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"Robert Torricelli, a powerful fund-raiser
who helped raise more than $100 million
for the Democratic party, took inappropriate
gifts from a businessman, including
an $8,000 gold Rolex watch, for which
he was severely admonished by the Senate
Ethics Committee in July. To recap:
raising $100 million in contributions from
gigantic corporations — ethical; taking
a watch — unethical. That's the Senate
Ethics Committee, an oxymoron since
-- Jon Stewart
insiders argue wisdom of war on Iraq
by Warren P. Strobel, Jonathan S. Landay and John Walcott
These officials contend that administration
hawks have exaggerated evidence of the threat
that Saddam poses - including distorting
his links to the al Qaeda terrorist network - have
overstated the amount of international
support for attacking Iraq and have downplayed the
potential repercussions of a new war in
the Middle East..
You mean Bush is just lying to get his hands on Iraqi oil?
Bush is going to send our young men to die to make himself richer?
I'm shocked!
I'm gonna
be rich!
daughter's lawyers request private hearings
The Bush family must be protected from the consequences of
their crimes
Lawyers for Noelle Bush, Jeb's daughter,
are asking a judge to close her future
drug-court hearings to the public.
Citing a judge's recent ruling that found
a patient's privacy rights outweigh law-enforcement
concerns, Noelle Bush's lawyers are seeking
to shut the public and the media out of her
regularly scheduled drug-court status hearings.
I have a question:
So, if I rent a building in the Miami Beach area
and call it "Coke
Rehab City,"
and hire some kind of "doctor"
who somehow passed the Florida medical bar,
I would then own a piece of American real estate
where it was statutorially illegal to make an arrest
for cocaine possession and use.
Isn't that the precedent the B.F.E.E. has established?
You cannot be arrested for doing coke in a "treatment facility,"
so let's get some cash together and start one of those.
Legal cocaine - brought to us by Governor Blow Monkey.
"If I'm in the White House and there's
a plane coming my way,
all I can say is I hope I read
my Bible that day."
-- Oil for Brains, joking on Air Force One during
the unfolding crisis of September 11.
Monkeyboy can't even be serious on the saddest day in American history?
from the Central Park Rally
by Alex Mnatsakanov
There were signs that read “No Blood for
Oil”, “Don’t Get Bushed into a War”, “Not In Our Name”
(the general theme of the rally).
My favorite sign was a bit long, but right on the mark.
“What’s the difference between Saddam and
Saddam wasn’t elected by his people,
but Bush…oh, never mind.
Saddam does things without regard to the
international community, but Bush….eehh, moving on.
Saddam has no problem putting lives of
his people in jeopardy, but Bush….oh, forget it!”
Subject: The real reason
When Bush was appointed president, the repugs
controlled both houses, the
executive branch and had a majority on the Supreme
Did you here one of them call for a law against abortion??? NO
Not the President
Not Trent Lott
Not Dick Armey
Not one member of Congress
Not one member of the Senate
Not one conservative columnist
Not Fox news
No one called for a law on abortion. If there
was ever a time for the
Republicans to show their morality, to stand
on their convictions, to pass
their mandate, it was then. WHY DID THEY CHOOSE
NOT TO DO IT??????
Answer, Because the real reason they call for
it would go away.
Your vote.
Subject: Bush Lied
Bush lied
to the American people that a tax cut for the wealthy would help the economy.
lied when he said he barely knew "Kenny Boy."
lied when he said that he stayed away from the Whitehouse on Sept 11
because there were threats
that the Whitehouse was next on the list.
lied when he said that there was no advance warning that Bin Laden was
planning an
attack on US soil and that
no one could have predicted he would have used planes as weapons.
lied when he quoted a non-existent International Atomic Energy Agency report
that Iraq
was "six months away from
having a nuclear bomb."
The American people need to stand
up and tell our great leader,
"Fool me 9 or 10 times, shame on
you. Fool me...fool me...I won't be fooled again!"
They protest in Los Angeles
What BartCop
Radio would sound like
if Bart
had a little education
click for
Listen to Mike weekdays
Inspection as invasion
"For the past eight years the US, with
Britain's help, appears to have been seeking to
prevent a resolution of the crisis in
Iraq. It is almost as if Iraq has been kept on ice,
as a necessary enemy to be warmed up whenever
the occasion demands. Today, as
the economy slides and Bin Laden's latest
mocking message suggests that the war on
terrorism has so far failed, an enemy
which can be located and bombed is more
necessary than ever. A just war can be
pursued only when all peaceful means
have been exhausted. In this case, the
peaceful means have been averted."
"An Iraqi regime faced with its own demise
may attempt cruel and
desperate measures. If Saddam
orders such measures, his generals
would be well advised to refuse those
orders. If they do not refuse
they must understand that all war criminals
will be pursued and punished."
-- Bunnypants, Cincinnati, Ohio, 10/07/02
Hey, George!
Are you going to punish Saddam the way you punished Osama?
My good friend Serdar has a new album out.
"Dick Cheney, who is really the prime minister
and CEO of the country, told a reporter
that the U.S. will be the political,
military and economic power in the world. They want full
spectrum domination. Now think about
the full spectrum dominated and think about where
Sept. 11 came from. The only reason
the United States wants to attack Iraq is to establish
its dominance over oil-producing countries
in the Middle East. The reasons given for
attacking Iraq is because they're not
following U.N. resolutions.
By that logic, we should be at war
with Israel.
--Joseph Gerson, of the anti-war American Friends Service Committee
They protest in New York
I'm in a bad mood today
My stock account statement came in, and I've lost another $3100.
That money was stolen by the greedy, lowlife crook in the White
Clinton's 11,722
Dow has fallen to 7337.
That thieving bastard did this with his tax cut for the super-rich
and outright theft.
Tens of millions of families have been financially wiped out.
The lucky ones retired in mid-2000, everyone else has gotten the Bush f-ing.
Come November, will people vote for more war, more depression,
and no savings?
Or will they vote for peace and prosperity?
Bush, Ashcroft deserving of criticism
"...under the sadly misnamed Patriot Act,
Ashcroft and his minions can pretty much decide
what a possible terrorist threat is and
get a secret court order to read our e-mail, see what
we are checking out at the public library
and buying at the book store or even question our
priests, ministers and rabbis - and then
bring criminal charges against anybody who tells us
we're under surveillance. A chill among
critics is one of the hazards of having a fanatic in
charge of law enforcement, even in America."
The Democrats did this to America.
They sold us out, confirming Ashcroft as Attorney General.
''We must take the battle to the enemy. The
single most important asset we have
is the man or woman who steps
forward and puts on the uniform of this great nation.''
--Dick Cheney, who had "other priorities"
when he was eligible to be an asset.
Click to see Betty's tribute to Jesse Helms
Ten Questions I would love to see
answer under Oath.
by Larry C
by Rude Rich
Douglas Forrester, the Repug, spent about
2 days ahead in the polls. As soon as Lautenberg
accepted, he took an immediate 6 point
lead in the polls. NJ voters are not going to be sending
a Republican to Washington. I even
think Torricelli could have won if he just hung in there and
denied the charges and pointed out that
the man bringing them is in jail and looking for friends.
Subject: Re: "4 US Officials Describe Iraqi Involvement in OKC Bombing"
Why doesn't someone interrogate McVeigh and try to ferret some of the information?
....oh, right, yeah. Never mind
"On Friday, Barbara Walters will interview
Fidel Castro.
My buddies and I are going to play
a drinking game.
Every time Barbara says 'Cast-wo' we’re
going to take a drink."
Something that needs to be said
The GOP (and their good puppy press) keep
whining about Democrats not
standing behind the Unelected Fraud as
he murders his way to more wealth.
Does anyone remember a little thing called
While Clinton (elected fairly - twice)
was pounding that bastard Milosombitch, stopping his genocide,
the GOP bastards were impeaching him, and
then screwing their whores in hotel rooms at night.
That scumbag David Schippers even brought
his whore to the impeachment proceedings.
The ONLY reason Dennis Hastert is Speaker
is because he was the ONLY Republican
they could find who wasn't cheating
on his wife - they had no choice but to run him for Speaker.
Gingrich, who ordered the trumped-up impeachment
circus, had a whore, too.
Barr, Burton, Livingston and Hyde were
all scumbags, impeaching Clinton for
doing what they had all done or were currently
...eh? What's that?
Darn, I always make that mistake:
Barr wasn't caught cheating - he financed
the murder of his unborn daughter.
So the next time you hear the GOP (and their
good puppy press) whining about
Democrats not standing behind Dim Son as
he murders his way to more riches,
remind then that Bush would be impeached
turnabout was fair play.
is a Nation Gone Mad
by Marc Perkel
After having failed this summer to overthrow
the government of Venezuela and install an oil man as president,
Bush now turns to overthrowing Iraq without
world support, to initiate a war where America is clearly the
aggressor. We do not have the support of
the United Nations and we are the object of ridicule and are now
feared by our allies. Our friends don't
trust us and we are an isolated rogue nation that has gone mad.
They still haven't located the Maryland sniper
now for something completely different…
by Christian Livemore
"Jennifer Aniston picked up a much-deserved
Emmy after seven years of
pretending she's in love with
David Schwimmer then going home to Brad Pitt."
-- Conan
"She's one of the most disgusting human beings
in the entire world, is Christina Aguilera.
She's despicable for so many reasons.
She has an amazing voice, undeniably, but that
doesn't change the fact she's one of
the world's biggest c_nts.
She looks like a fucking drag queen.
I've seen drag queens who look better.
If she said something to me,
I wouldn't hesitate to tell her what
I think of her."
Osbourne, to Melbourne, Australia's Herald Sun
"After the election we will stand down. The
administration will argue and most parties
will agree, that without our saber
rattling the United Nations would never have acted
so decisively and inspectors would
not have been given free rein in Iraq. We will argue
that we have actually strengthened
the United Nations. Peace with honor. And Bush,
besides laughing all the way to the
polls, will have in hand a blank check from the
Democratic Senate as well as the Republican
House for using force against Saddam
in the future. Which means if the President
ever needs to again distract the country from
debating the real problems that bedevil
us, he can start rattling those sabers all over again. "
--David Morris, Bush Is Not Going to War With Iraq, alternet.org
The Pieman
"We had a great president, namely President
Clinton, who was hunted down, while he tried
to help those left behind who were
trickled down all too often under the Reagan and Bush Sr.
administrations. The GOP could not
stand for this. They could not let such a popular president
have the accolades he deserved. So
they took us all on a witch hunt of an investigation that
derailed this country, while spending
the tax payer's money in doing so. Well, after he left office,
the investigation was closed, and the
results showed nothing was proven. Go figure. Yes, he did
have an affair with an intern, yet
kept his eye on the ball in regards to getting the people's
business done... Folks, the GOP has
indeed hijacked the country, and my greatest fear
is the effects to it, when we all crash
and burn. But how do we send out our S.O.S.? "
--Mary MacElveen, S.O.S.: Our Country Has Been Hijacked by the GOP,
"The Iraqi Vice President has called for a
duel with pistols between
Bush and Saddam. A duel with
pistols? Bush is from Texas so I’m
not worried – but a game of Scrabble,
we'd have to worry."
-- Jay Leno
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