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"People say, how can I help on this war against
How can I fight evil? You can do so
by mentoring a child;
by going into a shut-in's house and
say I love you."
—George W. Bush,
D.C., Sept. 19, 2002
He's so stupid, the Crawford cows win 2 out of 3 in Checkers.
What he means is, "To help this war,
go on with your lives.
Don't watch what we're doing to the
Treasury and don't ask us any questions.
Your job is to be a good little Democrat
and just roll over and play dead."
"Yes, Sir!"
The War on Iraq Is a Runaway Train
The Bush approach is a radical reversal
of the basic tenets of U.S. foreign policy that
have been in place since World War II.
"For the first time since the dawn of the Cold War,
a new grand strategy is taking shape in
Washington," says Georgetown University professor
G. John Ikenberry. In his article "America's
Imperial Ambition" published in the current edition
of Foreign Affairs, he argues that the
Bush administration's foreign policy since Sept. 11
is driven by the desire for global dominance
rather than the threat of terrorism.
the Bomb: Why War Talk is So Cheap
by Ted Rall
Why are so many Americans so willing to
start a war against Iraq? It certainly isn't because Saddam
Hussein presents any clear and present
danger--or any danger at all. The best excuse Bush has come up
with so far for blasting more Muslims into
bits of protoplasm is what he calls a "growing danger posed by
Iraq's efforts to develop or acquire weapons
of mass destruction." Even if we take Bush at his word--which
he asks us to do, refusing to share any
evidence--the "danger" is hypothetical at best. Saddam Hussein
hasn't attacked the U.S. or its allies
in the 11 years since we pounded, partitioned and economically
hobbled his country. But, Bush warns,
Saddam might possess the Bomb someday.
Perhaps he'll use it. Possibly against
us. Perchance soon. Or not at all.
Bush case sparks legal test
Judge to decide if patient privacy rules apply
when laws may have been broken
First there was a frantic call to police
claiming that the ''princess,'' Noelle Bush,
had been caught at her drug rehabilitation
center with crack cocaine, that she
had been caught repeatedly and never punished
``because of who she is.''
Then, as a police officer watched helplessly,
the employee who found
the drug on the governor's daughter shredded
her sworn statement,
protecting Bush from certain arrest
and more humiliation.
That's always been the pattern - protect the royal Bush Family.
Subject: Bush abortion story
I don't find the "Bush got a 15 year old
girl pregnant and paid for a then-illegal abortion for her"
nonsense at all credible. Oh, I don't
doubt that he may have gotten a girl pregnant and that she
did have an abortion before it was legal
to do so, but I don't buy the 15-year old part of it at all.
Having come through the Clinton era, I
know an exaggeration to make a story sound worse than it is when I see
I am not the originator of this story.
I can't prove it true or not true.
The fact that you "don't buy" the statement doesn't make it false.
You might also remember that Larry Flynt has never (to my knowledge)
made a false claim.
If he had, we can be sure the GOP hate machine would tell us
about it every hour of every day.
Gingrich, Livingston, Barr, Burton - every charge Flynt raised
was true, but you doubt him on Bush?
By the way, you know Larry Flynt has never made the claim that the young lady in question was that young.
That's pretty much an impossible statement to make.
Guaranteeing that another person "never" did or said something
can be tough.
Don't get me wrong, I do have an open mind
on the subject. So if someone can point me to any actual
information that might tend to prove that
she was that young, I would be happy to be proven wrong. :-)
As of right now, I don't see it.
They say Robin doesn't weant to be a world-wide joke like Monica.
If it was you, you're saying you'd come forward and have the
entire GOP hate machine
do to you what they did to Bill and Monica for the last five
Or Jim Hatfield - he made a claim and it cost him his life.
The B.F.E.E. plays hardball when they're stealing trillions.
By the way, if you're doing it to get back
at all the rightwingers who cheerfully spread every single
allegation of "wrongdoing" supposedly committed
by the Clintons, no problemo! :-)
Payback, as they say, is a bitch.
Stay cool!
Tina Kramer
I'm not doing it to "get back" at anybody.
For a snot-nosed rich kid who always had the world on a golden
getting a girl pregnant is hardly a "I
can't believe he'd do that" kind of accusation.
Bush was a drunk and cocaine user for decades, but you
think sex wasn't on the menu?
Or do you doubt that Daddy would clean this mess up like the
...from our old friend Lo Phat Ham
"There's no cave deep enough for America, or
dark enough to hide."
-- Monkey Boy, Oklahoma City,
Aug. 29, 2002
This, from the coward who fled to an underground
in Nebraska when he started to have a tough
leaving Guiliani in charge of America's
vs. Shorts:
Realpolitik, Economics and the War on Iraq
by Al Martin
The bizarre spectacle of Hillary Clinton
and Brent Scowcroft appearing together on television
to debate the pros and cons of waging war
on Iraq is more significant than most people imagine.
Hillary Clinton argued that the United
States should attack, while Brent Scowcroft called for "restraint."
The reason why Scowcroft and others of
the old crusty hard Bushonian right are now turning against
a war in Iraq is because, through secret
offshore trading accounts, they've gone short oil.
What fun!
The Rio put a $40,000 charge on my Visa card.
This is just Party of the Year, not a Bush Coronation!
The bus company called and said my credit card wouldn't take..
ha ha
My credit cards are good everywhere, except the Washington
Square Hotel in New York.
I called the bank and straightened them out, and all is cool,
but the bank must've thought
I got on a tequila bender and kept screaming "Let
it ride! Double down!"
If Bush had stayed in baseball, we wouldn't be going to war.
"I promise you I will listen to what has been
said here,
even though I wasn't here."
-- Oil for Brains, Waco,
Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
Remember Mary Kay Letourneau?
She's the teacher who had two children with her once 13-year old
Turns out she was raised by a congressman from Orange County.
Oh, and did I mention he was a far-right Republican?
And her mother worked for Phyllis Schlafly?
I just mention it since Rush says it's important to track down
party affiliations of
those who've been arrested, forgetting that Ted Bundy was
a staunch Republican.
CBIX will tell you all about it.
Why is Dennis Kucinich standing with
America's generals on the war
while the GOP has turned their backs?
Because this isn't about America's interests.
It's about President Greedy stealing more oil.
UK allows nuclear material sale to Iran
The British government has allowed the
export of key nuclear weapons-grade material to Iran
despite the fact that the Islamic fundamentalist
country is trying to develop its own atomic bomb.
The BBC revealed today that the Department
of Trade and Industry allowed a quantity of the
metal beryllium - a key component for the
manufacture of nuclear weapons - to be sold to the
Tehran regime despite a ban on the sale
of arms to the country.
So after we lose a thousand soldiers in Iraq,
we can lose another thousand men attacking Iran.
After all, they might possess "weapons of terra."
Subject: Isaac Peterson and Minneapolis
Hey, Bart!
Sad to say it, but Isaac is totally right on this.
The Minneapolis Police Department, staffed
largely by officers who live in lily-white suburbs
(as opposed to the areas they actually
police), has gone through several different leadership
changes over the past few decades.
But, as Isaac points out, the racism problem
-- which has been aggravated by the firm belief
among the cops that 1980's chief Tony Bouza
was too soft on the black Chicago-based gangs
that allegedly swarmed down on the defenseless
Mill City, said "swarming" the cops use as a
justification to crack open skulls -- has
become worse, to the point where in black areas,
there is little or no trust between the
cops and the people.
Former chief Tony Bouza is incredibly hated
by the average Minneapolis cop. He tried to stop
"thumping", both of black people and people
protesting Red-Ink Reagan (his wife was known
for her presence at Honeywell antiwar protests),
and he tried to reform the bloated cop
bureaucracy by getting desk cops away from
their cushy office jobs and back on the beat
-- where they had to (gasp!) deal with
_black people!_
These moves brought him in direct conflict
with the Police Federation, which makes life hell for
the few blacks and women on the force,
even as they strive to protect their cherished "thumpers"
(their term for cops addicted to beating
on people wearing handcuffs). Anyway, they brought
down Bouza, and have managed to hogtie
every police chief since then. That's why we need
federal mediation so badly.
Tamara Baker
"We're now 11-plus years after the last Gulf
War and I get calls every day from veterans
who can't work anymore because they're
so ill, their families are falling apart, they're losing
their homes and they can't get access
to the VA. Is that what we want with this next generation?"
--Steve Robinson, on why wars that make
the B.F.E.E. richer are a bad idea
as seen on http://rackjite.com
Car Bomb Kills Interim President Kaffer of
CIA Says Hussein May be in Pakistan
Kurds Attack Shites Across Tigris
Powell Resigns
US Gas Prices Tops $4 a Gallon
Putin Invades Afghanistan
Egypt Discontinues Camp David Accords
Rush Limbaugh Replaces Jim Lehrer on PBS News
Dow Jones Hits 5000
Still No Suspects on Sears Tower Bombing
Dirty Bomb Explodes on US Air Base in Southern
21 Million US Flags Sold in 9 Hours on Ebay
Clinton Caught with Janet Jackson Backstage
at the Apollo
Fox's "Candidate" Chooses Brittany to Run
against Bush
Israel Attacks Mecca on Ramadan
Kuwait Ousts American Embassy
Fox News Corp Buys CSPAN
German Minister Compares George Bush to Gandhi
Deepening Recession Blamed on OPEC
Interpol Finds Bomb on Eiffel Tower
Hussein's $100 Billion not Found in Swiss Bank
Osama bin Laden Calls for Pan Arab Conference
in Medina
Adolph Hitler Found to be Registered Democrat
Iran Declares War on Iraq
Rohrabacker Hearings Claim 46 Islamic Terrorists
in Congress
Microsoft Files Chapter 11
Christians Slaughtered Throughout Turkey
Switzerland Declares It Will Get in On This
Erratic Voting Machines Cause Blacks to Riot
in Tallahassee
Tony Blair Assassinated in Jordan
Bush Says "Fear is Itself Fear!"
World Recession Causes 2 Million Dead in Sudan
al Qeada Terrorist Cells found in 91 American
Bush Sends 7th Fleet to Straights of Taiwan
Senior Bush Congratulates Junior on Almost
Getting Saddam
All Flights On US Eastern Seaboard Canceled
Congress OKs Bush Use of Preemptive Nuclear
DNC Gives Up - Democratic Party Disbands
President Bush's Poll Ratings top 131%
"Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead"
a former Rosie Magazine editor, as quoted in USA Today
Subject: Paterno vs. Bowden
My brother and I are both huge fans of the site
and both loyal Florida State football fans and alums
(Classes of '92 and '98, respectively). We're
also PA natives, and hated growing up around Penn State fans.
So give Bowden some props on the site and quit
supporting Jo Pa.
Doing it now spares you the humiliation when
Bowden passes Jo Pa
in wins while Paterno is still coaching. And
it's GOING to happen, friend.
Go Noles.
I'm certain Bowden will pass Joe, and soon.
Let's hope Oklahoma doesn't kick your Noles too hard in the title bowl.
"There may be some tough times here in America.
But this country has gone through tough
times before,
and we're going to do it again."
-- The Chimp,
Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
Note: Bush's tough times will continue until January 20, 2005.
From: Joe Brs
The DNC sent me a questionaire and request
for money,
but I knew it must have been mail fraud,
as I'm skeptical of the existence of the
I'll send you a little donation instead,
and they'll get theirs when a spine appears.....
Thanks for all your work, Bartcop!
Joe, thanks for that.
I wish the Democrats like fighting back.
I finally saw episode two.
is the biggest moron on The Sopranos?
1. AJ walks up to his parents, who are screaming
at each other while Mom's
on the computer. He interrupts their fight
to ask, "Are you online?"
2. Meadow, who's more spoiled than George W, is so hung
up on the bastard
who treated her like crap then cheated on
her and got himself killed.
By the way, who dates a guy their Daddy likes?
3. Meadow's therapist, who needs to be playing Gin with Big Pussy.
4. Paulie, who's making some life-and-death wrong moves from jail.
5. Silvio - can anyone explain his actions? He defied Tony's
orders, guaranteeing
the freight hijackers that Tony wanted the
tile stolen - why? What's his motivation?
Why is he screwing Tony? Or is he?
Tony and Silvio had a life-and-death talk.
When it was over, Silvio handed Tony his cut
- why? And was it the right amount?
Remember, that was no ordinary tile
6. Ralph and Janice - If I was single, there's not enough
money on the planet to get me to sleep
with Janice, yet she floats from one "made
man" to the next. What a nightmare she is. She's there to
replace Nancy Marchand, but she doesn't have
the chops to fill her shoes.
Tony knows they're sleeping together, but why
doesn't he notice their noses running when they
come back from a coke party in his bathroom
after dinner? Tony got to be boss without being
able to recognize that his top earners are
cocaine freaks like President Blow Monkey?
Janice: My lovelife is none of your business, Tony!
Tony: I think it is, since I had to drag your last boyfriend out of this kitchen in a hefty bag.
7. Adrian - Boy, is she in the middle of things!
Adrian set a new record for stupidity when she bought
Chris's innocent act when his hand was caught
between the legs of the slutty-but-doable FBI agent.
In one short scene, Adrian extended the yardstick
for female stupidity, while Chris set new records
in the "all men are dogs" catagory.
Maybe the coke's that good?
Chris: I don't even like the bookyaak!
Adrian: You said she had a nice ass.....
Chris: I was trying to say something positive.....she's your friend.
When the FBI slut refused to let Chris paw
her, it semi-blew her cover so they arrested Adrian.
How the hell does a mob wife not know to shut
the hell up when being questioned by cops?
The cops said, "We have a warrant," but they
weren't under oath when they say that.
The funniest part of Episode Two was when
Adrian did her Beetlejuice impression!
8. Carmela - Does she win bad parent of the year? My cats
are better behaved and better adjusted
then either of Carmela's kids. And why is
she so openly flirting with Furio? Furio's not stupid
enough to make this list - he doesn't seem
to notice Carm is warm for his form.
9. Big Pussy - Being dead, he doesn't have a lot of chances
to make stupid choices, but drinking
Jose Cuervo just before you get rubbed out
ranks right up there.
10. Artie, Hesh, Bacala and Johnny Sack made no life-endangering moves this episode.
11. Christopher - the King of All Stupidity!
What the hell is Tony's not thinking
by making the idiot/coke fiend/hothead acting boss?
What'sd the very first thing he did?
What was his first decison as acting boss?
He tells Silvio, "I
gotta get wing tips, like Paulie Walnuts!"
Great thinking, Chris!
No need to worry about defense, or making
money, or self-protection, or paying hommage
to the older, smarter, more experienced
bosses, nooooooooo, none of that.
This goofy bastard things about dyeing
his hair!
Then he buys Adrian a $40,000 bracelet,
another smart move.
Then he shoots some heroin between his
He makes decisions like the Pinhead
in Washington.
Next week should be a handful.
But please, somebody write and explain
the Tony/Chris/Silvio power struggle.
Did Silvio betray Tony? He lied to him,
"The timeline got confused," so what's his game?
me some clues,
Last thing: That scene between Tony and Meadow. Wow!
At last, some competition for West Wing!
"Why did the Steelers change their name to
the Pittsburgh Tampons?
Because they're only good for
one period and they have no second string."
--The vulgar Pigboy, using God's talent to
tell dirty tampon jokes
Who said it?
"If I staple this monkey's head to this tuna's ass, I'll make millions"
-- Karl Rove
-- P.T. Barnum
-- Karen Hughes
is NOT acceptable
by Molly Ivins
In what is indeed a dangerous and uncertain
world, we need the cooperation of other nations
as never before. Under this doctrine, we
claim the right to first-strike use of nuclear weapons
and "unannounced pre-emptive strikes."
That means surprise attacks.
Happy Pearl Harbor Day.
We have just proclaimed ourselves Bully
of the World.
Help us get the truth out!
Click to become a Corona volunteer for $10
a month
We've got to build a bigger hammer.
The illegal President Monkey in a Man Suit needs to be stopped.
Click Here to donate large.
Is anyone driving to Vegas from the St Louis area?
We have a lady who needs a ride, will help with gas.
Lemme know
You know what would be cool?
If someone took a laptop to Bartfest, that had the MIRC
chat software installed.
And if whoever this person was could get their ISP phone number
in Vegas in advance,
we could chat live with the gang from the big fest.
Party in Vegas this weekend
Tickets have been sent! Sort of...
If you haven't gotten a "entry number" from Christian,
and an update from Bart - we
need to hear from you!
Here for
There are still four
tickets left.
It's too late for snail mail - use PayPal only for the
last 4 tickets..
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