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"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man
should challenge me, I would take him
kindly and forgivingly by the hand
and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."
-- Mark Twain
Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue
U.S. Drillers Eye Hueueueueuege Petroleum Pool
by the dimmest nimrods at the Washington
Whore Post
A U.S.-led ouster of Saddam could
open a bonanza for American oil companies
long banished from Iraq, scuttling oil
deals between Baghdad and Russia, France
and other countries, and reshuffling world
petroleum markets, according to industry
officials and leaders of the Iraqi opposition.
Duh! ...you think?
I guess nothing gets past the Washington Whore Post.
Readers of bartcop.com knew Pinhead was oil
crazy years ago.
Probe: U.S. Knew of Jet Terror Plots
American intelligence agencies received
far more reports of terrorist plotting
to use planes as weapons before Sept. 11
than the U.S. government has
previously acknowledged, congressional
investigators said Wednesday.
Duh! ...you think?
I guess nothing gets past the staff director for the House and
Senate intelligence inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks.
Readers of bartcop.com knew this almost a
year ago.
Why do you think Bush/Cheney won't allow hearings on what they knew?
California: Blackouts Weren't Necessary
Most of the blackouts that plagued California
during its 2000-2001 energy crisis
would have been avoided if power wholesalers
had operated at capacity,
according to a report released Tuesday
by state power regulators.
The analysis found that all four Southern
California blackouts
and four of the seven Northern California
blackouts occurred
because power-plant operators produced
less than they could have.
Duh! ...you think?
Why are we getting 2001 bartcop.com news in
September of 2002?
All of this is old, old, news - what's wrong with you people?
Christopher Reeve blames Usurper
Christopher Reeve, mostly paralyzed from
the neck down, says Bush has
caved in to pressure from the Catholics
and is hampering stem-cell research
that could allow him to walk some day.
"We could have been much further along with
scientific reserach than we are,"
Reeve told Britain's "The Guardian."
Since we all know The Pinhead has no opinions on anything besides
tax cuts
a the need for his family to obtain more oil, he went to Karl
Rove and asked
which group, pro-or-con, would give him the most money. Rove
told Smirky
that the Catholics are the biggest vioting block in America and
must be pleased.
So Christopher Reeve can just rot away, as far as The Thief is concerned.
"At a restaurant in Ghazni, a soft-spoken man
accused the international community
of ignoring ordinary Afghans. He refused
to give his name, whispering to his friend:
"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Maybe
they will put me in that prison in America."
--Disillusioned Afghans look to Taliban, cnn.com
"Find this
heathen and bring him to me.
show him what torture is all about.
call Cheney and find out when
will have my secret torture
finished. I need it for this guy.
God's name, I'll make him talk."
New web page by my good friend Morgan Pillsbury
"I already beat up Morgan Pillsbury - that
was fun!
She had me arrested but the Whore Street
used their money and Republican family-values
to spring me. Now I want to beat
up other women.
Got any?"
From: Dean
Subject: Somalia
I'm curious about the Somalia reference
where you say Bush sent in the troops
and they died in Oct 1993. I may
do a search for an article about the whole thing
but I was wondering if there are any sites
I might start with.
I work with some very conservative folks
and they love to bring up Somalia
(aka Black Hawk Down) and I just want to
get my facts straight,
then back them up with an old news link.
Dean, you should never get your facts from me, but here's what
I remember:
Bush lost the 1992 election, and his legacy was that of a one-term
loser, so he
tried to change it to "not such a bad guy, after all" by finally
sending some food
to the starving masses in Somalia.
Without giving it much thought, Bush sent our soldiers into Somalia
with food.
The local warlords (Al Qaeda, they say) began stealing the food
and sold it for more guns.
Clinton took office, and was saddled with Bush's bungle.
The military told Clinton it was senseless to send more food
if it wasn't going to get
to the starving, so they decided to engage the problem and take
out the warlords.
At some point, the Army requested armored personal carriers and
more iron,
but Colin Powell decided it would take months to send big ships
loaded with
heavy artillary half way around the work and told the Rangers
to "make do."
Somehow, (I didn't see the movie) we got our ass handed to us
by a group of
rag-tag religious fanatics so the monkey right decided it was
all Clinton's fault.
Nevermind that Bush sent them there without any protection,
nevermind that Saint Powell denied them the tools after the fact,
it was another way for the GOP-owned media to attack Clinton.
Warning: When you surf for the facts, remember that the guys writing
the strories
would rather their men die under Bush than live under Clinton.
This was a way
they could blame Clinton for their mistakes, and they took it.
Lastly, and everybody should remember this, when the monkey right
about Somalia, ask them to explain Reagan's bungle that killed
242 in Lebanont.
You'll probably hear, "We never lost any men in Lebanon!"
"When the Taliban regime fell, most people
here were happy. But today we
have nothing, no food, no money, no
work for our young people. We thought
the foreigners were going to help us,
but they haven't."
--Mohammed Anwar, disillusioned Afghan
Mohammed, it's easy to get help.
Just come up with a few million barrels of oil.
Bush will take it off your hands ...and then kill you.
Stop the US War with Iraq
As an American citizen I want to urge the
rest of the world to resist the efforts of our
president to start an artificial war with
Iraq. Yes - Saddam Hussein is a bad guy but Bush
is creating this war as a distraction solely
for the purpose of holding on to political power.
If we really wanted Saddam gone we wouldn't
have left him in power after the last war.
I am deeply ashamed over what our country
has become. In 2000 a coalition of ultra
right wing christians, multi-national corporations,
and our supreme court overthrew the
elected president and took over the United
States. We have become a predator nation
and this same group is using terror and
war as part of a plot for world domination.
I therefore call on the people of the world
to resist the efforts of our illegitimate
government to expand it's power and influence
around the world. Resist any effort to
support our artificial wars. Stop buying
American goods. Develop your own countries
and your own culture. Our government which
used to be the beacon of freedom and
democracy is now the biggest threat to
the free people of the world. I ask that the world
understand that our government does not
represent our people and that the good people
of the rest of the world recognize that
we citizens of America are also the victims of
our government.
The People of the United States still want
world peace, freedom and equality for all the
people of all the nations, and we ask that
freedom loving people from all of the world
join us in our efforts to resist our government
efforts at world domination.
Marc Perkel
San Francisco, CA - USA
This November, Nevada has the chance to legalize up to 3 ounces
of pot.
The Bush administration is desparately trying to kill the wishes
of the voters - again.
They say it's bad for the children to grow up with pot, but isn't
this the same thug
who want to dump nuclear waste in Nevada? How good
is that for growing kids?
to protest Oilman's lust for Iraq's oilfields?
...and the hundreds or thousands of lives it will cost us,
not counting them?
They're organizing in Austin for a Sept 28th (BartFest Day) protest.
Can I say one thing?
And don't take it the wrong way, OK?
<<Leave your babies at home.>>
You KNOW there's going to be trouble,
you KNOW Austin police will gas the innocent people carrying
so don't take your baby to the protest and then scream "They
gassed my baby." .
They can't gas your baby unless you bring him to the gassing, OK?
Instead of taking your baby, take a camera.
Take lots of pictures, SHRINK them to a reasonable size, and
send them to me.
Rivers Pitt, regular contributor to bartcop.com
has a book coming out about the stupid Iraq War.
Click Here to see the ABC News write up.
Former United Nations weapons inspector
Scott Ritter will be featured in an
"instant" book that strongly opposes going
to war against Iraq.
Context Books will publish "War on Iraq"
next week. The book was written
by William Rivers Pitt, a Boston-based
author and political analyst.
An interview with Ritter is included in
the text.
If you have dreams of being a big-time author, send your best
to bartcop.com
Many people published here have books out besides William Rivers
Joe Conason, Gene Lyons, Mark Crispin Miller, Betty Bowers -
the list goes on & on.
Subject: Guess who said it?
You asked who said:
"What has he accomplished? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
This one I actually remember from the 2000 campaign!
It was of course one
president's son referring to another -- Ron Reagan
Jr. on Smirk. Before you
get too excited, though, I seem to recall that
Ron Jr supported Nader...sigh.
Why is it that the children the Gipper had with
Nancy turned out to be decent,
albeit flaky, human beings, while those he had
with Jane Wyman grew up to be
frothing ditto-monkeys? Maybe Nancy wasn't
as bad as we thought at the time.
And she DID get rid of Donald Regan!
Chris, I figure it's the Vulcan blood from Jane Wyman.
Check the new anti-Coulter blog at
Every few minutes on talk radio, the monkey right says,
"Clinton attacked Iraq in 1998,
so why are Daschle and others so opposed to it today?"
The short, simple answer:
Clinton didn't proclaim his intention to go door-to-door, house-to-house
in Iraq with the goal of regime change.
They looooooooooooove to talk about Somalia and how we got our
ass kicked there, and yet they're extra-eager
to put 100,000 ground troops in Baghdad, going thru basements
and underground bunkers (which no doubt
will be booby-trapped) looking for the real Saddam, not his look-alikes.
This will cost hundreds of American lives if it works perfectly.
All those lives lost so Bush can get his greedy little hands on more oil!
"Of the many criticisms of President Bush,
no one can deny his patriotic fervor.
Both he and Cheney made millions and
could make more, but instead took
positions in government paying salaries
far less. Apply it to his nominees for
high office: almost all from Wall Street,
oil and steel, major logging, D.C. insiders
(lobbyists) and wealthy farmers. All
forfeited gigantic incomes to serve their country
(maybe temporarily) and accepted puny
--Cy Schleifer, Look at the sacrifice Bush has made, sun-sentinel.com
It'd difficult to believe anyone could be this naive.
Bush & Cheney sacrified pennies to rake in billion of dollars.
They didn't steal the election because they wanted a cut in pay.,
FIVE TRILLION dollars missing from Social Security, and this
wants to praise Bush for giving up his Governor's salary?
Cheney walked away from $25M from Halliburton in 2000.
He did that because he knew the B.F.E.E. would take care
of him.
After Bush steals a second term, the B.F.E.E. can to buy
media outlets that haven't fallen in line with the Bush agenda
so far.
And who will stop them?
Colin Powell's son?
With summer behind us, it's once again safe
to order the South's Finest Chocolate
Subject: Pigboy's racist rant
Hey Bart,
First hour Tuesday: did you catch Pigboy
going on and on and on and on and
on and on about Donna Brazile and Sheila Jackson
Lee "inventing" the word "pacifically?"
(They meant "specifically.")
He never came right out and said it, but I'm sure
his knuckledragging listeners understood
it was all about laughing at the "stupid niggers"
who don't talk right. (Of course, there was
no mention of the Pretzeldunce and his affection
for words just as "Hispanically.")
You're exactly right - that's why Rush is worth $20M a year to them.
Pigboy spent years on Jocelyn Elders' speech patterns, and every
racist ditto-monkey in America got the joke,
which was, "The only thing more stupid
than a nigger is a nigger with a uterus."
That's the Prime Directive for the Republican Party.
That's why they have no elected blacks - none.
Republicans hate, in this order:
religions other than theirs
They don't even want a strong national defense - that's just cover for
the guns & butter argument.
"We can't afford to feed the poor, we have
to buy more tanks!"
That's why Clinton was impeached - have you read Brock's book?
It was all white-power freaks being fed lies by Arkansas racists.
Help bartcop.com grow the pie higher
Some nice Democrats in show biz have agreed to produce some radio
spots for bartcop.com
They say they need demographics to do it right, so I agreed to
post this survey URL.
If you could click on here and take this two-minute survey,
they say it'll help steer the ad towards people who'd most likely
Dueling Quotes
"War is awful. Nothing, not the valor with
which it is fought nor the nobility
of the cause it serves, can glorify
war. War is wretched beyond description
and only a fool or a fraud could sentimentalize
its cruel reality.
Whatever is won in war, it is loss
the veteran remembers."
--John McCain
"What does that mean?"
-- President Stupid
Carr, R.I.P.
by Molly Ivins
Clinton made the mistake of inviting her
to the White House in the middle of [Monica].
Here it is, a big reception line, everyone
duded up, all these important folks around,
and Billie came though that line, looked
the president of the United States in eye and
said, low and hard, "You dumb son of
a bitch."
Which is, of course, what every Democrat
in America wanted to say to Clinton at the time.
Such a tragedy there was no one there to
write down the rest of the ass-chewing, but we do
know that Clinton started laughing and
said, "Billie, I knew you were gonna do that."
Which proves he wasn't all dumb.
HBO is seen in only 1/3 the homes that get ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox
and "The Sopranos" premier beat its competition on all those
Help us get the truth out!
Click to become a Corona volunteer for $10
a month
We've got to build a bigger hammer.
The illegal President Monkey in a Man Suit needs to be stopped.
Click Here to donate large.
Click Here to see the BartFest Webcam. It's GREAT at night!
We expect to send out tickets in the next few days.
latest plan is to meet Friday at the Hard Rock's
"Pink Taco" for some pre-bus agave.
We'll board the bus just after dark (approx 7:15) and cruise
for about an hour, maybe longer.
Saturday plan: The Party of the Year
will run from 7-10 PM.
Most of you have opted for the $38 all the premium liquor
you can drink, so you'll have to
make them lose money inside that three-hour window, so pace yourselves
accordingly :)
Here for
the latest BartFest
Use the portal below
and they'll throw bartcop.com a nickel
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
© 2002, bartcop.com