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"As a society we must demand something better,
because there is no second-rate children
in America."
South Bend, Sep. 5
So stupid, when he talks to the cows, he mostly listens.
Noelle Bush Caught With Cocaine
Bush Allegedly Caught With 2 Grams Of Drug
News report say Bush has not
been arrested in connection with the alleged discovery of cocaine.
Well, that goes without saying.
Having two grams of cocaine has nothing to do with Clinton's
so it can't be considered a crime by our perfect legal
Besides, she's royalty.
You can't arrest a member of the Bush family for breaking the law.
Claiming Iraqi Link To Terror
by the Washington Whore Post
As it makes its case against Saddam, Bush
has for now dropped a central argument
presented by supporters of a war against
Baghdad: Iraq's links to al Qaeda.
Although administration officials say they
are still trying to develop a strong case tying
Hussein to global terrorism, the CIA has
yet to find convincing evidence despite having
combed its files and redoubled its efforts
to collect and analyze information related to Iraq.
So why the hell are we going to sacrifice brave men?
Because President Oily wants the B.F.E.E. to get even
Hey, Bart!
NPR said yesterday that people are trusting
the news on the internet more than TV or Radio
jeez I wonder why????????
Joe, liberal webmasters are so broke, people know we're not being paid to lie.
Boy not going into space
He never was - it was just a publicity stunt
a joke
The Russian Space Agency notified NASA
on Monday that Lance Bass won't
fly to the international space station
next month.
Bass had hoped to rocket away from Kazakhstan
on Oct. 28, boosted by corporate sponsors
and a seven-part television documentary.
But TV producers failed to raise the estimated
$20 million fare, and Russian space officials
last week kicked Bass off the upcoming crew.
This was a Michael Jackson-style press handjob
all the way.
It was a fake and clumsy publicity stunt
that went around the world ten times,
Months ago, to oodles of fanfare and fake publicity, this schmuck
that he's going to be the first bubblegummer into space. The
networks went for it,
USA Today gushed praise for the "brave singer," and the teen
magazines creamed
at the thought of Chew Boy going into space - just like it was
for real.
This was never going to happen, so why does the press fall for it?
It's like Michael Jackson, with some bullshit grand announcement
that he's going to open
a billion dollar theme park in Sarajevo. All the networks buy
into it, the tabloids go crazy,
radio DJs remark how "Only Michael could
pull off something this big."
Then nothing happens, just like Chew Boy. It's all a stupid
The reason given for Bass flunking out was "lack of money," which
is a joke, too.
When he first announced this bullshit, America's whore press
should've said
"Fine, Lance, when you raise the $20M,
we'll report the story."
I know I shouldn't get so upset about a nothing who lied about
but this is the whore press doing their version of the Bart Stalker's
circle jerk.
It's the same thing with Rush making up a Clinton lie, then Fred
Barnes runs with it,
so Fox News is now all over it, so Hannity and O'Reilly spend
a week on it,
Tim the Whore spreads it, Cokie the Whore giggles about it, Howie
Kurtz lies about it
and there's never even a kernel of truth to any of it, but they
feed on each other's stories.
Meanwhile, the people telling the truth (Democrats) can't get
anywhere in this world of lies.
The whore f-ing press - we just have to live with it.
and Bush are twins
Saddam's mistress takes us inside his palace
Even when relaxing, Saddam's brutal side
could come out, she said. According to
Lampsos, Saddam loved watching The Godfather,
listening to Frank Sinatra, or seeing
videos of his enemies being tortured. He
sometimes donned a cowboy hat, sipped whiskey
on the rocks and puffed on a cigar as he
watched the torture.
"He was happy, happy, happy," she said of
the torture viewing. "Happiest day."
So, we see the connection between Saddam and Bush's Dim Son.
We all saw Bush giggle
in the debates when he talked about executing black men whose
lawyers slept thru their trials,
then ordered them killed instead of reading the report the Corrections
Board sent his lazy ass..
Who enjoys killing more?
Hard to say.
When you enjoy murdering defenseless "little people," it's hard
to say which man is worse.
A bartcop.com exclusive, something we've never
done before.
Fames author Mark
Crispin Miller "The Bush Dyslexicon"
"helps" Dubya with his honesty in a speech.
From: Greg N
Subject: Magic Friday
I thought B-Fest was on Sat., the 28th?!?
Why are there continual references to Magic Friday
(Sep. 27)?
Why are we counting down the days toFriday?
I'm so confused
Greg, Friday we're meeting at The Rio to take the bus to the Hard Rock for a mini-tequilafest at 7 PM,
then at dark, we're getting on a private bus to witness the excitement of The Strip for the first time.
Magic Friday might be as much fun as Party of the Year Saturday - be there!
BTW, from Southwest Airlines
Las Vegas, NV
$19 one-way, to/from Los Angeles
$39 one-way, to/from Phoenix
$39 one-way, to/from San Diego
$39 one-way, to/from Reno/Tahoe
$58 one-way, to/from Salt Lake City
$79 one-way, to/from Portland
$79 one-way, to/from Seattle
Twelve tickets left
"So the enemy hit us, and instead of retreating,
instead of filing -- only filing a lawsuit,
we decided not only to get after them,
we decided not only to hold them to account,
we decided that we were going to love
our neighbor, just like we like to be loved ourself."
Louisville, Sep. 5,
I just can't get over how stupid this ass
Dan Quayle must have 60 IQ points on the First Moron
Subject: tending bar for ditto monkeys
Thanks for posting that rant from Jennifer the
bartender from Ohio. I can *so* relate to her.
Of course we have two main things in common, she
and I.
One, we're both named Jennifer.
And B, we're both bartenders.
Now I know we've a third degree of commonality... we both serve ditto monkeys alcohol on a regular basis.
Just yesterday as I stood behind the bar listening
to a customer named Ed condemning Clinton for the blow job
he got in the Oval Office, I wondered how it
was that this same guy rationalized to himself the affair he's been
having with a woman who prefers anal sex for
the last two and a half years. Ed's certainly not secretive about
cheating on his wife. The whole (small) town
knows about it. And he has the !nerve! to dare say that Clinton
embarrassed us to the whole world.
Reminder: Clinton didn't embarrass anybody.
Clinton had a secret, it was the GOP who took that nobody's-business
secret and told the world
it was "Constitutionally important to our country," to get every details
of who licked what.
The whore press knew Gingrich, the architect of impeachment, was banging
his secretary but
they kept that secret for years
so they could go after Clinton!
"Liberal press?" ...there is no such thing.
I saw a thing on CNN about the abnormal pollen count in Washington
It was the highest September pollen count in DC history, said
that Flip Spiceman guy.
They say the pollen count was so high, Ann Coulter had
to drop Actifed
before she made her move for her free McDonald's french fries.
"The facts are, this is a man who gassed his
own people, has invaded two countries,
a person who stiffed the international
organization time and time again."
on Saddam Hussein, Louisville, Sep. 5,
Hey, Moron, then explain why Cheney did
$23M in business with "Hitler."
If he's so bad, why did Cheney make him
stronger - can you explain that?
by Isaac Peterson, Minneapolis
investigative reporter, and BartFest attendee
"They didn't cite the driver. I went over and
asked who it was that hit my child.
Those police officers ignored me. I asked
three times; they ignored me.
My daughter was the one who told me who
the driver was."
Dow says she then approached the driver
and asked for his license.
"The police officer told me not to ask him that...He
told me that if I
asked one more time he was going to take
to jail."
No Crawfishing From a Unique Vernacular
Many listeners were surprised on Aug. 29,
when they thought they heard the president, at a
fundraiser in Oklahoma, declare: "If
you let the people have their own money, they will demand
a gooder service. And if they demand
a gooder service, somebody will produce the gooder service.
And when somebody produces that gooder
service, somebody is more likely to find jobs."
Is this really happening?
The most stupid man anyone ever heard of is our unelected king
for life?
Help us get the truth out!
Click to become a Corona volunteer for $10
a month
We've got to build a bigger hammer.
The illegal President Monkey in a Man Suit needs to be stopped.
Click Here to donate large.
Channel anger, says Gore, and elect Democrats
"We're going to focus on 2002. We can't wait
four years. We've got to have a change this year,"
Gore responded. "Remember just for a minute
what you felt like inside when you heard the Supreme
Court decision" that cost Gore the election.
"Boo!" they responded, and one man chimed in: "It never left!"
Never Forget
"And the terrorists understand one thing about
us, too...
-- when we need to be plenty tough,
we're going to be plenty tough.
And they're learning another
thing about America.
When we need to be compassionate and
loving, we can be compassionate and loving, too."
--Dubya, Louisville,
Kentucky, Sep. 5, 2002
Hey, Pea Brain!
What if we need to be smart?
Can we be smart?
Or is that where Al Qaeda has us out-gunned?
Crimmins is on Mike Malloy's show
today at 3 PM with Juline Jordan
Click Here to listen.
"We value a free press. We value freedom.
And the more we value freedom, the
more they hate us.
That's why. That's why the enemy still
--Dubya, Louisville, Sep. 5,
Gee, Oil Boy, I thought it was YOUR guarantee that The Taliban
was going
to get either "a carpet of gold or a
carpet of bombs," for their pipeline.
When you pout evil people in a no-win situation, they do desperate
and stupid things.
And now you're going to repeat your mistake with Saddam?
Republicans would have you think terrorism started in 1993 under Bill Clinton
April 1983: 17 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
October 1983: 241 dead at the U.S. Marine barracks in
December 1983: five dead at the U.S. embassy in Kuwait.
January 1984: the president of the American University
of Beirut killed.
April 1984: 18 dead near a U.S. airbase in Spain.
September 1984: 16 dead at the U.S. embassy in Beirut
December 1984: Two dead on a plane hijacked to Tehran.
June 1985: One dead on a plane hijacked to Beirut.
And what was the Reagan/Bush response?
sold them sophisticated Stinger missles,
then lied about it, then perjured themselves under
oath, (it wasn't about sex, either)
then finally used a presidential pardon to slip away when
justice was closing in.
Why do you think President Pinhead won't release Reagan's presidential papers?
by The Pieman
"Oil, whether you like it or not, is the engine
of freedom in the modern world.
Oil is hugely essential to democracy.
we don't have any
because the Democrats in this country
will not let us produce our own.”
-- the vulgar Pigboy
Amazing - Rush tells his sheep "we don't
have any oil" and they buy that.
If I can get BartCop Radio working, I could play clips like that
all day,
Rush using his own words to hang himself. He's such a liar.
One other thing, lying Pigboy, the reason we're not pumping more
oil is because
a wildcatter can't pay for equipment and a crew because oil
is too damn cheap!
If it costs $5 million to produce $3 million worth of oil, who'd
do it?
Don't you ever tell the truth?
“You can't point to one episode in Cheney or
W’s public or private life
where they have put anything other
than this country ahead of themselves.”
--Rush Limbaugh
ha ha
Yeah, Cheney made $25 million in 2000 because he put America before
his profits?
Is that why he sold $23M in oilfield equipment to Saddam?
To make America more safe?
...boy, if I only had a radio show...
Click Here to see the BartFest Webcam. It's GREAT at night!
Here for
the latest BartFest
- We have just 12 tickets left.
Odditty: The last three to sign up have been from Minnesota,
Illinois and Washington
California must not know where Las Vegas is.
Reminder: The Lamborghini only holds 100 - no matter what.
Also, some people paid for their BartFest tickets by snail mail
and didn't include their e-mail address on their check.
We have important updates, so we need to hear from you.
day the Sleeping Giant howled
Christian Livemore talks about 9-11 for the first (and probably
last) time
In Old Lyme, Connecticut, my 14-year-old
sister was speeding through the
halls of her high school, sobbing as she
ran. She burst into the main office.
"I have to call my sister," Charity
wailed. She saw the t.v. set the secretaries
had perched on the filing cabinet, tuned
in to the burning Trade Towers.
"She works there," she yelled, pointing
at the screen.
"She works there, give me the phone,
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It had everything.
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