for the guard,
but during the presidential campaign there
were repeated charges that Bush skipped the final 17
months of his commitment. In a farcical
attempt to get to the bottom of this mystery, one contributor
to Fowle's chicken-hawk debate has offered
a reward to anyone who witnessed Bush performing
any kind of duty between May 1972 and October
1973 in either Alabama and Texas.
Oh, Lordy, Zinni really did throw a skunk
in the church house, didn't he?
Going AWOL
after taking the oath is a federal crime, and it's ten times worse
than avoiding the draft, the qway Rush, Cheney, Lott and delay
did, but the press lets it go,
and the scared-bunny Democrats are afraid to anger Karl Rove,
so they remain very quiet.
"Oh Bart,
...that was long ago.
a new tone in Washington.
you let it go, like we did?"
Dueling Quotes
"Truman had a sign on his desk reading, 'The
buck stops here.'
Bush replaced it with a sign
reading, 'Just blame Bill.' "
-- Kenneth Lee, Crossfire-email,
“America’s culture is changing from a period
in which
we all have said, ‘If it feels good,
just go ahead and do it,
and if you’ve got a problem blame somebody
-- Too stupid to be president
by Middle America
by Joe Conason
A mainstream media executive has finally summoned the taste and
decency to tell
Ann Coulter to beat it. Not anybody at CNN or MSNBC or any of
those other
powerful portals of the "liberal" media, which promote her bilious
almost every day. No, just a newspaper
editor in central Pennsylvania,
where old standards still prevail.
is down, not sure why.
Perhaps Milt will contact us.
“I think Brent (Scocropft) just got it wrong.
The failure to take on Saddam
after what the president said would
produce such a collapse of confidence
in the president that it would set
back the war on terrorism.”
— Richard Perle, explaining
why hundreds of brave Americans will die - because Monkeyboy
has a big hardon for Saddam and had to shoot his mouth off for the TV cameras.
Is that a
good reason to invade a country?
Because the governor can't control his mouth?
Click Here to see the BartFest Webcam. It's better at night!
Saw it on Dave's Vegas Page, which is full of new stuff!
The Las Vegas Primer,
The Las Vegas anti-Limbaugh,
and Twinkle, Twinkle LV Stars.
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It had everything.
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